Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Footnotes are indicated by n after the page number.

Absolutely Fabulous (TV show), 97

Access Hollywood tape, 230–31, 232–33, 234, 259

Adams, Cindy, 62

Adkins, Trace, 140

Adorno, Theodor, 183

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain), 214

Agnew, Spiro, 262

Aiken, Clay, 127

Ailes, Roger

Glenn Beck and, 159

launch of Fox News Channel, 152, 167, 168, 221

Mike Douglas Show, The, 151, 152

Richard Nixon and, 151–52, 156

sexual harassment scandal, 154, 163, 229, 250, 276

as Trump’s debate consigliere, 229

Air Force One (movie), 235

Albert, Eddie, 28–29

Alice (TV show), 32

Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction? (TV show), 109

All in the Family (TV show), 29, 50, 89–91, 110, 214, 276

Ally McBeal (TV show), 72

alt-right movement, 91, 185–87, 220

Amazon, 73, 74

“America First,” 105, 253

American Bible Challenge (TV show), 180

American Family, An (TV show), 110

American Graffiti (movie), 64

American Idiot (musical), 174

American Idol (TV show), 73, 109, 114, 117, 127, 131–32, 137, 177

American Nerd (Nugent), 75

America’s Got Talent (TV show), 143

America’s Newsroom (TV show), 153

Amusing Ourselves to Death (Postman), xiv–xv, 27, 145

Anatomy of Criticism (Frye), 88–89

Andersen, Kurt, 27, 63, 158

Andy’s Gang (TV show), 256

Angry Black Woman template, 125

Animal House (movie), 33

antihero narratives

comic book superhero movies and, 104–5, 107

HBO in 1990s, 92

overview, 88, 92, 95–96, 97–99

Trump, pre-election, 105–6, 126–27, 136

Trump, in general election campaign, 227, 229, 234, 274

Trump, in inaugural address, 245

TV’s early antiheroes, 89–92

see also reality TV; specific TV shows

Anton, Michael, 100

Apple, 75

Apprentice, The (TV show)

