to put his name and make his h there. • Dt 12:5
I love the h of your house and the place • Ps 26:8
see, from your holy and beautiful h. • Is 63:15
bless you, O h of righteousness, • Jer 31:23
You will be brought down to H. • Mt 11:23
and in H, being in torment, he lifted • Lk 16:23
and I have the keys of Death and H. • Rv 1:18
Then Death and H were thrown into • Rv 20:14
Egyptian servant whose name was H. • Gn 16:1
bearing children for slavery; she is H. • Gal 4:24
Now the prophets, H and Zechariah • Ezr 5:1
I will cause very heavy h to fall, • Ex 9:18
have you seen the storehouses of the h, • Jb 38:22
h will sweep away the refuge of lies, • Is 28:17
they cursed God for the plague of the h, • Rv 16:21
died because of the h than the sons of • Jos 10:11
deluge of rain, and you, O great h, • Ezk 13:11
And great h, about one hundred • Rv 16:21
you cannot make one h white or black. • Mt 5:36
But not a h of your head will perish. • Lk 21:18
ointment and wiped his feet with her h, • Jn 11:2
but if a woman has long h, it is her • 1 Cor 11:15
be external—the braiding of h • 1 Pt 3:3
But even the h of your head are all • Mt 10:30
The h of his head were white, like • Rv 1:14
in heaven, crying out, “H! Salvation • Rv 19:1
“H! For the Lord our God the Almighty • Rv 19:6
“Our Father in heaven, h be your name. • Mt 6:9
“Father, h be your name. Your • Lk 11:2
My times are in your h; rescue me • Ps 31:15
She opens her h to the poor and • Prv 31:20
Whatever your h finds to do, do it • Eccl 9:10
I will take you by the h and keep you; • Is 42:6
potter; we are all the work of your h. • Is 64:8
fingers of a human h appeared and • Dn 5:5
needy, do not let your left h know • Mt 6:3
a man was there with a withered h. • Mt 12:10
no one will snatch them out of my h. • Jn 10:28
Jesus standing at the right h of God. • Acts 7:55
“Because I am not a h, • 1 Cor 12:15
seated him at his right h in the • Eph 1:20
Those who h the law did not know me; • Jer 2:8
“Do not h, Do not taste, Do not touch” • Col 2:21
He who has clean h and a pure • Ps 24:4
a little folding of the h to rest, • Prv 6:10
I spread out my h all the day • Is 65:2
“Father, into your h I commit my spirit!” • Lk 23:46
they prayed and laid their h on them. • Acts 6:6
and to work with your h, • 1 Thes 4:11
should pray, lifting holy h without • 1 Tm 2:8
thing to fall into the h of the living • Heb 10:31
And in due time H conceived and bore • 1 Sm 1:20
And H prayed and said, “My heart • 1 Sm 2:1
understand what is to h to your people • Dn 10:14
you, Lord! This shall never h to you.” • Mt 16:22
to tell them what was to h to him, • Mk 10:32
that nothing worse may h to you.” • Jn 5:14
Jesus, knowing all that would h to him, • Jn 18:4
of what is going to h to the ungodly; • 2 Pt 2:6
Is anything too h for the Lord? • Gn 18:14
is narrow and the way is h that leads • Mt 7:14
they said, “This is a h saying; • Jn 6:60
it was the Lord’s doing to h • Jos 11:20
do not h your hearts, as at Meribah, • Ps 95:8
do not h your hearts as in the rebellion, • Heb 3:8
But Pharaoh h his heart this time also, • Ex 8:32
has blinded their eyes and h their heart, • Jn 12:40
elect obtained it, but the rest were h, • Rom 11:7
But their minds were h. • 2 Cor 3:14
that none of you may be h by the • Heb 3:13
but whoever h his heart will fall • Prv 28:14
he wills, and he h whomever he wills. • Rom 9:18
“Because of your h of heart Moses • Mt 19:8
with anger, grieved at their h of heart, • Mk 3:5
in them, due to their h of heart. • Eph 4:18
She does him good, and not h, • Prv 31:12
the coppersmith did me great h; • 2 Tm 4:14
again the Son of God to their own h • Heb 6:6
Now who is there to h you if you • 1 Pt 3:13
