The 4th Principle of RELENTLESS: Relentless PREPARATION

“Luck is the residue of design.”

—Branch Rickey

You’ve got Relentless HEART. You’ve set Relentless GOALS, and you’re committed to pursuing your Relentless AMBITIONS with Relentless CHUTZPAH.

What will it take to make those ambitions a reality? Relentless PREPARATION.


You must keep your pipeline filled. If you’re wondering, “What’s my pipeline?” it’s your potential deals, jobs, careers, investors, and opportunities. Like a talented circus juggler who keeps a lot of balls in the air, you need a pipeline full of opportunities that you are always juggling and pursuing. But how does your pipeline get filled? Relentless PREPARATION.

I have multiple careers. I’m a speaker, author, CEO of multiple companies, spokesman for multiple companies, TV pitchman for multiple products, Vegas oddsmaker, and political commentator, as well as a TV producer. I never rely on just one career. I keep my pipeline filled. I’m always juggling twenty-five to fifty balls in the air.

The average person juggles just one or two balls at the most. They depend on one job, or one career, or one paycheck, or one working spouse, or one sugar daddy, or perhaps government to “save” them. That is a tragic mistake. And if that describes you, it is time to fill your pipeline. You need to start creating options and backup options—and backups for your backups. Not just with one, two, or three balls, but a bare minimum of twenty-five to fifty balls. Fill your pipeline using Relentless PREPARATION.

As an example, I might be raising money for a new business idea. Let’s say I need to raise $500,000. I would never rely on one investor to write that check. If he says “No,” I am left with nothing. Instead, I’ll most likely be speaking to twenty-five to fifty investors who are each capable of writing the check I need. And I’ll have twenty-five more in the pipeline as backups in case the first fifty fall through.

If you’re a cop or fireman or teacher, why not use your free time to build a small business, or open a retail store, or build a multi-level marketing home-based business, or become a salesman, or raise money on the phone for a charity. Better yet, do all of them! Always keep your pipeline filled.

If you’re an actor, don’t read one screenplay or script. Read twenty-five scripts. And while you’re working on your acting career, start writing and directing too. Always keep your pipeline filled.

If you’re a stockbroker and have two hundred clients, congratulations! But never rest on your laurels. Be sure you set aside a couple of hours per day to find another hundred. Always keep your pipeline filled.

If you’re a realtor and you have fifty listings, congratulations! But you still need to set aside a couple of hours per day to hunt for new listings. Go get fifty more. Always keep your pipeline filled.

Here is the point. Never leave your life in the hands of others. Always have backups . . . and make sure your backups have backups . . . and those backups are backed up by more backups. Always keep your pipeline filled.

But how can you find time to plan and prepare for new opportunities? Where does Relentless PREPARATION actually fit into your life?

Most people are constantly REACTING. They are always running behind, barely keeping up with the demands of their current job, their current deal, their current opportunities. They’re just trying to catch up with what life throws at them. They’re not calling the plays, planning two moves ahead, making things happen in their future. They will never fully utilize The Power of Relentless.

If you want to be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE, you need a PLAN.


That’s why I’m going to share with you my secret for making Relentless PREPARATION a daily part of your life. This secret will transform your career and set you up for undreamed-of success. It’s my RELENTLESS DAILY SCHEDULED ACTION PLAN for taking your life from “normal,” “average,” and “just getting by” to EXPONENTIAL.


If, like me, you believe “Luck is the residue of design” and “God helps those who help themselves,” then you need a detailed system to put you in a position to succeed.

Why is this plan called the Relentless TRIAD? First, because it divides the start of your day into three meaningful periods of improvement and empowerment. The Relentless TRIAD gives you three remarkable things:

          1.    A mental head start to the day.

          2.    A physical head start to the day.

          3.    A financial head start to the day.

The second reason it is called the Relentless TRIAD is because it harnesses The Power of Relentless to allow you to accomplish three remarkable things.

