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Aaron, Henry, 117

Abernathy, Ralph David, 133

Adair, Joe Louis, 84

Adamo, John, 163

Adjustment Committee, 105

Administrative Segregation, 210

Alberta, Paul, 59

Aldisert, Ruggero, 301

Alexander, Lee, 117

Algren, Nelson, 118

Ali, Muhammad, 118–19, 130, 131, 132, 133, 159

Ali Baba, 9

All God’s Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw (Rosengarten), 188

Anderson, Dave, 107, 277

Annandale Reformatory, 76

Apaches gang, 63

Appeals (see Trials and appeals)

Archer, Joey, 79

Artis, John

background of, 30–31, 39–40

Buerger’s disease of, 212

Carter guilt about, 212

Caruso file and, 261

character witnesses for, 56–57

conviction overturn in 1976, 133

end of legal battles of, 292

enters Trenton State Prison, 89

habeas corpus petition of, 248, 278

Hawkins questioning of, 128–29

at Lafayette bar after murders, 33

Lafayette bar murders arrest of, 40

Lafayette bar murders interrogation of, 36

Motion for Summary Judgment decision and, 278

pardon appeal of, 119

pardon application withdrawal of, 132

parole of, 211–13

Passaic County Grand Jury testimony of, 38

police escort to Lafayette Bar, 31–32

post-Carter life of, 339–40

reaction to verdict at first Carter trial, 58

second appeal of, 119–20

second Carter trial testimony of, 153

Steel as attorney for, 120, 142 (see also Steel, Lewis)

wife of, 157, 278, 339

Artis, Mary Eleanor, 40

Association in the Defence of the Wrongly Convicted (AIDWYC), 318, 324–26, 339

The Autobiography of Malcolm X, 170

Baez, Joan, 123, 131

Bailey, F. Lee, 43, 44

Barnes, Martin, 44

Bars, in Paterson, 9–10, 12, 13

Belafonte, Harry, 117, 159

Beldock, Myron, 155–56, 163, 177, 218

appeals and, 243–44

Bello polygraph tests investigation by, 178–79

as Carter attorney in second trial, 141–42

Carter letter on prosecutorial misconduct to, 222

Carter testimony in second trial and, 153–54

Caruso file and, 255, 227–29

cross-examination of Bello in second trial, 144

extension for Memorandum in Support of Motion, 288

habeas corpus petition and, 248

on help with Motion for Summary Judgment, 269

Motion for Summary Judgment decision and, 277

at Motion for Summary Judgment hearing, 261, 263

Motion for Summary Judgment preparation and, 259

Passaic County prosecutors attitude toward, 147

post-Carter life of, 338

race in second trial and, 148–49

reaction to end of legal battles, 304–5

rehearing of Carter Artis case, 214

on retrying Carter, 303–4

on Third Circuit reply brief, 300

Bell, Herbert, 230

Bello, Alfred, 42, 55

bribery charges against Hogan for recantation of, 160–61

Canadians study of, 220–21

contradictions in testimony at first Carter trial, 56

DeSimone promises to, 314

first Carter appeal on testimony of, 97

first Carter trial testimony, 51–54

in “Hurricane,” 122, 123

initial description of Lafayette bar killers, 37

perjury of, 110

polygraph tests of, 178–80, 213, 227, 228, 301–2 (see also Harrelson, Leonard)

recantation of testimony, 113, 114, 143–44

second Carter trial testimony, 144–45, 146, 147–48

tape of interrogation by DeSimone and, 125–28, 132

Belsole, Donald, 303–4, 305

Bergen, Candice, 129

Big It Up International, 337

Biko, Stephen, 82, 83–84

Black Consciousness movement, 83

Blacks (see also Race)