Live in h with one another. • Rom 12:16
binds everything together in perfect h. • Col 3:14
melody to him with the h of ten strings! • Ps 33:2
Awake, O h and lyre! • Ps 57:8
praise him with lute and h! • Ps 150:3
before the Lamb, each holding a h, • Rv 5:8
turns away wrath, but a h word stirs up • Prv 15:1
your wives, and do not be h with them. • Col 3:19
the earth remains, seedtime and h, • Gn 8:22
“The h is plentiful, but the laborers • Lk 10:2
and see that the fields are white for h. • Jn 4:35
And a h of righteousness is sown in • Jas 3:18
for the h of the earth is fully ripe.” • Rv 14:15
Lord is near, near and h • Zep 1:14
waiting for and h the coming of the • 2 Pt 3:12
“You shall not h your brother • Lv 19:17
H evil, and love good, and establish • Am 5:15
betray one another and h one another. • Mt 24:10
do good to those who h you, • Lk 6:27
You will be h by all for my name’s • Lk 21:17
it has h me before it h you. • Jn 15:18
For no one ever h his own flesh, but • Eph 5:29
our days in malice and envy, h by • Ti 3:3
loved righteousness and h wickedness; • Heb 1:9
six things that the Lord h, • Prv 6:16
Whoever h me h my Father • Jn 15:23
But whoever h his brother is • 1 Jn 2:11
“I love God,” and h his brother, • 1 Jn 4:20
before destruction, and a h spirit • Prv 16:18
Do not be h, but associate with the • Rom 12:16
Son of Man has nowhere to lay his h.” • Mt 8:20
that the h of every man is Christ, • 1 Cor 11:3
gave him as h over all things • Eph 1:22
And he is the h of the body, the church. • Col 1:18
a flame of fire, and on his h are many • Rv 19:12
bring their deeds upon their own h, • Ezk 11:21
“Your blood be on your own h! • Acts 18:6
h me, for I have sinned against you!” • Ps 41:4
a time to kill, and a time to h; • Eccl 3:3
I will h your faithlessness.” • Jer 3:22
H the sick, raise the dead, cleanse • Mt 10:8
heart and turn, and I would h them.’ • Acts 28:27
with their hearts, and turn and be h.” • Is 6:10
and with his wounds we are h. • Is 53:5
but they did not know that I h them. • Hos 11:3
compassion on them and h their sick. • Mt 14:14
And he h many who were sick • Mk 1:34
for one another, that you may be h. • Jas 5:16
By his wounds you have been h. • 1 Pt 2:24
the tongue of the wise brings h. • Prv 12:18
shall rise with h in its wings. • Mal 4:2
gospel of the kingdom and h every • Mt 4:23
to another gifts of h by the one Spirit, • 1 Cor 12:9
the tree were for the h of the nations. • Rv 22:2
iniquity, who h all your diseases, • Ps 103:3
He h the brokenhearted and binds up • Ps 147:3
to him, “Aeneas, Jesus Christ h you; • Acts 9:34
in his illness you restore him to full h. • Ps 41:3
sweetness to the soul and h to the. • Prv 16:24
Oh restore me to h and make me live! • Is 38:16
with you and that you may be in good h, • 3 Jn 2
So, if your eye is h, your whole body • Mt 6:22
A h tree cannot bear bad fruit, • Mt 7:18
“H, O Israel: The Lord our • Dt 6:4
Incline your ear, and h the words of • Prv 22:17
or his ear dull, that it cannot h; • Is 59:1
while they are yet speaking I will h. • Is 65:24
who has ears to h, let him h. • Mt 11:15
will indeed h but never understand, • Mt 13:14
The reason why you do not h • Jn 8:47
And how are they to h without • Rom 10:14
let every person be quick to h, slow to • Jas 1:19
“You have h that it was said to • Mt 5:21
you also, when you h the word of truth, • Eph 1:13
word of God, which you h from us, • 1 Thes 2:13
message that you have h from the • 1 Jn 3:11
For it is not the h of the law who are • Rom 2:13
be doers of the word, and not h only, • Jas 1:22
“‘Keep on h, but do not understand; • Is 6:9
they do not see, and h they do not hear, • Mt 13:13