antihero narrative and, 126–27

Apprentice: Los Angeles, The, 138–39

boardroom set, 118, 123, 127

candidates in the boardroom, 123, 129, 132–34, 135

cocktail party at Playboy Mansion, 17

fans’ parasocial bond with Trump, 234–35

Fox & Friends and, xii–xiii, 161

Jeff Zucker and, 205

launch of, xvii–xviii, 82, 118–21

product placements, 137

race and, 125, 128n

ratings, 135, 137–38, 230, 246

as reality show, overview, 124–31, 132

ritual sequence of episodes, 121–24

Trump as the You’re Fired Guy, 136, 140–41, 162, 171, 174, 203

Trump discussion of, on other TV shows, xiii, 136

Trump’s role, xii, 118–31, 132, 135–37, 140–41, 226, 241, 273

see also Celebrity Apprentice, The

Arendt, Hannah, 247, 248, 261

Arnold, Tom, 271

Arsenio Hall Show, The (TV show), 210

Art of the Deal, The. see Trump: The Art of the Deal

A-Team, The (TV show), xxi

Auletta, Ken, 147

Aunt Jemima, 65

Austin, Steve, 199

“Baby Jessica,” 147

Bachelor, The (TV show), 109, 114, 119, 130

Back to the Future (movie), 214–15, 216

Back to the Future Part II (movie), 33

Baio, Scott, 223

Banfield, Ashleigh, 166

Bannon, Steve, 91, 134, 186, 262, 264

Barnes, Clive, 15

Barnum, P. T., 16, 78, 197

Barr, Roseanne, 263

Barrett, Rona, xi–xii, xiii, 26–27, 33, 171, 251, 273

Barrett, Wayne, 61

Barthes, Roland, 198, 201, 227

Batman, 43, 77, 104–5, 106

Baudrillard, Jean, 38, 64

Beard, James, 4

Beard, Mary, 185

Beatty, Ned, 123

Beavis and Butt-Head (TV show), 77

Beck, Glenn, 157, 158–59, 164, 170

Bedtime for Bonzo (movie), 26

Begley, Sharon, 23

Being John Malkovich (movie), 129

Bell, Art, 158

Benjamin, Walter, xxii

Bennett, William, 183

Bentham, Jeremy, 116

Benza, A. J., 18

Bergdahl, Bowe, 203, 212

Berle, Milton, 4

Berlin, Irving, 7

Beverly Hillbillies, The (TV show), 28, 34, 181, 215, 222

Beverly Hills, 90210 (TV show), 71, 177

Beyoncé, 216

Bezos, Jeff, 73

Bianculli, David, 34

Biden, Joe, 224

Big Brother (TV show), 116, 251

Birth of a Nation (movie), 214

Black, David, 15

Blackish (TV show), 274

Black Mirror (TV show), 240

Blagojevich, Rod, 161

Blitzer, Wolf, 233

Bloodsport (movie), 14

Bloom, Allan, 183

Boardwalk Empire (TV show), 229

Boesch, Rudy, 114

Bolton, John, 250

Bonfire of the Vanities, The (Wolfe), 69

Book of Virtues, The (Bennett), 183

Boorstin, Daniel, 145, 148, 179

Bowie, David, 47–48

branding, defined, 55

Braudy, Leo, 210

Braun, Jonathan, 127, 128

Brave New World (Huxley), xiv, 239, 240

Breaking Away (movie), 35

Breaking Bad (TV show), 88, 96–97, 98, 99, 227, 276

Breitbart, Andrew, 186

Breitbart (news site), 91, 186, 217, 262

Breslin, Jimmy, 56

Breslow, Jeffrey, 57

Bressler, Heidi, 130–31

Brinkley, David, 149

Broad City (TV show), 216

Broderick, Matthew, 50

Brokaw, Tom, 21–22

Brown, Bobby, 43

Brown, John Y., 65

Brzezinski, Mika, 255

Buchanan, Pat, 150, 160, 183, 187

Buis, Greg, 115

Bunim, Mary-Ellis, 110

Bunker, Archie (TV character), 50, 89–90, 91, 97, 214, 219

Burnett, Mark

Apprentice, The, 118–19, 124–25, 126, 127, 130, 253

Restaurant, The, 139

Survivor, 113, 115, 118, 124, 125

Burton, Richard, 62

Bush, Billy, 230

Bush, George H. W., 111, 150, 152, 183, 216, 245

Bush, George W., 100, 150, 242

Bush, Jeb, 36, 200, 208

cable news

coverage of 9/11 attack, 150, 155–56

coverage of Trump presidency, 253–55, 270–71

“fake news,” 254

feedback cycle with Trump, 257–58, 271–72

incentive systems, 143–44

model for 24/7 news, 147–48

need for constant excitement, 145, 148, 149, 152–54

obsession with finding tapes of Trump, 270–71

reality TV and, 142–44

Trump campaign use of, 205–9

see also news and newsrooms on television; specific networks

cable TV

audience fragmentation and division, xv–xvi, 30–32, 87, 112, 179–84

growth after 1980, xiv–xv, 31, 89

reality TV and, 142–44

subcultures and, 182, 184, 222, 273

symbiosis with Trump, xvi, 119, 169–70, 255

see also specific networks and shows

Caddyshack (movie), 35–36, 50

Call Me Madam (musical), 7

Campbell, Joseph, 81

Campos-Duffy, Rachel, 112

Candid Camera (TV show), 110

Candid Microphone, The (radio show), 110

Cannon, Lou, 210

Carlson, Gretchen, 162–63, 166

Carlson, Tucker, 264

Carnegie, Dale, 10

Carpenter, John, 157

Carrey, Jim, 265

Carter, Chris, 157

Carter, Graydon, 63

Carter, Jimmy, 22, 26, 51

Carvey, Dana, 227–28

Case, Steve, 73

Cavuto, Neil, 161

Celebrity Apprentice, The (TV show)

Arnold Schwarzenegger, 137, 228

Clay Aiken, 127

Fox & Friends and, 160, 161, 162, 165–66, 168, 170

Gene Simmons, 189

Ian Ziering, 177

overview, 139–40

Piers Morgan, 140, 143

ratings, 137, 140

see also Apprentice, The

Charlie’s Angels (TV show), 30

Chase, David, 94–95, 96

Chasing Hillary (Chozick), 207

Cheers (TV show), xxi, 72

Cheney, Dick, 100

Chick-fil-A, 184

Chico and the Man (TV show), 32

Chiklis, Michael, 103

Chozick, Amy, 207

Churchill, Winston, 6

Chutes and Ladders (board game), 58

Citizen Kane (movie), 14

Civil War, 214

Clinton, Bill, 27, 87–88, 152, 209–10, 227–28, 232

Clinton, Hillary

conspiracy theories about, 152

election loss in 2016, 233–35, 260

Matt Lauer and, 207

private e-mail server, 233

Trump and, 161, 202, 208, 227, 228–29, 232, 233

Closing of the American Mind, The (Bloom), 183

CNN (Cable News Network)

“Baby Jessica” story, 147

Crossfire, 149–50

debates promoted as prizefight in 2016, 27n

first Gulf War in 1991, 147

Jeff Zucker and, 205

launch of, xiv, 31, 146–47

need for constant excitement, 148, 152

O. J. Simpson trial, 148

Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 227

Coca-Cola, 2014 Super Bowl ad, 216–17

Cohen, Michael, 128n

Cohn, Roy, 11, 16, 53, 54, 261

Colbert, Stephen, 247

Colbert Report, The (TV show), 180, 247

Collier, Chet, 152

Collins, Joan, 34

Collins, Suzanne, 239

Comey, James, 233, 251, 257

Conger, Darva, 108

Conn, Billy, 3–4, 6

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 165, 169

conspicuous consumption, 47

Convoy (movie), 51

Conway, Kellyanne, 233, 246

Cooper, Anderson, 166

Costello, Elvis, 43

Coulter, Ann, 266

“Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (The Angry American)” (Keith), 242

Cowell, Simon, 114, 118

Crain’s New York Business, xvii–xviii

Cranston, Bryan, 96, 97

Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky), 89

Cringely, Robert X. (Mark Stephens), 74

Crockett, Davy, 11–12, 102

Cronkite, Walter, 149

Crossfire (TV show), 149–50

Cruz, Ted, 208, 220, 221, 225

Culkin, Macaulay, 60

Culture of Narcissism, The (Lasch), 19

culture war, 87, 153, 179, 184, 187, 250, 262, 273

Cummings, Elijah, 266

Dallas (TV show), 33–34, 45, 70, 85

Damages (TV show), 97

Dancing with the Stars (TV show), 117, 144

Dangerfield, Rodney, 35

Dann, Michael, 29

D’Antonio, Michael, 10, 11, 124n

Daria (TV show), 149

Dark Knight, The (movie), 104

Dark Knight Rises, The (movie), 43

Darnell, Mike, 109

David, Larry, 208

Davy Crockett (TV serial), 11–12, 102

Dawkins, Richard, 189

DC Comics, 104–5

Deadwood (TV show), 88, 94


covered as “boxing matches,” 27n

Crossfire, 149–50

general election debates in 2016, 27n, 229–30

Nixon and Kennedy in 1960, 151

primary debates in 2008, 101

Reagan and Carter, 26–27

as reality TV, 218–19

Republican primary debates in 2011, 144

Republican primary debates in 2016, 36, 101, 125, 210, 218–21, 222–23

Rick Perry in, 144

Ross Perot and, 72

Trump and, 36, 101, 125, 210, 218

DeLay, Tom, 144

DeLillo, Don, 6

Democratic National Convention (1968), 204

Democratic National Convention (2016), 224

Derek, Bo, 67

De-Valuing of America, The (Bennett), 183

Devine, Andy, 256

“Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend,” performance by Marilyn Monroe, 48

Dick, Philip K., 157

Dictionary of Teleliteracy (Bianculli), 34

Difficult Men (Martin), 94

Diff’rent Strokes (TV show), 50, 67

Dire Straits (band), 48–49

Dirty Jobs (TV show), 181

Disney, Walt, 16, 277

Disneyland (theme park), 115, 277, 279

Disneyland (TV show), 11–12

Dobbs, Lou, 164, 265

Dole, Bob, 56, 216

Donahue, Phil, 56, 126

Donahue (TV show), 56–57, 61, 72, 195

Donald J. Trump Presents The Ultimate Merger (TV show), 126

Doocy, Steve, 159, 162, 168, 171, 187, 257

Dora the Explorer (cartoon character), 256

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 89

Do the Right Thing (movie), 69, 70

Dowd, Jim, 136, 246

Dragnet (TV show), 11

Draper, Don (TV character), 88, 95, 229, 275, 277

Drew Carey Show, The (TV show), 60, 126

Dr. Oz Show, The (TV show), 228

Duck Dynasty (TV show), 48n, 181–82, 215, 225n

Duffy, Sean, 112

Dukakis, Michael, 216

Dukes of Hazzard, The (TV show), 33, 181

Duran Duran (band), 47

Dynasty (TV show), 34, 46, 62, 70, 71

Earhardt, Ainsley, 242

Ebola, 189

Ebsen, Buddy, 28

Eco, Umberto, 115, 119, 279

Eden, Barbara, 33

Edwards, John, 228

“Effective Speaking and Human Relations” (Carnegie), 10

Eisenhower, Dwight, xix, 7–8, 216, 231

Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 4, 6–7, 55, 258

Ellison, Larry, 73

“Enemy of the People,” 253–54, 260

Ensler, Eve, 87

Entertainment Tonight (TV show), 41

ER (TV show), 112

“Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right, An” (Yiannopoulos), 186

