In which the Adventure goes on after the accustomed Manner.
In which one would imagine the Adventure concluded, but for a Promise that something else is to come.
In which the Adventure is really concluded, tho’ possibly not as the Reader expected.
In which some Contradictions are very happily reconciled.
In which a Mistake, in point of Ceremony, is rectified.
Contains several Incidents, in which the Reader is expected to be extremely interested.
In which a logical Argument is unseasonably interrupted.
The Adventure of the Books continued.
In which the Adventure of the Books is happily concluded.
Which contains a very natural Incident.
Which treats of a consolatory Visit, and other grave Matters.
Which contains some common Occurrences, but placed in a new Light.
The History of Miss Groves, interspersed with some very curious Observations.
Containing what a judicious Reader will hardly approve.
Which treats of the Olympic Games.
Which concludes with an excellent moral Sentence.
Containing some curious Anecdotes.
In which our Heroine is engaged in a very perilous Adventure.
In which the Lady is wonderfully delivered.
Two Conversations, out of which the Reader may pick up a great deal.
In which our Heroine is greatly disappointed.
Some curious Instructions for relating an History.
In which our Heroine is suspected of Insensibility.
By which, we hope, the Reader will be differently affected.
In which our Heroine discovers her Knowlege in Astronomy.
In which a very pleasing Conversation is left unfinished.
Definition of Love and Beauty—the necessary Qualities of an Hero and Heroine.
In which our Heroine is engaged in a new Adventure.
In which the Mistakes are continued.
In which the Mistakes are not yet cleared up.
Which contains some necessary Consequences of the foregoing Mistakes—A Soliloquy on a Love-Letter.
A Dispute very learnedly handled by two Ladies, in which the Reader may take what Part he pleases.
In which our Heroine is in some little Confusion.
Containing some Account of Thalestris, Queen of the Amazons; with other curious Anecdotes.
A Love-Adventure, after the Romantic Taste.
In which it will be seen, that the Lady was as generous as her Lover.
Containing an Incident, full as probable as any in Scudery’s Romances.
A single Combat fought with prodigious Valour; and described with amazing Accuracy.
In which the Reader will find a Description of a Beauty, in a Stile truly sublime.
Wherein Sir George concludes his History; which produces an unexpected Effect.
Containing only a few Inferences drawn from the foregoing Chapters.
For the Shortness of which the Length of the next shall make some Amends.
Not so long as was first intended: But contains, however, a surprising Adventure on the Road.
Which concludes with an authentic Piece of History.
In which one of our Heroine’s Whims is justified, by some others full as whimsical.
Which contains some excellent Rules for Raillery.
In which the Author condescends to be very minute in the Description of our Heroine’s Dress.
Some Reflections very fit, and others very unfit, for an Assembly-Room.
Being a Chapter of the satirical kind.
In which our Heroine justifies her own Notions by some very illustrious Examples.
In which our Heroine, being mistaken herself, gives Occasion for a great many other Mistakes.
In which our Heroine’s Extravagance will be thought, perhaps, to be carried to an extravagant Length.
A Dialogue between Arabella and Lucy: In which the latter seems to have the Advantage.
Contains the Conversation referred to in the last Chapter of the preceding Book.
In which our Heroine, as we presume, shews herself in two very different Lights.
In which Mr. Glanville makes an unsuccessful Attempt upon Arabella.
In which is introduced a very singular Character.
Containing something which, at first Sight, may, possibly, puzzle the Reader.
Which concludes Book the Eighth.
In which is related an admirable Adventure.
Which ends with a very unfavourable Prediction for our Heroine.
In which Arabella meets with another admirable Adventure.
In which is related the History of the Princess of Gaul.
Not much plainer than the former.
Containing indeed no great matters, but is a Prelude to greater.
Which acquaints the Reader with two very extraordinary Accidents.
A short Chapter indeed, but filled with Matter.
Being, in the Author’s Opinion, the best Chapter in this History.