
Acknowledgments and Thanks



TO MY dearest friend and punctuation goddess, Jeannie, for everything she’s done to contribute to my writing. Aside from being a meticulous editor, she’s a great listener and puts up with my melodrama and mood swings. I can’t imagine doing this without her support. “Thank you” doesn’t even begin to cover how grateful I am to have her in my life.

To the members of my critique group for their honesty and ongoing support.

To everyone at Dreamspinner Press for the magic they perform with each novel. You make my dreams come true whenever I hold the finished product in my hand.

Lastly, to all the readers who have invested time, tears, and hope in Sloan’s journey. Your e-mails and comments have sustained me throughout the writing of Cleave. As one of you mentioned, personal growth can be a messy business, but the payback is worth the pain.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

—Anaïs Nin