The imperative

One uses the imperative to give directions, orders, suggestions, and advice. Wait!, Let’s see!, and Don’t forget! are imperatives in English. In French, the imperative has three forms: the second-person singular (which is used to give a command to one person the speaker would address with tu), the first-person plural (which is used to give a command to two or more people including the speaker [nous]), and the second-person plural (which is used to give a command to one person the speaker would address with vous and to any group of people).

Regular forms of the imperative

To find the imperative, simply take the tu, nous, and vous forms of the present tense and drop the subject pronouns. This rule holds true for all regular and irregular verbs except for être, avoir, savoir, and vouloir, which have irregular imperatives.

Note that with all -er ending verbs—as well as with the verbs ouvrir (to open), souffrir (to suffer), offrir (to offer)—you will also drop the s from the conjugated verb form in the second-person singular to create the imperative.


Note: Regular verbs that show spelling changes in the present indicative conserve these changes in the imperative.



Comment dit-on en français?

1. Listen (pol.)! ____________

2. Slow down (pol.)! ____________

3. Wait (fam.)! ____________

4. Speak (fam.) louder (plus fort)! ____________

5. Speak (pol.) more slowly please! ____________

6. Stay (fam.) here! ____________

7. Pay (fam.) the bill! ____________

8. Buy (fam.) some stamps! ____________

9. Help (pol.) the poor (les pauvres [m.pl.])! ____________

10. Answer (pol.) the question! ____________

11. Try on (fam.) this coat! ____________

12. Continue (pol.) straight ahead, then turn left. ____________

13. Let’s eat at McDonald’s (chez MacDo)! ____________

14. Come in (pol.)! ____________

15. Get home (fam.) safely! ____________

16. Close (pol.) the door! ____________

17. Open (fam.) the window! ____________

18. Ask (pol.) the teacher! ____________

19. Let’s leave! ____________

20. Come here (fam.)! ____________

21. Let’s see! ____________

22. Sleep (fam.) well! ____________

23. Drink (fam.) your milk! ____________

24. Take (fam.) your time! ____________

25. Take (pol.) the second street on the right. ____________

The negative imperative

To form the negative imperative, one surrounds the verb with the negative expression: ne… pas, ne… jamais, ne… plus, etc.



Comment dit-on en français?

1. Don’t forget (fam.)! ____________________________________

2. Let’s not waste (perdre) our time! _______________________

3. Don’t drive (fam.) so (si) fast! ___________________________

4. Don’t work (fam.) so hard! ______________________________

5. Don’t disobey (fam.)! __________________________________

6. Let’s not travel anymore! _______________________________

7. Let’s not exaggerate (anything)! _________________________

8. Don’t drink (pol.) this water! _____________________________

9. Don’t say anything (pol.)! _______________________________

10. Don’t leave! (fam.)! ____________________________________

11. Don’t (pol.) make any noise! ____________________________

12. Don’t (pol.) laugh! _____________________________________

Irregular forms of the imperative

Four verbs have an irregular imperative; the command forms cannot be derived from the present tense conjugation but must be memorized.


Note: Of the three imperative forms of vouloir, only veuillez is used. The others are extremely rare. The form veuillez is used (followed by an infinitive) in polite requests (meaning please) and in numerous final formulas of formal letters.



Comment dit-on en français?

1. Be (fam.) careful! _____________________________________________

2. Be (pol.) good! _______________________________________________

3. Let’s be courageous! _________________________________________

4. Don’t be (fam.) afraid! _________________________________________

5. Have (pol.) courage! __________________________________________

6. Have (fam.) faith (confiance) in me! ____________________________

7. Know (fam.) the truth! _________________________________________

8. Be (fam.) proud! ______________________________________________

9. Don’t be (pol.) late! ___________________________________________

10. Let’s not be disappointed! _____________________________________

11. Please sit down (pol.)! ________________________________________

12. Please leave (pol.) a message after the beep (le bip)! _____________


Choisissez la bonne traduction.




Votre ami(e) vous parle de ses problèmes. Donnez-lui des conseils. (Give advice to your friend who complains about various things.)

Exemple: J’ai faim.

Mange quelque chose!

