The Right Book

WATCH ME ZIGZAG after school, every single afternoon, between the bus stop and Horizon Apartment Flats. It’s where my best friend Reeni lives in 3B and I live in 3A.

Reeni and I wave to our friend Anil. He karate-blocks and punches at us through the bus window. It’s his way to say Goodbye, see you tomorrow.

The bus pulls off down the road.

“Bye, Yasmin,” says Reeni.

“Bye, Reeni,” I say.

She turns to go home. I go zig-zig-zag, off on my daily mission.

Mind the crooked tree. Mind the istri lady with her iron and heap of clothes. Mind the broken pavement and the pigeons cooling their feathers in mud puddles. Watch-watch-watch …

And here it is! Book Uncle’s Lending Library on the corner of St. Mary’s Road and 1st Cross Street, with books spread out on planks of wood and a small tin can for donations, just to help out, if anyone wants to.

Here is the sign in faded old letters:

Books. Free.

Give one.

Take one.



In all of India, could there be a better corner lending library than this?

Drawing of two girls in school uniforms waving good-bye to each other.