People, Places, and Ships

On the Trunchien

Halifax Brightstoke [from Virgo]

Artemisia (Tema) Gent [from Gemini]

Besnett, Tema’s tarantula

Dr. Vermek [from Scorpio]

On Earth

Emma Brightstoke Garton

Herbert Yee (Herbie, aka Ragnar)

Halifax Brightstoke [from Virgo]

Jack Garton [from Pegasus]

On Delphinus

Berenice, server at Job’s Coffin [from Coma Berenice]

The Argh

Captain Rudiman Lovesey [from Leo]

Nelson, the spyglass

Sofonisba (Nisba) Gent, ship’s cook [from Gemini]

Santher Medleycatt, quartermaster [from Lynx]

Shim Mouncey, first mate [from Lynx]

Laika Leashingwell, aerie spotter [from Canis Minor]

Wardle Porkiss, crew [from Cetus]

Crowler, ship’s bowsprit

On Pegasus

Queen Virgo