While this book is a product of my own persistence, I wouldn’t have such inner steel if not for the many mentors I’ve had along the way: from my first-grade teacher who saw that I was reading above my grade level, to my Opa who gave me the first typewriter I could call my own, to the college professors who told me that I could make it as a writer if I stuck with it, and so many more. I thank my Creative Support Team for cheerleading, hand-holding, doing a crack-job of editing, and talking me down off various ledges, as well as getting me out of my head and into my body—Alegra Clarke, Amy McElroy, Martha Alderson—and the rest of the Scarlet Letter Ladies who pinch-hit as CST members: Becca Lawton, Christina Mercer, Erika Mailman, Julia Park Tracey, Nanea Hoffman, Stephanie Naman, and Tomi Wiley James. And to Cindy Lamothe and Katie Devine, whose conversations about the writing life have helped reinforce the merit of this book.

Also to my circle of dear friends who stick around even after I hermit myself up for months to finish book deadlines: You know who you are.

Deepest gratitude to Phil Sexton for confirming that my ideas were worth pursuing and to Rachel Randall, Editor Extraordinaire, without whom this book would be a whole lot more like a series of journal entries and less a polished book.

And, always, to my husband, Erik, and our son, Ben, who suffer the slings and arrows of living with a writer and still love me.