French-English glossary

An asterisk follows expressions of informal or colloquial French. Regular adjectives are listed in their masculine singular form.


abdiquer to abdicate

accident (m.) accident

accident de voiture car accident

achat (m.) purchase

acheter to buy

achever to finish

acteur (m.) actor

actrice (f.) actress

actuellement presently

addition (f.) bill (in a restaurant), check

admettre to admit

admirer to admire

adolescent (m.), adolescente (f.) teenager

adresse (f.) address

adulte (m./f.) adult

aéroport (m.) airport

affaires ( personal effects, business

Afrique (f.) Africa

âge (m.) age

agent immobilier (m.) real-estate agent

agir to act

agrafeuse (f.) stapler

agréable pleasant

aider to help

aimer to like, love

aimer mieux to prefer

alcool (m.) alcohol

Allemagne (f.) Germany

allemand (m.) German

aller to go

aller chercher qch to get sth

aller chercher qn to pick up sb

allumer to switch on

ambassade (f.) embassy

(s’)améliorer to improve

amener to bring (a person)

Amérique (f.) America

ami (m.), amie (f.) friend

amoureux, amoureuse (de) in love (with)

amuser to amuse

s’amuser to have a good time, have fun

an (m.) year

analphabète (m./f.) illiterate person

anglais (m.) English

Angleterre (f.) England

animal (m.) (plur.: animaux) animal

animal domestique pet

anniversaire (m.) birthday

annuler to cancel

anorak (m.) anorak

août August

apéritif (m.) before-dinner drink

appareil photo (m.) camera

appartement (m.) apartment

appartenir à to belong to

appeler to call

apporter to bring

apprenant (m.), apprenant(e) (f.) learner

apprendre to learn

après after

après-demain the day after tomorrow

après-midi (m.) afternoon

arbre (m.) tree

arc-en-ciel (m.) rainbow

argent (m.) money, silver

armée (f.) army

(s’)arrêter to stop, arrest

arriver to arrive, happen

ascenseur (m.) elevator

Asie (f.) Asia

aspirateur (m.) vacuum cleaner

s’asseoir to sit down

assiette (f.) plate

assister à to attend

attendre to wait (for)

atterrir to land

attraper to catch

aujourd’hui today

aussitôt que as soon as

autobus (m.) bus

automne (m.) fall

autoroute (f.) freeway

autre other

autrefois formerly, in the past

Autriche (f.) Austria

avant (que) before

avec with

avenir (m.) future

avertissement (m.) warning

aveugle blind

avion (m.) airplane

avis (m.) opinion

à mon/ton avis in my/your opinion

avocat (m.), avocate (f.) lawyer

avoir to have

avoir besoin de to need

avoir chaud to be hot (people)

avoir envie de to feel like, want to

avoir faim to be hungry

avoir froid to be cold (people)

avoir lieu to take place

avoir mal (à) to have a pain (in)

avoir mal au cœur to feel nauseated

avoir peur to be afraid

avoir raison to be right (people)

avoir soif to be thirsty

avoir tort to be wrong (people)

avril April


balayer to sweep

balle (f.) ball, bullet

banc (m.) bench

bande dessinée (f.) comic strip

bande sonore (f.) sound track

banque (f.) bank

barre (f.) bar (candy)

barre de céréales granola bar

bataille (f.) battle

bateau (m.) ship

bâtir to build

bâtir des châteaux en Espagne to build castles in the air

battre to beat

bavarder to chat

beau, bel, belle beautiful, handsome

beaucoup (de) a lot (of), many, much

bébé (m.) baby

Belgique (f.) Belgium

belle-mère (f.) mother-in-law

beurre (m.) butter

beurre de cacahuètes peanut butter

bibliothèque (f.) library

biche (f.) doe

bicyclette (f.) bicycle

bien well

bien que although

bientôt soon

à bientôt see you soon

bienvenue welcome

bière (f.) beer

billet (m.) ticket

bisou* (m.) kiss

blanc, blanche white

blessé (adj.) wounded, injured

blessé (m.) (noun) injured (person)