Canadians and, 187–88, 189, 190

Carter trial and, 45

Lois on lack of supporters for Carter, 138

in Paterson, 9–10, 14–15, 17–18

Blowen, Michael, 318–19

Bradley, Arthur Dexter, 42, 51, 213

contradictions in testimony at first Carter trial, 56

DeSimone promises to, 132

first Carter appeal on testimony of, 97

first Carter trial testimony, 54, 55

in “Hurricane,” 122

perjury of, 110, 112

recantation of testimony, 113, 114, 148

Bradley, Bill, 129, 250

Brady v. Maryland, 214, 272

Brady violation, 270, 300, 301–2

Brennan, William, 213

Bresci, Angelo, 12

Breslin, Jimmy, 117

Bright, Stephen, 328–29

Brown, Claude, 117

Brown, Raymond

background of, 44–45

first Carter trial closing statements, 55–56

first Carter trial cross-examination of Bello, 52–54

first Carter trial opening statements, law briefs of, 96

as negotiator in Rahway State Prison riots, 99

post-Carter life of, 338

on race, 55

Bruno’s, 10

Bullet evidence, at first Carter trial, 50

Burford, Ernie, 83

Burstyn, Ellen, 117, 119

Busch, Ron, 277

Butenko, William, 45

Byrne, Brendan, 118, 119, 128, 129, 130

Cahill, William T., 99, 288

Callahan, Robert, 34

Canadians (see also Chaiton, Sam; Newberry, Mary; Peters, Lisa; Swinton, Kathy; Swinton, Terry)

astrology and, 214

bigotry of, 220

blacks and, 187–88, 189, 190

business of, 185–86, 337

Carter’s attitude toward, 196, 203

Carter’s break with, 314–15, 319

after Carter’s release, 295–96

Carter’s return to, 316

celebration of Carter’s release and, 285–86

chart and study of Carter case, 219–21

control of Carter, 313–14, 318, 320–22

first visit with Carter, 198–99

formation of commune by, 181–82

gifts to Carter, 200–201, 240

home of, 186–87

initial contact with Carter, 194–95

initial introduction to Carter story, 192–93

international charity work of, 184–85

Leslie and, 202

lifestyle of, 312–13

move to Mount Kisco, 296

move to Rahway, 239–41

move to Trenton, 232–33

post-Carter life of, 337

rules of, 186–87

Cannon, Dyan, 117–18

Capter, Theodore, 30, 31

Carter, Bertha, 61, 176, 336–37

Carter, Beverly, 336

Carter, Charmaine, 283

Carter, Doris, 336

Carter, Ed, 265

alibi witness for Carter and, 235–36

Carter release and, 284

illness of, 297–98

at Motion for Summary Judgment decision, 277–78

at Motion for Summary Judgment hearing, 261

support for Carter, 137–38

Carter, Jimmy (brother), 61–62

Carter, Jimmy (president), 167, 250, 336

Carter, Lillian (sister), 336, 337

Carter, Lloyd, Jr., 336

Carter, Lloyd, Sr., 19–20, 60–61, 62, 64, 175–77

Carter, Mae Thelma “Tee,” 156

Carter’s alcoholism and, 21

at Carter’s first arrest for Lafayette bar murders, 37

on Carter’s hair, 20

Carter’s refusal to see, 160

divorce from Carter, 161

on life with Carter, 335–36

marriage to Carter, 27–28

prison visits to Carter, 97

reaction to verdict at first Carter trial, 59

second Carter trial and, 141

second pregnancy of, 137

Carter, Raheem Rubin, 157, 177, 335

Carter, Rosalie, 62, 336

Carter, Rubin “Hurricane”

adolescent police record of, 24

alcoholism of, 21, 76, 84–85, 319, 328–30, 339

alibi witnesses for, 152, 235–36

Apaches gang of, 63

appeals legal knowledge of, 153 54

appearance of, 20, 22, 136–37, 307–8

army background of, 23, 64–68

army boxing career of, 70–75

arrest for Jamesburg escape, 76

arrests for “disorderly person” charges, 84

assault charges against, 20–21, 76

attitude after second trial, 163–64

attitude toward Canadians, 196

background of, 60–64

Beldock and (see Beldock, Myron)

book of (see The Sixteenth Round (Carter

boxing championships of, 75–76

boxing ring innovations of, 222–23

boxing training sessions of, 78–79

Brown and (see Brown, Raymond)

Canadians and (see Canadians)

Carolyn Kelley and (see Kelley, Carolyn)

on civil rights movement, 23–24

concern for fellow prisoners, 238, 267

conviction overturn in 1976, 132–33

detached retina surgery of, 93–95

early prison time of 21, 76, 89

enters Trenton State Prison, 89–91

escape from Jamesburg State Home for Boys, 65

family of, 290, 334–37

father’s death and, 175–77

on fellow prisoners, 100, 101

fight with Adair, 84

fight with Archer, 79

fight with Burford, 83

fight with Fernandez, 77

fight with Giardello, 24, 25, 81–82

fight with Griffith, 80–81

fight with McClure, 26

fight with Ngidi, 82

fight with Rivero, 38

fight with Rodriguez, 26

financial problems of, 85–86

gardening of, 242, 266–67

in Germany, 67–68

gun smuggling to ANC, 83

health of, 270–71, 286, 315–16, 319, 328

hole-in-the-wall experience, 165–66, 167

hooch and, 94

horses and, 290–91

on “Hurricane” nickname, 77–78

institutionalization, signs of, 164–65

interviews of, 25, 313–14

Jumping Mouse story and, 242–43

Kidrin and (see Kidrin, Thomas)

