The Divine Twins are mysterious beings who are at the very heart of the Faery Tradition. They appear in a multitude of different ways in many different cultures and so we can look to many sources to see their dance playing out on a mythic scale. In traditions such as Wicca, they might be expressed as polar opposites (such as the Oak King and the Holly King), and while they can certainly be as such in Faery, we recognize that they are part of the same being, and so they are not truly opposing each other.
A full account of the numerous groupings and permutations of the Divine Twins as worked with in the Faery Tradition would probably be an impossible task, given the fierce diversity of our practices. What follows are but some examples of how the Twins manifest for practitioners of our tradition. Some of these pairings will make perfect sense while others may raise an eyebrow or two. Contemplate them. Go into a trance, align your souls and then meditate on them.
Female |
Male |
The Star Goddess |
Melek Ta’us |
Nimuë |
The Arddu |
Ana |
Dian y Glas |
Mari |
Krom |
Ana |
The Arddu |
Nimuë |
Dian y Glas |
Dove |
Wolf |
Female |
Female |
The Star Goddess |
Nimuë |
Nimuë |
Ana |
Mari |
Lilith |
Male |
Male |
Melek Ta’us (or Dian y Glas) |
Lemba |
Red Man |
Green Man |
Dian y Glas |
The Arddu |
Christ |
Lucifer |
Stag |
Wolf |
Oak King |
Holly King |
Ungendered or Changeable |
Serpent |
Dove |
The Ibeji of Yoruba |
The Marassa of Vodou |