A Measure of Seasons Ago…
Once upon a Winter’s eve
A young Red Prince was vastly naive
With cruel jests and the sweetest of tunes
He sang his own praises in sugary croons
Only one girl did not applaud him as great
And for it, he chased her out the iron gate
But when she was gone, the prince felt alone
He secretly wished that she might come home
On the cool Winter’s eve before the prince broke
He lost his cruel heart to a great bout of smoke
To get his heart back, the prince had to be clever
“Fetch five golden rings or lose it for forever.”
But on his great quest, the prince learned a thing
‘Twas a thing that thwarted him and lost him a ring
The mean Red Prince was forced to change his song
Or live without a heart, and never truly belong
The clever prince battled wind, wall, and wave
And with hope in hand, he stole his heart from the grave
And when he returned; stale, princely heart beating
He found the girl he had hated for leaving
And so, after all his conflict and follies
The prince kissed the girl beneath a bough of hollies
But before the girl turned to look upon his face
The prince with a heart disappeared without a trace