blesser to wound, injure

bleu blue

blouson (m.) jacket, Windbreaker

boire to drink

bois (m.) wood

boisson (f.) drink, beverage

boîte (f.) box

bon, bonne good

bonbons ( candy

bottes ( boots

boucherie (f.) butcher shop

bougie (f.) candle

boulanger (m.), boulangère (f.) baker

boulangerie (f.) bakery

boum* (f.) party (teenagers’)

bourse (f.) scholarship

bouteille (f.) bottle

boutique (f.) shop

bouton (m.) button

braqueur* (m.) robber

bras (m.) arm

Brésil (m.) Brazil

brosser to brush

se brosser les dents to brush one’s teeth

brouillard (m.) fog

bruit (m.) noise

brûler to burn

brûler un feu rouge to run a red light

bûche (f.) de Noël Yule log (traditional French Christmas pastry in the shape of a log richly decorated with frosting)

bureau (m.) office, desk


ça (cela) that

ça m’est égal it’s all the same to me

cabine téléphonique (f.) phone booth

cadeau (m.) gift

café (m.) coffee, café

cahier (m.) notebook

calculatrice (f.) calculator

camarade (m./f.) de chambre roommate

cambrioler to burglarize

cambrioleur (m.), cambrioleuse (f.) burglar

canapé (m.) sofa, couch

canard (m.) duck

il fait un froid de canard* it is freezing cold

caniche (m.) poodle

car because

carotte (f.) carrot

carrefour (m.) intersection

carte (f.) menu, map

carte de crédit credit card

carte postale postcard

cauchemar (m.) nightmare

cave (f.) cellar

ce, cet, cette this, that

céder to yield

ceinture (f.) belt

ceinture de sécurité safety belt, seat belt

cela (ça) that

célèbre famous

céleri (m.) celery

célibataire single

centre commercial (m.) shopping center, mall

c’est-à-dire that is to say

chair (f.) de poule goose bumps

chaise (f.) chair

chambre (f.) room, bedroom

chance (f.) luck

bonne chance! good luck!

chanceux, chanceuse lucky

changer to change

changer d’avis to change one’s mind

chanson (f.) song

chanter to sing

chanteur (m.), chanteuse (f.) singer

chapeau (m.) hat

chaque each, every

chasseur (m.) hunter

chat (m.), chatte (f.) cat

château (m.) castle

chaud hot, warm

chaussettes ( socks

chaussures ( shoes

chemise (f.) shirt

cher, chère expensive, dear

chercher to look for

cheval (m.) (plur.: chevaux) horse

cheveux ( hair

chez at (to, in) the home of

chien (m.), chienne (f.) dog

Chine (f.) China

chinois (m.) Chinese

chocolat (m.) chocolate

choisir to choose

choix (m.) choice

chômage (m.) unemployment

chose (f.) thing

chute (f.) fall, descent

ciel (m.) sky

cinéma (m.) movie theater, movies

circulation (f.) traffic

cirque (m.) circus

ciseaux ( scissors

classe (f.) class

en classe in, to class

clé (f.) key

client (m.), cliente (f.) customer

climatisation (f.) air-conditioning

clôture (f.) fence

coiffeur (m.), coiffeuse (f.) hairdresser

colis (m.) package

colline (f.) hill

colocataire (m./f.) housemate

combien (de) how much, how many

comédie musicale (f.) musical

comique (m./f.) comedian

commander to order

commencer to begin

comment how

commode (f.) chest of drawers

comprendre to understand

compter to count, plan (on, to)

concert (m.) concert

conducteur (m.), conductrice (f.) driver

conduire to drive

conférence (f.) lecture

confiture (f.) jam

congé (m.) vacation, time off work, leave

congrès (m.) conference

connaître to know

conseil (m.) (piece of) advice

conseiller to advise

conte (m.) story

conte de fées fairy tale

content happy

contravention (f.) traffic ticket

convaincre to convince

coordonnées ( address and phone number

copain (m.) friend, boyfriend

copine (f.) friend, girlfriend

corne (f.) horn (animal)

costume (m.) suit (men’s)

