
THROUGH OUR WORK WITH THE DANIEL FAST OVER THE PAST SEVERAL years, we have learned that the fast not only yields great spiritual benefits but also improves multiple aspects of human health — weight loss as well as reductions in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood sugar, insulin levels, and systemic inflammation. Many of these benefits are linked to decreasing the risk of developing lifestyle diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. These diseases are robbing us economically, physically, and socially, yet are diseases that are largely under our control.

Our research findings on the Daniel Fast and the latest trends in lifestyle diseases have made us more convinced than ever that the traditional or modified Daniel Fast plan is a must. Adding to the problems we see is the spiritual, physical, and economic bankruptcy that so many find themselves existing in. The Daniel Fast, coupled with daily prayer and regular exercise, can get you back on track. You can take control of your health … and your life.

Throughout this book we have highlighted the value of Christian fasting — both from spiritual and physical perspectives. While a short-term fast should always be about growing your relationship with the Lord through a time of focused prayer, the Daniel Cure embraces both spiritual and health-specific components. First, you give yourself to the Lord during an initial twenty-one-day Daniel Fast and you seek his guidance and strength as you alter your dietary intake to favor healthy Daniel Fast — friendly choices. Second, you continue to seek him in all that you do from that day forward, asking for his grace as you embark on your newly defined healthy lifestyle — a lifestyle that will bless you richly and allow you to become all that God has created you to be.

The Daniel Cure is all about overhauling your lifestyle in favor of improved spiritual and physical health. It may not be easy at first, but it can be done. You just need help. We provide some of that in this book. But more importantly, you need God’s help to infuse within you the motivation and discipline to make this new plan work … for life.

Remember that God provides his grace to you. And his grace is more than his salvation. It’s his empowerment. As his child, you are equipped to do all things through him who gives you strength. But you must come to him daily, offering praise and seeking his power. Like every loving father, he will listen to your requests and pour out his blessings and favor on your life. With regard to healthy eating, God will aid each of us in overcoming the disease-promoting lifestyles that are so prevalent in our society today. His guidance through prayer and fasting is exactly the “cure” we have been seeking all along.