Who wouldn’t like to change your mindset and attitude for the better every morning by 9:00 a.m., before you even settle in at work?

Who wouldn’t like to get a head start on your competition before the official workday even starts?

Who wouldn’t like a head start that puts you thousands of “actions” ahead of your colleagues and competition over the next decade?

That’s the power of the TRIAD. That’s The Power of Relentless PREPARATION.

The timing is optional. You choose how long you have for the Relentless TRIAD. Some will choose the shorter version, some the longer version. It’s up to your schedule.

I wake up every day at 6:00 a.m., start my day at around 6:15 a.m., and do three hours of the Relentless TRIAD. So by 9:15 a.m. or so, I’m in the greatest mindset of my life! I’m ready to take on anyone and anything. My energy is through the roof. My confidence is at “def con BRIGHT RED.” That means I’m a serious threat to everyone I do business with! I’m off to a head start that no one I’m competing with can match. And it’s only 9:15 a.m. My day has not even really started yet!

But for most people with kids to take to school (I’m a homeschool dad) and a job to get to (I work out of my home office), three hours is asking too much. So for practical purposes treat TRIAD as a ninety-minute scheduled action plan.

Try it for ninety minutes per day, experience it, and once you’ve felt the amazing benefits and seen the remarkable results, you will be inspired to expand it.

This is your opportunity to super-charge your career, business, and entire life in only ninety minutes per day. This is your opportunity to unleash your inner genius and give yourself a head start over your competition for the rest of your life, in only ninety minutes per day. This is your opportunity to give yourself a huge advantage over every competitor for the same job, career, sale, or raise, in only ninety minutes per day.

The Relentless TRIAD is about building your life around motion and action—PLANNED and SCHEDULED motion and action. It is all about you being in control of your life—not circumstances, or fate, or a boss without your best interests in mind. This is what Relentless PREPARATION is all about.

As you first read about the Relentless TRIAD, you’ll think “this is so simple and just common sense.” That may be true, but sometimes the answer to a huge problem is sitting right in front of your face. Sometimes the simplest answer is the one everyone ignores. The Relentless TRIAD is a powerful, life-changing action plan to supercharge your life . . . assuming, of course, you are one of the few who will have the hunger to change your life, the drive and intensity to succeed, and the discipline to follow the plan every day.

Here is how it works. Adjust your personal schedule so you have ninety minutes before you need to leave your home. For example, if you get up at 6:00 a.m. each day and you start the Relentless TRIAD by 6:15 a.m., you’ll be done by 7:45 a.m. If you get up at 7:00 a.m. and start by 7:15 a.m., you’ll be done by 8:45 a.m. If you are a commuter and need to leave your home by 7:30 AM, you will need to start at 5:30 to leave time for shower, dress and breakfast. (If you aren’t already in the habit of waking up that early, see my “Positive Addictions” at the end of this book.)

But it will be more than worth it! The time you spend on the Relentless TRIAD will be the most amazing ninety minutes of your day. These ninety minutes will leave you in the best mood of your life—filled with optimism, confidence, energy, enthusiasm, and focus. Those are the qualities that empower you to harness The Power of RELENTLESS. These ninety minutes will put you in position, each and every day, for the best day of your life.

It’s called the Relentless TRIAD because that magical ninety minutes to start your day is divided into three distinct parts.

              PART I: MENTAL IMPROVEMENT. The first thirty minutes of your Relentless TRIAD is dedicated to putting your mind in motion and achieving mental improvement: prayer, meditation, visualization, affirmation. Read more about resources for meditation and mental improvement in “Positive Addictions” at the end of this book. As time permits, you can read inspirational books such as the Bible, or a biography. (Or your favorite book, The Power of RELENTLESS. Wink-wink.)

