
“Zigzag!” said Juraletta.

“Ziggurat!” said the unicorn.

“Zombie!” said Astroburger.

“Zugzswang!” said the dwarf.

“Zoozoo!” said Gorgon.

“Zetetic!” said the giant.

“Zythum!” said the dwarf.

“I didn’t know so many obscure words began with z,” said Juraletta.

“We’ve exhausted the alphabet several times now,” said the dwarf. “And still no sign of Rhameo.”

“Maybe Rhameo’s in another dungeon,” said the giant gloomily.

“I’m sure he’s halfway back to Skorpeo by now,” said Gorgon.

“My prince will return in force to rescue all of us,” said Juraletta. “I know it!”

Astroburger shook his head. “I believe we should try to rescue ourselves.”

“That’s right,” cried the dwarf. “Be proactive, rather than reactive.”

“Isn’t the prefix ‘pro’ nugatory in this particular case?” queried the giant.

“I feel distinctly uneasy about whatever it is that Queen Beia and Teleporteus may be up to,” Astroburger muttered. “There’s no knowing what those two will cook up. Believe me, that woman is capable of anything!”

“Oh, I wonder what brave deed Rhameo is doing right now,” sighed Juraletta.