
Chapter 8


He stepped into the night, his eyes focusing through the darkness.  He breathed in the heady scent of the dark, insidious aroma of the bayou.  The scents and hot breeze across his face transported him back in time. 

He saw himself as a child playing in the swampland that bordered his parents’ property.  This was his escape from his dad.  Here he could be anything he wanted.  There were no expectations of what he should be doing, how he didn’t compare to his dad at that age. 

Even though his parents lived in the same town, he rarely saw his dad.  There was no love lost between them.  He suspected that ornery Cajun would be around for a while yet.  He was too mean to die.  He forced those memories back down.  Now was not the time to dwell on things that he could not change.  He had a mission to complete. 

Even though he was engulfed in the darkness of the night, he swore she was looking directly at him.  His black, glittering eyes watched her every movement.  A feral hunger moved through him. 

As he watched the woman who needed to atone for her sins, he ran the tip of the blade against his tongue, drawing blood.  The metallic flavor fueled his desire and quickened his movements.  He was ready to complete his mission so that he could be with his true love.

She was a dirty, filthy slut, and he had to teach her that her sins had consequences. 



AS SHE STARED OUT INTO the night, she swore she felt the presence of evil beckoning her into the shadows of the night.  A deep, primitive fear washed over her body, and she tried to shake off the eerie feeling. 

Even though she was safe in her hotel room, she felt exposed.  As if someone or something was watching her every move.  With an uneasy knot in the pit of her stomach, she made sure all the doors and windows were locked. 

Falling into a deep sleep, she woke up with a start, bolting upright.  She didn’t remember leaving the radio on and reached over to turn it off.  A light breeze blew from the pedestal fan she bought for the room.  She glanced around the room in a panic, trying to see what could have woken her.  The light from the hall filtered through the doorway, illuminating the room softly. 

Suddenly, the intruder grabbed hold of her and covered her nose and mouth with the rag.  He was impossibly strong; his nails dug into her flesh while stopping her flailing.  Whatever he had on the rag weakened her fast and the fight to survive left her body as everything went hazy.  Her eyelids became heavy as she succumbed to the drug.

The cold woke her.  She reached for her blanket, but instead grabbed air.  Fear washed over her as confusion flooded her mind.  She forced her eyes open, but all she saw was darkness.  It was too dark to see where she was.  She felt around, but all she felt was ice. 

She was chilled to the bone.  Darkness surrounded her.  The cold was excruciating.  Once again, she fell into unconsciousness.

As her eyes fluttered open, she realized she was no longer submerged in ice water.  She tried to move her arms and legs, but someone had restrained her to a table.  Terror paralyzed her body.  Who could have done this to her and why? The room swayed back and forth in a gentle rocking motion.  When she heard the rumble of the engines, she knew that she was on a boat.  From the nauseating smell, it was probably a shrimp boat. 

From the darkness, a voice called out, “You must atone for your sins.”

She whimpered and struggled against the restraints.  He had her wrists and ankles secured tightly.  There was no chance of escaping.

“Please let me go,” she sobbed. “I won’t tell anyone what you did.  Please, you don’t have to hurt me.”

He had taken her in the middle of the night.  She couldn’t remember his face, but there was no doubt he had drugged her.  It was too dark to make out his facial features.  She didn’t know what he meant by atoning for her sins?  Was he a religious freak that believed he could save her soul? 

She pulled against the restraints again, and he laughed hard at her futile attempts.  She cringed as he ran the knife over her naked body.

“Please I’m begging you,” she implored, “let me go.  I swear I won’t tell anybody.”

He chuckled as the knife cut into her body.  White hot pain seared through her as tears blurred her vision.  Her reaction was instantaneous, and she squirmed, trying to free herself. 

“Please stop hurting me,” she wailed as the excruciating pain consumed her. 

She cried out in agony as the knife cut into her once again.  She writhed against the restraints, but he didn’t stop the torment.  He slashed her repeatedly.  Everywhere she looked she saw crimson smears.  Blood seemed to drip from the ceiling. 

She begged God for forgiveness, praying for death to come.  Was he right, that her sins brought this on?  She should have listened to Sister Teresa and kept herself pure. 

His words echoed in her mind as she stared at the accusing finger coated in her blood.  There were so many stab wounds, most shallow.  At first the wounds were meant to be painful, but not fatal.  This man had so much rage and hate inside of him.

She heard a whimper in the background and wondered who else could be witnessing this massacre.  Then she realized that the sound was emitted from her throat, from deep inside of her.  A primitive horror had taken over her body. 

This was her fault.  She did this to herself.  If only she hadn’t sinned.  She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the blood, the rage, and the hate.  Finally, silence washed over her; the pain no longer existed.  She couldn’t see the bloody hands reaching for her, freeing her from her restraints.  She didn’t feel him lifting her off of the table or see his eyes filled with condemnation. 



HE BROUGHT HER ALMOST lifeless body topside.  It was pitch black except for the soft glow of the moon rolling over the waves.  It was time for her final step of salvation. 

He tossed her overboard and into the murky water with complete ease.  She was near death as the water swallowed her whole.  As he threw the concrete blocks overboard, he said a novena for her soul.  The bayou waters would release her soul.  Now that she was cleansed, she would be welcomed into the Kingdom of God.