Chapter Five


Cairo 2013


            Two days later Ella felt like tying Maddie up herself. She was going so stir-crazy she was snapping at Maddie and rethinking the wisdom of the whole trip. It was bad enough that she was in an exotic city—maybe the most exotic city in the world—and she wasn’t able to see any of it, but all the television channels except one were in Arabic. On the third day of their self-imposed incarceration, Ella sat Maddie down and asked her flat out if Ella needed to call Maddie’s parents or would she come home with her?

            Maddie had slowly begun regaining her sanity, it seemed to Ella.

            But that’s just what crazy people want you to think.

            “I talked to G-g-gagan,” Maddie said after the two had polished off another bout of room service pizza with Coke and French fries.           

            “What?!” Ella froze with the last pizza slice half way to her lips.

            Maddie nodded. “When you were downstairs last night.”

            Ella had run down to the lobby for less than five minutes, just for a change of pace. Seeing all the people coming and going had felt like an infusion of life and energy that she desperately needed. It had been agony to force herself back upstairs, as if she were needed to attend some terminally ill person on her death bed.

            “He’s found us?” Ella stood up although it occurred to her that if she talked to him yesterday, he would have had plenty of time to come get them before now.

            “I told him we were here,” Maddie said. “He’s not a drug lord or Interpol gangster, Ella. He’s not on the run from the law.”

            Ella said nothing.

            “I told him I needed to go home. I told him.”

            “What did he say?”

            “He…he said fine.” Maddie shrugged. “He was his old charming self. Said he was sorry it didn’t work out and that he’ll always…he’ll always love me.” Maddie swallowed hard and her eyes filled with tears.

            Yeah, love banging on you, Ella thought narrowing her eyes. “Well, that’s good,” she said. “Sounds like he sees the wisdom in it.”


            “So, we’re good?” Ella reached over and touched Maddie on the knee. “We’re good to go?”

            Maddie nodded. “I called my mom while I was at it.”   

            Praise the Lord.

            “Told her I was coming home, that it didn’t work out. You know what she said?”

            Ella shook her head.

            “She said Thank God.”


            Later that afternoon, Ella left the hotel. Confidant that Maddie wouldn’t try to leave to reunite with Gagan and, after four days stuck in a hotel room, not sure if she even cared at this point, she left Maddie napping and had the doorman hail another taxi for her. She had had plenty of time to map out where she might go if she had a few hours reprieve from her task as loving jailer. She told the taxi driver to take her to the Khan al-Khalili bazaar. She would have loved to have seen the pyramids but it just wasn’t going to be possible. It occurred to her that she and Rowan still had their tickets for the September trip and he appeared to be a big archaeology bug. (Who knew?) Maybe she’d get her Facebook picture on a camel yet.

            Because there seemed to be so many taxis, indeed so many of every kind of vehicle, she felt no concern in letting her taxi go. She assumed she could easily hail another one. Located in the Islamic part of Cairo or Medieval Cairo, the bazaar was a magic land of hodgepodge shops and boutiques, a combination of fresh fruit juice stands and ancient storefronts with such amazing treasures inside as chandeliers to faux antiquities. The noise, the smell, the swirling mass of humanity, reminded Ella of the Heidelberg markets in the seventeenth century. The only difference was the huge number of people Ella saw walking around the bazaar with cellphones slapped to their heads. She was amazed at how many people were so distracted by conversations that they weren’t really there. Worse than in the States, she decided.    

She wandered into several stores and through a maze of stalls, careful not to touch anything because she didn’t know culturally how that would be seen. The smells from the food stalls made her stomach growl but her experience with the unpeeled fruit on her first day made her wary. She watched one man shaving meat off a large shank that looked like the back end of a mule and she wasn’t at all sure how clean his hands were. Or, unfortunately, she realized, she was sure.

            She watched the light begin to fail but stubbornly refused to think in terms of returning to the hotel just yet. This is all I have! One short hour or two! I need to make the most of it.

            As she made her way into the heart of the bazaar, her heart feeling lighter and more energized than it had in months, she saw a woman just a few years older than herself standing on the corner and staring at Ella as if she’d been waiting for her. In a strange way, Ella had the odd feeling that she had been waiting for her, too. She walked toward her and as she approached, the woman smiled. She held out both her hands to Ella and Ella took them in hers.

            Es-Salamu-Aleku,” the woman said. Welcome.

            “Thanks,” Ella said.

            “You will come in?” The woman gave Ella’s hands a squeeze and then let them go. She was taller than Ella, with long hair caught up in a head scarf with pretty stones twinkling from the band. She wore a multi-colored hijab and sandals with rhinestones across the buckles.

            Ella entered the woman’s shop and saw that it was a small tearoom or coffee shop. It was empty.

            “Since the 2011 Revolution,” the woman said, gesturing to a chair, “the tourists have stopped coming.”

