
Footnote from Luke 1:5 (Back)

[1] 1:5 Greek Zacharias

Footnote from Luke 1:27 (Back)

[2] 1:27 That is, legally pledged to be married

Footnote from Luke 1:28 (Back)

[3] 1:28 Some manuscripts add Blessed are you among women!

Footnote from Luke 1:34 (Back)

[4] 1:34 Greek since I do not know a man

Footnote from Luke 1:35 (Back)

[5] 1:35 Some manuscripts add of you

Footnote from Luke 1:38 (Back)

[6] 1:38 Greek bondservant; also verse 48

Footnote from Luke 1:45 (Back)

[7] 1:45 Or believed, for there will be

Footnote from Luke 1:78 (Back)

[8] 1:78 Or when the sunrise shall dawn upon us; some manuscripts since the sunrise has visited us

Footnote from Luke 2:2 (Back)

[1] 2:2 Or This was the registration before

Footnote from Luke 2:5 (Back)

[2] 2:5 That is, one legally pledged to be married

Footnote from Luke 2:14 (Back)

[3] 2:14 Some manuscripts peace, good will among men

Footnote from Luke 2:29 (Back)

[4] 2:29 Greek bondservant

Footnote from Luke 2:37 (Back)

[5] 2:37 Or as a widow for eighty-four years

Footnote from Luke 2:48 (Back)

[6] 2:48 Greek they

Footnote from Luke 2:49 (Back)

[7] 2:49 Or about my Father's business

Footnote from Luke 2:52 (Back)

[8] 2:52 Or years

Footnote from Luke 3:4 (Back)

[1] 3:4 Or crying, Prepare in the wilderness the way of the Lord

Footnote from Luke 3:11 (Back)

[2] 3:11 Greek chiton, a long garment worn under the cloak next to the skin

Footnote from Luke 3:22 (Back)

[3] 3:22 Or my Son, my (or the) Beloved

Footnote from Luke 3:22 (Back)

[4] 3:22 Some manuscripts beloved Son; today I have begotten you

Footnote from Luke 3:27 (Back)

[5] 3:27 Greek Salathiel

Footnote from Luke 4:27 (Back)

[1] 4:27 Leprosy was a term for several skin diseases; see Leviticus 13

Footnote from Luke 4:34 (Back)

[2] 4:34 Or Leave us alone

Footnote from Luke 4:44 (Back)

[3] 4:44 Some manuscripts Galilee

Footnote from Luke 5:10 (Back)

[1] 5:10 The Greek word anthropoi refers here to both men and women

Footnote from Luke 5:12 (Back)

[2] 5:12 Leprosy was a term for several skin diseases; see Leviticus 13

Footnote from Luke 5:13 (Back)

[3] 5:13 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 5:17 (Back)

[4] 5:17 Some manuscripts was present to heal them

Footnote from Luke 5:39 (Back)

[5] 5:39 Some manuscripts better

Footnote from Luke 6:1 (Back)

[1] 6:1 Some manuscripts On the second first Sabbath (that is, on the second Sabbath after the first)

Footnote from Luke 6:29 (Back)

[2] 6:29 Greek chiton, a long garment worn under the cloak next to the skin

Footnote from Luke 6:48 (Back)

[3] 6:48 Some manuscripts founded upon the rock

Footnote from Luke 7:2 (Back)

[1] 7:2 Greek bondservant; also verses 3, 8, 10

Footnote from Luke 7:3 (Back)

[2] 7:3 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 7:11 (Back)

[3] 7:11 Some manuscripts The next day

Footnote from Luke 7:15 (Back)

[4] 7:15 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 7:22 (Back)

[5] 7:22 Leprosy was a term for several skin diseases; see Leviticus 13

Footnote from Luke 7:24 (Back)

[6] 7:24 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 7:29 (Back)

[7] 7:29 Greek they justified God

Footnote from Luke 7:49 (Back)

[8] 7:49 Or to

Footnote from Luke 8:3 (Back)

[1] 8:3 Some manuscripts him

Footnote from Luke 8:26 (Back)

[2] 8:26 Some manuscripts Gadarenes; others Gergesenes; also verse 37

Footnote from Luke 8:27 (Back)

[3] 8:27 Greek he; also verses 38, 42

Footnote from Luke 8:36 (Back)

[4] 8:36 Greek daimonizomai; elsewhere rendered oppressed by demons

Footnote from Luke 8:43 (Back)

[5] 8:43 Some manuscripts omit and though she had spent all her living on physicians,

Footnote from Luke 8:45 (Back)