Lafayette bar murders arrest of, 41

Lafayette bar murders detention of, 32–35

Lafayette bar murders interrogation of, 35–36

Larner and (see Larner, Samuel)

law studies of, 96, 229–30, 255–56

legal debts of, 305, 314

Leopizzi and (see Leopizzi, Bruno)

Lesra Martin and (see Martin, Lesra)

letters to Yablonsky, 100–101

letter to Sarokin, 256

Lisa Peters and (see Peters, Lisa)

on love, 206–7

on luxury and prison, 201–2

mob and, 43

Motion for Default Judgment of, 254

move to Canada, 310–11

as Muslim, 76

new prisoners’ case and ACLU, 238

parole and, 209

Passaic County Grand Jury testimony of, 38

on Paterson, 305–6

police and reputation of, 25–26

political activity of, 317–18

polygraph tests of, 37–38

post-Giardello boxing career of, 84

potential guard beating of, 103–5

press conferences of, 306–10

prison assaults by, 97

prison diet of bread and water, 92

prison politics and, 102–3

prison system defiance by, 4, 89–91, 95, 161–63, 208–9, 210, 270, 276–77

prison uniform of, 94

pseudonym of, 297

psychiatric examinations of, 95, 97–98, 279–280

public life of, 136–37

on race, 55, 66–67, 148, 149

Rahway laundry work of, 241–42

Rahway lifestyle of, 239–41

reaction to indictment, 43–44

reaction to verdict at first Carter trial, 58

rejection of prison visitors, 160

relationships with trainers, 84, 85

remand hearing and, 178

Sarokin and (see Sarokin, H. Lee)

shooting skills of, 23

solitary confinement of, 4, 91–92, 208–10

in South Africa, 82–83

sparring partners of, 79

speech impediment of, 61, 75–76

spiritual and philosophical studies of, 4, 167–75

spiritual changes in, 306–7

on survival in prison, 199–200

Tee and (see Carter, Mae Thelma)

testimony in second trial of, 154

transfer to Rahway State Prison, 98, 237–38

transfer to Trenton State Prison, 107

trials and appeals of (see Trials and appeals)

on vasectomy, 225

visitors in prison, 4–7, 97, 166–67, 195–99, 211, 238–39

in Vroom after first trial, 106–7

whites and, 22

Carter, Theodora, 27, 47, 50, 97, 137, 335

Carter, Thomas, 60

Carter and Partners, 257 (see also Canadians)

Caruso, Richard, 226–28, 233, 234

Caruso file, 228

Beldock and Steel on, 229

contents of, 260

defense lawyers on, 255

in habeas corpus petition, 248

in Motion for Summary Judgment hearing, 261

prosecution portrayed in, 243

Cash, Johnny, 117

Cassidy, Harold, 216, 221–22, 226–27, 276–77

Catena, Perry, 316–17

Celebrities, support for Carter, 117–19, 123, 129–30, 141, 159–60 (see also Ali, Muhammed; Dylan, Bob)

