Ad Lucil. epist. |
Ad Lucilium epistulae |
Anth. Pal. |
Anthologia Palatina or Palatine Anthology |
Arist. Rh. |
Aristotle’s Rhetoric |
Benef. |
De beneficiis |
Cic. |
Cicero |
Codex florent. of John Damasc. |
Codex Florentinus of St John of Damascus |
col. |
column |
comm. in Epict. enchir. |
In Epicteti enchiridion commentarium |
De off. |
De officiis |
DK |
Die Fragmente der Vorsakratiker, eds H. Diels and W. Kranz (Berlin 1954), 3 volumes |
DL |
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Ancient Philosophers |
Gnom. Paris. |
Gnomologium Parisinum |
Gnoml. Vat. |
Gnomologium Vaticanum |
Hercher |
R. Hercher, Epistolographi Graeci (Paris 1873) |
Il. |
Iliad |
In Epist. I ad Corinth. homil. |
In Epistulam primam ad Corinthios homilia |
Inst. epit. |
Institutionum epitome |
Joann. Chrysost. |
Joannes Chrysostomus |
Mem. |
Memorabilia |
Mor. |
Moralia |
Od. |
Odyssey |
Orat. ad Graec. |
Oratio ad Graecos |
Or. |
Oration |
Pl. |
Plato |
Plut. |
Plutarch |
Prov. |
De Providentia |
Sen. |
Seneca |
Simplic. |
Simplicius |
Smp. |
Symposium |
Stob. |
Stobaeus |
Suid. |
Suidas or The Suda |
TD |
The Tusculan Disputations |
Xen. |
Xenophon |
Square brackets [ ] around a name indicate that the associated work is spurious, that is, probably not written by the accredited author but by someone whose identity is uncertain. Ellipses between square brackets indicate that the passage has been abridged in translation. Text between < > (less than and greater than symbols) indicates that a lacuna has been filled with a phrase or sentence supplied exempli gratia.