Hey guys. Hope all well. Just wondering do any of you do those Mum’n Baby yoga classes? The health visitor keeps telling me I should go … I did a bit of pregnancy yoga alright, can’t say it did much good to be honest. But the nurse says they are a great idea … primarily to meet other Mums I think. Think she thinks I’m a bit of a loser *smiles* cos I’m always in the house when she calls! She seems to think it’s a bit mad I’m still bf on demand as well … anyway, that’s beside the point. Anyone any opinions on the yoga?
I did the pregnancy yoga, found it terrific. Was going to do the Mum and Baby class but it never fit into the kid’s schedule. Sounds like fun though. Right now the idea of getting myself out of the house before noon is beyond me L. Sorry, not much help I’m afraid, just having a whinge!
Have to say I found the pregnancy yoga useless. Every time I closed my eyes I’d starting thinking of something I’d forgotten to do at home guess I’m not the Nommmm kind. And I can’t stand the idea of sitting around talking to other mothers about weaning and bowel movements. Jesus. Couldn’t think of anything worse.
I have to say I really enjoy our local class. We don’t really get much exercise *blushes* but I like getting out and meeting other Mums.
@RWM have you ever thought that that’s what you do all day here *giggles* sit around and yap to other Mums?
Ah yeah but I can piss off any time if yous are annoying me *LOL*
I love Baby Yoga! We go every Tuesday. And then on Wednesday I’m a leader at the BF class in the community centre too. It’s amazing how much you can help new Mums just by meeting up with them and listening to them. I love my classes. Baby Swimming Thursday and thinking of joining a Buggycercise Class on Fridays!!!
Buggycercise *goes off to find a noose*
It’s after getting worse girls. Not sure what to say really. It’s not just the money. We never had much growing up and I’m good at making dinners and stuff like that. Shopping in Aldi and all that. But it’s just DH’s mood. When he got laid off he was all, like, it’ll be grand and all. Said he’d get a job again straight away. But he hasn’t got a job and now he’s just lying around the house all day drinking cans. I can’t let the little ones play in the sitting room coz he has the curtains drawn and he’s playing his PS2 all day. And he keeps snapping at them. I’m not sure what to do. I feel soooo sorry for him … but it’s just really hard right now really. He worked in construction so I don’t see any way out for us really. He’s just in really bad form and … I don’t know.
Sorry to hear things have got worse hon. Have you tried talking to him maybe away from the kids? Maybe someone could take them for a few hours and let you talk? It sounds like he is really stressed but lying around all day won’t do any good.
Sounds like he needs a boot up the arse if you ask me. You’re shopping in Aldi to save money and he’s drinking cans? My arse. Tell him to get up off his hole and get a job.
In fairness RC it’s not that easy to get a job these days. But yeah, I kinda see what you mean about the cans. Hope you are okay MammyNo1, it’s tough.