Dear Missy,

You’ll never guess where I’m writing from. The deck of a ship. And in case you’re wondering, no, it isn’t a pirate ship, although in the distance I can see the back end of a pirate ship—the very same ship from which your great-uncle, my beloved husband, Mr. Piggle-Wiggle, was recently rescued. The ship is now retreating with its flags flying low.

As you know, in matters concerning pirates, I must be discreet, so I can’t tell you how the rescue took place or even what sea we are now sailing. The important thing is that Mr. Piggle-Wiggle is safe and we are together again.

I hope you’ll understand what I’m about to say next. Mr. Piggle-Wiggle and I would dearly like to spend some time in each other’s company, sailing the world. Imagine the places we can explore! Imagine the animals; imagine the desert and the mountains and the tropics. Will you be able to carry on at the upside-down house? I promise to write and tell you of our adventures.

Your loving and grateful Auntie