Nikki arrived at the café a few minutes before noon the next day and was waiting to be seated when Emily joined her. They were escorted to a booth and a waitress appeared immediately with menus.
“What can I get y’all to drink?” she asked.
“Sweet tea,” Emily said.
“Same.” Nikki nodded.
“Be right back with some chips and salsa and your drinks.” She started to walk away and then turned. “Lemon?”
“Lime,” Emily and Nikki answered at the same time.
“I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet your dad last night. Are you more nervous or less now that you know he’s not that far away?” Emily turned her focus back to Nikki.
“Even worse than yesterday,” Nikki answered. “I’ve thought of a thousand questions I should have asked Lucas since last night.”
The waitress returned with a tray bearing chips and drinks. Emily squeezed the slice of lime into her tea and took a drink. “Like what?”
Nikki did the same thing with the lime. “Like how did he know my dad? Does he work for him? Is he kin to him? Daddy never mentioned that we might have cousins somewhere. Relatives never came to visit us, but lookin’ back I can understand why. If anyone came before I was born or when I was a toddler, Mama’s attitude would have sent them runnin’ for the hills. And maybe Daddy didn’t tell us because he knew we’d want to get to know them.”
“Well, you’ll find out tonight,” Emily said. “You ever worry that this can of worms you’re opening might be as bad as what your mama said last week?”
“Yep, I have.” Nikki loaded a chip with salsa and popped it in her mouth.
“I’m glad Tag is going with you. I can’t believe how much he’s settled down since he moved here and you two started seeing each other. I’ve thought that he and Hud would figure out real quick that being boss of their own place was tougher than they’d imagined. But they’ve surprised me.” Emily used a chip to dip deep into the salsa.
“Me too. He’s so”—Nikki searched for the right word—“different from how he was at your wedding.”
“It’s amazing. Mama and Daddy are over the moon with the way he’s taking on responsibilities now. Matthew says it won’t last if the guys make him keep doing the book work, but I think it just might,” Emily said. “But enough about Tag. We’re here to talk about your visit this evening. I have faith in you. If you don’t like where this journey takes you, you can slam the door on it. But good Lord, girl. Think about all those letters and cards and all that money. He didn’t forsake you even when he thought you’d turned your back on him.”
“It would have been easier if he’d been in McKinney last night. Now that he’s less than thirty miles away, it’ll be harder on us both if things don’t go right,” Nikki said.
The door opened and Nikki looked up to see Tag maneuvering his way inside on his crutches. She waved and he smiled as he made his way around tables and chairs. “Mind if I join y’all?”
Nikki scooted over. “Not at all. We haven’t ordered yet.”
“What are you doing in town?” Emily asked.
“Had to make a run in to get some lumber and corrugated sheet metal for the guys. The barn roof is leaking and we’re planning to start cuttin’ hay next week. We’ll need a dry place to put it, so they’re working on that today.” Tag laid a hand on Nikki’s thigh. “Thought I’d get some lunch and some takeout for the guys before I go back home. What’s on your agenda for the rest of the afternoon?”
“I’m driving a hay wagon for Justin,” Emily said.
“I’m going to buy groceries for the next couple of weeks. Want me to pick up anything for you?” It seemed only natural that Nikki would ask, but then she wondered if that was too much and got a little flustered.
His hand moved a little bit higher. “We’re out of everything at the cabin. Just buy whatever you think we need, and keep the receipt so I can reimburse you.”
“Are y’all living together?” Emily asked.
“No!” Nikki put a hand on his to stop it.
“Well, that was pretty definite,” Tag chuckled.
“My mama would put out a hit on me if…Wait a minute.” Nikki frowned. “I’m almost thirty. If I want to live with someone, that’s my business.”
Tag gently squeezed her leg. “That’s my girl.”
“Does that mean you might live together sometime in the future?” Emily asked.
“Mind your own business, sis.” Tag removed his hand, picked up a chip, and dipped it into the salsa.