            “I’m sure they’ll be back eventually,” Ella said, looking around the shop.  A beautifully ornate water pipe sat on the table that the woman was indicating that Ella should sit at. The walls of the shop were lined with small sculptures and glassware.

            “Do you take sheesha?” the woman said over her shoulder to Ella, indicating the pipe. “I have double apple if you’d prefer it to tobacco.”

            “No, thanks,” Ella said. She wondered why in the world she came into the shop just because the woman greeted her as if they knew one another.

            The woman came back with two cups and saucers. She set them down on the table.

            “I took the liberty of sugaring yours,” she said, smiling.

            Ella smiled but a puzzled look came to her face. “I know it’s not possible that we know each other,” she said.

            The woman laughed, her eyes bright at Ella’s words. “But you can’t help but think we do.”

            “Is that weird?”

            “Not at all. In fact, I have recognized you.”

            “Well, I’m not famous,” Ella laughed as she sipped her coffee. “So I can’t imagine how you could have.”

            “My name is Yeena.”

            “I’m Ella.”

            “Sometimes, Ella, the knowing is a kind of unknowable knowing.”

            “Wow. Okay,” Ella said, shaking her head and grinning.

            “May I tell your fortune?”

            “Oh! Is that what this is? I’m sorry, I thought it was just a tea shop or something.”

            “For certain kinds of travelers it is a teashop,” Yeena said, her smile softening. “For others it is a way station. May I see your hand?”

            Ella put her cup down and held out her hand. She didn’t want to ask how much it cost. She hoped it wasn’t too expensive. All in all it was a lovely story to take back with her to Rowan. And her dad and Suzie would get a kick out of hearing about it too.

            Yeena’s hands were cool and firm. She held Ella’s hand palm up and traced a finger down the center of it. It tickled but felt nice, too, like a doctor being able to read what ails you. Ella felt a rush of trust in this strange woman.

            “Yes, it is as I thought,” Yeena said. “You have a dragon to fight.”

            Ella thought of Carol and smiled grimly.

            “Your man waits for you.”

            Ella looked up mildly startled but then decided that was probably a pretty safe bet for any female traveling alone. Heck, for all Yeena knew, her man could be waiting for her outside in a taxi or back at the hotel.

            “He has risked much to be with you.” Yeena looked up at Ella. “And you him.”

            “I guess, like a lot of couples,” Ella said noncommittally.

            “Not like this,” Yeena said, shaking her head. “You are a time traveler.”

            Ella jerked her hand out of Yeena’s grasp and gaped at her. “What did you say?”

            Yeena seemed unperturbed at Ella’s reaction. “I knew you were coming today.”

            “Who are you?” Ella stood up and glanced at the door, but Yeena put her hands out to calm her.

            “I am a seer,” she said. “Nothing more.”

            “That’s impossible,” Ella said, still standing. “People can’t see the future.”

            “No? Can they travel back in time?”

            Whether through a dull acquiescence or because her knees were giving out on her, Ella didn’t know, but she sat back down hard in her chair.

            “How…how did you know?” she asked, not sure if she felt terrified or relieved that someone knew her secret.

            “I don’t know how I know,” Yeena admitted, wiping up some coffee that Ella had spilled. “I just know I do. I have something to show you.”

            “Show me?” Ella looked around the shop. It had begun to feel a little warm to her.

            “Not here. You must go and get it.”

            “I don’t really have time for more shopping today. I’m sorry. And I’m leaving the country tomorrow.”

            Ella could swear that Yeena smiled even broader at that.

            “You must take this with you on your travels,” she said. “It is for your husband.”

            “I’m not married.”

            “We both know that you are, Ella.” The woman smiled. “I have seen a wedding in a very old chapel surrounded by many women. Nuns, I believe.”

            Oh my God. She was seeing Heidelberg. The seer was talking about Heidelberg.

            Ella sat stunned. “We were married,” she said slowly. “In 1620. When we came back…” she looked at Yeena. “…we didn’t think it still held, the marriage. We had no license.” She struggled to get the words out. “It was almost four hundred years later.”

            “I know.”

            “What is this souvenir I need to bring to Rowan? I don’t have a lot of time. I really have to go back to the hotel now. We leave tomorrow.”

            “You must retrieve it before you get on the airplane.”

            Ella rubbed her face and realized her hand was shaking. She couldn’t believe she was talking with someone who knew about her and Rowan and Heidelberg.

            “Do you know who Greta is?” Ella asked suddenly.

            “Of course.”

            “Do you know…do you know what happened to her?”

            Yeena reached for Ella’s empty coffee cup and set it on a tray along with her own. “It is not something people usually want to know,” she said gently.

            “Right.” Ella looked down at her hands. “She’s dead, of course.”

            “The item you must retrieve is a copy of an old papyrus. You will find it at the end of this street, behind the baker. It is easy to find.”

            “This paper is at the baker’s?”

            Behind the baker’s, yes. Go around to the back. There is a very small coffee shop there. Inside will be a man named Abed. Tell him Yeena has sent you for the book.”

