*Appleton, LeRoy. American Indian Design and Decoration. New York: Dover, 1971.
*Arai, Lucy. “A Sashiko Hanten (Short Jacket) to Stitch.” Piecework Vol. 11 (September/October 1994): pp. 30-37.
*Ascher. Marcia. “Learning with Games of Strategy from Mongolia.” Teaching Children Mathematics Vol. 8 (October 2001): pp. 96-99.
*—. Mathematics Elsewhere. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002.
Bazin, Maurice, Modesto Tamez & the Exploratorium Teacher Institute. Mathematics and Science Across Cultures. New York: The New Press, 2002.
*Béart, Charles. Jeux et Jouets de l’Oest Africain. Dakar, Senegal: IFAN, 1955.
*Bell, Robbie & Michael Cornelius. Board Games Around the World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
*Centner, Th. L’enfant Africain et ses Jeux. Elisabethville, Congo: CEPSI, 1963.
Closs, M. Native American Mathematics. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1986.
*Gerdes, Paulus. “Exploring the Game of Julirde.” Teaching Children Mathematics Vol. 7 (February 2001): pp. 321-327.
*—. Geometry from Africa. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America, 1999.
Grunfeld, Frederic, ed. Games of the World. New York: Ballantine, 1975.
*Kraitchik, Maurice. Mathematical Recreations. New York: Dover, 1953.
*Lumpkin, Beatrice & Dorothy Strong. Multicultural Math and Science Connections. Portland, ME: J. Weston Walch, 1995.
*McConville, Robert. A History of Board Games. Palo Alto, CA: Creative Publications, 1974.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM, 2000. (Also see the NCTM series of edited volumes on gender and various cultures: Changing the Faces of Mathematics.)
Nelson, David, George G. Joseph & Julian Williams. Multicultural Mathematics: Teaching Mathematics from a Global Perspective. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
*Indicates references used for this book.
*Russ, Larry. Complete Máncala Games Book. New York: Marlowe, 2000.
Smith, Jacquelin. “Links to Literature: Threading Mathematics into Social Studies.” Teaching Children Mathematics Vol. 1 (March 1995): pp. 438-444.
*Whitin, David J. & Sandra Wilde. Read Any Good Math Lately? Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1992.
—. It’s the Story That Counts. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1995.
*Williams, Geoffrey. African Designs from Traditional Sources. New York: Dover, 1971.
*Zaslavsky, Claudia. Africa Counts: Number and Pattern in African Cultures. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1973, 1999.
*—. The Multicultural Math Classroom: Bringing in the World. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1996.
*—. Multicultural Mathematics: Interdisciplinary, Cooperative-Learning Activities. Portland, ME: J. Weston Walch, 1993.
*—. Multicultural Math: Hands–On Activities from Around the World. New York: Scholastic Professional, 1994.
*—. “Symmetry in American Folk Art.” Arithmetic Teacher Vol. 38 (September 1990): pp. 6-12.
*—. Tic Tac Toe and Other Three-in-a-Row Games. New York: Crowell, 1982.
*Zhang, Wei. Exploring Math through Puzzles. Berkeley: Key Curriculum Press, 1996.
*Indicates references used for this book.
ABC Quilts. Kids Making Quilts for Kids. Gualala, CA: The Quilt Digest Press, 1992.
Bateson-Hill, Margaret. Shota and the Star Quilt. New York: Zero to Ten, Ltd., 1998.
Blood, Charles & Martin Link. The Goat in the Rug. New York: Macmillan, 1990.
Bolton, Janet. My Grandmother’s Patchwork Quilt. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1994.
Bruchac, Joseph & Jonathan London. Thirteen Moons on Turtle’s Back. New York: Philomel, 1992.
Caduto, Michael & Joseph Bruchac. Keepers of the Earth. New York: Fulcrum, 1988.
Carlson, Laurie. More Than Moccasins: A Kid’s Activity Guide to Traditional North American Indian Life. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1994.
Cobb, Mary. The Quilt-Block History of Pioneer Days, with Projects Kids Can Make. Brookfield, CT: The Millbrook Press, 1995.
Earthworks Group. Fifty Simple Things Kids Can Do To Save the Earth. Kansas City, MO: Andrews &McMeel, 1990.
Flournoy, Valerie. The Patchwork Quilt. New York: Dutton, 1985.
Friedman, Aileen. A Cloak for the Dreamer. New York: Scholastic, 1994.
Gerdes, Paulus. Desenhos da Africa. Säo Paulo, Brazil, SP: Editora Scipione, 1990.
Hopkinson, Deborah. Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt. New York: Knopf, 1993.
Hunt, W. Ben. Indian Crafts and Lore. New York: Western Publishing Company, 1954.
Kohl, Herbert. Insides, Outsides, Loops, and Lines. New York: Freeman, 1995.
Mendez, Philip. The Black Snowman. New York: Scholastic Hardcover, 1989.
Mobley, Chuck & Andrea Mobley. Navajo Rugs and Blankets: A Coloring Book. Tucson, AZ: Treasure Chest Publications, 1994.
Paul, Ann Whitford. Eight Hands Round: A Patchwork Alphabet. New York: HarperCollins, 1991.
—. The Seasons Sewn: A Year in Patchwork. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1996.
Ringgold, Faith. Tar Beach. New York: Scholastic, 1991.
Wright, Courtni C. Jumping the Broom. New York: Holiday House, 1994. (A star-pattern quilt story.)
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Math Games and Activities from Around the World. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1998.
—. Number Sense and Nonsense. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2001.
—. Tic Tac Toe and Other Three-in-a-Row Games. New York: Crow-ell, 1982.