Chapter Four


Drew thought of his human skin, of hands that he could use to touch Lee. Lips he could use to kiss the man. Those were his goals, and he thought he’d saved enough energy now to shift. He hoped.

He told himself that he could do this, that Lee wanted him. He didn’t have to tell himself that he wanted Lee. That much he knew, all the way from his ears to his toes.

Panting, he thought harder, pushing his body to respond, to do what it was magically meant to do.

Hands. Toes. Long and lean. Come on, Drew. Do it!

His body creaked and cracked and the air whooshed in his ears, but he did it! His wolf fell away and the man came to the fore, naked and shivering and God, he was skinny.

Lee came flying out of the cabin’s kitchen, eyes widening when he saw Drew. Oh, he was pretty with his dark blond hair and bright blue eyes, his shoulders filling the whole doorway.


“Lee. Hello. It’s me.” He smiled over, tentatively.

“Oh!” Lee ran right to him. “Oh, are you okay? Look at you. You must be freezing.” Lee put a blanket over his shoulders.

“Oh. Oh, that’s nice.” He pushed right into Lee’s arms, desperate for that touch.

Lee hummed, hugging him gently. “There you are. Hi.”

“I am. I promised, didn’t I?”

“You did. I mean, I thought I was thinking too hard.” Lee laughed, the sound rueful and joyful at the same time.

“I did. You were. Hello! I like you.”

“I like you too. I really do. Wow, you have red hair.” Lee touched the strands, which were pretty long. Huh.

“I do.” He had red hair and healer’s marks on his arms. He hadn’t shown them to anyone, but he didn’t mind if Lee saw them.

“It’s so pretty.” Lee stroked his neck and back too.

“Thank you. I’d forgotten it.” He’d forgotten a lot.

“It’s been a long time, huh? I’m so sorry that happened to you. Do you need something to eat?”

“I want to stay with you.” He hadn’t felt so good in eons, so warm and quiet.

“Oh, honey, you’re so sweet.”

Lee obviously thought he would decide to leave with the others in the end, but Drew knew he wouldn’t. Lee was his. He’d seen it. He couldn’t remember when now, because life was a tangle and those memories couldn’t be sorted out, but he knew.

Not to mention that Lee couldn’t seem to let him go. They clung together, just swaying.

That was fine with him. He had nowhere to go, and a mate to touch. A mate. They had all longed for it, and some of them had been torn away from theirs. Drew felt so honored to have this now, when he could explore it.

“You’re vibrating, little one. Are you okay?”

“Better than,” he said.

“Oh, good.” Lee finally sat, pulling Drew into Lee’s lap and wrapping the blanket around them. “Don’t let me forget the soup.”

“I won’t.” He sniffed. Vegetable beef. Yum.

“Thank you.” Lee put his face against Drew’s neck. “I feel like I’ve known you forever. How is that possible?”

“Maybe you did and we just didn’t know it.” That sounded reasonable, didn’t it?

“Maybe.” Lee laughed. “Another life, maybe.”

He nodded, because he’d had a couple lives already.

“Mmm. Stay with me until dinner at least?” Lee patted his back. “I mean as a man. I know it’s easier to heal as a wolf.”

“I’d love to. It’s been a long time since I used a spoon.” He nodded, willing to do damn near anything.

“Well, we’ll work on it together.” Lee raised his hand to that sweet mouth, kissing his skin. “Would you like a hot bath? It would feel good, I bet.”

“Come with me?” Was that odd?

“Of course. I wouldn’t want you to fall.”

Clever Lee.

“No. I need you.” All of him. Top to bottom.

“Well, I’m with you, then.” Lee helped him to his feet. They went to the kitchen first, to turn down the soup. Then to the little bathroom. Cozy.

He cuddled in, watching the water Lee turned on make steam. So pretty.

“I like your cabin.”

“Do you? It’s my hidey hole.”

“I do. It’s safe, warm, and it smells good, even with all of us inside.”