So faith comes from h, and h • Rom 10:17
For the Lord h the needy and • Ps 69:33
If one gives an answer before he h, • Prv 18:13
“Everyone then who h these words of • Mt 7:24
anything according to his will he h us. • 1 Jn 5:14
If anyone h my voice and opens the door, • Rv 3:20
your God with all your h and with all • Dt 6:5
to serve him with all your h and with • Jos 22:5
sought out a man after his own h, • 1 Sm 13:14
but the Lord looks on the h.” • 1 Sm 16:7
he will give you the desires of your h. • Ps 37:4
My h overflows with a pleasing theme; • Ps 45:1
I have stored up your word in my h, • Ps 119:11
Keep your h with all vigilance, for • Prv 4:23
A joyful h is good medicine, • Prv 17:22
face, so the h of man reflects the man. • Prv 27:19
and to revive the h of the contrite. • Is 57:15
who tests the h and the mind, • Jer 11:20
The h is deceitful above all things, • Jer 17:9
I will give you a new h, • Ezk 36:26
“Blessed are the pure in h, • Mt 5:8
treasure is, there your h will be • Mt 6:21
of the abundance of the h the mouth • Mt 12:34
your God with all your h and with all • Mt 22:37
ought always to pray and not lose h. • Lk 18:1
they heard this they were cut to the h, • Acts 2:37
will disclose the purposes of the h. • 1 Cor 4:5
for whenever our h condemns us, God • 1 Jn 3:20
I am he who searches mind and h, • Rv 2:23
foolish, faithless, h, ruthless. • Rom 1:31
h, unappeasable, slanderous, without • 2 Tm 3:3
I will write it on their h. • Jer 31:33
before men, but God knows your h. • Lk 16:15
“Did not our h burn within us while • Lk 24:32
“Let not your h be troubled. • Jn 14:1
work of the law is written on their h, • Rom 2:15
And he who searches h knows what • Rom 8:27
of stone but on tablets of human h. • 2 Cor 3:3
sent the Spirit of his Son into our h, • Gal 4:6
Christ may dwell in your h through • Eph 3:17
Who can endure the h of his anger? • Na 1:6
They were scorched by the fierce h, • Rv 16:9
God called the expanse H. • Gn 1:8
highest h cannot contain you; • 1 Kgs 8:27
to take Elijah up to h by a whirlwind, • 2 Kgs 2:1
“H is my throne, and the earth is my • Is 66:1
behold, with the clouds of h there • Dn 7:13
you bind on earth shall be bound in h, • Mt 16:19
H and earth will pass away, but my • Mt 24:35
Power and coming on the clouds of h.” • Mt 26:64
“All authority in h and on earth • Mt 28:18
will be more joy in h over one sinner • Lk 15:7
poor, and you will have treasure in h; • Lk 18:22
wrath of God is revealed from h against • Rom 1:18
caught up to the third h—whether in • 2 Cor 12:2
But our citizenship is in h, • Phil 3:20
of the hope laid up for you in h. • Col 1:5
and unfading, kept in h for you, • 1 Pt 1:4
Then I saw a new h and a new earth, • Rv 21:1
be perfect, as your h Father is perfect. • Mt 5:48
a multitude of the h host praising God • Lk 2:13
can you believe if I tell you h things? • Jn 3:12
every spiritual blessing in the h places, • Eph 1:3
bring me safely into his h kingdom. • 2 Tm 4:18
better country, that is, a h one. • Heb 11:16
God created the h and the earth. • Gn 1:1
When I look at your h, the work of • Ps 8:3
The h declare the glory of God, • Ps 19:1
The h declare his righteousness, • Ps 50:6
and the h are the work of your hands. • Ps 102:25
your steadfast love is great above the h; • Ps 108:4
For as the h are higher than the earth, • Is 55:9
His splendor covered the h, and • Hab 3:3
and behold, the h were opened to him, • Mt 3:16
and the powers of the h will be shaken. • Mt 24:29
who also ascended far above all the h, • Eph 4:10
and the h are the work of your hands; • Heb 1:10
we are waiting for new h and a new • 2 Pt 3:13
and night your hand was h upon me; • Ps 32:4