“E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction” (Wallace), 77–78

Ewing, J. R. (TV character), 33–34, 86

Expedition Robinson (TV show), 115

Extra (TV show), 160–61

Facebook, 106, 178–79, 232, 272

Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 240

“fake news,” 254

Falcon Crest (TV show), 34

Fallon, Jimmy, 207

Fallon, Tiffany, 139

Family Feud (TV show), 272

Family Matters (TV show), 75

Family Ties (TV show), 50–51

Fantasy Island (TV show), 33

Farhat, Ed (“Sheik of Araby”), 197

Fast N’ Loud (TV show), 181

Father Knows Best (TV show), 13

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (movie), 50

Fiorina, Carly, 206

Fire and Fury (Wolff), 263

Fisher, Marc, 32

“Flight 93 Election,” 100

Fonda, Jane, 73

Ford, Christine Blasey, 266–67

Ford, Gerald, 15, 30, 218

Ford, Harrison, 235

Foster, Vince, 152

Fountainhead, The (Rand), 117

Fox & Friends (TV show)

about, 159–60

Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice coverage, xii–xiii, 160, 161, 162, 165–66, 168, 170

MOAB and, 242

“Mondays with Trump,” xii–xiii, 141, 165–66, 167, 171–72

Trump guest appearances, 160–65

Trump presidency and, 255, 256–58, 259, 265

Trump’s tweets and, 187, 256–57, 259

Fox, Michael J., 50, 56, 67, 215

Fox News Channel

America’s Newsroom, 153

border security and immigration, 169, 188, 257, 266

launch of, 152–53, 154

overview, 152–54, 155–56, 248

paranoid style, 156–59, 224

Republican primary debates in 2016, 219

slogans, 152, 167, 221

symbiosis with Trump, 169–70

Trump challenge of in primaries, 221–22

“War on Christmas” theme, 153, 168, 185

“frankenbiting,” 112

Franz, Dennis, 92

Frasier (TV show), 72

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The (TV show), 67, 68, 126, 195

