
Footnote from Joel 1:8 (Back)

[1] 1:8 Or young woman

Footnote from Joel 1:11 (Back)

[2] 1:11 The Hebrew words for dry up and be ashamed in verses 10–12, 17 sound alike

Footnote from Joel 1:15 (Back)

[3] 1:15 Destruction sounds like the Hebrew for Almighty

Footnote from Joel 1:17 (Back)

[4] 1:17 The meaning of the Hebrew line is uncertain

Footnote from Joel 1:18 (Back)

[5] 1:18 Or are made desolate

Footnote from Joel 2:17 (Back)

[1] 2:17 Or reproach, that the nations should rule over them

Footnote from Joel 2:20 (Back)

[2] 2:20 Hebrew face

Footnote from Joel 2:20 (Back)

[3] 2:20 Hebrew his end

Footnote from Joel 2:25 (Back)

[4] 2:25 Or pay back

Footnote from Joel 2:28 (Back)

[5] 2:28 Ch 3:1 in Hebrew

Footnote from Joel 3:1 (Back)

[1] 3:1 Ch 4:1 in Hebrew

Footnote from Joel 3:5 (Back)

[2] 3:5 Or palaces

Footnote from Joel 3:9 (Back)

[3] 3:9 Or Consecrate a war

Footnote from Joel 3:21 (Back)

[4] 3:21 Or I will acquit their bloodguilt that I have not acquitted