“Thank you.” Lee beamed at him, so proud. He could feel that emotion to his toes. “In the tub, hmm?”

“Together?” He wanted it to be both of them.

Lee hesitated, then nodded, pulling his shirt off over his head. “Together.” Hot water was turned off once the tub was half full, and they both piled in, skin to skin.

He snuggled right in with a soft, happy little sigh. “Oh. Oh, hot water. Oh goddess.”

Drew started to sob.

“Oh. Honey, are you. I’m sorry. What can I do?” Lee was panicking, hands sliding on him.

“It feels so good. Hot water.” He looked into his mate’s eyes. “Hot water.”

“It’s been too long, then. But I’m glad it feels good.” Lee began to lather up some kind of soap from a bottle, and it smelled like a spring rainstorm to him, which made him laugh, the tears washing away. “Oh. Oh, better. I love that you’re laughing.”

Lee’s hands slid down his arms, fingers finding the heavy marks of healing on his forearms. “Drew?”

He fought not to hide them. “Yes?”

“Did they do this to you?” Lee didn’t seem repulsed. Just worried.

“No. No, I was born with them. They’re mine.” His secret and why he never let them see him without his fur.

“Yours?” Lee shook his head. “I don’t understand.” When Lee looked into his eyes, the man shook his head. “I’ll probably ask you again later, but for now, hot water. Nothing deep. Right?”

“Nothing deep.” Did Lee’s pack not have healers? Shamans? How odd.

“Mmm.” Lee soaped him up, rubbing it into his skin, and he wiggled. It tickled, but he could also feel the dirt falling away. So wonderful. He melted. Simply melted into Lee.

Lee held him, protected him. Loved him. He could feel it.

He could stay right here. Right here, for as long as Lee would let him.

He leaned, his head feeling heavy. He wasn’t going to sleep though. Drew had promised to stay with Lee as a man for a bit. So he petted his Lee, letting his fingertips drag along the curls on Lee’s chest.

Lee hummed. “Better, love? I should wash your hair.” Lee used the same soap for his hair, and what a wonderful thing that was. He was used to bar soap so rough it would tear his fur. This? This was bliss.

He washed Lee too, as much as he could. His arms wouldn’t take too much being raised up.

“So good to me,” Lee murmured. “Sweet man.”

“I want you to feel better.”

Lee hugged him close again, rinsing his back. This touch could be an addiction. He leaned in, his lips resting on Lee’s shoulder.

They held each other until the water started to go lukewarm. Then Lee let the water out. “I’d refill it, but I don’t want to use all the warm water.”

“No. No, of course not. Water is important. Thank you.”

“You needed to loosen up all those tight muscles.” Lee wrapped him in clean towels, rubbing him dry so he didn’t get cold.

“I needed to be with you. You filled me up to the brim.”

“I love that.” They went to Lee’s bed, which seemed as normal as anything. It was, though, wasn’t it?

“Let me check on the others and the soup. I’ll be right back.”

“All right. If you need me, holler.” He was going to cuddle right in here and fill his lungs with his mate’s scent. It was as necessary as breathing.

“I will, love. Be right back.” Lee gave him a lingering smile before slipping away.

He buried his face in the pillows, the sudden wonder of it all hitting him like a sucker punch. This was… more than he’d ever hoped for. Lee made his heart happy and he could feel his energy rising, his body healing.

Oh, Goddess. Thank you. I stayed true, and you set me free.

Lee poked his head around the door frame. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. I was cuddling.” I was giving thanks for you.

“Okay. Two more shakes.” Lee disappeared again. So busy. The others needed care though. Drew understood.

He was being selfish and taking right now for himself.

Drew had given and would continue to give, but he wanted to be strong for Lee. To love him. That wasn’t wrong, and he had to believe that.

He’d waited his entire long life for this, and his type lived long.

In fact, he couldn’t remember… Drew frowned. Oh, well, he’d been there, with the others, so many others, for a long time. That hurt the memory.

“Drew, Drew, stay with me, babe. You were a little faded there for a second.”

