The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
abuse, sexualization of
abuse excuse
and the social meaning of sexual fantasies
advertising and sexuality
age and shame
Allen, Woody
Amanda’s case (power, fixation with)
Amini, Fari
asphyxiation fantasies
baby, diapered and treated like a
Baker, Nicholas
Baldwin, James
Balzac, Honoré de
Barrymore, John
Bob’s case (voyeurism)
body types and sexual arousal
body parts and fetishism
“Bondage Fantasies and Beating Fantasies” (Weiss)
Burke, Edmund
Carl’s case (feelings of disconnectedness)
Carson, Johnny
mechanisms of
in psychotherapy
Chesterfield, Lord
Cleopatra (Shakespeare)
clothing and fetishism
Cooper, Alvin
Crystal, Billy
da Vinci, Leonardo
Darwin, Charles
Davidson, Kenneth
depth psychology. See psychoanalysis
Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (American Psychiatric Association)
diapered and treated like a baby
dominance and sexual arousal
domination fantasies
Donne, John
Donnelly, Denise
Ehrensaft, Diane
Ester’s case (age and shame)
fantasies, overlapping
See also sexual fantasies
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)
Fermata, The (Baker)
fetishism and sexual arousal
Fraser, James
Freud, Sigmund
Friday, Nancy
Friedan, Betty
gang rape
gay men
and sexual arousal in heterosexual women
gender differences in sexual fantasy
General Theory of Love, A (Lewis/Amini/Lannon)
George’s case (pathogenic beliefs)
Gina’s case
Glasgow, Ellen
Glenn’s case (long-term relationships)
golden or brown showers
“good wife,” problem of
and inhibition
and sexual excitement
sexual fantasies as antidotes to
and sexual excitement
Hoover, J. Edgar
How Psychotherapy Works (Weiss)
Hsu, Bing
and sexual excitement
identification problems
solving with sexual fantasies
incest fantasies
guilt and
worry and
intimacy and sexual ruthlessness
Jan’s case (rape fantasy)
Jenny’s case
Jim and Laurie’s case (bad sexual relationship)
Joe’s case (pathogenic beliefs)
Johnson, Lyndon
Journal of the American Medical Association,
Lannon, Richard
latex clothing and fetishism
leather clothing and fetishism
“lesbian death bed,”
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Thomas
MacLaine, Shirley
Manny’s case (tops and bottoms)
Margaret’s case (pathogenic beliefs)
Mark and Betsy’s case (good sexual relationship)
masochism and sexual arousal
master/slave relationships
Matt’s case (phone-sex addiction)
Men in Love (Friday)
men wearing women’s panties
Mencken, H. L.
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)
“mommy thing,”
multiple partners
Munch, Edvard
Nin, Anais
Otto’s case (youth, fixation with)
overlapping fantasies
and the social meaning of sexual fantasies
pathogenic beliefs
and the idealization of romantic love in women
psychotherapy, role of in
and sexual compatibility
Peeping Tom (voyeurism)
phone-sex addiction
photographing sex
sexual fixation with
private fantasies
and sexual behavior
See also sexual fantasies
Proust, Marcel
sexual arousal and
Psychoanalytic Process, The (Weiss/Sampson)
Psychological Perspectives on Human Sexuality (Szuchman/Muscarella, eds.)
psychotherapy (and the role of sexual fantasies in)
mechanisms of change
pathogenic beliefs, role of in psychotherapy
safety, testing, and change in
sexual fantasies, difficulties of changing
shame, self-acceptance, and sexual fantasies
race and fetishism
rape fantasies
sexual fantasies as antidotes to
relationships, maintaining
Rita’s case (chronically suicidal)
Rob and Nicole’s case (incompatible sexual relationship)
Robert’s case (bondage)
romantic love
idealization of in women
rubber clothing and fetishism
and sexual excitement
asphyxiation fantasies
body types and sexual arousal
diapered and treated like a baby
dominance and sexual arousal
exhibitionism (photographing videotaping sex)
gang rape
gay men and sexual arousal in heterosexual women
golden or brown showers
incest fantasies
masochism and sexual arousal
master/slave relationships
men wearing women’s panties
multiple partners
rape fantasies
abuse, sexualization of
and psychological life
in psychotherapy
Sampson, Harold
and sexual fantasies in psychotherapy
separation guilt
Sex, Lies, and Videotape (film)
sexual arousal
problems of
psychoanalysis and
sexual compatibility
pathogenic beliefs and
sexual behavior
private fantasies and
sexual excitement
guilt and
ruthlessness and
shame and
and transference and
sexual fantasies
guilt and worry, as antidotes to
identification problems, solving with
phone-sex addict
rape fantasy
transference problems, solving with
understanding, value of
sexual fantasies (as antidotes)
abuse, sexualization of
power, fixation with
sexual arousal, problems of
youth, fixation with
sexual fantasies (interpreting)
asphyxiation fantasies
body types and sexual arousal
diapered and treated like a baby
dominance and sexual arousal
exhibitionism (photographing and videotaping sex)
gang rape
gay men and sexual arousal in heterosexual women
golden or brown showers
incest fantasies
masochism and sexual arousal
master/slave relationships
men wearing women’s panties
multiple partners
rape fantasies
sexual fantasies (role of psychotherapy in)
change, mechanisms of
changing, difficulties of
pathogenic beliefs, role of in psychotherapy
safety, testing, and change in
shame, self-acceptance and
universality of
sexual fantasies (social meaning of)
abuse excuse
blaming the parents
gender differences
idealization of romantic love in women
sexual interest
natural decline of
sexual pleasure (boredom in relationships)
bad sexual relationships
good sexual relationships
“good wife,” problem of
incompatible sexual relationships
intimacy and sexual ruthlessness
pathogenic beliefs and sexual compatibility
sexual interest, natural decline of
sexual ruthlessness
intimacy and
Shakespeare, William
and sexual excitement
sexual fantasies as antidotes to
shame and sexual fantasies in psychotherapy
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
shoes and fetishism
social and psychological theories, relationship between
Spoiling Childhood (Ehrensaft)
Stoller, Robert
Sue’s case
survivor guilt
testing in psychotherapy
Thomas, Caitlin
and sexual excitement
transference problems
solving with sexual fantasies
Tucker, Sophie
videotaping sex
Weiss, Joseph
West Side Story (musical)
idealization of romantic love
women’s panties, men wearing
and inhibition
sexual fantasies as antidotes to
youth, fixation with
Zelig (film)