côte (f.) coast

Côte d’Azur French Riviera

côté (m.) side

se coucher to go to bed

coudre to sew

couleur (f.) color

Coupe (f.) du monde World Cup

courage (m.) courage

couramment fluently

courir to run

courriel (m.) e-mail

courrier (m.) mail

courrier électronique e-mail

cours (m.) course, class

course (f.) errand, race

cousin (m.), cousine (f.) cousin

coût (m.) cost

coût de la vie cost of living

couteau (m.) knife

coûter to cost

coûter les yeux de la tête* to cost an arm and a leg

couverture (f.) blanket

couvrir to cover

craindre to fear

cravate (f.) tie

crever* to die

croire to believe

cuiller (cuillère) (f.) spoon

cuisine (f.) kitchen, cooking, food

cuisiner to cook

cuisse (f.) de grenouille frog leg

curriculum vitae (m.) résumé, CV


d’abord at first

d’accord okay, O.K.

être d’accord (avec) to agree (with)

dame (f.) lady, woman

dangereux, dangereuse dangerous

dans in

danser to dance

d’après according to

de from, of

début (m.) beginning

décembre December

déçu disappointed

défaite (f.) defeat

défendre to forbid

dehors outside

déjà already

déjeuner (m.) lunch

déjeuner to have lunch

demain tomorrow

demander to ask

déménager to move (change residence)

dent (f.) tooth

se dépêcher to hurry

dépenser to spend (money)

déposer (qn) to drop (sb) off

déprimé depressed

depuis since, for

déranger to disturb, bother

dernier, dernière last

derrière behind

dès que as soon as

descendre to go down, get out of (a vehicle)

désolé sorry

dessert (m.) dessert

dessin animé (m.) cartoon

se détendre to relax

détester to hate, detest

dette (f.) debt

devant in front of

devenir to become

deviner to guess

devoir (verb) to have to, must, owe

devoirs ( homework

diable (m.) devil

Dieu God

difficile hard, difficult

dimanche (m.) Sunday

dîner (m.) dinner

dîner (verb) to have/eat dinner

diplôme (m.) diploma, (university) degree

dire to say

diseuse (f.) de bonne aventure fortune-teller

se disputer to argue

dissertation (f.) term paper

doigt (m.) finger

dommage (m.) pity, shame

c’est dommage that’s too bad

donner to give

dormir to sleep

dos (m.) back

douane (f.) customs

douche (f.) shower

douter to doubt

drapeau (m.) flag

droit right

tout droit straight ahead

droite: à droite on (to) the right

drôle funny

dur hard

durer to last


eau (f.) water

échecs ( chess

échouer to fail

échouer à un (l’) examen to fail an (the) exam

école (f.) school

Écosse (f.) Scotland

écouter to listen (to)

écrire to write

écrivain (m.) writer

église (f.) church

Égypte (f.) Egypt

électricité (f.) electricity

élève (m./f.) student, pupil (primary and secondary school)

e-mail (m.) e-mail

embouteillage (m.) traffic jam

embrasser to hug, kiss

emmener to take (sb somewhere)

empêchement (m.) unforeseen difficulty

emprunter to borrow

enceinte pregnant

encore still, again

s’endormir to fall asleep

endroit (m.) place

enfance (f.) childhood

enfant (m./f.) child

enfin finally

ennuyeux, ennuyeuse boring

enseigner to teach

ensemble together

ensuite then

entendre to hear

s’entraîner to practice

entrer (dans) to enter

enveloppe (f.) envelope

envoyer to send

épeler to spell

épouser to marry

équipe (f.) team

erreur (f.) error

escalier (m.) stairs

escargot (m.) snail

Espagne (f.) Spain

espagnol (m.) Spanish

espérer to hope

essayer to try (on)

essence (f.) gasoline

et and

étage (m.) floor (of a building)

état (m.) state, condition

États-Unis ( United States

été (m.) summer

éternuer to sneeze

étoile (f.) star

étoile filante shooting star

étranger (m.), étrangère (f.) stranger, foreigner

étranger, étrangère (adj.) foreign

à l’étranger abroad

être to be

être à to belong to

être à l’aise to be comfortable

être à l’heure to be on time

être chanceux, chanceuse to be lucky

être de bonne/mauvaise humeur to be in a good/bad mood

être en retard to be late

être en train de to be in the process of

être sur le point de to be about to

études ( studies

étudiant (m.), étudiante (f.) student (at university)