“Sorry. Sorry, mate. I was -- somewhere else.”

“I know. I could tell.” Lee hugged him tight, pulling him into that warm lap.

“I just want to be here. With you. Now.”

“I want that too. You feel warmer. That’s wonderful.” Lee held him, cheek against his.

“I do. Feel warm. And wonderful.” He felt real.

“Yes.” Lee laughed. “I’ve been alone a long time.”

“No more. You can be with me.” Forever.

“Thank you.” Lee kissed him, which seemed like breathing. He scooted close, his body meeting Lee’s again.

They clung together, slow kisses passing back and forth, and with each one he seemed to gain strength. Lee was a healthy wolf in his prime who had energy to spare.

He felt himself responding, going hard against Lee’s belly.

Lee pulled back to stare. “Drew? Are you… Is this okay?”

“Do you want to? I want to.” He thought Lee wanted to.

“I do. I just. You look better. I mean like you feel better.”

“I feel better. I feel like I need you. Do you feel like you need me?”

“I do.” Lee rocked against him, the answering hardness right there.

“Oh good.” He drew one leg up, bringing them together, bringing them closer.

Lee rolled on top of him, sliding between his legs, and want speared through him, rising up in his chest. Oh, Lee’s skin felt warm and wonderful, and that hard cock was a marvel.

Drew moaned and wrapped his legs around Lee’s waist, dragging them closer together. They were on fire for each other all of a sudden, the flare of need almost shocking.

Mate. I need you. He dragged his teeth along Lee’s shoulder.

Yes, please. Lee’s warm chuckle landed on his skin.

His world spun lazily, and he held on, tongue dragging on Lee’s skin.

This was beyond anything he’d ever hoped for. He needed to learn everything about his mate -- from his flavor to his touch.

Lee’s scent was already deep in him, in his soul. He suddenly wanted to howl with his need, with joy.

“Mmm.” Lee rubbed up against him, hard and hot and wet at the tip of his cock.

“I’m… I need…” He slithered down and leaned in to lap at the slit of Lee’s prick, filling him with his mate’s flavor.

“Oh, God. Drew.” Lee went still but for one hand stroking his hair.

“Yes, mate.” He groaned. He needed more, and Lee needed him too.

So he licked and sucked, listening to Lee moan, feeling that hard body move under him. He remembered how to do this, how loving a man with his mouth made him ache.

This man made him want even more, made him close his eyes and suck strongly, tasting soap with the musk. Lee groaned, the hand at the back of his head clenching, so he repeated the action with his tongue, dragging it along Lee’s shaft.

Lee liked that. The moans got louder, the motions under him got stronger. Lee touched him now, free hand sliding down over his shoulder, his upper arm.

He cupped Lee’s balls, weighing them in his palm.

Lee’s legs pulled up. “Drew! That feels so good.”

That’s what he needed to hear. That it felt necessary. He licked his way around the base, then licked those balls too, bathing them well.

Lee groaned for him, pleasure filling his mind in heady waves.

He shuddered, his body rocking on the bed, and Lee yanked him up, kissing him hard and deep, then gathering their cocks together in one hand to stroke them.

He arched and rocked, almost crying out with his desperation.

“Shhh.” Lee kissed him again and no, he didn’t want to wake his brothers, so he dug his fingers into Lee’s back, riding wave after wave of need. They kissed until he saw stars, until his ears rang. Then they broke to breathe before diving back in.

His heart pounded and his cock leaked, dripping and smoothing the way of Lee’s hand. Lee moved faster, arm swinging, hand squeezing. The friction made him arch and writhe, begging.

“Give me what I want.” Lee’s growl made his eyes fly open, his balls emptying immediately.

Lee stifled a shout against his mouth, and he felt the answering rush of hot seed on his belly and cock tip.

Mate. He began to laugh, the joy pushing out of him and filling the air. This was the best day in a short line of good days. Oh, my beloved mate! he thought.