Chaiton, Sam

absence at Motion for Summary Judgment decision, 272

as astrologer, 214

background of, 256–57

Canadians’ secrecy and, 187

Carter’s move to Canada and, 310–11

Carter on legal brief work of, 230

Carter’s health and, 319

Carter’s prison defiance and, 270

on Carter’s smoking, 321–22

first prison visit with Carter, 198–99

Motion for Default Judgment work of, 254

at Motion for Summary Judgment hearing, 260

Motion for Summary Judgment work of, 256, 258, 259

move to Rahway, 239

pickup of Third Circuit opinion, 302

romantic relationship with Lisa Peters, 205

search for Dodge car models, 236

study of Carter’s case, 235

tutoring of Lesra Martin, 191

Chandler, Annabelle, 29, 153

Child Guidance Bureau, 63

Clifford, Robert, 214, 215–16

Clinton Correction Institution for Women, 124

Cochran, L. J., 103

Cockersham, Avery, 234


Colotto, Jimmy, 77

Colt, Sam, 11

Conforti, Frank, 17, 29, 149, 263

Conyers, John, 130

Cruz, Rolando, 324–28

Cunningham, Sean, 183, 199, 299, 315

Darby, Tariq, 22, 96

Deary, Welton, 152

Death House, 1, 2, 6–7

Debevoise, Dickinson, 234, 288

DeChellis, Angelo, 30, 31

DeFranco, Johnny “the Walk”, 43, 146

DeRobbio, Emil, 47

DeSimone, Vincent, 302

background of, 35–36

Bello and Bradley’s recantations and, 113–14

Bello’s polygraph tests and, 178

Bradley and, 132

Carter on, 163

Carter’s anger in first Carter trial, 50

Carter’s second trial and, 156

files of, 234

at first Carter appeal, 97

first Carter arrest and, 41

first Carter trial and, 221

forgeries by, 235

Humphreys and, 135–36

post-Carter life of, 338

tape of Bello of interrogation and, 125–28, 132

testimony on Artis and Carter polygraph tests, 38

withholding of evidence by, 227

Desire (Dylan), 131

Devil’s Stocking, The (Algren), 118

Diet, bread and water, 92

Doby, Larry, 22–23

Do Drop Inn, 9

Dole, Bob, 337

Douglas, Mike, 117–18

Douglas, Robert, 56

Drill Hall meeting, 103

Du Bois, W. E. B., 170

Duk Koo-Kim, 222–23

Dundee, Angelo, 223

Durant, Will, 170

Dylan, Bob, 6, 132

Carter and, 159–60

Carter value to, 123

court battle over “Hurricane,” 291–92

“Hurricane” song and, 120–22

“Night of the Hurricane” and, 129, 131

prison tapes of “Hurricane,” 124

Earp, Roy, 162

Elliot, Jack, 131

Emil DeMeyer Saloon, 12

Englehardt, Edwin, 305

Eyewitnesses (see Witnesses)

Falcone, Joseph, 287

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 26

Federal courts, 234 35, 244, 246–48 (see also Sarokin, H. Lee

Fernandez, Florentino, 77

Fish, slang term, 90

Fisher, Clarkson S., 107, 249, 288

Five Believers’ Batiks Ltd., 185–86

Flack, Roberta, 117, 130

Fogel, Jeff, 277

Fourth Way, The (Ouspensky), 172, 175

Frankl, Viktor, 168–69

Frazier, Joe, 118, 119

Frazier, Walt, 117

Freedom For All Forever, 130

Freedom of Information Act, 10

Friedkin, William, 117

Friedman, Leon, 218–19, 306

appeals expertise of, 229

appeals strategy of, 244–45, 246

Canadians and, 257–59

first meeting with Carter, 177

on habeas corpus petition length, 248

on Marmo’s appendix to Third Circuit appeal, 293–94

on Motion for Default Judgment, 254

Motion for Summary Judgment and, 255

Motion for Summary Judgment argument, 261–63

post-Carter life of, 338

on retrying Carter, 303–4

on Sarokin, 254

Fuller, William, 189

Gabereau, Vicky, 339

Garrett Mountain, 10–11

George, Amanda, 259

Getaway car

first Carter trial testimony on, 50

photographs of, 293

second Carter trial testimony on, 152

Valentine/Graham on, 221, 233, 236

Giardello, Joey, 24, 25, 81–82

Gibbons, John, 301

Gibson, Kenneth, 117, 118

Ginsberg, Allen, 123

Glenn, Nelson, 72, 73

Goceljak, John, 303

at exhumation of Holloway, 151

Memorandum in Support of Motion and, 287–88

Motion for Summary Judgment argument, 263–65

on Motion for Summary Judgment decision, 276

Motion for Summary Judgment decision reaction, 277–79

at Motion for Summary Judgment hearing, 261

post-Carter life of, 338

on retrying Carter, 304

on taping of Bello interrogation, 125

Wilentz scolding on race issues, 214

Graham, Patricia (see Valentine, Patricia Graham)

Graves, Ed, 272, 294

Motion for Default Judgment work of, 254

Motion for Summary Judgment decision and, 271, 277

at Motion for Summary Judgment hearing, 261

Motion for Summary Judgment work of, 259

on Sarokin decision, 275–76

Graves, Frank X., 39

first Carter arrest and, 41

on Paterson’s taverns, 8–9, 10

police and, 13–14, 18

on riots, 15

support for Carter, 288

Graves, Frank X., Sr., 13

Griffith, Emile, 79–81

Gross, Milton, 25

Gurdieff, G. I., 171–72

Habeas corpus petition, 246–49

Hackett, Mims, 284

Haggins, Annie Ruth, 128

Handbook for Inmates (Trenton State Prison), 89

Hardney, “Wild Bill,” 28, 30, 152

Harrelson, Leonard, 178–79, 180, 215, 227 (see also Bello, Alfred: polygraph tests of)