to me, all who labor and are h laden, • Mt 11:28
They tie up h burdens, hard to bear, • Mt 23:4
escaped came and told Abram the H, • Gn 14:13
he said to them, “I am a H, and I fear • Jon 1:9
tribe of Benjamin, a H of Hebrews; • Phil 3:5
by the oaks of Mamre, which are at H, • Gn 13:18
David was king in H over the house • 2 Sm 2:11
your head, and you shall bruise his h.” • Gn 3:15
my bread has lifted his h against me.’ • Jn 13:18
nor h nor depth, nor anything else in • Rom 8:39
breadth and length and h and depth, • Eph 3:18
your very own son shall be your h.” • Gn 15:4
and if a son, then an h through God. • Gal 4:7
whom he appointed the h of all things, • Heb 1:2
h of God and fellow h • Rom 8:17
are Abraham’s offspring, h according • Gal 3:29
mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow h, • Eph 3:6
by his grace we might become h • Ti 3:7
fool!’ will be liable to the h of fire. • Mt 5:22
can destroy both soul and body in h. • Mt 10:28
course of life, and set on fire by h. • Jas 3:6
when they sinned, but cast them into h • 2 Pt 2:4
as a breastplate, and a h of salvation • Is 59:17
and take the h of salvation, • Eph 6:17
faith and love, and for a h the hope • 1 Thes 5:8
Lord, there is none like you to h, • 2 Chr 14:11
to my God I cried for h. • Ps 18:6
From where does my h come? • Ps 121:1
I will strengthen you, I will h you, • Is 41:10
knelt before him, saying, “Lord, h me.” • Mt 15:25
“I believe; h my unbelief!” • Mk 9:24
the fainthearted, h the weak, • 1 Thes 5:14
tempted, he is able to h those • Heb 2:18
“Till now the Lord has h us.” • 1 Sm 7:12
because you, Lord, have h me • Ps 86:17
in a day of salvation I have h you; • Is 49:8
in a day of salvation I have h you.” • 2 Cor 6:2
alone; I will make him a h fit for him.” • Gn 2:18
you have been the h of the fatherless. • Ps 10:14
Father, and he will give you another H, • Jn 14:16
confidently say, “The Lord is my h; • Heb 13:6
You h me in, behind and before, • Ps 139:5
and surround you and h you in on • Lk 19:43
bread and bitter h they shall eat • Ex 12:8
is a dinner of h where love is than • Prv 15:17
who will secretly bring in destructive h, • 2 Pt 2:1
of Judea in the days of H the king, • Mt 2:1
For H had seized John and bound him • Mt 14:3
governor of Judea, and H being • Lk 3:1
from here, for H wants to kill you.” • Lk 13:31
jurisdiction, he sent him over to H, • Lk 23:7
fourteenth year of King H, • 2 Kgs 18:13
In the fourteenth year of King H, • Is 36:1
Did H king of Judah and all Judah put • Jer 26:19
and the man and his wife h themselves • Gn 3:8
I h a hundred men of the Lord’s • 1 Kgs 18:13
in the shadow of his hand he h me; • Is 49:2
prophet, but the Lord h them. • Jer 36:26
but Jesus h himself and went out • Jn 8:59
Declare me innocent from h faults. • Ps 19:12
Better is open rebuke than h love. • Prv 27:5
your sins have h his face from you • Is 59:2
he reveals deep and h things; he knows • Dn 2:22
For nothing is h except to be made • Mk 4:22
died, and your life is h with Christ • Col 3:3
h me in the shadow of your wings, • Ps 17:8
H your face from my sins, and blot out • Ps 51:9
H not your face from me, lest I be like • Ps 143:7
“Fall on us and h us from the face of • Rv 6:16
wine. (He was priest of God Most H.) • Gn 14:18
people were sacrificing at the h places, • 1 Kgs 3:2
your dwelling place—the Most H, • Ps 91:9
he makes me tread on my h places. • Hab 3:19
led him to Caiaphas the h priest, • Mt 26:57
me, Jesus, Son of the Most H God? • Mk 5:7
will be called the Son of the Most H. • Lk 1:32
The h of the upright turns aside from • Prv 16:17
And a h shall be there, and it shall be • Is 35:8
A city set on a h cannot be hidden. • Mt 5:14