[6] 8:45 Some manuscripts add and those who were with him

Footnote from Luke 9:3 (Back)

[1] 9:3 Greek chiton, a long garment worn under the cloak next to the skin

Footnote from Luke 9:31 (Back)

[2] 9:31 Greek exodus

Footnote from Luke 9:35 (Back)

[3] 9:35 Some manuscripts my Beloved

Footnote from Luke 9:43 (Back)

[4] 9:43 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 9:54 (Back)

[5] 9:54 Some manuscripts add as Elijah did

Footnote from Luke 9:55 (Back)

[6] 9:55 Some manuscripts add and he said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man came not to destroy people's lives but to save them”

Footnote from Luke 9:60 (Back)

[7] 9:60 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 10:1 (Back)

[1] 10:1 Some manuscripts seventy; also verse 17

Footnote from Luke 10:21 (Back)

[2] 10:21 Or for so it pleased you well

Footnote from Luke 10:35 (Back)

[3] 10:35 A denarius was a day's wage for a laborer

Footnote from Luke 10:38 (Back)

[4] 10:38 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 10:42 (Back)

[5] 10:42 Some manuscripts few things are necessary, or only one

Footnote from Luke 11:1 (Back)

[1] 11:1 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 11:3 (Back)

[2] 11:3 Or our bread for tomorrow

Footnote from Luke 11:8 (Back)

[3] 11:8 Or persistence

Footnote from Luke 11:11 (Back)

[4] 11:11 Some manuscripts insert bread, will give him a stone; or if he asks for

Footnote from Luke 11:37 (Back)

[5] 11:37 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 12:5 (Back)

[1] 12:5 Greek Gehenna

Footnote from Luke 12:6 (Back)

[2] 12:6 Greek two assaria; an assarion was a Roman copper coin worth about 1/16 of a denarius (which was a day's wage for a laborer)

Footnote from Luke 12:25 (Back)

[3] 12:25 Or a single cubit to his stature; a cubit was about 18 inches or 45 centimeters

Footnote from Luke 12:27 (Back)

[4] 12:27 Some manuscripts Consider the lilies; they neither spin nor weave

Footnote from Luke 12:31 (Back)

[5] 12:31 Some manuscripts God's

Footnote from Luke 12:35 (Back)

[6] 12:35 Greek Let your loins stay girded; compare Exodus 12:11

Footnote from Luke 12:37 (Back)

[7] 12:37 Greek bondservants

Footnote from Luke 12:39 (Back)

[8] 12:39 Some manuscripts add would have stayed awake and

Footnote from Luke 12:43 (Back)

[9] 12:43 Greek bondservant; also verses 45, 46, 47

Footnote from Luke 12:59 (Back)

[10] 12:59 Greek lepton, a Jewish bronze or copper coin worth about 1/128 of a denarius (which was a day's wage for a laborer)

Footnote from Luke 14:5 (Back)

[1] 14:5 Some manuscripts a donkey

Footnote from Luke 14:12 (Back)

[2] 14:12 Or your brothers and sisters. The plural Greek word adelphoi (translated “brothers”) refers to siblings in a family. In New Testament usage, depending on the context, adelphoi may refer either to brothers or to brothers and sisters

Footnote from Luke 14:17 (Back)

[3] 14:17 Greek bondservant; also verses 21, 22, 23

Footnote from Luke 14:24 (Back)

[4] 14:24 The Greek word for you here is plural

Footnote from Luke 15:8 (Back)

[1] 15:8 Greek ten drachmas; a drachma was a Greek coin approximately equal in value to a Roman denarius, worth about a day's wage for a laborer

Footnote from Luke 15:15 (Back)

[2] 15:15 Greek joined himself to

Footnote from Luke 15:21 (Back)

[3] 15:21 Some manuscripts add treat me as one of your hired servants

Footnote from Luke 15:22 (Back)

[4] 15:22 Greek bondservants

Footnote from Luke 16:6 (Back)

[1] 16:6 About 875 gallons or 3,200 liters

Footnote from Luke 16:7 (Back)

[2] 16:7 Between 1,000 and 1,200 bushels or 37,000 to 45,000 liters

Footnote from Luke 16:8 (Back)

[3] 16:8 Greek age

Footnote from Luke 16:9 (Back)

[4] 16:9 Greek mammon, a Semitic word for money or possessions; also verse 11; rendered money in verse 13

Footnote from Luke 16:16 (Back)

[5] 16:16 Or everyone is forcefully urged into it

Footnote from Luke 16:22 (Back)

[6] 16:22 Greek bosom; also verse 23

Footnote from Luke 16:28 (Back)