étudier to study

Europe (f.) Europe

européen, européenne European

événement (m.) event

exagérer to exaggerate

examen (m.) exam, test

exiger (que) to demand (that)

exil (m.) exile

explication (f.) explanation


fâché angry

se fâcher to get angry

facile easy

facilement easily

façon (f.) manner, way

facteur (m.) mailman

facture (f.) the bill

faire to do, make

faire attention to pay attention

faire de son mieux to do one’s best

faire des courses to run errands

faire des économies to save money

faire du lèche-vitrines to do window-shopping

faire la cuisine to cook

faire la fête to party, celebrate

faire la grasse matinée to sleep late

faire (la) grève to be on strike

faire la lessive to do the laundry

faire la queue to stand in line

faire la sieste to take a nap

faire la vaisselle to do the dishes

faire le ménage to do the housework

faire un stage to do an internship

faire ses valises to pack (one’s suitcases)

faire un voyage to go on a trip, take a trip

falloir to be necessary

fané wilted

fatigué tired

fauché* broke, without money

faute (f.) mistake, fault

fauteuil (m.) armchair

faux, fausse false, wrong

femme (f.) woman, wife

femme de ménage cleaning woman

fenêtre (f.) window

fermé closed

fermer to close

fête (f.) holiday, party, celebration

fête nationale national holiday

feu (m.) traffic light, fire

feu d’artifice fireworks

feu rouge red light

feuilleton (m.) soap opera, serial

février February

fiable reliable

fier, fière proud

fièvre (f.) fever

fille (f.) daughter, girl

film (m.) movie, film

fils (m.) son

fin (f.) end

finir to finish

fleur (f.) flower

foie (m.) liver

foie gras goose liver pâté, foie gras

fois (f.) time

la prochaine fois next time

une fois one time, once

fonctionner to work, function

fonder to found

football (m.) soccer

forêt (f.) forest

fort strong

four (m.) à micro-ondes microwave oven

fourchette (f.) fork

foyer (m.) home, fireplace, hearth

frais, fraîche fresh

fraise (f.) strawberry

franc, franche frank

français (m.) French

France (f.) France

frapper to strike, hit

ce qui m’a frappé* what struck me

fréquemment frequently

frère (m.) brother

frigo* (m.) fridge

frites ( French fries

froid (adj.) cold

fromage (m.) cheese

fruit (m.) (a piece of) fruit

fruits de mer seafood

fuite (f.) leak, flight, escape

fumer to smoke

furieux, furieuse angry, furious

fusil (m.) gun, rifle


gagnant (m.), gagnante (f.) winner

gagner to win, earn

gagner à la loterie to win the lottery

gagner sa vie to make, earn a living

gant (m.) glove

garage (m.) garage

garçon (m.) boy, waiter

garder to look after, keep

gare (f.) train station

gâteau (m.) cake

gâter to spoil

gauche left

à gauche on (to) the left

gens ( people

glace (f.) mirror, ice cream

gorge (f.) throat

grand big, tall

grand magasin (m.) department store

grand-mère (f.) grandmother

grand-père (m.) grandfather

gratte-ciel (m.) skyscraper

gratuit free (of charge)

gravement (malade) seriously (ill)

grec (m.) Greek

Grèce (f.) Greece

grenier (m.) attic

grève (f.) strike

grille-pain (m.) toaster

grippe (f.) flu

gros, grosse big, fat

guérir to cure, get well

guerre (f.) war

gymnase (m.) gymnasium


habile skillful

s’habiller to get dressed

habiter to live, reside

habitude (f.) habit

d’habitude usually

haut high

herbe (f.) grass

héritage (m.) inheritance

heure (f.) hour, time, o’clock

à l’heure on time

à quelle heure (at) what time

quelle heure est-il? what time is it?