brought him to the brow of the h • Lk 4:29
Jacob’s h was put out of joint as he • Gn 32:25
and your right hand shall h me. • Ps 139:10
who, hearing the word, h it fast • Lk 8:15
evil; h fast to what is good. • Rom 12:9
H fast what you have, so that no one • Rv 3:11
Who is like you, majestic in h, • Ex 15:11
the Lord in the splendor of h. • Ps 29:2
h befits your house, O Lord, • Ps 93:5
and it shall be called the Way of H; • Is 35:8
bringing h to completion in the fear • 2 Cor 7:1
not called us for impurity, but in h. • 1 Thes 4:7
they continue in faith and love and h, • 1 Tm 2:15
and for the h without which no one • Heb 12:14
ought you to be in lives of h and • 2 Pt 3:11
blessed the seventh day and made it h, • Gn 2:3
which you are standing is h ground.” • Ex 3:5
a kingdom of priests and a h nation. • Ex 19:6
the Sabbath day, to keep it h. • Ex 20:8
be h, for I the Lord your God am h. • Lv 19:2
“There is none h like the Lord: • 1 Sm 2:2
And who shall stand in his h place? • Ps 24:3
H and awesome is his name! • Ps 111:9
“H, h, h is the Lord • Is 6:3
conceived in her is from the H Spirit. • Mt 1:20
who you are—the H One of God.” • Mk 1:24
blasphemes against the H Spirit never • Mk 3:29
and the H Spirit descended on him in • Lk 3:22
Father give the H Spirit to those who • Lk 11:13
But the Helper, the H Spirit, whom • Jn 14:26
receive power when the H Spirit has • Acts 1:8
For God’s temple is h, and you are • 1 Cor 3:17
in order to present you h and blameless • Col 1:22
upright, h, and disciplined. • Ti 1:8
a high priest, h, innocent, unstained, • Heb 7:26
“You shall be h, for I am h.” • 1 Pt 1:16
“H, h, h, is the Lord God • Rv 4:8
For you alone are h. All nations will • Rv 15:4
And I saw the h city, new Jerusalem, • Rv 21:2
God settles the solitary in a h; • Ps 68:6
Even the sparrow finds a h, • Ps 84:3
because man is going to his eternal h, • Eccl 12:5
“Return to your h, and declare how • Lk 8:39
come to him and make our h with him. • Jn 14:23
that while we are at h in the body we • 2 Cor 5:6
self-controlled, pure, working at h, • Ti 2:5
and bring the h poor into your house; • Is 58:7
are poorly dressed and buffeted and h, • 1 Cor 4:11
“See, we have left our h and followed • Lk 18:28
and breaking bread in their h, • Acts 2:46
coming to his h he taught them in • Mt 13:54
you, no prophet is acceptable in his h. • Lk 4:24
adulterers, nor men who practice h, • 1 Cor 6:9
men who practice h, enslavers, • 1 Tm 1:10
Whoever gives an h answer kisses • Prv 24:26
hold it fast in an h and good heart, • Lk 8:15
rather let him labor, doing h work • Eph 4:28
a land flowing with milk and h, • Ex 3:8
taste of it was like wafers made with h. • Ex 16:31
much fine gold; sweeter also than h • Ps 19:10
taste, sweeter than h to my mouth! • Ps 119:103
his waist and ate locusts and wild h. • Mk 1:6
Gracious words are like a h, sweetness • Prv 16:24
my spice, I ate my h with my honey, • Sg 5:1
“H your father and your mother, that • Ex 20:12
those who h me I will h, • 1 Sm 2:30
H the Lord with your wealth • Prv 3:9
wisdom, and humility comes before h. • Prv 15:33
of hosts, him you shall h as holy. • Is 8:13
For God commanded, ‘H your father • Mt 15:4
that a prophet has no h in his own • Jn 4:44
knew God, they did not h him as God • Rom 1:21
h to whom h is owed. • Rom 13:7
“H your father and mother” (this is • Eph 6:2
Let marriage be held in h among all, • Heb 13:4
H everyone. Love the brotherhood. • 1 Pt 2:17
creatures give glory and h and thanks • Rv 4:9
whatever is true, whatever is h, • Phil 4:8
wood and clay, some for h use, • 2 Tm 2:20
if one member is h, all rejoice • 1 Cor 12:26
as always Christ will be h in my body, • Phil 1:20
