Fifteen minutes later, Kace and I have taken a short, chilly, winter wonderland walk to Taco Bell. With way too much food in front of us, we sit at a table stuffing our faces and laughing. I am always laughing with this man and this new life where I share everything with Kace is more than a little surreal. We’re just finishing up when his phone buzzes with a text. “Jenny,” he says. “She wants us to come by and try a new cookie. We need to go tell her we’re headed to Germany the day after tomorrow.”

I straighten. “That soon?”

“I want you out of a city that’s become a pitstop for every asshole that wants what is yours.”

What is mine.

I toss my burrito wrapper on the tray, a bit of our conversation before we left the apartment coming back to me. “I’ve never thought of the formula like that at all.”

He tosses his paper as well. “It’s time you do. That’s one of the many things I want you to talk to the attorney about tomorrow. I want you sheltered from any liability your name represents and—”

“Liability? What liability?”

“Just looking at this through a cautious lens. If you have any inheritance, there may be those who try to get a piece of the pie.”

I blink. “Wait. What? You think I have an inheritance?”

“I have no idea, but I’d think you would. And Gio, too.”

“Surely after this long, someone would have claimed it.”

“Who would that be? Because whoever that is could be behind your father’s disappearance.”

“I don’t actually know. You think this could have been about an inheritance, not the formula?”

“Blake brought it up while you were upstairs today and I think it’s something to consider. His team is looking into it.”

His cellphone buzzes with a text on the table next to him. He punches a button and reads the message. “Jenny. She says to tell you the cookie has icing just for you.”

“I’m all in for the icing, but should we really do this right now? What if someone wants to get to you through them?”

“Believe me, I’m not oblivious to that threat and it’s just another reason to get out of the city. Blake is keeping an eye on them, but we need to say goodbye. If we don’t, they’ll know something is wrong and worry.”

“Right. Of course, they will. We were just with them and said nothing about this.” I take a big long swig of my soda for courage before I dare to broach a difficult topic. “Alexander,” I say.

Kace's expression doesn’t change, but there’s a distinct sharpening of his jaw. "What about him?"

“He lives in our building and frequents Riptide. I’m going to run into him. I need to know what to say to him or how to handle him to best defuse an explosion.”

“You won’t run into him.” Kace finishes off a taco as if he’s said nothing but “more food, please.”

On instant alert, I lean close. “What does that mean?”

He balls up the taco paper and throws it into the bag. “He left the country. An opportunity he couldn’t turn down. That said, I do want you out of his path when he returns. I think buying a place that we remodel or just plan to build out to our liking, is perfect. It will be ours, not mine.”

He wants to buy a new place with me? I blink. Stunned. Excited. Happy. Confused. “That sounds like a dream, Kace, but honestly, I love where we’re at now. I thought you didn’t want to be pushed out by Alexander.”

“We aren’t being pushed out. It’s all part of a calculated decision. When he falls, and he will fall, I don’t need you to be there to see his meltdown.”

“What are you going to do? Tell me.”


I blink, stunned all over again. “Kace if I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you, I mean, live with you,” I quickly correct, my cheeks heating, “then I should be the person you trust.”

His hand covers mine, heat radiating up my arm, nerves jittery in my belly. “There is no if, baby,” he says. “You already live with me. And I do want you to spend the rest of your life with me. Exactly why I do not want you to see this part of me.”

He wants me to spend the rest of my life with him. I thrill at this knowledge, but I force myself to focus on the obstacles he himself has put in front of us to prevent it from happening. “I thought we got rid of the secrets?”

“This isn’t a secret. You know I’m dealing with him. It’s just me protecting you from the more explicit details.”

“And hurting us in the process. Be you, Kace. Good, bad, ugly, sweet, wonderful, whatever. Just be you. I need things that are real in my life and so do you. I need to know the real man.”

“You do, like no one else knows me, Aria.”

My lips press together with this reply. He still doesn’t trust me. Maybe he will never and that’s not a path to forever. It’s a path to goodbye. “Apparently not.” I slip into my coat.

He scowls. “What are you doing?”

“I need an icing-topped cookie, or ten, really badly right now, emphasis on the icing.” I stand up and start gathering the trash. He does the same, awkwardness pinging between us. We walk to the door and he opens it and I can feel his heavy scrutiny. I don’t look at him. I walk outside where the snow has faded, and a pinch of sunshine peeks through a cloud, and I don’t stop. I turn, but three steps into a path that leads to cookies, I’m halted.

Kace captures my elbow, turning me to him, his gaze colliding with mine, his expression dark, almost haunted. We are near a wall, and people are busy around us, almost shoving us. He backs me up, closer to the building wall, lowering his head. “I’m trying to protect myself.” His voice is tight.

My chin lifts in defiance of that statement. “Why do you want to live with someone you don’t trust?”

“I trust you completely, Aria.”

“And yet you can’t stand the idea of me seeing every part of you,” I say and it’s not a question. It’s a statement of fact.

The muscle in his jaw tics and his hand goes to the wall over my head, his lashes lowering, a turbulent look etched on his handsome face. I catch his jacket and force his gaze to mine. “You told me you were going to handle him brutally, Kace,” I say. “I didn’t run then. I’m not going to run now.”

“You think you won’t.” His voice is gruffer now, his tone deeper.

“I don’t want a fair-weather relationship,” I say. “I can’t do fair-weather. I need to know that nothing is off limits with us. And to you.”

His expression is unreadable, his eyes fixed on me, a beam of scrutiny, and when I think he will reject my words, instead he says, “We are not fair-weather.” His hand slides to my back, just above my backside and he molds our hips together. “We aren’t.”

My hand flattens on his chest, over the leather of his jacket. “Then trust me.”

“For now, Blake’s digging into Maggie’s death. He feels like there’s a real chance Alexander killed her. I cleared a path for him to dig without pushback from Alexander.”


“Alexander is in oil. I own substantial stock in a large oil company under a holding company name. In other words, he won’t know I’m involved. I arranged for him to be offered a large contract if he proves capable with the culture. That means spending three months in Africa.”

“But he won’t get the contract.”

“No,” he confirms. “He will not.”

“And when he comes back, Blake plans to have him arrested?”

“If he finds the evidence, yes.”

“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me that.”

“Because, baby, he won’t have the resources to hire a lawyer, let alone maintain his lifestyle. I hired someone to ensure he spirals financially.”

“And then he’ll offer to sell you your music.”

“Not if his assets are seized. When they’re sold off, I’ll get my music back.”

“I don’t understand. Why would they be seized?”

“Because they will.”

“Because there’s more to the story.”

His cellphone buzzes and he grabs his phone from his pocket and glances at his messages. “More cookies, apparently. Jenny is anxious for us to arrive and try the cookies fresh from the oven.” He catches my hand and kisses it. “Let’s go finish our visit. The realtor I talked to about finding a new apartment wants to meet us at six. Knowing Jenny and Jerry, they won’t want us to leave.”

I blink, surprised by how fast he’s moving on this new apartment deal, but I don’t push him, not right now, but I’m no fool. There’s more to his reasoning for this, clearly, but he doesn’t think I can handle. I am reminded that you don’t have to trust someone to love them. Obviously, my father didn’t trust my mother. That’s not what I want for us.

Kace pushes off the wall, and I slide my arms under his jacket and stare up at him. “I can handle the more, and one day, you’ll know me well enough to know that’s true.”