
Footnote from Ruth 1:20 (Back)

[1] 1:20 Naomi means pleasant

Footnote from Ruth 1:20 (Back)

[2] 1:20 Mara means bitter

Footnote from Ruth 2:7 (Back)

[1] 2:7 Compare Septuagint, Vulgate; the meaning of the Hebrew phrase is uncertain

Footnote from Ruth 2:17 (Back)

[2] 2:17 An ephah was about 3/5 bushel or 22 liters

Footnote from Ruth 3:9 (Back)

[1] 3:9 Compare 2:12; the word for wings can also mean corners of a garment

Footnote from Ruth 4:4 (Back)

[1] 4:4 Hebrew he

Footnote from Ruth 4:5 (Back)

[2] 4:5 Masoretic Text you also buy it from Ruth