he who is generous to the needy h him. • Prv 14:31
“‘This people h me with their lips, but • Mt 15:8
Though he slay me, I will h in him; • Jb 13:15
for what do I wait? My h is in you. • Ps 39:7
H in God; for I shall again praise him, • Ps 42:5
The h of the righteous brings joy, • Prv 10:28
H deferred makes the heart sick, • Prv 13:12
I call to mind, and therefore I have h: • Lam 3:21
and in his name the Gentiles will h.” • Mt 12:21
and h does not put us to shame, • Rom 5:5
Now h that is seen is not h. • Rom 8:24
Rejoice in h, be patient in tribulation, • Rom 12:12
May the God of h fill you with all joy • Rom 15:13
So now faith, h, and love abide, • 1 Cor 13:13
may know what is the h to which he • Eph 1:18
is Christ in you, the h of glory. • Col 1:27
waiting for our blessed h, the appearing • Ti 2:13
hold fast the confession of our h • Heb 10:23
to be born again to a living h • 1 Pt 1:3
so that your faith and h are in God. • 1 Pt 1:21
not hope. For who h for what he sees? • Rom 8:24
believes all things, h all things, • 1 Cor 13:7
came to H, the mountain of God. • Ex 3:1
our God made a covenant with us in H. • Dt 5:2
the h and his rider he has thrown • Ex 15:1
delight is not in the strength of the h, • Ps 147:10
a man riding on a red h! He • Zec 1:8
looked, and behold, a white h! • Rv 6:2
And out came another h, bright red. • Rv 6:4
I looked, and behold, a pale h! • Rv 6:8
heaven opened, and behold, a white h! • Rv 19:11
hear the sound of chariots and of h, • 2 Kgs 7:6
appearance is like the appearance of h, • Jl 2:4
locusts were like h prepared for battle: • Rv 9:7
pure, were following him on white h. • Rv 19:14
name of the Lord! H in the highest!” • Mt 21:9
“H! Blessed is he who comes in the • Jn 12:13
As indeed he says in H, “Those who • Rom 9:25
H the son of Elah began to reign in • 2 Kgs 17:1
year of H, the king of Assyria captured • 2 Kgs 17:6
respectable, h, able to teach, • 1 Tm 3:2
but h, a lover of good, • Ti 1:8
of the saints and seek to show h. • Rom 12:13
brought up children, has shown h, • 1 Tm 5:10
Do not neglect to show h to strangers, • Heb 13:2
Show h to one another without • 1 Pt 4:9
mind that is set on the flesh is h to God, • Rom 8:7
once were alienated and h in mind, • Col 1:21
jealousy, anger, h, slander, • 2 Cor 12:20
in his flesh the dividing wall of h • Eph 2:14
from sinners such h against himself, • Heb 12:3
your works: you are neither cold nor h. • Rv 3:15
of Man is coming at an h you do not • Mt 24:44
“The h has come for the Son of Man • Jn 12:23
“Father, the h has come; glorify your • Jn 17:1
will keep you from the h of trial that is • Rv 3:10
But as for me and my h, we will serve • Jos 24:15
what is my h, that you have brought • 1 Chr 17:16
I may dwell in the h of the Lord • Ps 27:4
Unless the Lord builds the h, • Ps 127:1
By wisdom a h is built, and by • Prv 24:3
the field, and after that build your h. • Prv 24:27
h shall be called a h of prayer • Is 56:7
wise man who built his h on the rock. • Mt 7:24
enter a strong man’s h and plunder his • Mt 12:29
h shall be called a h of prayer,’ • Mt 21:13
divided against itself, that h will not • Mk 3:25
not make my Father’s h a h of • Jn 2:16
In my Father’s h are many rooms. • Jn 14:2
enemies will be those of his own h. • Mt 10:36
And he himself believed, and all his h. • Jn 4:53
you will be saved, you and your h.” • Acts 16:31
to those who are of the h of faith. • Gal 6:10
He must manage his own h well, • 1 Tm 3:4
judgment to begin at the h of God; • 1 Pt 4:17
be desolate, large and beautiful h, • Is 5:9
everyone who has left h or brothers • Mt 19:29
who devour widows’ h and for a • Mk 12:40
on the h not go down to take • Mt 24:17
