
Chapter Twenty-Two


As soon as her taste buds were sated by her ex-husband’s blood, Andrea set the scene.  She was satisfied for now, and his blood was delicious.  The sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, and sourness all swirled together in her mouth, like a ballroom dance.  She applied the makeup and exited his office, saying a cheerful good night to the doorman.  She took a cab back to the office as her personal dealings were completed.  The only task that remained was to follow her contact’s instructions.  She was a bit afraid to let the beast guide her all the way.  How far could it go?  Perhaps far enough to close the circle of life?  She would eradicate the beast if it was not as strong as it always proclaimed to be.

The lab sat on a square lot, modern and imposing, with no security other than the alarm system.  She punched the code and entered as though this building was her real home.  She spent more time in the dark of the lab than her own apartment.  It had become her safe house after she had spent a whole year in a hospital locked within a single room and contained by four walls.  Dr. Taylor released her into society, not because he was compassionate but merely as an experimental subject.  She was a successful implementation of his research, and all went well for him until she received the phone call that would amend the outcome of his research.  Her contact awakened the beast that had been forgotten, and she became perplexed by how easy it was to raise the entity within.  Had the contact funneled the energy that existed within her or was it just some lucky key strokes?  Perhaps both?  She would have to go through her entire report and her chart to find out.  Regardless, she had always carried the beast within her. 

She descended to the basement and turned on all the lights.  She needed illumination for the task she was about to undertake.  She input the code and unlocked the control room, then dropped into the chair before the monitor to write the command.  There were no quarrels between herself and the entity; they seemed to be synchronized for the same longing.  It was strange that her contact had called her just one day before the anniversary of the Central Park killing, once again unleashing the force.  Now, she realized that the date of the phone call was significant and important.  Back then, she was simply consumed by the upheaval that her contact had caused.  He talked about her son as well and how much he resembled her with his cravings for crime scenes.  He told her she had the responsibility of facilitating what was required as a parent, and she complied.

She lowered her gaze to the keyboard, contemplating for only a second, and then, she pushed the keys with anger and determination.  Her beast was long since awakened.  Her contact had stroked the keys long ago, but who was he?  How did he know so much about her, the device, and the funneling of energy?  He must be someone close, someone who knew the program.  A scientist?  Peter, the beast within replied.  Of course!  Peter knew all about the program, and he had harshly criticized the device when he left.  Was it a front?  Why was he involved?  Why did he want to destroy Dr. Taylor?  Was it because of jealousy?  Who the fuck cares? the beast screamed.  Let’s dance!

She got up and gave the beast what it wanted.  She danced all around the room.  The beast and she were at peace and happy at last.