              PART II: PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENT. The second thirty minutes of the Relentless TRIAD is dedicated to putting your body in motion and achieving physical improvement with your daily walk, aerobic exercise, weight training, yoga, swimming, etc. Read more about how to use this time in “Positive Addictions” at the end of this book.

              PART III: FINANCIAL IMPROVEMENT. This final thirty-minute period is dedicated to financial motion and taking action for financial improvement (increasing your income, or building your career). You’ll have two choices of direction here. You might sometimes want to use this thirty minutes to build (and reinforce) your current career or job. This is the time for setting and reviewing your goals (planning out your day), developing and maintaining your hit list (who you need to contact today). But if you really want to harness The Power of RELENTLESS, you will choose to devote many of these thirty-minute blocks of time to truly Relentless Preparation—to change, improve or expand, to create new opportunities, businesses, clients or careers.

This is your time to plot, plan, and dream. This is the time you use to create new ways to explode your income. This is the time to build a second or third career. This is the time to write your book. This is the time to create videos that can be used to solicit business. This is also the time to update your “Hit List”—identify who you need to contact, who you need to send videos to, who you need to follow up with today to turn your goals into reality.

Your goal for this thirty-minute session is to choose and write down four actions each day that will advance your goal(s). Then of course you need to take those actions during the rest of your day—just thinking or talking about them is not good enough. And finally you need to follow up those four actions. Let me give you a couple of personal examples. In my case, I never work on my current deals in this period. I use this time just for creating new ideas, opportunities, clients, or careers:

                  a. Suppose I have a current book deal and several regular speaking deals. I’ll work on those during my regular hours. The Relentless TRIAD is the special time I use to dream up new book ideas and new speaking opportunities. I use this time to create a pitch and make a list of new clients, agents, publishers, and organizations I want to contact. This thirty-minute period is where I make new contacts each day.

                  b. I have a business I’ll work at during the rest of day. During this time I’ll dream up a new business and draw up a game plan to get it launched.

                  c. I am the creator and producer of a hit TV series. But I’ll deal with producing that show later in the day. I’ll use this thirty minutes for dreaming up ideas and contacts for a new TV show.

                  d. I am a real estate broker. I’m working on ten different listings. But I don’t use the Relentless TRIAD time for those ten potential sales—that’s what I’ll be doing that for the rest of the day. I use this thirty minutes every day to find new listings and new clients.

                  e. I am a manager of a company from 9 to 5. But I use this daily thirty-minute period to create a new career that I’ve always dreamed of—writing my first movie screenplay, or my first novel.

                  f. I am a teacher or police officer 9 to 5. But I use this time to build a new second career in MLM (multi-level marketing) or sales.

                  g. Or perhaps you don’t want a second source of income, or another career. Perhaps you are an insurance agent, you love your job, and you’re darn good at it. Your only goal is to become the #1 performing agent at the firm. So you can use this thirty-minute period to plan out your day, schedule your calls, and make four new contacts each day—before your actual workday begins.

This is what’s lacking for 99 percent of your competition in the business world. They are always thinking about their current job, career, or business. They are thinking about their current customers or clients. But my “winning edge” in life is that I always keep the pipeline filled. I’m never relying on one career or business. I never want to rely on my pipeline of old clients, or old deals. I want to fill my pipeline with new clients and new deals. This is the thirty-minute period to fill your pipeline.

Most of your competitors don’t understand this concept. Relentless PREPARATION is a concept unknown to them. They get too busy or distracted to expand or dramatically improve their income and their life. They have one business, or one job, or one career.

The Relentless TRIAD is your winning edge. The TRIAD puts you in good stead to “attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.” The Relentless TRIAD helps you get a jump on your competition. It jump-starts your day, jump-starts your career, jump-starts your income, and gives your Relentless AMBITION an outlet to explore, take action, and make things happen.

This is your thirty minutes to dream and be bold. Nothing is better for defeating depression and doubt and creating a positive outlook than to know you are taking action to bring your dreams to fruition. Go for it.