rooms shall be proclaimed on the h. • Lk 12:3
Mary said to the angel, “H will this be, • Lk 1:34
are going. H can we know the way?” • Jn 14:5
H unsearchable are his judgments • Rom 11:33
will ask, “H are the dead raised? • 1 Cor 15:35
h much more will the blood of Christ, • Heb 9:14
“Whoever takes a h life shall • Lv 24:17
So then it depends not on h will or • Rom 9:16
And being found in h form, he • Phil 2:8
the Lord’s sake to every h institution, • 1 Pt 2:13
in the wilderness, that he might h you, • Dt 8:2
are called by my name h themselves, • 2 Chr 7:14
He leads the h in what is right, • Ps 25:9
is scornful, but to the h he gives favor. • Prv 3:34
he who is h and contrite in spirit • Is 66:2
those who walk in pride he is able to h. • Dn 4:37
the proud, but gives grace to the h.” • Jas 4:6
H yourselves before the Lord, and he • Jas 4:10
H yourselves, therefore, under the • 1 Pt 5:6
Whoever exalts himself will be h, • Mt 23:12
he h himself by becoming obedient to • Phil 2:8
Whoever h himself like this child is • Mt 18:4
and whoever h himself will be exalted. • Mt 23:12
In his h justice was denied him. • Acts 8:33
and the rich in his h, because like a • Jas 1:10
in wisdom, and h comes before honor. • Prv 15:33
serving the Lord with all h and • Acts 20:19
ambition or conceit, but in h count others • Phil 2:3
kindness, h, meekness, and patience, • Col 3:12
they shall not h or thirst, • Is 49:10
“Blessed are those who h and thirst for • Mt 5:6
whoever comes to me shall not h, • Jn 6:35
To the present hour we h and thirst, • 1 Cor 4:11
the secret of facing plenty and h, • Phil 4:12
They shall h no more, neither thirst • Rv 7:16
the longing soul, and the h soul he fills • Ps 107:9
If your enemy is h, give him bread • Prv 25:21
His disciples were h, and they began • Mt 12:1
I am unwilling to send them away h, • Mt 15:32
For I was h and you gave me food, • Mt 25:35
“Blessed are you who are h now, for • Lk 6:21
“if your enemy is h, feed him; • Rom 12:20
the midst of the fire, and they are not h; • Dn 3:25
of the enemy, and nothing shall h you. • Lk 10:19
conquers will not be h by the second • Rv 2:11
gave some to her h who was with her, • Gn 3:6
Your desire shall be for your h, • Gn 3:16
An excellent wife is the crown of her h, • Prv 12:4
For your Maker is your h, the • Is 54:5
that they broke, though I was their h, • Jer 31:32
Jesus said to her, “Go, call your h, • Jn 4:16
wife should not separate from her h • 1 Cor 7:10
and the h should not divorce his wife. • 1 Cor 7:11
If any woman has a h who is an • 1 Cor 7:13
A wife is bound to her h as long as he • 1 Cor 7:39
I betrothed you to one h, to present • 2 Cor 11:2
For the h is the head of the wife even • Eph 5:23
be above reproach, the h of one wife, • 1 Tm 3:2
prepared as a bride adorned for her h. • Rv 21:2
H, love your wives, as Christ loved the • Eph 5:25
women to love their h and children, • Ti 2:4
wives, be subject to your own h, • 1 Pt 3:1
Likewise, h, live with your wives in an • 1 Pt 3:7
And when they had sung a h, they • Mt 26:30
together, each one has a h, a lesson, • 1 Cor 14:26
praying and singing h to God, • Acts 16:25
in psalms and h and spiritual songs, • Eph 5:19
but within you are full of h and • Mt 23:28
But, knowing their h, he said to them, • Mk 12:15
the leaven of the Pharisees, which is h. • Lk 12:1
Barnabas was led astray by their h. • Gal 2:13
malice and all deceit and h and envy • 1 Pt 2:1
you pray, you must not be like the h. • Mt 6:5
h! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, • Mt 15:7
h! For you shut the kingdom of heaven • Mt 23:13
Take a bunch of h and dip it in the • Ex 12:22
the sour wine on a h branch and held • Jn 19:29