Here’s a fun design that features an ordinary hair band upgraded with real hair. Make sure you like the hair elastics you choose, since they are visible in the final hairstyle.
1. Wash and blow dry the hair. Divide the hair into two sections with a part that extends from one ear to the other over the crown of the head.
2. Grasp a small section of hair to the left of the middle of the brow.
3. Secure the hair in a ponytail with a brightly colored hair elastic.
4. Repeat this process to make three more little ponytails, all similar in size, along the hairline.
5. Make another four ponytails immediately behind the first four so that you have two rows of small ponytails along the top of the head. When securing the second row of ponytails, make sure there is enough room between the two rows of ponytails to place the hair band.
6. Place the headband on the top of the head so that it sits between the two rows of ponytails.
7. Number the ponytails in the first row from 1 to 4. Split ponytail 2 into two even sections.
8. Split ponytail 4 into two even sections. Number the ponytails in the second row from 5 to 8. Draw one section of hair from ponytail 2 and one section of hair from ponytail 4 over the hair band and join them with ponytail 7.
9. Secure these three sections of hair with a hair elastic.
10. Now split ponytail 3 into two even sections. Join one of these sections with the loose section of ponytail 4 on the other side of the hair band.
11. Join both of these sections with ponytail 8 and secure with a hair elastic.
12. Split ponytail 1 into two even sections. Join one of these sections with the loose section of ponytail 3. Join with the hair in ponytail 6 on the other side of the hair band, and secure with a hair elastic.
13. Join the loose sections in ponytails 1 and 2 with ponytail 5. Secure with a hair elastic.
14. Move to the back of the head and gather all of the hair in a high ponytail.
15. Twist the ponytail into a bun and secure with bobby pins. Mist with holding spray.