
Lord Maledor groaned in despair. The situation was hopeless – even when Prince Rhameo and Princess Juraletta suffered the full effects of the Forest of Forgetfulness, they still remembered that they were in love,and through love regained their identity…

Love was a curse! The worst curse in the universe, for it made the full dominion of evil impossible. Perhaps the situation could be saved from the horrible triumph of love, goodness, truth, and justice by having Zoah deposed by Teleporteus, and Rhameo and his companions vanquished by tugga tugga-juiced Punkoids. It should all be so simple, but everything, everything kept going wrong. If all this came to pass… just possibly, Lostifar would let him off lightly. More likely he would be punished by being turned into a petty do-gooder. What humiliation! Gathering up used clothing for refugees on some miserable, oppressed little planet in the Fornax System… doing good!