“Nikki?” Emily asked.
“Let’s just get through tonight, but the question is kind of moot since I haven’t been asked. I don’t think, at this point in our relationship, it’s time for that anyway.”
Before they could continue with the conversation, the waitress came with another menu and asked Tag what he’d like to drink.
“Coke with a wedge of lime, please,” he said. “And some more chips and salsa. If the ladies are ready to order, I know what I want.”
The waitress whipped a pad from her pocket. “Yes, sir?”
“The taco plate with refried beans and rice and an order of guacamole on the side. And while we’re eating, would you fix up three more of those for me to take with me?”
“You got it.” She turned to Emily.
“That sounds good. I’ll have the same.”
“And you, ma’am?” she asked Nikki.
“Two chicken taco plates, no beans on the side, double the rice.” Nikki glanced out the window in time to see a black Lincoln pull up to the curb. “Tag, let me out, please.”
He slid out of the booth and stood to one side. “The bathrooms are at the back.”
“Not going that way.” She made her way through the tables and stepped out on the sidewalk in time to see the vehicle back out onto the road. Lucky devil didn’t even catch a red traffic light at the next corner but sped right through a green light and made a left-hand turn before she could read the license plate.
It wouldn’t be her father because Lucas said he drove a pickup truck, so who in the hell was stalking her?
“Did you get a look at him?” Tag asked so close behind her that she jumped.
“Nope, but I could swear it’s the same car that was parked across the street from my dad’s old place last night,” she said. “Next time I’m going to get his license number and call the police.”
“Billy Tom?” Emily gasped right behind Tag.
“Nope, can’t be. This has been going on since before Billy Tom even showed up at the pizza place. We might as well go on back inside. Let me get the door for you.”
“A gentleman opens the door for his lady,” Tag muttered. “I hate these crutches.”
“So I’m your lady? Is that the same as your girlfriend?” Nikki raised an eyebrow.
“I hope so.” Tag finally smiled.
Nikki had a full cart of food by the time she’d finished shopping. She divided it as she set it on the conveyor belt. What she planned to take to her apartment would be in separate sacks from what she’d bought to go to the cabin. She paid the bill, shoved it into her purse, and piled all of it into the trunk of her car. It took two trips up the steps to get all of her things into her place. Once it was put away, she fed Goldie and told her not to wait up for her because she might not be home until morning again.
Face it. You are practically living with Tag, and you’ve only known him a month. Quint’s voice in her head put a smile on her face.
“But I feel like I’ve known him forever,” she muttered as she locked the door and went down to her car.
When she got to the cabin, Tag was sitting on the porch, his crutches lying next to him on one side and Red sprawled out on the other. He waved and started to get up when she parked. She shook her head at him.
“Just sit still. I can get this. Thought I’d make some supper before we leave. It’ll give me something to do until it’s time to go,” she said.
He got up, hopped over to the door without his crutches, and held it open for her. “I can think of something better to do than cooking.”
“Oh, yeah, well, let me get this stuff put away, and you can show me what you’ve got in mind.” She lined grocery bags on her arm and carried them into the house.
“It’s got something to do with giving you a massage for doing all this for me, and then we’ll see where that takes us,” he said. “But first you have to get naked.”
“I’ve never had a massage from a sexy cowboy. This could be interesting.” She set the bags on the kitchen table and put away the food as she unloaded it.
“Well, today is your lucky day,” he told her as he went back for his crutches.
Red dashed into the cabin ahead of him and went straight to Nikki.
“Look at those big old sad eyes,” she crooned as she ripped open a package of doggy treats. “He knows who loves him the most.”
“If I get a sad look in my eyes, will you treat me?” Tag asked.
“You can have as many bacon-flavored little bites as you want,” she told him. “But first you’ll have to sit up and beg for them.”
“Red don’t have to beg,” Tag protested.
“Red is a puppy. You’re a big sexy cowboy.” Nikki put the last of the groceries away and kicked off her shoes and socks.