heureux, heureuse happy

hier yesterday

hier soir last night

histoire (f.) story, history

hiver (m.) winter

homme (m.) man

hôpital (m.) hospital

horoscope (m.) horoscope

hors-d’œuvre (m.) appetizer

hôtel (m.) hotel

hôtesse (f.) de l’air (female) flight attendant


ici here

idée (f.) idea

il faut it is necessary

il vaut mieux it is better

il y a there is, there are, ago

île (f.) island

illettré illiterate

immeuble (m.) building, apartment building

imperméable (m.) raincoat

impôt (m.) tax

incendie (m.) fire

Inde (f.) India

infirmier (m.), infirmière (f.) nurse

informatique (f.) computer science

inquiet, inquiète worried

s’inquiéter to worry

intentionnellement intentionally

interdire to forbid

interdit forbidden

internaute (m./f.) Web surfer

Internet (m.) Internet

interrompre to interrupt

inutile useless

invité (m.), invitée (f.) guest

inviter to invite

Irlande (f.) Ireland

Italie (f.) Italy

italien, italienne (adj.) Italian


jamais ever, never

ne… jamais never

jambe (f.) leg

janvier January

Japon (m.) Japan

japonais (m.) Japanese

jardin (m.) garden, yard

jaune yellow

jean (m.) jeans

jeter to throw

jeter par la fenêtre to throw out the window

jeu (m.) (plur.: jeux) game

jeu vidéo video game

jeudi (m.) Thursday

jeune young

joie (f.) joy

joindre to reach, join

joli pretty

jouer to play

jouet (m.) toy

joueur (m.), joueuse (f.) player

jour (m.) day

un jour someday

journal (m.) (plur.: journaux) newspaper

juillet July

juin June

jupe (f.) skirt

jus (m.) juice

jusqu’à until


kilo (m.) kilogram

kiosque (m.) newsstand



lâche coward, cowardly

laisser to leave, let

lait (m.) milk

langue (f.) language

langue maternelle mother tongue

lapin (m.) rabbit

lave-vaisselle (m.) dishwasher

laver to wash

légume (m.) vegetable

lendemain (m.) next day

lent slow

lentement slowly

lettre (f.) letter

leur (pron.) (to) them

leur, leurs (adj.) their

se lever to get up

librairie (f.) bookstore

libre free

lire to read

lit (m.) bed

littérature (f.) literature

livre (m.) book

logiciel (m.) software

loi (f.) law

loin (de) far (from)

long, longue long

longtemps a long time

lorsque when

louer to rent

loup (m.) wolf

lui (to) him, (to) her

lumière (f.) light

lundi (m.) Monday

lune (f.) moon

lune de miel honeymoon

lunettes ( (eye)glasses

lutter (contre) to fight (against), struggle

lycée (m.) high school


machine (f.) à laver washing machine

magasin (m.) store

grand magasin department store

magnétoscope (m.) VCR

mai May

maigre skinny

maigrir to lose weight

mail (= mél) (m.) e-mail

maillot (m.) de bain bathing suit

main (f.) hand

maintenant now

mairie (f.) city hall

mais but

maison (f.) house

à la maison home, at home

mal badly

malade (adj.) ill

malade (m./f.) sick person, patient

maladie (f.) disease, illness

malentendu (m.) misunderstanding

malgré in spite of

malheureusement unfortunately

manger to eat

manger sur le pouce* to have a quick bite to eat

manifester to demonstrate

mannequin (m.) fashion model, store dummy

manquer (à) to miss

manteau (m.) coat

marcher to walk, work (= function)

mardi (m.) Tuesday

mari (m.) husband

mariage (m.) marriage, wedding

marié (adj.) married

marié (m.) bridegroom

mariée (f.) bride

se marier (avec) to get married (to)

marron brown

mars March

match (m.) game

matin (m.) morning

mauvais bad

méchant mean, vicious

médecin (m.) doctor

meilleur better

même same, even

mendiant (m.), mendiante (f.) beggar

menu (m.) (fixed-price) menu

mercredi (m.) Wednesday

mère (f.) mother

merveilleux, merveilleuse marvelous, wonderful

message (m.) message

météo (f.) weather forecast, weather

métier (m.) profession, trade

métro (m.) subway, metro

mettre to put

se mettre à (+ inf.) to begin (doing)

meubles ( furniture

Mexique (m.) Mexico

midi (m.) noon

mieux better

milieu (m.) middle

(des) milliers ( thousands

mince slim, thin

minuit midnight

moins less, minus

mois (m.) month

mon, ma, mes (adj.) my

monde (m.) world

tout le monde everybody

monnaie (f.) (small) change, currency

monsieur (M.) (m.) sir, gentleman (Mr.)