Friday Night Lights (TV show), 274, 276

Friend, David, 87

Friends (TV show), 70, 112

Frye, Northrop, 88–89

Fuller House (TV show), 209

Funt, Allen, 110

Furstenberg, Diane von, xi

Gabler, Neal, 81

Gabor, Eva, 28–29

Game of Thrones (TV show), 97

GamerGate, 185, 262

Gandolfini, James, 92, 94, 97, 229

Gates, Bill, 73, 74

General Electric Theater (TV show), 26, 210

Gentleman’s Agreement (Hobson), 90

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (movie), 48

Ghostbusters (movie remake, 2016), 185–86, 216, 250

Ghostbusters II (movie), 43

Ghosts Can’t Do It (movie), 67

Gibbons, Leeza, 170

Gibson, John, 153

Gilligan, Vince, 96–97

Gilligan’s Island (TV show), 115

Gingrich, Newt, 241

Girls (TV show), 98

Giuliani, Rudy, 249, 259

Glee (TV show), 180, 182

Godfather, The (movie), 85, 98

Godfather: Part II, The (movie), 98

Goetz, Bernhard, 69–70

gold, substance and idea of, 37–39

Goldwater, Barry, 26, 158

Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. (TV show), 25

Gong Show, The (TV show), 110

Goodfellas (movie), 94

Good Morning America (TV show), xi, 143, 166

Good Times (TV show), 29

Good Wife, The (TV show), 97, 180

Gore, Al, 125, 161, 209

Gorgeous George, 197

“gorilla channel” joke (Ben Ward), 263–64

Gorka, Sebastian, 250

Gosselin, Kate, 170

Graham, Billy, 6

Gramsci, Antonio, 185

Grant, Ulysses S., 278

Green, Joshua, 188

Green Acres (TV show), 28–29

Griffith, D. W., 214

Ground Zero mosque, 163

Gunn, Anna, 98

Haberman, Maggie, 232–33

Hagman, Larry, 33–34

Hallam, Julia, 7

Hall of Presidents (Walt Disney World), 277–81

Halperin, Mark, 276

Hamilton (musical), 216, 275

Hammond, Darrell, 65

Hannity, Sean, 166, 264, 265

Happy Days (TV show), 30, 32

Harrah’s (Atlantic City), xiii

Hartman, Phil, 44

Haskell, Nikki, 42

Hatch, Richard, 113–14, 116, 221, 234

Hawk, Susan, 116

Hayes, Helen, 8

HBO (Home Box Office), xxi, 92–94, 112–13, 149

Hebdige, Dick, 184

Heene, Falcon (“Balloon Boy”), 142–43

Heene, Richard, 142–43, 147

Hefner, Hugh, 13, 16–17, 128, 138n, 139, 154, 228

Hellcats of the Navy (movie), 51

Helmsley, Leona, 42–43

Heston, Charlton, 214

Hicks, Hope, 263

Hill, Anita, 267

Hill, E. D., 156

Hill, Henry, 94

Hillbilly Elegy (Vance), 182

Hill Street Blues (TV show), 31, 70, 91, 102

Hilton, Paris, 117, 118

hip-hop, 76, 275

Hobson, Laura Z., 90–91

Hofstadter, Richard, xv, 156–57, 158–59, 164

Hogan, Hulk, 199, 200

Hogan’s Heroes (TV show), 25

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (movie), 60–61, 62, 119

Homeland (TV show), 97

Honeymooners, The (TV show), 89

Hooks, Jan, 44

Horkheimer, Max, 183

Hot Tub Time Machine (movie), 214

Hughes, John, 50

Humbard, Rex, 6

Humphrey, Hubert, 204

Hunger Games (Collins), 239, 240

Hunt for the Trump Tapes, The (TV series), 271

Hurley, Elizabeth, 67

Huxley, Aldous, xiv, 239

Iacocca, Lee, 52–53

Iacocca: An Autobiography (Iacocca), 52–53

Idea of a President, The (short film), 278

I Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends (Robertson), 114

Idiocracy (Judge), 272

I Dream of Jeannie (TV show), 33

I Love to Eat (TV show), 4

Image, The (Boorstin), 145

income of Americans in 1980s, 46

Indian Removal Act of 1830, 12

Infinite Jest (Wallace), 69, 77–78

InfoWars, 158

Instagram, 178, 186, 190, 252


audience fragmentation, 32, 184–87

Rule 34, 32

subcultures and, 184–87

see also social media

Interview (magazine), 17

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (movie), 157

Ivanhoe (Scott), 214

Jack Paar Program, The (TV show), 151

Jackson, Andrew, 12, 227, 278

Jackson, Janet, 183

Jackson, Kwame, 128

Jackson, LaToya, 166

Jackson, Michael, 40, 81, 161, 174

Jamaica Estates, NY, 7, 8

Jason (Cuban American man in Florida), 209

Jay-Z, 216

Job, The (TV show), 67

Jobs, Steve, 75

Johnson, John, xi–xii

Jon and Kate Plus Eight (TV show), 170

Jones, Leslie, 185

Jones, Samantha (TV character), 68

Kaepernick, Colin, 184

Kafka on the Shore (Murakami), 66

Kaplan, E. Ann, 47

Kardashian, Kim, 178, 190

Kaufman, Andy, xxiii

Kavanaugh, Brett, 266–67

kayfabe, 198, 209, 248, 254

Keeping Up with the Kardashians (TV show), 178, 190

Kelly, Megyn, 219, 221–22

Kennedy, John F., 151, 191, 245

Kentucky Fried Chicken, 65

Kepcher, Carolyn, 123

Kerry, John, 228

Khan, Khizr, 224

Kill All Normies (Nagle), 185

Killer Tomatoes Eat France! (movie), 108

Kilmeade, Brian, xiii, 159, 168, 257

Kim Jong Il, 243–44

Kim Jong Un, 168, 243–44

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood (smartphone game), 190

King, Don, xvi, 121

King, John, 233

King, Larry, 72–73, 144, 237

Klein, Paul L., 25

Klemesrud, Judy, 18–19

Knight, Ted, 35

Knopfler, Mark, 49

Knots Landing (TV show), 31, 34

Knute Rockne, All American (movie), 26

Koch, Ed, 53

Kruse, Kevin, 180

Kudlow, Larry, 250

Ku Klux Klan, 214

Kushner, Jared, 168

Lady Gaga, 174

Landlord’s Game, The (board game), 58

Larry King Live (TV show), 148

Larry Sanders Show, The (TV show), 72, 92

Lasch, Christopher, 19, 30

Lashley, Bobby, 199

Late Night with David Letterman (TV show), 79, 80–81, 173

Lauer, Matt, 82, 207, 276

Laverne & Shirley (TV show), 32–33

Leach, Robin, 41, 126

Lear, Norman, 29, 71, 89, 91

Least Objectionable Program (LOP), 25–26, 28, 30, 89, 188, 226

Lebowitz, Fran, 119

Ledger, Heath, 104

Lee, Spike, 69, 70

Lee, Tammy, 129

Leftovers, The (TV show), xxi

Leonard, John, 86

Letterman, David, 72, 79–81, 173

Levene, Sam, 15

Lewandowski, Corey, 260

Lewinsky, Monica, 87

Life (board game), 58

Life Is Worth Living (TV show), 6

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous (TV show), xi, 41, 44, 119