If you’re having trouble getting started, use a journal, a dream book, or a vision board to brainstorm about where you want Relentless PREPARATION to take you. Remind yourself of your Relentless AMBITION and the GOALS you have set for yourself, and consider what are the concrete steps you could take to bring them closer to fruition.

You can and should work ten plus hours per day on your present career, job or business. That’s just the “minimum requirement” to succeed nowadays. But if you want to become a super-achiever and taste wealth and financial freedom, you must set aside special time to improve yourself and expand your options and opportunities.

TRIAD is your time to nourish your body, mind, spirit and soul. And it’s also your time to think only of new deals, new jobs, new clients, new employees, new partners, new buyers, new distributors. This is how you stay three steps ahead of the competition. While you have your current job or deal . . . always be thinking about the next one. This is what separates you from the crowd. This is what allows you to juggle fifty balls in the air at once.

If in this thirty-minute period, you average 4 actions per day (6 days a week) that equals 24 new actions (or contacts) per week . . .

That adds up to 96 new actions (or contacts) per month . . .

That’s 1,152 new actions (or contacts) per year . . .

That’s 11,520 new actions (or contacts) per decade!

That’s 11,520 MORE actions (or contacts) than 99 percent of your friends, co-workers, and, most importantly, competitors will ever take over the next decade.

Now let’s expand those numbers to include your entire career. From age twenty-two when you graduate college to age seventy when you might retire (if you’re the retiring type), that’s 55,296 more actions than any of your competitors.

That’s how you improve your life. All before 9:00 a.m.! That’s 55,296 actions or contacts over your career, before any of your days ever started.

Most important, it’s not just any old motion and action. It’s scheduled, structured motion and action. It’s making Relentless PREPARATION a part of your daily routine. It’s on your daily calendar—like a doctor’s appointment, or client appointment, or a meeting with your boss, or a parent-teacher conference. Those are all scheduled. You never miss them. That’s the point of putting these appointments in your schedule. If they are “scheduled” you know you’ll make it there, and usually on time.

So I’m asking you to schedule your mind improvement, your body improvement, and your financial improvement. They are just as important as any meeting with a client, doctor, or your boss. This is how you ensure you nourish your body, mind, spirit and soul, and take the actions you need for success.

I’m sure author Napoleon Hill would agree; this is how you create the time to “Think and Grow Rich.” And author Reverend Norman Vincent Peale would agree that this is the time necessary to practice “The Power of Positive Thinking.” And author Rhonda Byrne would agree it’s the time to practice “The Secret.” I know for certain that author Wayne Allyn Root agrees this is how you harness The Power of Relentless.

Now, if you can arrange your life to work from home (like I do), then I have a new and improved game plan for you. I personally do three HOURS of the Relentless TRIAD each day. I give each of these steps an entire hour each and every day. And I practice the TRIAD six to seven days per week. That’s my personal version of the perfect head start to each day (even weekends). That’s how I create the perfect relentless mindset. You are only as strong as your weakest link. So I want my mind to be strong seven days per week, 365 days per year.

To perfect the Relentless TRIAD even further, add fifteen minutes of scheduled time every night for review. That way, every day, you’ll have the chance to look back and judge how the plans and dreams of your Relentless PREPARATION in the morning actually panned out under the pressures of the daily grind. Use this review time to keep a daily journal, review your dream book or vision board, and read a chapter from an inspiring book, or a passage from the Bible.

That’s it. The Relentless TRIAD is the foundation of my life. I leave nothing to chance. NOTHING.

Luck is the residue of design. The TRIAD is your personal design.

And God does help those who help themselves. The Relentless TRIAD is how you help yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

The Relentless TRIAD is how you fill your pipeline.

Practice the TRIAD religiously, and you will see all your dreams come true.

And keep reading for more RELENTLESS principles that will give you a boatload of ideas for how to use your TRIAD time to bring you closer every day to the life of your dreams.