101. Go On With Your Life (The Next Steps).
The end of the book is finally here, and it’s over.
I hope you’ve read this, pondered the ideas, and debated in your mind if each has merit and can be useful in your life. I hope you’ve questioned them, and honestly that you do disagree with me and can state why. I want you to defend your beliefs, continue to question them, and refine them over time.
The Stoic philosopher Epictetus (you remember him from the lesson on the Stoics, right?) wrote a book called the Enchiridion on Stoic ethical advice. The word ‘enchiridion’ is Greek for “that which is held in the hand.” He meant his book to be at the ready, always ready to help in certain life situations. It’s where we get the idea of a handbook.
What I’d like you to do with this book on life lessons is to keep it close when you’re going through life. I want it to be ready at hand. I want it to be a comfort and guidance for you. I want it to be my voice to you when you’re facing all of the varied situations in life .
Long after I’m gone, I want this book to be a conversation you have with me.
When you’re facing fear in the face, break it open and consult the chapter, “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways.”
When you’re thinking of getting a new career or job, look up the lesson, “Find the Magic Spot in Your Job or Career,” and “Learn How to Get ANY Job You Want.” Others like “Shadow Someone That’s Doing What You Want to Do at a High Level,” and “Do More Than You’re Paid to Do,” would be helpful, too.
I know I haven’t covered everything, but I’ve touched on a lot. I hope and pray that these lessons will help you in nearly every area of your great, big, fulfilling, and rewarding lives.
Please keep this at hand. Please take the time to write your notes on the different sections. Reason out where you disagree and put in your own reasons. If you give this book to someone else, hoping to help them, please write out the messages you’d like them to know in the lessons. Use it to maintain a dialogue and to discuss important ideas with those you love.
Now, I encourage you to continue this journey. Go on and read the great books, listen to the great lectures, and contemplate—and then put into action the important ideas.
I’ve put together many courses and ideas for you at LifeLessons.Academy to go much deeper into many of these ideas and more that I’d like you to check out and consider .
Zig Ziglar said,
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.”
Well, the thoughts and ideas of these lessons will often make sense, and you’ll do them… for a while.
Then the inevitable overwhelm of life can get in the way, and you’ll forget some of the concepts you love and appreciate. You’ll end up not doing the things you know can improve your life, and make things better for yourself and your loved ones.
That’s one of the reasons I wanted to do courses based on this information. I wanted to go deeper on the concepts. I wanted to show you HOW they can be implemented into your life versus simply remaining lifeless and unvisited on paper (or your electronic screen).
So, to keep this from happening, I suggest that you re-read this book and spend some time on each section. Spend a few days or a week on each and work on the ideas and the advice in practice sections earnestly. If you go over one each week, you’ll have nearly two years’ worth of study and improvement in your life at any given time.
Or, alternately, you can go to LifeLessons.Academy and watch the courses there, take notes, and work on implementing these ideas into your life.
Preferably, you’ll do both .
I can promise you that just the pursuit of self-development and getting better will make you a better person. That’s even without all of the knowledge and skills you can get from the lessons in each. If you take this suggestion, you’ll see that your life will continually improve and become the work of art you deserve.
You can get started on this journey by visiting, LifeLessonsBonus.com to get your free course on “Designing and Executing Your Ideal Week,” to get help your time scheduled in the right way.
I invested all of my time and effort into this to help make your life better. When I was on that stretcher in California after my stroke wondering if I had told you everything I needed to tell you—that scared me into doing this.
I hope you understand just how loved you are.
I hope you understand what a SPECTACULAR creation of God you are.
I hope you understand that you are always worthy.
I hope you understand that you are always deserving of the very best in life.
I hope you know that I will always be with you, in life or death looking after you and always wanting the best for you.
You are every hope I’ve ever had. You are every dream I’ve ever dreamed. You are the best of me and more.
I. Love. You.