IN THE decade since Primal Leadership was first published, the world has changed in ways that make its message all the more timely. Leaders face ever-increasing pressures, including globalization and the economic roller coaster, the hyper-speed of evolving information technologies, the shortening of product life cycles, and the ratcheting up of competitive forces, to name just a few.

This whirlwind of change makes it more important than ever for leaders to be self-aware and composed, focused and high energy, empathic and motivating, collaborative and compelling—in short, resonant. A host of studies worldwide on emotions, emotional contagion, leader-follower relations, and coaching, as well as research on human behavior continue to confirm and clarify our understanding of why emotionally intelligent leaders get results. Our own research on brain imaging related to effective leaders also confirms what we proposed ten years ago.

That message has already shown its relevance to the million or so readers of Primal Leadership, in twenty-eight languages—a number that confirms the global appeal of emotionally intelligent leadership. And that appeal reaches beyond the business world. Our book is now used routinely in universities, business and medical schools, other professional training programs, and by a growing legion of leadership coaches.

Part of our message is “leadership at all levels.” We each have spheres of influence where we lead, no matter our position or title. But the difficult reality so many organizations have faced in hard times has put leadership development on the back burner. Today, many people are seeking ways to develop their leadership skills on their own. Our work helps.

To build on the work of Primal Leadership and further support the hands-on application of our ideas, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee have written Resonant Leadership (Harvard Business School Press, 2005) and, with Frances Johnston, Becoming a Resonant Leader (Harvard Business Press, 2008). And for those who want a quick summary of the theory and research behind the practice, Daniel Goleman has compiled his key writings in Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence (More Than Sound, 2011).

These books amplify the work of Primal Leadership, broadening its impact and adding to the toolkit of the thousands of individuals, coaches, and others who are applying its message in their own lives, work, and leadership.

In coming years we can expect increased interdependence—both within organizations and between them in new partnerships. And as the need increases to use resources more thoughtfully, efficiently, and with benign impacts, emotional and social intelligence will become even more critical to building and maintaining the working relationships needed to achieve these ends. The driving force in learning, adaptation, and change will continue to be resonant leadership and the personal renewal that accompanies it.

Contacting the Authors

This book represents an ongoing exploration into the role of emotional intelligence in leadership. We welcome reactions from our readers—thoughts, stories, questions. Though we are not always able to respond to every e-mail, we enjoy hearing from (and always learn from) our readers.

To reach us via e-mail, use the following addresses:

Daniel Goleman:

Annie McKee:

Richard Boyatzis: