Now let me turn to one of the most important aspects of good nutrition: vitamin supplementation. My brand—what I’m known for—is ENERGY. If you’ve ever heard me speak you’ll know why. “Time Management” is a concept of the 1980s. Today, I believe the key to success is “Energy Management.”
I speak about energy management all over the world. Energy is the most valuable commodity of the business world! Everyone wants energy. If you have it, everyone wants to do business with you. They want to befriend you. They want to become your business partner. They even want to date you. They want to plug their electric cord into your electrical socket! Everyone wants what you have!
I express it the following way. I call it “Root’s Theorem For Success.”
Energy Makes Things Happen.
Energy Gets You Noticed and Makes You Stand Out in a Crowd.
Energy = Friends and Relationships.
Energy = People Want to Be Around You.
Energy = Others Want What You Have.
Energy = Opportunity and Success.
People born with the genetic energy level required to reach mega success are few and far between. But it can be taught. And even if you think you are one of those rare high-energy individuals, I am here to teach you how to have even more energy than you’ve ever experienced before in your life. The way to start generating that energy is to have the perfect combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, essential fatty acids, and excellent nutrition.
I promised to be detailed and specific in how to implement these “Positive Addictions” into your life. That said, the following list below is the combination of vitamins and nutrients (the core of my health regimen) that I believe is responsible for my world-class levels of energy.
Note that everybody is different. I’m not an MD, and I and don’t claim to be. I’m not prescribing vitamins. I’m a “Human Energizer Bunny” who is merely showing you the exact vitamin regimen that has worked fantastically for me. Everywhere I go in the world, I am asked the same question: “Where do you get that amazing energy, enthusiasm, health, and vitality? I want whatever you are taking. Please tell me!”
My answer is this regimen of vitamins and nutrients below. The rest is up to you. You may want to (slowly over time) try all of these vitamins and nutrients, to find out what works for you. You may want to take only a few. Or you may find only one that is right for you. If you add just one vitamin and dramatically improve your health and energy level, I’ve done my job!
You should consult your doctor if you have any diseases, or health concerns, or take any prescription drugs. I’m leaving the decisions up to you. But I am giving you the exact vitamin regimen that changed my life. It took me thirty years to find the perfect combination and the right brands. I’m giving all of that to you right here—for free. This alone is worth the price of admission!
• Finiti—from Jeunesse
• AM & PM Essentials—from Jeunesse
• Reserve Antioxident Gel—from Jeunesse
• Luminesce—from Jeunesse
• MultiVitamin Formula—this is very important. I use one specific brand: “Six Daily Advanced” by DrVita.com
• Vitamin C with quercetin and bioflavonoids (my favorite brand is Ester C)
• Vitamin D3
• Omega 3 Fish Oil
• Coenzyme Q10
• Turmeric (found at Costco.com under Nature’s Lab brand—created by DrVita)
• Vitamin E
• Selenium
• Multi-Probiotic
• Garlic (the brand I take is Kyolic)
• Zinc
• Collodial Silver (immune, anti-viral)
• Aloe Vera Juice (supports digestion)
• Green Tea standardized for 45–50 percent EGCG (the equivalent of 5–7 cups is in “Six Daily Advanced” by DrVita)
• Biocell Collagen with MSM (Found at Costco.com under the Nature’s Lab brand—created by DrVita)
• Magtein (magnesium for maximum brain absorption)
• Chlorella—single-cell green algae (the brand I take is Sun Chlorella A)
• Max One Riboceine (found at Max.com)
• Ginseng (Sibergin—the most effective brand of Siberian Ginseng)
• R-Alpha Lipoic Acid
• L Acetyl Cysteine
• Resveratrol Plus (foung at Costco.com under Trunature brand—created by DrVita)
• Octacosanol
• 7-Keto (for healthy hormone support and weight loss via burning fat while maintaining muscle)
• Olive Leaf extract (immune, anti-viral)
I’ve been practicing a vitamin supplementation regimen my entire adult life. I start every day with a walk in the sunshine (thereby filling my body with natural Vitamin D); eat a natural, holistic, and whenever possible organic diet; supplement with the right vitamins (including mega doses of Vitamin C); exercise 1 to 2 hours every day (7 days per week), don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t use drugs, and don’t eat junk food or fast food.
Now add in the other POSITIVE ADDICTIONS that you are just now reading about in this section of my book: meditation, prayer, yoga, affirmation, visualization, and positive thinking; and the result is that I’m rarely ever sick; have never been seriously ill in my life; have never missed a full day of work because of illness in my life; have incredible levels of energy from morning until night; put in 16-hour days; run multiple businesses; give speeches all over the world; do 20 to 30 media interviews per week; write books; write 2 to 3 commentaries every week; produce TV shows; serve on multiple boards of directors; serve as spokesman for multiple national and international companies; and co-manage a family of four children ranging in age from seven to twenty-three.
I owe my success to my personal “fountain of youth”—vitamins!
Vitamins changed my life. Without vitamins, I would not be the success authority I am today. Without vitamins, you wouldn’t be reading this book.
I started out the pale skinny kid with glasses, braces, and acne, who was beaten up ten times a day at my rough inner city high school. I was chased home from school by bullies almost every day. I ran for my life. And these were no idle threats. Kids carried knives and guns at my rough urban high school. Kids were beaten, robbed, mugged, assaulted, and threatened every day. I was so scared, I didn’t even want to go to school anymore.
One summer I changed all that. I read up on vitamins, nutrition, and healthy diet. I changed my eating habits, started taking mega doses of vitamins, bought a weight set, lifted weights all summer, and took boxing lessons. I tanned in the sun every day. I replaced my glasses with contact lenses. With my healthy diet in place, my acne disappeared. My braces came off. I felt like a million bucks.
I walked into my high school in September a new man. No one—not even my closest friends—recognized me. I had to tell them it was me. No one could believe it was me. I walked through the same halls I had cowered in before, with total confidence. No one ever picked on me again.
Author’s Note: I did wind up in one more fight. It was a fight for my life. But I wasn’t picked on. I became so confident, I went from a wimp being beaten up every day to a marshal (on the school police force). I caught a kid cutting class and using drugs. I told him he was coming with me to the principal’s office. He spun out of my grasp and pulled a machete on me. I contend vitamins, exercise, and my faith in God kept me alive that day!
My life changed so dramatically, it was like a story out of a movie. I was elected class vice president. I took a gorgeous blonde college girl to my eleventh-grade dance. I became the coolest kid in the school. The nerdy kids came to me to ask me to protect them from the bullies. I relished this role. My love affair with vitamins and the way they made me feel began that summer—and it’s never gone away.
Other kids smoked, drank, and took drugs. They ruined their lives. I took mega doses of vitamins and MADE my life. I’ve never looked back!
Energy became the brand I was known for—for the rest of my life. That energy led to successful careers in television, politics, business, books, speeches, and entrepreneurship. Always my energy (fueled by my vitamins) was at the center of my confidence and success.
I am known as the “Human Energizer Bunny.” Energy is the foundation of all of my success. Everyone wants to be around people with energy. They want to plug into your energy source. Energy is one of the most valuable commodities in the world.
Where do I get my energy? While it’s a synergistic effect of my entire healthy “Positive Addictions” program, the single most important piece of the puzzle is nutrition and vitamin supplementation. I plead guilty as charged—“I am a vitamin addict!”
I daily consume mega doses of vitamins and anti-aging nutrients. My energy comes naturally, from the vitamins and the nutrition that fuel my enthusiasm, vitality, and robust health.
I have a recommendation here:
I take anti-aging nutrients from a specific company called Jeunesse. I have become hooked on the cutting-edge, breakthrough anti-aging, DNA-repair, and telomere support nutrients found at Jeunesse. Let me tell you about the company.
Jeunesse is a global leader in anti-aging, health, longevity, and cell renewal. This product-driven direct-selling company is devoted to encouraging its distributors and customers to look and feel younger, earn more, and enjoy life. Company research focuses on adult stem cell technology, telomere support, DNA repair, and nutrigenomics. Products are made in the USA and are exclusively formulated for Jeunesse.
With multi-lingual customer service, a back office support team, global enrollment system, and in-house programming already in place, the company is fully operational in thirty-two offices around the world. Its distribution channels extend to over 100 countries.
NutriGen™ means Nutrition in the Genomic level. Jeunesse nutritional products are not just ordinary supplements. They work both outside and inside of our cells to maximize the rejuvenating effect. These innovative products have been endorsed by world-renowned doctors and scientists such as Dr. Vincent Giampapa (regarded as the father of anti-aging medicine) and Dr. Michael Nobel, co-inventor and developer of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) device and a co-founder and former president of the Nobel Charitable Trust.
Jeunesse products target DNA Repair and telomere maintenance and protect cells from free-radical damage.
To learn more about Jeunesse and their unique anti-aging products contact:
Website: RelentlessHealth.jeunesseglobal.com
E-mail: RelentlessHealth@Yahoo.com
PH: (888) 444-7668
Outside of Jeunesse, I buy all of my remaining key vitamin supplements from DrVita.com—the only other vitamin company I trust (because they manufacture every vitamin at their own state-of-the-art facility in Las Vegas). The founder of DrVita, Wayne Gorsek, is the most knowledgeable vitamin authority in America. I call him “Dr. Vitamin.” (And he’s also known to my friends and readers as “the other Wayne.”)
The DrVita website offers the highest quality vitamins in America today, at a fraction of the cost of any retail vitamin store or health food supermarket. So you’re getting healthy for about half the cost!
Here is how to reach DrVita for your vitamin and nutritional needs:
PH: (800) 211-4188
Due to our great friendship, Wayne Gorsek has graciously agreed to personally answer any of your nutrition questions. You can e-mail “the other Wayne” at: wayne@drvita.com
Author’s Note: At the time of the writing of this book, I use the vitamins of Jeunesse and DrVita and recommend them wherever I go. Since I am the best darn product spokesman in America and I am so passionate about the value of their products, I have entered into and am in discussion to enter into further business relationships with these companies.