Lee chuckled, clearly not sure why they were laughing, but happy to go along. Sweet man.

He licked at Lee’s chin, adoring his mate with all he had. You found me. All these years, and you found me.

I did. I did. You’re safe now. Lee held him tight, warm and wonderful against him.

He was, and he was never going back. The thought soothed him, down to his bones.

He took a deep breath, leaning on Lee. This was his now. Drew would defend it to the death.

“Shh. No more death now. You’re free.”

“Yes.” Finally. Blessedly.

They rested together, and he smiled. Then his stomach rumbled and Lee laughed. “Soup.”

“Soup. I like soup.” He liked warm food.

“Well, let’s get you fed. I bet I have a robe that will keep you warm.”

And it would smell like Lee. That was a wonderful thing, no matter how you looked at it. He put it on when Lee handed it over, sniffing hard. The musk made him dizzy.

He lifted his head, Lee’s eyes glowing as they took him in.


Lee grinned, all wolf. “You smell just right.”

“I do? Oh good. I worried I would never be rid of the stink of that place.”

“Well, all it took was a little washing and some loving.”

“The loving was the best of it.”

“I think so too.” Lee served up soup, steam rising from the bowl. A big piece of fresh bread appeared too. “Let me check on the others, and I’ll come eat with you.”

“Do you want me to come?”

Lee shook his head. “No. No, you stay and eat. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay.” He breathed deep, the rich smell of the soup so good. Lee would tell him if the others needed him.

He dove into the food, letting all his noises out, his joy, his hunger. The bread tasted so good dipped into the soup, and it was all so simple but yummy. Real food.

Carrots were some of his favorite things. He could remember digging them up and getting chased from the farm.

He grinned, then munched another one. Yum.

“Is it okay?” Lee asked. He was smiling when he walked back into the kitchen, so that worked, right?

“It’s delicious. The carrots are the best part.”

“So you like carrots too? They’re my favorite, so I put a lot in.” Lee beamed at him. “That makes it easier to cook for you at least.”

“I love carrots. Sweet and rich and earth and you can chew on them.” Drew slurped up another. “I like that I can be easier.”

“Not that any of you are hard. I want to help. I just… I want to be special to you.” Lee ducked his head, and he had to get up to go give him a hug.

“You’re very special. You’re my mate. I know you feel it.”

Lee nodded against the top of his head. “That’s why I can hear you.”

“Yes. You found me. I can hardly believe it.” He’d been so trapped for so long.

“I did. I mean, I didn’t know I was going to, but you’re here now. Can you help me feed the others when we’re done?”

“Of course.” That was what he was good at. That was his… entire purpose.

“Thank you.” Lee leaned over to give him a quick kiss, and how lovely, to have kisses over supper. How fascinating, like it was easy, natural.

He supposed it was. That was how mates were meant to be. Love was fun.

His love was going to be, dammit.

Lee’s hand slipped into his, and the smile they shared told him he was right. He leaned in, his eyelids going heavy at the rush of peace.

They sat there like that for a long while, then, with unspoken agreement, they finished up eating so they could load up more bowls of soup. His friends needed their strength.

Drew took the bowls around, then went to the wolves, one-by-one, laying hands on them, willing them to live and thrive. By the time he was at the last, he was crawling, his skin feeling translucent.

“Drew?” Lee slid to his knees next to Drew, pulling him close. “Oh, love. You look awful.”

“Lee…” He closed his eyes and rested.

“Come lie down.” Lee lifted him. “You were just supposed to feed them soup.” They went back to Lee’s bed, Lee cradling him close, warming him. “I understand now, sweet one. I have you. I understand.”

The words poured around him.

He tried to pat Lee’s chest, but he just didn’t have the strength. His arms felt so heavy, the sickness still spreading up them and into his body.

“I’ll help. Rest for me, sweet one. I have you. I swear.”

Never let me go.

Never. Lee’s promise rang through him, making him moan and cuddle closer. Yes. Forever.

Even though right now he just wanted to lie down and die.