Smiling wins political elections. Smiling is also the foundation of communication in general. No matter what you’re selling, a smile sells it better! A study from Penn State University showed that when you’re smiling, other people see you as more “likeable, courteous and competent.”1
If you’re giving a speech, it will be received better if you’re smiling. If you’re selling real estate or insurance, a smile will help close the deal. If you’re a high school teacher, a smile will help you sell American history or algebra. If you own a plumbing company, a smile will help you sell a new commercial client. If you’re a cop, a smile might diffuse a bad situation. If you’re a mom, a smile will make you a better parent.
And a smile will also help you find and master your inner self. A smile versus a frown tells your brain that you are happy. The latest research shows that smiling re-wires your brain to be more positive and optimistic.2
It also tells the person you are communicating with that you are a nice person. That makes them like you. The latest research shows that it’s hard for others to frown when looking at a person smiling. So by smiling, you are making other people happy too, which in turn makes you happier and more secure. A nice smile changes your attitude . . . changes the attitude of the people you’re doing business with . . . and changes your day for the better. It’s all about SYNERGY.
So smiling is an important addiction.
And smiling goes hand in hand with one word: “YES!”
I have already told you how I always say yes whenever humanly possible.
One “YES” has the power to change your life. To find that one “YES,” start by being a “YES” person yourself.
Just like a smile, saying “YES” makes other people’s day. “YES” makes them happy. “YES” makes them smile. “YES” makes them like you.
A “YES PERSON” will be the last one fired in a bad economy. A “YES PERSON” will close on more deals as a salesman—whether selling aluminum siding, cars, stocks, or $10 million mansions.
Opportunity often comes with many unknowns—the risk of failure, or additional time and work. The easy thing to do, the low-risk thing, is to say “No.” “YES” can get you in trouble (if things go terribly wrong). But there’s no risk of losing your job for saying “NO.” That’s why most people take the easy way out, by always saying “NO.” That’s why most lawyers say “NO” to every deal they are presented. They see no downside to saying “NO.” Nothing bad can happen if you don’t take a risk, right? You are avoiding disaster.
Wrong! That’s why I decided against going to law school. Being a lawyer depressed me. I knew I wanted to be a positive person. A cheerleader. A “YES MAN!” The people who say “YES” get the job . . . keep the job . . . get the date . . . get the marriage proposal . . . get the partnership . . . win the election . . . land the CEO suite.
By always saying “YES” you are keeping yourself in a position to take advantage of opportunities that may only come along once. The truth is that more billions of dollars have been lost through missed opportunities because of “NO” than any other word in the world. “NO” shuts you out of the ballgame. The truth is there is zero chance of success by saying “NO.” The only chance is to say “YES.” Opportunity is tied to the word “YES.”
“YES” is all about taking a risk. And risk-takers are respected and rewarded in life. When you say “YES,” other people (who are too frightened to take the risks necessary to succeed) see you as a swashbuckler, a riverboat gambler, a gunslinger, a Wild West hero. You’re like the sheriff facing down the bad guys at “the OK Corral.” Everyone wishes they could be that guy. Everyone wishes they had that kind of courage. Everyone wishes they could be the hero. And the hero always wins the beautiful girl!
If you smile and say “YES” at every available opportunity, I can assure you that your life will change dramatically for the better. So screw the lawyers and their favorite word “NO.” The world would be a better place without the negativity and fear of lawyers. The world needs a few heroes. So say “YES” with me now. “YES!”
And for the rest of your life always ask yourself an important question every time you are presented an opportunity and are about to say “NO.” Instead ask yourself “How could I say YES to this offer? There has to be a creative way to say ‘YES’ and turn this into a win-win situation.” And of course, smile while you are asking yourself that question.