Kurt fought with the steering wheel as their truck lurched into the guardrail.
The sound of crunching metal filled the cab. The Hummer gave a final shove, and their pickup flipped over the rail. He and Rebecca hung like rag dolls against the seat belts as they vaulted toward the unforgiving water below.
“Protect your head!” he shouted.
The front end slapped into the water, and the truck flipped to the side. Pain blinded Kurt. The sound of rushing water filled the back seat.
“Kurt! Kurt, are you okay? Should I open the door? Roll down the window?” Rebecca’s questions came out as fast cries that he could barely comprehend. They hung upside down with all the windows and doors covered in water. The doors wouldn’t budge until they stopped sinking and reached equilibrium. The statistics of water crashes had been drilled in his head. They had thirty, maybe ninety seconds at the most before they lost any chance of survival...