monstre (m.) monster

montagne (f.) mountain

monter to go up, get into (a vehicle)

montre (f.) watch

montrer to show

morceau (m.) piece

mordre to bite

mot (m.) word, (written) note

moto(cylette) (f.) motorcycle

mourir to die

mouton (m.) sheep

muguet (m.) lily-of-the-valley

mur (m.) wall

musée (m.) museum

musique (f.) music


nager to swim

nappe (f.) tablecloth

neige (f.) snow

neiger to snow

ne… jamais never

ne… pas not

ne… personne no one, nobody, not anyone

ne… que only

ne… rien nothing, not anything

Net (m.) Net (= Internet)

nettoyer to clean

neveu (m.) (plur.: neveux) nephew

nièce (f.) niece

Noël (m.) Christmas

père Noël (m.) Santa Claus

noir black

nom (m.) name

note (f.) grade (in a course)

nouveau, nouvel, nouvelle new

nouvelle (f.) (a piece of) news, short story

novembre November

nuage (m.) cloud

numéro (m.) de téléphone telephone number


obéir to obey

obtenir to get

occupé busy

octobre October

œil (m.) (plur.: les yeux) eye

offrir to offer

oiseau (m.) bird

oncle (m.) uncle

ongle (m.) fingernail

opéra (m.) opera

or (m.) gold

orage (m.) thunderstorm

ordinateur (m.) computer

oser to dare

otage (m.) hostage

ou or


oublier to forget

ouvert open

ouvrier (m.), ouvrière (f.) worker

ouvrir to open


pain (m.) bread

paix (f.) peace

pâle pale

pamplemousse (m.) grapefruit

panne: tomber en panne to break down (car)

pantalon (m.) (pair of) pants

papillon (m.) butterfly

Pâques ( Easter

paquet (m.) package

parabole (f.) satellite dish

parapluie (m.) umbrella

parce que because

parents ( parents, relatives

paresseux, paresseuse lazy

parler to speak

partager to share

partir to leave

partout everywhere

passager (m.), passagère (f.) passenger

passer to pass, spend (time), take (a test)

se passer to happen

patiemment patiently

patience (f.) patience

patient (adj.) patient

patienter to wait

patiner to ice-skate

pâtisserie (f.) pastry shop, pastry

patron (m.), patronne (f.) boss

pauvre poor

payer to pay (for)

payer en espèces to pay cash

pays (m.) country

peau (f.) skin

pelouse (f.) lawn

pendant during, for

penser to think

perdre to lose

perdre la tête to lose one’s mind, one’s temper

père (m.) father

père Noël Santa Claus

permettre to allow

permis (m.) de conduire driver’s license

personne (f.) person

peser to weigh

petit small, short

petit ami (m.), petite amie (f.) boyfriend, girlfriend

petit déjeuner (m.) breakfast

petit pain (m.) roll (bread)

peur (f.) fear

peut-être perhaps, maybe

pharmacie (f.) pharmacy

piano (m.) piano

pièce (f.) play (theater), coin, room (of a house)

pièce montée tiered wedding cake

piège (m.) trap

pied (m.) foot

à pied on foot

piquer to sting, bite

pire worse, worst

piscine (f.) swimming pool

place (f.) seat, room (space), (public) square

plage (f.) beach

plaire à to please

plaisanter to joke

plaisanterie (f.) joke

plaisir (m.) pleasure

plancher (m.) floor (of a room)