[7] 16:28 Or brothers and sisters

Footnote from Luke 17:1 (Back)

[1] 17:1 Greek Stumbling blocks

Footnote from Luke 17:2 (Back)

[2] 17:2 Greek stumble

Footnote from Luke 17:7 (Back)

[3] 17:7 Greek bondservant; also verse 9

Footnote from Luke 17:8 (Back)

[4] 17:8 Greek gird yourself

Footnote from Luke 17:10 (Back)

[5] 17:10 Greek bondservants

Footnote from Luke 17:12 (Back)

[6] 17:12 Leprosy was a term for several skin diseases; see Leviticus 13

Footnote from Luke 17:19 (Back)

[7] 17:19 Or has saved you

Footnote from Luke 17:21 (Back)

[8] 17:21 Or within you, or within your grasp

Footnote from Luke 17:24 (Back)

[9] 17:24 Some manuscripts omit in his day

Footnote from Luke 17:35 (Back)

[10] 17:35 Some manuscripts add verse 36: Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left

Footnote from Luke 17:37 (Back)

[11] 17:37 Greek body

Footnote from Luke 17:37 (Back)

[12] 17:37 Or eagles

Footnote from Luke 18:11 (Back)

[1] 18:11 Or standing, prayed to himself

Footnote from Luke 18:29 (Back)

[2] 18:29 Or wife or brothers and sisters

Footnote from Luke 19:13 (Back)

[1] 19:13 Greek bondservants; also verse 15

Footnote from Luke 19:13 (Back)

[2] 19:13 A mina was about three months' wages for a laborer

Footnote from Luke 19:17 (Back)

[3] 19:17 Greek bondservant; also verse 22

Footnote from Luke 20:1 (Back)

[1] 20:1 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 20:10 (Back)

[2] 20:10 Greek bondservant; also verse 11

Footnote from Luke 20:17 (Back)

[3] 20:17 Greek the head of the corner

Footnote from Luke 20:21 (Back)

[4] 20:21 Greek and do not receive a face

Footnote from Luke 20:24 (Back)

[5] 20:24 A denarius was a day's wage for a laborer

Footnote from Luke 20:28 (Back)

[6] 20:28 Greek his brother

Footnote from Luke 20:36 (Back)

[7] 20:36 Greek huioi; see Preface

Footnote from Luke 21:1 (Back)

[1] 21:1 Greek He

Footnote from Luke 21:2 (Back)

[2] 21:2 Greek two lepta; a lepton was a Jewish bronze or copper coin worth about 1/128 of a denarius (which was a day's wage for a laborer)

Footnote from Luke 21:16 (Back)

[3] 21:16 Or parents and brothers and sisters

Footnote from Luke 22:8 (Back)

[1] 22:8 Greek he

Footnote from Luke 22:16 (Back)

[2] 22:16 Some manuscripts never eat it again

Footnote from Luke 22:20 (Back)

[3] 22:20 Some manuscripts omit, in whole or in part, verses 19b-20 (which is given . . . ; in my blood)

Footnote from Luke 22:31 (Back)

[4] 22:31 The Greek word for you (twice in this verse) is plural; in verse 32, all four instances are singular

Footnote from Luke 22:33 (Back)

[5] 22:33 Greek He

Footnote from Luke 22:34 (Back)

[6] 22:34 Greek He

Footnote from Luke 22:44 (Back)

[7] 22:44 Some manuscripts omit verses 43 and 44

Footnote from Luke 22:50 (Back)

[8] 22:50 Greek bondservant

Footnote from Luke 23:16 (Back)

[1] 23:16 Here, or after verse 19, some manuscripts add verse 17: Now he was obliged to release one man to them at the festival

Footnote from Luke 23:34 (Back)

[2] 23:34 Some manuscripts omit the sentence And Jesus . . . ; what they do

Footnote from Luke 23:38 (Back)

[3] 23:38 Some manuscripts add in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew

Footnote from Luke 23:39 (Back)

[4] 23:39 Or blasphemed him

Footnote from Luke 23:44 (Back)

[5] 23:44 That is, noon

Footnote from Luke 23:44 (Back)

[6] 23:44 That is, 3 P.M.

Footnote from Luke 23:54 (Back)

[7] 23:54 Greek was dawning

Footnote from Luke 24:13 (Back)

[1] 24:13 Greek sixty stadia; a stadion was about 607 feet or 185 meters

Footnote from Luke 24:42 (Back)

[2] 24:42 Some manuscripts add and some honeycomb

Footnote from Luke 24:47 (Back)

[3] 24:47 Some manuscripts for