Books by Elaine Heney



Sinead and Strawberry

Roisin and Rhubarb

Conor and Coconut

Fiona and Foxtrot



The Forgotten Horse

The Show Horse

The Mayfield Horse

The Stolen Horse

The Adventure Horse

The Lost Horse



The Riding School Connemara Pony

The Storm and the Connemara Pony

The Surprise Puppy and the Connemara Pony

The Castle Charity Ride and the Connemara Pony

The Shipwreck and the Connemara Pony

The Christmas Connemara Pony



P is for Pony – ABC Alphabet Book for Kids

Listenology for Kids

Horse Care, Riding and Training for kids

Horse Puzzles, Games & Brain Teasers for kids



The Equine Listenology Guide

Dressage Training for Beginners

The Listenology Guide to Bitless Bridles

Horse Anatomy Colouring Book




Meet your new friends

I’m so excited! We're going to the Saddlestone Pony Listening School in Ireland.  You are about to meet Una, Tara, Roisin and Eamon. This is how to say their names:

●  Una - OOH-na

●  Tara - TAA - rah

●  Roisin - ROW-sheen

●  Eamon - AY-mon

●  Lucy Mulcahy – LU-cee Mul-CAH-he