plat (m.) dish, course

plat principal main course

pleurer to cry

pleuvoir to rain

pleuvoir à verse to rain hard, pour

pleuvoir des cordes* to rain cats and dogs

pluie (f.) rain

plus more

plus longtemps longer

plus vite faster

plusieurs several

poème (m.) poem

poignée (f.) handle, doorknob

poisson (m.) fish

policier (m.) policeman

pomme (f.) apple

pompier (m.) firefighter

pont (m.) bridge

(téléphone) portable (m.) cell phone

porte (f.) door

portefeuille (m.) wallet

porte-monnaie (m.) coin purse

porter to wear, carry

porter bonheur to bring good luck

portugais (m.) Portuguese

posséder to own

poste (f.) post office

poster to mail

poubelle (f.) garbage can

poupée (f.) doll

pour for, in order to

pour que so that

pourboire (m.) tip (waiter)

pourquoi why

pouvoir (m.) power

pouvoir (verb) to be able to

prédire to predict

préférer to prefer

premier, première first

prendre to take

prendre une décision to make a decision

presque almost

pressé in a hurry

prêter to loan, lend

prier to pray, beg

printemps (m.) spring

prison (f.) prison, jail

priver to deprive

prix (m.) price, prize, award

prochain next

professeur (m.) teacher, professor

projet (m.) plan

se promener to take a walk

promesse (f.) promise

promettre to promise

prononcer to pronounce

proposer to suggest

propre clean, own

prudemment carefully

prudent careful

puis then

puissant powerful

pull-over (pull) (m.) sweater

PV (procès verbal) (m.) (traffic) ticket


quand when

quartier (m.) neighborhood

que that, which; what?

quel, quelle which? what?

quelque chose something

quelque part somewhere

quelquefois sometimes

quelques some, a few

quelqu’un someone, somebody

qu’est-ce que what?

questionnaire (m.) questionnaire

queue (f.) line

qui who, whom; who? whom?

quitter to leave

quoi what?

quoique although


raconter to tell

radio (f.) radio

ragots* ( gossip

rappeler to call back, remind

se rappeler to remember

rarement rarely

ravi delighted

recevoir to receive

recherche (f.) search

recherches ( research

recommander to recommend

récompense (f.) reward

reçu (m.) receipt

rédaction (f.) composition, essay

réfrigérateur (m.) refrigerator

refuser to refuse

regarder to look at, watch

regretter to regret, be sorry

remède (m.) cure

remercier to thank

rencontrer to meet

rendez-vous (m.) (social) date, appointment

rendre to give back, hand in (homework)

rentrée (f.) beginning of the (new) school year

rentrer to go home, come home

repas (m.) meal

répéter to repeat

répondeur (m.) answering machine

répondre (à) to answer

réponse (f.) answer

se reposer to rest

représentation (f.) performance

respirer to breathe

rester to stay, remain

resto-U* (= restaurant universitaire) (m.) dining commons, university cafeteria

résultat (m.) result

retour (m.) return

retourner to return, go back

réunion (f.) meeting

réussir (à) to succeed, pass (a test)

rêve (m.) dream

réveil (m.) alarm clock

se réveiller to wake up

revenir to come back

réviser to review

revue (f.) magazine

rez-de-chaussée (m.) first floor, ground floor

rhume (m.) cold

rire to laugh

riz (m.) rice

robe (f.) dress

roi (m.) king

roman (m.) novel

rouge red

rougir to blush

roux, rousse red (-haired)

rue (f.) street

russe (m.) Russian

Russie (f.) Russia


sac (m.) bag, handbag

sac à dos backpack

sac à main handbag

sac de couchage sleeping bag

sage well-behaved, wise

salaire (m.) salary

sale dirty

salle (f.) room; hall

salle à manger dining room

salle de bains bathroom

salle de classe classroom

salon (m.) living room

saluer to greet

samedi (m.) Saturday

sans without

santé (f.) health

sapeur-pompier (m.) firefighter

savoir to know

savon (m.) soap

selon according to

semaine (f.) week

sembler to seem

septembre September

serpent (m.) snake

serveur (m.), serveuse (f.) waiter, waitress

service (m.) favor, service

serviette (f.) napkin, towel

seul alone

seulement only

short (m.) (pair of) shorts

si if, whether

siècle (m.) century

singe (m.) monkey

skier to ski

smoking (m.) tuxedo

sœur (f.) sister

soin (m.) care

soir (m.) evening

ce soir tonight

soldat (m.) soldier

solde: en solde on sale

soleil (m.) sun

sonner to ring (bell, telephone, alarm clock)

