In the evening q came up and covered • Ex 16:13
and it brought q from the sea and let • Nm 11:31
so quit before the q breaks out. • Prv 17:14
Whoever meddles in a q not his own • Prv 26:17
but not to q over opinions. • Rom 14:1
before God not to q about words, • 2 Tm 2:14
and cannot obtain, so you fight and q. • Jas 4:2
Therefore the people q with Moses • Ex 17:2
where there is no whisperer, q ceases. • Prv 26:20
and sensuality, not in q and jealousy. • Rom 13:13
lifting holy hands without anger or q; • 1 Tm 2:8
evil of no one, to avoid q, to be gentle, • Ti 3:2
for controversy and for q about words, • 1 Tm 6:4
you know that they breed q. • 2 Tm 2:23
What causes q and what causes fights • Jas 4:1
than in a house shared with a q wife. • Prv 21:9
but gentle, not q, not a lover of money. • 1 Tm 3:3
servant must not be q but kind to • 2 Tm 2:24
Now when the q of Sheba heard of • 1 Kgs 10:1
made her q instead of Vashti. • Est 2:17
make cakes for the q of heaven. • Jer 7:18
since in her heart she says, ‘I sit as a q, • Rv 18:7
Many waters cannot q love, neither • Sg 8:7
Do not q the Spirit. • 1 Thes 5:19
shall not die, their fire shall not be q, • Is 66:24
worm does not die and the fire is not q. • Mk 9:48
q the power of fire, escaped the edge • Heb 11:34
and all were q in their hearts • Lk 3:15
And Solomon answered all her q. • 2 Chr 9:2
anyone dare to ask him any more q. • Mt 22:46
A man of q temper acts foolishly, • Prv 14:17
let every person be q to hear, slow to • Jas 1:19
with q than a house full of feasting • Prv 17:1
he will q you by his love; • Zep 3:17
beauty of a gentle and q spirit, • 1 Pt 3:4
spirit, but a wise man q holds it back. • Prv 29:11
and to aspire to live q, and to mind • 1 Thes 4:11
Let a woman learn q with all • 1 Tm 2:11
is a handful of q than two hands full • Eccl 4:6
in q and in trust shall be your strength.” • Is 30:15
result of righteousness, q and trust • Is 32:17
is the man who fills his q with them! • Ps 127:5
polished arrow; in his q he hid me away. • Is 49:2