            “I thought you said it was a paper. Does Abed speak English?”

            “No, but he will be watching for you.”

            “And how do I know Abed won’t bop me on the head and relieve me of my credit cards and passport?”

            “You must trust me, Ella.”

            “This book have a name?”

            “It does, my brave one. It is called the Book of the Dead.”

            It was difficult to sleep that night. Ella had gone straight back to the hotel without attempting to acquire the book Yeena wanted so badly for her to have. She knew she had been gone too long as it was and Maddie would be worried. Besides, the woman scared her. She needed to think about everything the seer said before she did anything rash—like creep around the back end of a deserted alleyway in post-revolution Cairo. At night.

            The next morning, her head was so full of questions that she decided to skip the whole life-and-death papyrus thing and go straight back to Yeena to find out how the seer knew what she did. It never occurred to Ella that she might find someone who knew about the time traveling. It meant she knew how it happened! Perhaps Ella could return and see Greta again. She could return with a backpack full of antibiotics and penicillin and the special coffee that Greta liked…

            The seer could tell her if she and Rowan had just been wildly lucky to go and come back or if there was a way to control it.

            Rowan! Wait until he heard this!

            Maddie interrupted Ella’s thoughts by clicking her fingers. “Earth to Ella,” she said. “You about ready?”

            Ella snapped out of her daze to find Maddie fully dressed and standing by the door with Ella’s carry-on bag beside her. Ella noticed that Maddie had a small bag, too.

            “Where’d you get that? she asked.

            “Now, don’t get mad, but I asked Gagan to bring me my purse last night and a few of my clothes, and my passport. He’ll send the rest on to me.”

            “Are you totally shitting me?” Ella’s mouth fell open. She looked around the hotel room. “He was here?”

            “No,” Maddie admitted. “I met him downstairs in the lobby. The very public lobby.”

            “Where he could just drag you off and stuff you in the trunk of his car!”

            “Which is why I didn’t tell you, Ella,” Maddie said, looking very tired and world-weary. “Because as you can see nobody dragged anybody. He has accepted that the wedding’s off. He was very decent about it.” She gave a deliberate pause. “As I knew he would be.”

            “Yeah, he’s a real prince.”

            “In any case, if you don’t mind, I’m very eager to get this part of my Egyptian experience over with and behind me. Come on, Ella, let’s go, please.”

            “It’s a little early for our flight,” Ella said frowning at the clock on the bedside table. “Did you pack for me too?”

            “I did. There wasn’t much. I really want to go early. The sooner I’m at the airport, the sooner I’m on the airplane and the sooner I’m out of this godforsaken country.”

            “Sure, Maddie. No problem. Let’s go.”

            In the elevator on the way to the lobby, Maddie took Ella’s hand. “I hope you know how grateful I am to you, Ella,” she said. “I’m not sure I’ve acted like it, but you saved my life and I know it. Some day, when there’s a little more distance between me and Cairo, I want to tell you all about it. Okay?”

            Ella squeezed her hand. “You’re gonna be fine, Maddie,” she said. “You’re tough. You’ll look back one day and this will all just be a fleabite.”

            Maddie took a long withering sigh and tried to smile. “I’m not sure it’ll ever be that,” she said. “But I’ll weather it.”

            After they paid their bill and stood out in front of the hotel, Ella asked the doorman to hail two taxis for them.

            Maddie frowned. “What’s going on?”

            “There’s just something I need to do,” Ella said. “You’ll be fine. I will be right behind you, probably no more than thirty minutes and we’ve got plenty of time.”

            “Where are you going?”

            Ella could see Maddie was becoming agitated and she worried that all her brave talk was about to crumble and they would be pushing the flight back yet another day.

            “I saw this thing yesterday at the bazaar that I want to get Rowan, you know, a souvenir.”

            “What in the world?”

            “It’s called the Book of the Dead. Have you ever heard of anything like that?”

            Maddie stared at her like she’d lost her mind.

            “Yeah, I know it’s kind of creepy. Personally, I was thinking more along the lines of a refrigerator magnet but when I saw this thing it just kind of called to me, you know?”

            Maddie shook her head as she watched the doorman put all their bags in her taxi.

            “Look, Maddie,” Ella said, shaking her friend’s arm to try to ground her, “if it looks like I’m going to cut it close, just go ahead and board the airplane, okay?”

            “Do you expect to be that late?” Maddie looked panicked but there was a grim determination in her voice. Ella could see Maddie’s eagerness to leave Cairo was warring with her insecurity about being separated from Ella for an hour.

            “No, not at all,” Ella said. “I’m just saying don’t worry if you don’t see me at first. I promise I’ll be there.”


            Nine hours later when Maddie landed in Atlanta, she thought she had sufficiently recovered her nerves until she saw the look on Ella’s fiancé’s face as he approached her in the receiving line at the international terminal. Watching him look at her, and then look quickly behind her, knowing who he was hoping to see, knowing who he would not see…was enough to make anyone start weeping again.