sortie (f.) exit, outing

sortir to go out, exit

souffrir to suffer

souhaiter (que) to wish (that)

sourire to smile

souris (f.) mouse

sous under

sous-sol (m.) basement

se souvenir (de) to remember

souvent often

spectacle (m.) show

stage (m.) internship

faire un stage to do an internship

stylo (m.) pen

suggérer to suggest

Suisse (f.) Switzerland

suisse (adj.) Swiss

suivre to follow, take (a course)

supermarché (m.) supermarket

sur on

sûr sure, safe

surpris surprised

survivre to survive


table (f.) table

tableau (m.) blackboard; painting

tant (de) so much, so many

tante (f.) aunt

tapis (m.) rug

tard late

plus tard later

tarte (f.) pie, tart

tasse (f.) cup

taureau (m.) bull

tee-shirt (m.) T-shirt

télé* (f.) TV

télécarte (f.) (prepaid) phone card

télécharger to download

télécommande (f.) remote control

téléphone (m.) telephone

(téléphone) portable (m.) cell phone

téléphoner (à) to call, phone

téléviseur (m.) television set

télévision (f.) television

tempête (f.) storm

tempête de neige snowstorm, blizzard

temps (m.) time, weather

à temps in time

tenir to hold

tenir à to insist on, be anxious to

terminaison (f.) ending

terminer to end

terre (f.) earth, land

tête (f.) head

TGV (train [m.] à grande vitesse) French high-speed train

thé (m.) tea

théâtre (m.) theater

ticket (m.) de caisse sales slip, receipt

timbre (m.) (postage) stamp

tirer to pull

tiroir (m.) drawer

toilettes ( restroom

tomber to fall

tomber à l’eau* to fall through (plans)

tomber dans les pommes* to faint, pass out

tomber en panne to break down (car)

tomber malade to become, fall ill

tondre la pelouse to mow the lawn

tôt early

plus tôt earlier

toujours always

tour (f.) tower

tour (m.) turn, walk, ride

tourner to turn

tout everything

tout à coup suddenly

tout le monde everybody

tout le temps all the time

train (m.) train

tramway (m.) streetcar, light rail

travail (m.) work

travailler to work

travers: à travers across

traverser to cross

tremblement (m.) de terre earthquake

très very

trésor (m.) treasure

triste sad

trop (de) too, too much, too many

trou (m.) hole

trouver to find

tuer to kill

Turquie (f.) Turkey


université (f.) university

usine (f.) factory

utile useful

utiliser to use


vacances ( vacation

vaisselle (f.) dishes

valeur (f.) value

valise (f.) suitcase

faire ses valises to pack one’s suitcase(s)

valoir to be worth

valoir mieux to be better

vedette (f.) star, movie star

veille (la) (f.) the night before

vélo* (m.) bike

vendeur (m.) salesperson, salesman

vendeuse (f.) saleslady, saleswoman

vendre to sell

vendredi (m.) Friday

venir to come

vent (m.) wind

vérité (f.) truth

verre (m.) glass

vers toward, at about (with clock time)

verser to pour

vert green

veste (f.) jacket

vêtements ( clothes, clothing

viande (f.) meat

victoire (f.) victory

vie (f.) life

vieux, vieil, vieille old

ville (f.) city, town

ville natale hometown

vin (m.) wine

violet, violette purple

visiter to visit (a place)

vite fast, quickly

vitre (f.) (window) pane

vivre to live

vœu (m.) wish

voir to see

voisin (m.), voisine (f.) neighbor

voiture (f.) car

voix (f.) voice

volant (m.) steering wheel

voler to fly, steal

volontiers gladly

vouloir to want

voyage (m.) trip

voyager to travel

vrai true

vue (f.) view

de vue by sight


y there

yeux ( eyes