Hasson Muhammad, Ali, 69–70, 72, 75

Hatrack, Robert, 96, 103

Hauptmann, Richard Bruno, execution of, 1–2, 198

Haviland, John, 4

Hawkins, Elridge, 128–29, 143

Hearings (see Trials and appeals)

Hesse, Hermann, 169–70

Hildebrand v. the United States, 251–52

Hogan, Daniel, 88

Hogan, Fred, 299

Bello affidavit to, 144

bribery charges against, 160–61

on Canadians’ control of Carter, 318

initial interest in Carter case, 108–10

second Carter trial testimony of, 146

Hogan’s, 76

“Hole,” the, 4, 91–92, 208–10

Holland, John, 11

Holloway, Roy, 17, 29, 148, 149, 151, 263

Horrigan, Ed, 116

Hughes, Richard, 43

Hull, Vincent E., 38, 41

on Artis’s character witnesses, 56–57

evidence suppression by, 132

first Carter trial closing statements, 56–58

first Carter trial opening statements, 46–47, 54

post-Carter life of, 338

Humphreys, Burell Ives, 132, 260, 261, 300

background of, 134–35

Bello polygraph tests and, 178

DeSimone and, 135–36

post-Carter life of, 338

remand hearing and, 179

second Carter trial and, 146–47, 148, 156

second Carter trial and race, 150

second Carter trial summation, 154–56

“Hurricane” (song)