Life the Movie (Gabler), 81–82

Limbaugh, Rush, 152, 164

Lincoln, Abraham, xii, xiv, 277, 278

Lion of the West (play), 12

Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien), 240

Loud, Will and Pat, 110

Louis, Joe, 3–4, 6

Louis C.K. (Louis Székely), 276

Love Boat, The (TV show), 30

Löwenthal, Leo, 42

MacDonald, Dwight, 24

Mack, The (movie), 128

Maddow, Rachel, 270

Mad Men (TV show), 88, 95, 180, 275

Madonna, 48, 76

Magie, Elizabeth, 58

“mainstream media” as conservative insult, 204

“Make America Great Again,” 211–13, 215, 217, 254

Making of the President 1960, The (White), 272

Manafort, Paul, 259

Manigault, Omarosa. see Omarosa

Man of Steel (movie), 104

Maples, Marla, 62–63, 67

Mar-a-Lago, 55, 120, 123, 130, 200, 255

Marcos, Imelda, 42

Mariano, “Boston Rob,” 219

Married . . . with Children (TV show), 153

Martin, Brett, 94

Mary Tyler Moore Show, The (TV show), 29, 274

M*A*S*H (TV show), 29, 275

mass communication, effect of, 5

Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), 242

“Material Girl” video (Madonna), 48

Matrix, The (movie), 185

Mattis, James “Mad Dog,” 243

Maude (TV show), 29

Max Headroom (TV show), 206

McCain, John, 170, 216

McCarthy, Joseph, 10, 15, 159

McCarthy, Melissa, 249–50

McCarthyism (McCarthy), 159

McChrystal, Stanley, 162

McClure, Jessica, 147

McEntire, Reba, 65

McIntosh, Sandy, 13

McLuhan, Marshall, xiv, 151, 179

McMahon, Vince, 12, 198–99, 225, 254–55

Meatballs (movie), 33, 35

Meet the Press (TV show), 100, 238, 249

Melman, Larry “Bud” (Calvert DeForest), 79

memes, 187, 189, 220

Men in Black (movie), 214

#MeToo movement, 276

Meyers, Seth, 167

Michael (movie), 14

Michigan, nostalgia in, 213

Mike Douglas Show, The (TV show), 151, 152

Milton Bradley, 57

Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 275

Miss Universe pageant, 120, 130, 228, 229, 271

“Mondays with Trump,” xii–xiii, 141, 165–66, 167–68, 171–72

“Money for Nothing” (Dire Straits), 48–49

Monopoly (board game), 44, 51, 58

Monroe, Marilyn, 17, 48, 54

Moody, John, 159

Moonlighting (TV show), 77

Moonves, Les, 207, 276

Morgan, Piers, 140, 143–44

Mork & Mindy (TV show), 30

Morning Joe (TV show), 255, 263, 266

Morris, Errol, 14

Mosaic (web browser), 87

“Mother of All Bombs” (MOAB), 242

Mr. Mom (movie), 52

MSNBC, 154–55, 270

MTV, early years of, 31, 47–49

Mueller, Robert, 249, 266

Mulcahy, Susan, 18

Murakami, Haruki, 66

Murdoch, Rupert, 17, 152, 153

Murphy Brown (TV show), 71, 77, 183, 274

Murray, Jonathan, 110

Murrow, Edward R., 11

“My Appearance” (Wallace), 79

Nagle, Angela, 185

Naked Cowboy, The, 241

Nanny, The (TV show), 67

Nash Bridges (TV show), 102

National Anthem, NFL players kneeling during, 261–62

Naughty Nineties, The (Friend), 87

Navratilova, Martina, 55

Network (movie), xiii, 123, 272

Newman, Omarosa Manigault. see Omarosa

news and newsrooms on television

coverage of 9/11 attacks, 150, 155–56

coverage of Trump presidency, 253–55, 270–71

“fake news,” 254

incentive systems, 143–44

model for 24/7 news, 147–48

need for constant excitement, 145, 148, 149, 152–54

Obama’s disdain for TV news, 252

obsession with finding tapes of Trump, 270–71

paranoid style, 156–59

pseudo-reports, 148, 149

reality TV similarity to, 142–44

style of, 145–46

in three-network era, 149

Trump campaign use of, 205–9

zipper graphic, 155, 253

New York City

economic problems in 1970s, 15

tourist attractions, 39–40, 44, 60

New York Post purchase by Murdoch, 17

NFL players kneeling during National Anthem, 261–62

nicknames for Trump’s opponents, 208, 245, 260

“Night Moves” (Seger), 213

Nikki Haskell Show, The (TV show), 42

1984 (Orwell), xiii–xiv, 239, 240, 247, 260

Nixon Answer, The (TV series), 151–52

Nixonland (Perlstein), 231

Nixon, Richard

“Checkers speech,” 231–32

“not a crook,” 234

presidential campaigns, 11, 151–52, 156, 209, 218

resignation, 30

Northern Exposure (TV show), 94

Notes from Underground (Dostoevsky), 89

Nugent, Benjamin, 75

Nugent, Ted, 213–14

Nussbaum, Emily, 97

NYPD Blue (TV show), 92

Obama, Barack

as “bad negotiator,” 168

birther conspiracy and, 79, 164–67, 168, 175, 221

as a “celebrity,” 216

conservative backlash against, 144, 156

disdain of TV news, 252

election in 2008, 156

Fox News Channel and, 156, 158

government shutdown in 2013 and, 255

inauguration (2009), 245, 248

machine in Hall of Presidents, 278

MOAB and, 242

NCAA brackets, 210

reelection, 187

reported tapping of reporter’s phone, 249

state dinner party, 143

as storyteller, 275–76

Twitter use, 175, 176

White House Correspondents’ Dinner, 167, 199

Obama, Michelle, 223, 269

O’Brien, Soledad, 155

O’Connor, Carroll, 50, 89–90

Octomom, 143

O’Dell, Nancy, 230

O’Donnell, Rosie, 118, 161

Official Preppy Handbook, The (Birnbach et al.), 49–50

O’Keefe, Michael, 35

“Old Time Rock ‘n’ Roll” (Seger), 213

Omarosa (Omarosa Manigault Newman)