1. Je n’ai pas d’argent. _____________________________

2. Je suis fatigué(e). ________________________________

3. Je suis déprimé(e) (depressed). ____________________

4. J’ai froid. ________________________________________

5. J’ai chaud. _______________________________________

6. J’ai soif. _________________________________________

7. Je voudrais maigrir. _______________________________

8. Je ne peux pas dormir. ____________________________

9. J’ai la grippe. ____________________________________

10. J’ai mal à la tête. _________________________________

11. J’ai peur de l’avion. _______________________________

12. Je suis en retard. _________________________________

The position of object pronouns with the imperative

In the affirmative imperative the object pronoun follows the verb and is joined to it by a hyphen (me becomes moi).


Note: If the familiar command is followed by the pronouns y or en, all -er ending verbs and those -ir ending verbs that are conjugated like -er verbs in the present tense (ouvrir, souffrir, and offrir) retain the -s in the second-person singular for phonetic reasons. Don’t forget to make the liaison sound [z] between the -s and y or en.



Comment dit-on en français?

1. Listen to me (fam.)! ___________________________

2. Trust me (fam.)! ______________________________

3. Follow me (pol.)! _____________________________

4. Let’s hope so (le)! ____________________________

5. Ask her (pol.)! ________________________________

6. Go ahead (fam.)! _____________________________

7. Help me (fam.)! _______________________________

8. Phone them (pol.)! ____________________________

9. Pass me (fam.) the salt! ________________________

10. Buy some (fam.)! ______________________________

11. Do it (pol.)! ___________________________________

12. Keep me posted (fam.)! ________________________

13. Excuse me (fam.)! _____________________________

14. Wait for me (fam.)! _____________________________

15. Look at her (fam.)! _____________________________

16. Try it (pol.)! ___________________________________

If there are two object pronouns with the imperative form, the direct object pronoun precedes the indirect object pronoun, but y and en always come last. The pronouns are joined to each other and to the verb by a hyphen. Note that before en, moi becomes m’.



Comment dit-on en français?

1. Give (fam.) it (masc.) to them! __________________________________

2. Put (pol.) them there! _________________________________________

3. Give (pol.) him some! _________________________________________

4. Bring (pol.) it (masc.) to me! ____________________________________

5. Show (pol.) it (fem.) to them! ___________________________________

6. Lend (fam.) me some! _________________________________________

In the negative imperative, the object pronoun or pronouns precede the verb. There is no hyphen.



Comment dit-on en français?

1. Don’t leave (fam.) (quitter) me! _________________________________

2. Don’t believe (pol.) her! ________________________________________

3. Don’t disturb (pol.) us! _________________________________________

4. Don’t answer (fam.) him! _______________________________________

5. Don’t make (pol.) me laugh! ____________________________________

6. Don’t listen (fam.) to them! _____________________________________

7. Don’t lie (fam.) to me! _________________________________________

If there are two object pronouns in the negative imperative, they have the same order as in a normal declarative sentence.




Dites en français.

1. Don’t (fam.) show them to him! __________________________________________

2. Don’t (pol.) sell it (fem.) to them! _________________________________________

3. Let’s not offer it (masc.) to her! __________________________________________

4. Don’t (fam.) give me any! ______________________________________________

5. Let’s not send it (fem.) to her! ___________________________________________

The imperative of reflexive verbs

In the negative imperative, the reflexive pronoun precedes the verb.


In the affirmative imperative, the reflexive pronoun follows the verb and is attached to it by a hyphen. The pronoun te becomes toi except before en, when it shortens to t’.



Comment dit-on en français?

1. Sit down (pol.)! ______________________________________

2. Let’s hurry! _________________________________________

3. Hide (pol.)! _________________________________________

4. Wake up (fam.)! _____________________________________

5. Let’s introduce ourselves! ____________________________

6. Go away (fam.)! _____________________________________

7. Be quiet (fam.)! ______________________________________

8. Have a good time (pol.)! ______________________________

9. Make yourself (pol.) comfortable! _______________________

10. Remember (fam.)!

a. (se rappeler) __________________________________________

b. (se souvenir) __________________________________________

11. Relax (pol.)! __________________________________________

12. Don’t complain (fam.)! __________________________________________

13. Don’t make fun of me (fam.)! __________________________________________

14. Don’t fall asleep (pol.)! __________________________________________

15. Don’t worry (fam.)! __________________________________________

16. Don’t get angry (pol.). __________________________________________