at Carter post-release press conference, 307

Lesra Martin on, 6

popularity of, 131, 132

prison tapes of, 124

production of, 123

Sarokin and, 260

Hurricane Trust Fund, 116, 130

Hutchinson, Ernest, 63

Hyland, William, 161

In Search of the Miraculous (Ouspensky), 171–72

Institutionalization, signs of, 164–65

Ivanov, Igor, 45

Jackson, George, 170

Jackson, Jesse, 117

Jamesburg State Home for Boys, 24, 65

Jones, Hooper Head, 338–39

Judges (see Larner, Samuel; Leopizzi, Bruno; Sarokin, H. Lee

Jumping Mouse story, 242–43

Juries, 306

first Carter trial deliberations, 58

first Carter trial selection, 46

juror misconduct, 163

Passaic County Grand Jury, 38

second Carter trial, 143

verdicts of, 247

Kastner, Susan, 313–14

Kavanaugh, Judy, 42, 43

Kavanaugh, Paul, 42

Kavanaugh DeFranco murders, 145–46

Kearney’s, 10

Kelley, Carolyn, 156, 160

accusations of Carter assault, 137–40, 280, 286

at Carter’s 1976 release, 133

Carter’s testimony in second trial and, 153

New Jersey Defense Committee for Rubin Carter and, 130

Kelley, Michael, 139

Kidrin, Thom, 163

celebrities supporters of Carter and, 159–60

changes in Carter noted by, 171

food supplies for Carter, 161

post-Carter life of, 339

after second Carter trial verdict, 157–58

song about Carter, 136

visits to Carter in prison, 166–67, 195

King, Coretta Scott, 117, 129

King, Don, 117, 163

Kit Kat Club, 9, 20

Koch, Ed, 117, 129

Kramer, Lawrence, 42

Krishnamurti, J., 170

Lafayette Grill

Carter and Artis at, after shootings, 32–33

description of shootings in, 16–17

Lambert, Catholina, 12

Larner, Samuel

at appeals of first Carter trial, 120, 132, 142

Bello testimony at first Carter trial and, 54

on bullet evidence at first Carter trial, 50

first Carter trial and, 180

jury instructions at first Carter trial, 58

post-Carter life of, 338

as presiding judge at Carter trial, 45–46

sentencing at first Carter trial, 59

LaRocco, Helen, 155

Lazarus and the Hurricane (Swinton and Chaiton), 316

Lenney, Edward, 146

Leopizzi, Bruno, 155, 234

attitude toward Beldock and Steel, 147

Caruso file and, 228, 243

clashes with Steel, 142

on juror misconduct, 163

race in second Carter trial and, 148–49

rehearing of Carter-Artis case, 213

remand hearing and, 179, 180

on The Sixteenth Round in second Carter trial, 150, 153

Leslie, Ulysses “Sam,” 226

appeals of, 229–30

birthday party for Carter and, 236–37

Canadians and, 202

Carter tutoring of, 173, 174

on Lisa Peters, 204

on Lisa Peters and Carter, 207

on photographs of Lisa Peters, 206

Levinson, Harold, 113, 146, 299

Levy, Jacques, 122

Lieber, James, 143

Liston, Sonny, 78–79

Lockdown, 210

Lois, George, 159, 299

background of, 115–16

on Byrne pardon, 131

Carter’s falling out with, 140–41, 225

on Carter’s innocence, 116–17

celebrities and Carter support, 117

on error in “Hurricane,” 122

on lack of black supporters for Carter, 137

“Night of the Hurricane” and, 123–24, 130

Lois Holland Callaway, Inc., 116

Madison Square Garden, 76, 129

Mailer, Norman, 117

Management Control Unit, 210

Mancini, Ray Boom Boom, 222

Mandela, Nelson, 92

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 168–69

Marchese, William, 139

Marins, William, 212

first Carter appeal on testimony of, 97

first Carter trial testimony, 47–49

identification of Carter and Artis, 34, 221, 233

wounds of, 16–17

Marmo, Ronald, 339, 340

appendix to Third Circuit appeal, 293

on Carter’s psychiatric examinations, 280, 281, 282

Memorandum in Support of Motion and, 287–88

Motion for Summary Judgment decision and, 277

Motion for Summary Judgment decision reaction, 279

Petition for Certiorari and, 302–3

post-Carter life of, 338

remand hearing and, 179

reply to Carter Third Circuit reply brief, 301

Sarokin ruling against, 294–95

second Carter trial racial revenge theory of, 148

at Third Circuit appeal hearing, 300–301

Marrero, 162

Marshall, Lawrence, 325

Martin, Alma, 189

Martin, Bobby, 104–5, 106

Martin, Earl, 189

Martin, Lesra, 272

break with Carter, 327

Canadians and, 189–91, 298–99

Carter’s relationship with after prison, 322–24, 326–27

education of, 191, 231–32

on Hurricane, 6

initial visit to Carter, 4–7, 195–97

letter to Carter, 3, 193, 194

reconciliation with Carter, 331–33

search for Dodge car models, 236

second visit to Carter, 198–99

Martin, Ralph, 304

Matonak, Carl, 306

Matzner, Harold, 43

McClure, Wilbert Skeeter, 26, 319–21

McGuire, Cathy, 152

McGuire, John J., 37–38

McLean, Paulene, 231, 299, 322

McNulty, William, 12

McTiernan, Buck, 81

Medical issues, in prison, 93–95, 102, 267

Melicharek, F., 200–201

Metzler, Walt, 16

Metzler, William, 15–16

Mielko, William, 74

Milgram, Jack, 95

Miller, Joseph, 145

Miranda decision, 35

Miranda v. Arizona, 96

Mitchell, Joni, 123, 130

Mob, the, 43

Mohl, Robert, 125, 127

Moody, James, 249

Morin, Guy Paul, 317–18, 324

Morrison, Neil “Mobile,” 28, 29, 152–53

Motion for Summary Judgment, 255, 259–79

Mount Laurel II, 213–14

Mullick, Robert, 70–71, 72, 73, 74

Murnaghan, Michael, 305, 319

“Mystery witness,” 51

Nauyoks, Adele, 305–6

Nauyoks, Fred, 16, 47, 57, 212

Negro History Woodson), 170

Newberry, Mary, 187, 199, 204–5

New Jersey Defense Committee for Rubin Carter, 118, 130, 138

New Jersey Supreme Court, 96–97, 128, 132, 213

New Model of the Universe, A Ouspensky, 172, 173, 174

New York Times, 115

Ngidi, Joe, 82

“Night of the Hurricane,” 124, 129–30, 131

Nite Spot, the, 9–10, 20–21

Norwood, Christopher, 13

Ogletree, Charles, 329

Oliver, James, 16, 47, 57, 212

On Paterson (Norwood), 13

On the Road with Bob Dylan (Sloman), 130

Ouspensky, Piotr Demianovich, 171–73, 203

Outline of History (Wells), 170

Panic of 1792, 11

Paraglia, Elizabeth, 49

Paret, Benny “Kid,” 79–80

Parker, William, 26

Parks, Tommy, 84–85

Pashman, Morris, 214, 215

Passaic County Grand Jury, 38

Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office (see names of individual prosecutors)