Apprentice, The, 125–26, 133, 135, 210–11, 218, 250–51

Trump presidency and, 167, 242, 250–51, 271

One Day at a Time (TV show), 30

Oprah Winfrey Show, The (TV show), xx, 56–57, 72

Orlando nightclub shooting, 205

Orwell, George, xiii–xiv, 239, 247

Osbourne, Ozzy, 117

Osbournes, The (TV show), 117

Outline, The (news site), 175

Overspent American, The (Schor), 46

Overton window, 254

Oz (TV show), 92

Palin, Sarah, 144, 162

panopticon, 116

Parallax View, The (movie), 157

“Paranoid Style in American Politics, The” (Hofstadter), 156–57

Paris Is Out! (play), 15

Parker, Fess, 11–12

Parker, Sarah Jessica, 68

Parker Brothers, 58

Parks and Recreation (TV show), xxi, 274

Pasdar, Adrian, 85

Pattinson, Robert, 175

Paul, Rand, 218

Paycheck, Johnny, 51

Peale, Norman Vincent, 10, 123

Pence, Mike, 252, 275

People (magazine), 17, 41, 62, 150

Perlstein, Rick, 231

Perot, H. Ross, 72–73, 80, 198

Perry, Rick, 144

Pershing, John J., 212

Petersen, Anne Helen, 42, 178

Petticoat Junction (TV show), 28

Picon, Molly, 15

Pinkett, Randal, 128n, 174

Pirro, Jeanine, 265

Planet of the Apes (movie), 214

Playboy (magazine), 13, 16, 34, 138n

Playboy Mansion, 16–17, 138n

Playgirl (magazine), 56

Plaza Hotel, New York City, 60–61

Plot Against America, The (Roth), 105

podcasts, 270

political correctness (PC), 111, 153, 182

Poniewozik, James

career as critic, xxi

interview of Trump, xvii–xviii

Time magazine, xvii–xviii, 150

Trump–Fox & Friends feedback loop and, 257–58

Poop Cruise, 205

pop culture

conservatives and, 183–84, 185–87, 216–17, 224–25

Donald Trump and, 32, 34, 186, 216, 217

myths and archetypes, 276

of 1960s, 19, 25, 28, 33, 35

of 1970s, 17, 19, 28, 30, 32–33, 95, 128

of 1980s, 45–50, 57, 69

of 1990s, 60–61, 69–72

Republican Party and, 216

Postman, Neil

Amusing Ourselves to Death, xiv–xvi, 27, 145–46

Huxley and Orwell comparison, xiii–xiv, 239

“information-action ratio,” 5

on TV-era politics, xiv–xv, xvii, 27, 204, 272

postmodern theory, 64, 114–15, 169

PotCoin, 244

Power of Positive Thinking, The (Peale), 10

Pozner, Jennifer L., 125

Pretty in Pink (movie), 23

Priebus, Reince, 134, 258

Primetime Live (TV show), 63

Prisoner, The (TV show), 25

Private Parts (movie), 87

Probst, Jeff, 114, 115, 118

Profit (TV show), 85–87, 88, 89, 136

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The, 205

pseudo-events, 145, 148

pseudo-reports, 148, 149

Psyience Detectives, The (Internet series), 143

Quaker Oats Company, 65

Quayle, Dan, 183

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (TV show), 117

“racehorse theory,” 124n

Rainey, David “Puck,” 111

rallies, 199–201, 202–4, 206–7, 212–13, 215, 261

Ramis, Harold, 35, 36

Ramsey, JonBenet, 148

Rand, Ayn, 117

Reagan, Nancy, 34, 51

Reagan, Ronald

career before presidency, xix, 26, 191, 210

comparison with Trump, 210–11, 240–41

culture during Reagan era, xi, 30, 33–34, 51, 57, 191

debate with Carter, 26–27

election, 34, 146, 212

“Morning in America” ad campaign, 204

reelection, xiv, 27, 204

Roger Ailes and, 152

“Real American” (Derringer), 199

Real Housewives of D.C., The (TV show), 143

reality TV

after September 11, 2001, attacks, 116, 118

authenticity, 107, 111, 112, 178, 224

cable news and, 142–44

fighting as an end, 263

history, 110

overview, 107, 112, 116–17, 131–32

Republican primary debates in 2016 as, 218–21, 220

symbolism used, 109, 119, 124, 223

techniques of, xvi

Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire?, 108–9, 112, 113

see also antihero narratives; specific TV shows

Real People (TV show), 110

Real World, The (TV show), 73, 110–12, 125, 219

Reddit, 12, 185, 186, 206

Reeve, Christopher, 104

Reeves, George, 104

Reliable Sources (TV show), 263

Republican National Convention (2016), 48n, 122, 223–26, 248

Restaurant, The (TV show), 139

Revolution Was Televised, The (Sepinwall), 98

Ribeiro, Alfonso, 67

Rich, Frank, 62, 150

Richie, Nicole, 117

Riefenstahl, Leni, 105

Riney, Hal, 204

“Rio” (Duran Duran), 47

Risky Business (movie), 50

Rivera, Geraldo, 170

Robertson, Courtney, 114

Robertson family, 181–82

Robertson, Phil, 182

Robertson, Willie, 225n

Rocca, Antonino, 197

“Rocket Man” (John), 202

Rockford Files, The (TV show), 94

Rocking Around the Clock (Kaplan), 47

“Rockin’ in the Free World” (Young), 196

Rockwell, Rick, 108, 109

Rocky (movie), 81

Rocky II (movie), 81

Rodman, Dennis, 168, 243, 244

Rolling Stones, 15, 202

Romney, Mitt, 168, 170, 176, 222, 241–42

Romper Room (TV show), 256

Rona Barrett Looks at Today’s Super Rich (TV show), xi–xii

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 191

Roosevelt, Theodore, 227

Rose, Charlie, 276

Roseanne (TV show), 70

Roth, Philip, 105

Rove, Karl, 166

Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In (TV show), 151, 209

Rowe, Mike, 181

Rubio, Marco, 63, 222

Rushkoff, Douglas, 240

Russert, Tim, 100, 101

Russian propaganda, 248

Ryan, Paul, 245

Ryan, Shawn, 102–3

Sabato, Antonio, Jr., 223

Salahi, Michaele and Tareq, 143

Saltz, Jerry, 178

Sanders, Bernie, 224

Sanders, Harland (Colonel), 65–66

Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, 250, 262

Santelli, Rick, 144

Saturday Night Live (SNL) (TV show), 44, 77, 134, 136, 207–8, 210, 228, 249

Say Yes to the Dress (TV show), 250

Scaramucci, Anthony “The Mooch,” 134, 250, 265

Schonfeld, Reese, 146

Schor, Juliet B., 46

Schumer, Charles, 260

Schwartz, Tony, xxi

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 137, 228

Scott, Walter, 214, 218

Scutt, Der, 39, 44

Secret, The (Byme), 56

See It Now (TV show), 11

Seger, Bob, 213–14

Seinfeld (TV show), 70

Sepinwall, Alan, 98

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

antihero dramas and, 99–102, 104

cable news coverage of, 150, 155–56

comic book movies and, 104–5

overview, 99–100

reality shows and, 116, 118

Sesame Street (TV show), xxi, 256

Sessions, Jeff, 255

Sex and the City (TV show), 67–68, 92

Sexton, Jared Yates, 203

Shaffer, Paul, 79, 81

Shah, Raj, 251

Shales, Tom, xii

Sharknado (TV movie), 177

Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! (TV movie), 177

sharks, summer of, 150

“Sharp Dressed Man” (ZZ Top), 48, 181

Shaw, Jamiel, 200–201

Sheen, Charlie, 166

Sheen, Fulton J., 6

Sherman, Gabriel, 152

Shield, The (TV show), 102–4

Shine, Bill, 250

“shy Trump effect,” 91

Silverman, Ben, 139

Simmons, Gene, 189

Simple Life, The (TV show), 117

Simpson, O. J., 62, 148

Simpsons, The (TV show), 77, 153, 183, 216, 222, 243

Singer, Mark, 14

Site, The (TV show), 155

60 Minutes (TV show), 56, 119, 126, 149, 259

Slacker (movie), 70

Smith, Liz, 18, 62, 72

Smith, Shepard, 142

Smokey and the Bandit (movie), 51

Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, The (TV show), 25

Snowden, Edward, 212

social media

control of population with information, 248

culture war and, 179, 184, 187

Facebook, 106, 178–79, 232, 272

Instagram, 178, 186, 190, 252

as partner to TV, 176–77

politics and, 191–92

“social-media fasts,” 271

two-way communication on, 189–91

see also Twitter

solar eclipse (2017), 268

Solovey, Sam, 123–24

Soprano, Tony (TV character), 93–95, 202, 229, 234, 274–75

Sopranos, The (TV show), xxi, 92–95, 96, 98–99, 112–13, 202, 229, 274–75

Spelling, Aaron, 71

Spicer, Sean, 134, 246, 249–50

Spin City (TV show), 67

Sports Night (TV show), 72

Spy (magazine), 63, 222

Stahl, Lesley, 259

Starr, Kenneth, 88

Star Wars (movie), 35, 185

Steinbrenner, George, 16

Stephanopoulos, George, 166

Stern, Howard, 81n, 87, 160, 228

Stewart, Jimmy, 8

Stewart, Kristen, 175

Stewart, Martha, 66, 138, 205

Stiller, Ben, 88

Sting, 49

Stone, Roger, 98

Suddenly Susan (TV show), 67

Sullivan, Ed, 28, 48

Super Fly (movie), 128

Superman, 104–5

Supertrain (TV show), 30–31

Survivor (TV show), 113–16, 117–18, 119, 122, 124–25, 171, 219, 221

Sutherland, Kiefer, 100, 101

S.W.A.T. (TV show), 29

“Take This Job and Shove It” (Paycheck), 51

Tapper, Jake, 206, 258

Taylor, Elizabeth, 62

Taylor, Niki, 166

Tea Party, 144, 162, 174

Tebow, Tim, 184

technology wealth, 73–75

Technopoly (Postman), xvi

telegraph, effect of, 5

television (general)