“I’ll get the oil. You just get naked and stretch out on the bed,” Tag said.
“Oil? How many women have you…” She stopped. The past was the past and was none of her business.
“None, but while I was in Walmart this morning, I saw this stuff and thought it would be fun,” he said. “I also bought the shower gel to go with it. It smells like coconut, and it reminded me of the beach. You said you’d love to see the ocean, so you can pretend that you’ve got your toes in the water.”
“I shouldn’t have asked.” She pulled her T-shirt over her head, and then her bra came off. She laid both over the back of a kitchen chair.
Red curled up on the end of the sofa and put his paw over his eyes.
“He’s pouting because it’s my turn to spend time with you.” Tag’s eyes went all dreamy as he watched her undress. “You are stunning, in and out of clothes.”
“I’ve always felt like I’m too small.” She took off her underpants and threw them on the pile.
“You are perfect,” he told her. “Now stretch out on your stomach and let me take your mind off all your worries.” He leaned the crutches against the wall and picked up the oil from the nightstand.
She tossed the pillow that she used at night to the side and stretched out. “Did you plan this?”
“I cannot lie to you, darlin’. Yes, ma’am, I did, and I’ve been pretty aroused just thinking about it since you agreed to get groceries for me,” he said.
He applied oil to her back and began to gently rub it in. Then he got serious. He started at her neck and slowly worked his way to the bigger shoulder muscles.
“Where did you learn to do this?” she asked.
“YouTube,” he chuckled. “I watched several videos while I waited on you.”
“You were supposed to be doing ranch paperwork,” she reminded him.
He stopped long enough to nibble on her ear. “It’s all done and caught up. Besides, the videos were way more interesting.”
“I bet they were.” Nikki sighed in contentment as he worked out a particularly large knot in her shoulder. “What are you going to do all weekend if you’ve caught up on work?”
“I’m going to another ranch rodeo to watch the guys ride bulls. But don’t worry, I’m going to be a spectator, not a rider. And I’ve been thinking that when I get around to the skydiving thing, we just might do it together,” he said.
“Honey, I go skydiving every time you make love to me.” She relaxed and he worked his way down her entire body.
Every part of her was tingling when he reached her toes and then worked his way back up. It wasn’t until he reached her shoulders and flipped her over that she realized he was as naked as she was.
“Oh, when did that happen?” she asked.
“What? The fact that just touching you aroused me or that I took off my clothes?”
“All of the above,” she gasped.
He stretched out beside her and ran a hand down her ribs, causing even more fire to build up in her insides. “You had your eyes closed, enjoying the massage. I took off a piece at a time. Your skin is so soft. It’s like wrapping these old rough hands in silk.”
“We’ve had enough foreplay, cowboy.” She moaned as she rolled over on top of him. “Do we need a YouTube video for what comes next?”
He flipped her over onto her back and his lips found hers in a string of kisses that left them both panting. “Honey, I think we can manage this part just fine.”
Afterwards, they curled up together in a quilt cocoon and fell asleep. Nikki’s breasts were pressed against his chest, and his arms were around her. Then like a bolt of lightning hit him, he jumped out of bed and spit out a long string of swear words. It startled her so bad that she bounced to her feet in the middle of the bed and looked around for a mouse or a spider or even a snake.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“God, my toes hurt.” He fell backward on the bed.
His weight caused her to bounce and fall flat on her butt. “You aren’t supposed to put weight on them. What happened?”
“Damn Red cold nosed my bare leg. I thought it was something crawling on me,” he answered breathlessly.
She giggled. “Looks like you scared the poor pup half to death. He’s cowering under the table.”
“Well, he did the same to me.” Tag laughed with her. “Next time, he’s going outside.”
“Oh, there’s going to be a next time?” she asked.
“You bet there is, and according to the clock, it can be right now,” he said as he pushed her back on the bed and strung kisses from her neck to her lips. “We’ve got lots of time before we go to Alvord to see your father.”