Patch, Sam, 11

Paterson, N.J., 8–14

Paterson Tavern Owners Association, 18

Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission, 78

Peters, Lisa, 7, 304

background of, 182–84

birthday party for Carter and, 237

breakup with Carter, 225, 319

Carter post-release press conference and, 307

Carter’s reexamination of relationship with, 223–25

on Carter’s transfer to Rahway, 237–38

contact visits with Carter, 211, 238–39

falling in love with Carter, 203–5

first prison visit with Carter, 198–99

influence on Canadians, 187–88

Leslie on, 204, 206, 207

Leslie’s appeal case and, 230

Lesra Martin and, 190, 191

marriage to Carter, 316

move to Rahway, 239

photographs of, 205–6

post prison relationship with Carter, 314–15

reconciliation with Carter, 230–31

The Sixteenth Round and, 192

study of Carter’s case, 219–20, 235

telephone conversations with Carter, 197–98, 256

Third Circuit reply brief, 300

Petition for Certiorari, 302–3

Petitions, definition of, 248

Prison counts, 208

Question Mark, 10

Raab, Selwyn, 146, 299

attorney recommendations by, 141

Bello and, 144–45

Carter post-release press conference and, 306–7

on Carter’s innocence, 112–14

Motion for Summary Judgment decision and, 277

Race (see also Blacks)

in Army, 66–67

in Carter coalition, 130

Carter on, 55, 66–67, 148, 149

Goceljak and, 214

as issue in first Carter trial, 54–55, 114–17, 126, 147–48

as issue in second Carter trial, 148–51

Motion for Summary Judgment and, 264–65, 272–73

Sarokin on, 252–53

Rahway Inmate Committee, 102

Rahway People’s Council, 102

Rahway State Prison

Carter transfer to, 98, 237–42

reform of, 101–3

riots in, 98–99

Raveson, Louis, 164–65, 254, 258, 277

Rawls, Eddie, 29, 129, 150–51, 263

Regan, Ken, 124

Renbaum, Eitel, 184, 205, 315

“Respondents’ Brief in Opposition to Petitioners’ Motion for Summary Judgment and Habeas Corpus Relief,” 268–69

Reynolds, Burt, 117

Reynolds, William Bradford, 253

Riley, Lester Moko, 165

Ring magazine, 85

Rivera, Geraldo, 117

Rivera, Scarlett, 123

Rivero, Rocky, 38

Rodriguez, Luis, 26

Rogers, J. A., 170

Rolling Thunder Revue, 123, 124 (see also Dylan, Bob)

