There are hundreds of different hormones floating throughout your body of which a few affect your fat distribution and weight. Below you will find the nine most significant hormones that can be brought back in balance by means of the hormone balance programme.
Produced by: Pancreas
Maintains blood sugar level.
Sees to fat production.
Sees to muscle building.
Produced by: Thyroid
Produced by: Testes, ovaries and adrenal glands.
Stimulates muscle building.
Stimulates breakdown of fat (fights cellulite!).
Gives strength in situations of stress.
Increases libido (also in women).
Improves energy level and temper.
Produced by: Ovaries, adrenal glands and fat tissue
Prevents osteoporosis.
Smoothes the face and prevents wrinkles.
Stimulates energy and improves mood.
Increases sex drive in women.
Causes breast formation (also in men).
NB! Potentially fattening (see page 48).
Produced by: Ovaries, adrenal glands, testes.
Regulates fluid retention (breasts, abdomen, legs, ankles).
Is a factor in menstruation and particularly in pregnancies.
Provides rest and relaxation.
Promotes sleep.
Can be transformed into various other hormones.
Produced by: Pituitary gland
Strengthens the muscles.
Regulates fat burning.
Regulates height growth of the skeleton in youngsters.
Regulates energy and recovery.
Produced by: Adrenal glands.
Stimulates muscle growth.
Supports fat burning (especially in the abdominal area).
Can also be transformed into various hormones (amongst others into testosterone).
Supports the immune system.
Produced by: Adrenal glands.
Ensures swift release of energy in response to stress.
Increases blood sugar level.
Stimulates activity and will-power.
Relieves allergies and reduces fever.
NB! Excessive production stimulates the fat storage in the abdominal area.
Produced by: Pineal gland.
Supports sleep at night.
Is a strong antioxidant.
Supports the immune system.
The success story of
Mari van de Ven
‘I have reached my ideal figure thanks to the hormone balance programme’
Hairdresser and makeup artist Mari van de Ven already led a healthy life when joining the programme. He has been conscious of his body and appearance from an early age. He hardly ate any pork meat, ate lots of fruit and veggies, didn’t smoke and used no drugs. He also paid attention not to expose himself too much to the sun as this is detrimental to the skin. Significant is the fact that he doesn’t drink any alcohol and always carries a bottle of mineral water with him. Mari thus looks incredible and I think he will look just as good at sixty. The only thing that was lacking in his current healthy lifestyle, was physical training. And there were also a few hormonal issues that needed improvement. Thus Mari had slightly too much oestrogen in his blood in comparison to his testosterone level, just like in any ageing man. Although his fat percentage was low he had slightly too much fat on his chest and abdomen because of a slight hormonal imbalance.
“I wanted my body to be tighter and more muscular,” tells Mari. “And now I have reached my ideal figure thanks to the hormone balance programme. You can find me three times a week at the gym, I have adjusted my nutrition and take supplements in order to make up for the resulting deficiencies which showed up in the blood test. I notice that my body has become the way I always wanted it to be, with a tighter abdomen and chest. Besides, the condition of my skin has improved and I feel more energetic.”
It is indeed remarkable that Mari’s skin is also responding well to the hormone balance programme. In fact, this is logical as hormones like testosterone and the growth hormone allow for a natural facelift with an increased elasticity of the skin and an improved moisture balance. The improved hormonal balance also causes the inflammatory activity to slow down which results in an even smoother skin.
“Thus working on beauty doesn’t just come from outside!”, says Mari.