advertising, 19, 28, 30–31, 46, 70

as art form, xv, xxi–xxii

as attention machine, xxi, xxii

opportunity or threat from, 8–9, 173

real-estate business compared with, 5, 10

virtual space and, 5–6, 8, 10

television, in three-network era before 1980

“Age of Television,” xiv

country shows and rural purge, 28–29, 90

evening newscasts, 149

as homogenizing force, xv, 24

Least Objectionable Program (LOP), 25–26, 28, 30, 89, 188, 226

peak of mass-media audience, 24, 30, 46

working-class heroes, 32–33

see also specific TV shows

television, post-1980

audience fragmentation and division, xv–xvi, 30–32, 87, 112, 179–84

cable TV growth, xiv–xv, 31, 89

fascination with the rich, 33–35

focus on demographic groups, 30–31

red light and Trump, 195–96, 203–5, 211, 225, 235, 237, 262, 280

shows liked by liberals or conservatives, 180–82

see also antihero narratives; specific TV shows

Temptation Island (TV show), 109, 153

Texaco Star Theater (TV show), 4, 231

theory of mind, 211

Theory of the Leisure Class, The (Veblen), 47

There’s Something About Mary (movie), 88, 92

Thesz, Lou, 198

They Live (movie), 157

Think Big (Trump), 187

This Old House (TV show), 44–45, 122

Thomas, Jay, 108

Three Blind Mice (Auletta), 147

Three’s Company (TV show), 30

“ticking time bomb” scenario, 104

Time (magazine), xvii–xviii, 69, 252

Timeless (TV show), 214

Today Show, The (TV show)