Rosen, Bruce

Falcone and, 287

Motion for Summary Judgment decision and, 271, 272, 273

Motion for Summary Judgment work of, 268, 269–70

on release of Carter, 282

Rosengarten, Theodore, 188

Royster, John “Bucks,” 30, 31, 111–12

Ruggiero, Ronnie, 50

Sapounakis, Paul, 130, 131

Sarokin, H. Lee

background of, 249–50

Carter’s praise of, 309, 337

on Carter trial, 337–38

as federal judge, 251–52

federal judge, appointment as, 250–51

habeas corpus and, 251

Marmo and, 295

on Motion for Summary Judgment, 267–68

Motion for Summary Judgment decision, 271–75

on race, 252–53

release of Carter, 282–83

Sarokin, Sam, 249

Saturday Evening Post, 24–26

Schreiber, Sidney, 215

Sermond, Nathan, 28

Sex and Race (Rogers), 170

Siddhartha (Hesse), 169–70

Sigler, Robert, 173, 206

Sinclair, Rory “Gus,” 272, 304

background of, 181

on Carter case, 220

celibacy of, 186

first collect call from Carter, 197

legal work for Carter, 295–96

Lesra Martin and, 232

Lisa Peters and, 183, 314–15

Malaysia trip of, 184–85

printing of Third Circuit reply brief, 300

reaction to Lisa Peters and Carter’s relationship, 204

search for Dodge car models, 236

tutoring of Lesra Martin, 191

Sixteenth Round, The (Carter), 193, 306

Bello and, 144

critics on, 115

Dylan’s copy of, 121

Hogan and advance money for, 110

Lesra Martin on, 3

publication of, 99–100, 103–4, 112

in second Carter trial, 150, 153

smuggled out of prison, 105

Slaby, Steve, 174

Sloman, Larry, 130

Society for the Establishment of Useful Manufacturers (SUM), 11, 12

Soledad Brother Jackson), 170

Solomon, Richard, 116, 159

Carter’s falling out with, 140, 225

on Carter’s innocence, 110–12

celebrities and Carter support, 117

Dylan and, 120–21

as rainmaker for Carter’s book, 99

Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois), 170

South Africa, 82–83

Steel, Lewis, 155, 218, 304

appeals and, 243–44

as Artis’s attorney, 120, 142

on Canadians, 257

Carter testimony in second trial and, 153–54

Caruso file and, 227–29, 255, 261, 278

demand for single trial at second Carter trial, 212

Motion for Summary Judgment decision and, 271, 277

at Motion for Summary Judgment hearing, 261, 263

Passaic County prosecutors attitude toward, 147

post-Carter life of, 338

race in second Carter trial and, 148–49

Stein, Arthur, 55

Story of Civilization, The (Durant), 170

Sullivan, Cornelius, 58

Sullivan, Mark, 214

Sutton, Percy, 117

Swinton, Kathy, 322

background of, 256

Carter release and, 284

Lisa Peters and, 187, 204

Motion for Summary Judgment and, 259, 277

Swinton, Martin, 183, 191, 299

Swinton, Terry, 289, 322

background of, 256

call about Carter to N.J. Department of Corrections, 192

Carter on legal brief work of, 230

Carter’s move to Canada and, 310–11

Carter’s release and, 284

Catena and, 317

first prison visit with Carter, 198–99

Five Believers’ Batiks Ltd. foundation and, 185

gardening lessons for Carter, 242

at Kastner interview of Carter, 313–14

living with Lisa Peters, 184

Motion for Default Judgment work of, 254

Motion for Summary Judgment decision and, 272, 277

at Motion for Summary Judgment hearing, 260

Motion for Summary Judgment work of, 256, 258–59

move to Rahway, 239

pickup of Carter’s prison belongings, 271

pickup of Third Circuit opinion, 302

romantic relationship with Lisa Peters, 205

search for Dodge car models, 236

study of Carter’s case, 235

Tanis, Hazel, 17, 47, 57, 212, 221

Tedeschi, Carmen, 85–86

Thayer, Richard, 228

Third Circuit Court of Appeals, 288–89, 294, 300

Third Circuit reply brief, 300–301

Thomas, Clay, 98

Thompson, Prentiss, 128

Trantino, Tommy, 105–6, 107

Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, 106

Trenton State Prison

Administrative Segregation, 210

atmosphere at, 4, 87–89, 238

changes in, 161

Death House at, 1, 2, 6–7

the “hole” at, 4, 91–92

rules of, 88–89

Visitor’s Center at, 2

Trials and appeals

first trial, 47–59

habeas corpus petition, 246–49

Leslie’s appeal, 229–30

Motion for Summary Judgment, 259–79

New Jersey Supreme Court review of case, 214–17

pardon appeal, 119

pardon application withdrawal, 132

Petition for Certiorari and, 302–3

remand hearing, 178–80

second appeal, 119–20

second trial, 141–56

third appeal, 128

Third Circuit Court, 288–89, 293, 294, 299–300

Third Circuit reply brief, 300–301

Tribe, Laurence, 213, 253

Tuck, Elwood, 82, 129

U.S. Supreme Court, 302–3

United States v. New Jersey, The, 253

Valentine, Patricia Graham, 302

court battle over “Hurricane,” 291–92

first Carter trial testimony, 50

on getaway car, 221, 233, 236

initial description of Lafayette bar killers, 37

second Carter trial testimony of, 151–52

Vereen, Ben, 117

Visiting Center, contact visits at Trenton State and, 2

Vroom, Peter D., Jr., 106

Vroom building, 106–7

Vroom Readjustment Unit (VRU), 106–7, 208–10, 234, 309

Vukcevich, Sam, 98

Waltz Inn murder, 17, 29, 148

Washington, Denzel, 84

Watergate, 115

Wegner, John, 42

Weintraub, Joseph, 97

Wellington, Robin (Carter pseudonym), 297

Wells, H. G., 170

Whitemore, George, 141–42

Wilentz, Robert, 213–14, 215

Williams, Dolly (wife of John Artis), 157, 278, 340

Williams, Edward Bennett, 223


Artis’s character, 56–57

Carter’s alibi, 152, 235–36

“mystery witness,” 51 (see also Bello, Alfred)

testimony at first Carter trial, 51

Wonder, Stevie, 117

Woodson, Carter G., 170

Wright Aeronautical Corporation, 11, 12

Yablonsky, Linda, 99–101

Yaker, Henri, 76

Ziem, Melvin, 145