David Letterman and, 79

Jeff Zucker and, 205

Matt Lauer and, 82, 207

Tom Brokaw and, 21–23, 26, 30, 33, 79, 126, 136, 146, 195

Todd, Chuck, 238, 249

Toma (TV show), 29

Tonight Show (TV show), 65, 93, 165, 207

torture in television and movies, 101, 104–5

Traister, Rebecca, 229

Transparent (TV show), xxi

Travels in Hyperreality (Eco), 115, 279

Travolta, John, 14

Triumph of the Nerds (documentary), 74

Triumph of the Will (Riefenstahl),

Trow, George W. S., xv, xxi, 24, 54, 180, 272

Truman Show, The (movie), 265–66

Trump, Barron, 138

Trump, Donald John

on Abraham Lincoln, xii, xiv

Access Hollywood tape, 230–31, 232–33, 234, 259

Al Gore and, 161, 209

as an attention machine, xxii

antihero narrative and, 105–6, 126–27, 136, 227, 229, 234, 245, 274

“baby” as an insult, 259, 260

Barrett interview, xi–xii, xiii, 26–27, 171, 251

birther conspiracy and, 79, 164–67, 168, 175, 221

birth of, 3

border security and immigration, 169–70, 188, 257, 260, 266

Brokaw interview, 21–23, 27, 29–30, 31, 35, 56, 126

business downfall, 61–62, 75, 121

businesses bought in 1980s, 55–56

campaign ads, 205

campaign announcement, xxiii, 129, 196–97

campaign appeal to resentment of elites, 71

campaign rallies, 199–201, 202–4, 206–7, 212–13, 215

celebrity lifestyle, 15–21, 274

“Central Park Five” and, 70, 160, 165, 169

challenge of Fox News in primaries, 221–22

childhood, 4–5, 6, 8–10

comeback story, 67, 81–82, 120–21

comparison to Reagan, 210–11, 240

at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 165, 169

control by TV during presidency, 237–38, 257–58, 259, 264–66, 268

as corporate mascot, xxiii, 64–65, 68

decision not to run in 2012, 167

dependence on TV during presidency, 240, 252–53, 254–55, 258–60, 264–66, 270

divorce from Ivana, 62–63

dominance politics in campaign, 219–20

early nonpolitical tweets, 173–74, 177, 274

early style and public image, 23, 27, 41–43, 53–57, 63, 75–76

Eddie Albert sketch, 29

education, 8, 13, 14, 18, 131

election of, xxi, 27, 233–35

“Executive Time” during presidency, 259

“fake news” and, 254

Fox & Friends and Trump presidency, 255, 256–58, 259, 265

Fox & Friends guest appearances, 160–65

general election campaign (2016), 226–33

government shutdown (2019), 265

Harrah’s opened, xiii

hats (“Make America Great Again”), 211, 215

Hillary Clinton and, 202, 208, 227, 228–29, 232, 233

in hip-hop lyrics, 76

Howard Stern and, 81n, 160, 228

idea of gold and, 38–39

inauguration, 245, 248

influence of father’s business, 10

Kavanaugh confirmation and, 267

Kim Jong Un and, 243–44

lies and hypocrisy during campaign, 221

lies told during presidency, 246–47, 253

loan restructuring, 61–62

machine in Hall of Presidents, 278–81

“Make America Great Again,” 211–13, 215, 217, 254

“Mondays with Trump,” xii–xiii, 141, 165–66, 167–68, 171–72

movie and TV appearances, 60–61, 67–68, 76–77, 80–81, 126, 134

nicknames for opponents, 208, 245, 260

nostalgia act in campaign, 212–15, 217–18, 228

numbers fixation, 137

obsession with media, 238

plan to use TV as tool during presidency, 236–37

playing the role of “Donald Trump” in 1990s, 64, 66–69, 76–77, 119–21, 171

political conflicts and fights during presidency, 262–63, 267

political tweets, 174–76, 187–88, 190–91

Poniewozik interview, xvii–xviii

pop culture and, 32, 34, 186, 216, 217

presidential appointments and hiring, 241–42, 243, 250

President Trump’s tweets, 244, 254–55, 256–60, 263, 267, 272, 275

press coverage during presidency, 253–55

profile in the New York Times (1976), 18–19

“props for the show,” 56, 61, 76

pro wrestling and, 11, 12, 198–99, 225, 254–55, 272

racism and, 79, 160

real-estate career choice, 13–14

red light of television and, 195–96, 203–5, 211, 225, 235, 237, 262, 280

Reform Party campaign in 2000, 150

Republican National Convention, 48n, 122, 223–26, 248

Republican nomination in 2016, 17

Republican primary debates, 36, 101, 125, 210, 218–21, 222–23

retweets, 188, 190–92, 220, 259

Ross Perot compared to, 73

on Russian hacking, xvi

Sean Spicer and, 246, 249–50

separation from his private businesses during presidency, 242

show business combined with business, 14–15

similarity to Al Czervik (Caddyshack), 36

solar eclipse and, 268

symbiosis with cable TV, xvi, 119, 169–70, 255

symbolism used, 130, 242–43, 262

TV as basis of success, xix–xxii

TV effect on, during childhood, 4, 6, 8–9, 10–12, 236, 256

TV punditry, 160–66

unhealthy behavior, 269–70

use of TV news in campaign, 205–9, 237

White House Correspondents’ Dinner, 167, 199

as You’re Fired Guy, 136, 140–41, 162, 171, 174, 203

see also Apprentice, The; Trump: The Art of the Deal

Trump, Eric, 14

Trump, Frederick Christ

in business, 5, 9–10, 160

as Donald’s father, 3, 10, 12–13, 124, 259

television and, 4, 9, 231, 258

Trump International Hotels, 38–39, 64, 119, 128, 250

Trumpism, 49, 183, 261, 274

Trump, Ivana, 40, 42, 44–45, 54, 62, 77, 122

Trump, Ivanka, 123, 161, 168, 263

Trump, Mary Anne (Donald’s mother), 3, 4–5, 6, 7, 10, 55, 124, 258

Trump, Melania, 138, 163, 196, 223, 253

Trump Steaks, 136, 223, 242

Trump: Surviving at the Top (Trump and Leerhsen), 93–94

Trump Taj Mahal, 55, 120, 121, 128, 129

Trump: The Art of the Comeback (Trump), 67, 81–82, 120

Trump: The Art of the Deal (Trump and Schwartz)

about, 53–54, 56, 81

Bonwit Teller friezes, 22

Mark Burnett and, 118

Mary Trump, 4–5, 258

performance of Trump, xx–xxi, 120

Trump’s early life, 4, 13

on virtue signaling, 261

Trump: The Game (board game), 57–59

Trump: Think Like a Billionaire (Trump and McIver), 54

Trump: Think Like a Champion (Trump and McIver), 54, 173

Trump Tower

as advertisement, 39–40, 43–44

apartments, 16, 40, 44–45, 119, 123

atrium, xxiii, 43, 44

C-SPAN live-cam in the lobby, 241

descriptions of, 39, 43

groundbreaking, 22

This Old House tour, 44–45

Trump’s campaign announcement, 196–97

Trump’s offices, xvii, 43

Truth About Trump, The (D’Antonio), 124n

Tufekci, Zeynep, 248

Turner, Ted, 73, 146

TV Guide (magazine), 25

Twain, Mark, 214

Twelve Years a Slave (movie), 216

24 (TV show), 100–102

Twilight Zone, The (TV show), 25

Twin Peaks (TV show), 72


epidemics and, 189

format and message length, 178

Iran’s pro-democracy “Green Movement,” 176

Obama’s Twitter use, 175, 176

overview, 176

as partner to TV, 176–77, 178–79

politics and, 191–92

retweets, 176, 188, 190–92, 220, 259

Trump’s early nonpolitical tweets, 173–74, 177, 274

Trump’s political tweets, 174–76, 187–88, 190–91

Trump’s tweets as president, 244, 254–55, 256–60, 263, 267, 272, 275

two-way communication on, 189–91

Two and a Half Men (TV show), 166

Tyson, Mike, 80

Unhinged (Omarosa), 251

Vagina Monologues, The (play), 87

value, types of, 38

Vance, J. D., 182

Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 14

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 74

Veblen, Thorstein, 47

Ventura, Jesse “The Body,” 198

Vila, Bob, 44–45

virtue signaling, 261

Vongerichten, Jean-Georges, 128

Walking Dead, The (TV show), 181, 276

Wallace, David Foster, 69, 77–79

Wallace, George, 26

Wall Street (movie), 23, 45

Walt Disney’s Disneyland, see Disneyland (TV show)

Walt Disney World (theme park), 277–79

Walters, Barbara, 51

Waltons, The (TV show), 32, 183

Ward, Ben, 263–64

Warhol, Andy, 17, 54–55, 178

War of the Worlds, The (Wells), 157

“War on Christmas, The,” 153, 168, 185

W.C. (musical), 15

“We Are the Champions” (Queen), 226

Webb, Jack, 11

Webster (TV show), 50

Weeds (TV show), 98

Weinstein, Harvey, 276

Welcome Back, Kotter (TV show), 32

West, Adam, 77

West, Kanye, 177–78, 241

West Side Story (musical), 13

White, Theodore H., 272

Whitehorn, Katharine, 13

White House Correspondents’ Dinner, 167, 174, 199, 262

White Noise (DeLillo), 6

Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire? (TV show), 108–9, 112, 113

Wife Swap (TV show), 143

Wiglesworth, Kelly, 116

Williams, Robin, 30

Wilson, Joe, 144

Wilson, Woodrow, 214

Winfrey, Oprah, 56, 66, 218

Wing and a Prayer, A (movie), 211

Wire, The (TV show), 94, 275

Within the Context of No Context (Trow), xv, 24

Wolfe, Tom, 69

Wolff, Michael, 211, 263

Women’s March, 245


as an open-air performance, 201

kayfabe, 198, 209, 248, 254

Monday Night Raw, 174, 198

overview and history, 197–98

in Trump’s casino and theatrics, 11, 12, 198–99, 225

WrestleMania, 12, 198, 199, 255

WWE Smackdown, 198

WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), xx, 198–99, 209, 225, 273

Wright, Jeremiah, 156

X-Files, The (TV show), 157–58, 175

Yahoo!, 73, 74

Yalamanchili, Surya, 138n

Yang, Jerry, 73

Yiannopoulos, Milo, 185–87, 262

You Asked for It (TV show), 110

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” (Rolling Stones), 202

You Can’t Fire Me, I’m Famous (TV show), 143

YouTube, xii, 143, 206

Zamora, Pedro, 111, 112

Zelizer, Julian, 180

Zervos, Summer, 133

Ziering, Ian, 177

zipper graphic, 155, 253

Zucker, Arianne, 230–31

Zucker, Jeff, 205

ZZ Top (rock band), 48, 181