My entire Positive Addictions Program is dedicated to turning you into a super-achiever. What defeats and destroys success and achievement for most people? Four things:





Not coincidently, those are the same four things that destroy positive thinking. And of course, as we’ve already hammered home again and again, positive thinking is the foundation of all success and achievement.

Not coincidently, those are the same four things that kill confidence. And of course, confidence (a.k.a. faith) is absolutely necessary to harness The Power of RELENTLESS when you get smashed in the face.

So what is the antidote to doubt, fear, stress, and depression? MOTION.

And not just any motion, but rather something specific: RELENTLESS MOTION.

In a nutshell, that’s what this entire book is about. Whether it’s mental motion (prayer, meditation, affirmation, visualization, goals, etc.) . . .

Or physical motion (morning walk, yoga, fitness training, weight training, etc.) . . .

Or financial motion (hunting, hitting, pitching, hooking, hammering, hounding, filling your pipeline, following up, etc).

The point is that the way to counter stress, negativity, doubt, fear and depression is to always be in RELENTLESS MOTION! Sometimes it’s mental motion, sometimes it’s physical motion, sometimes it’s financial motion, but the point is . . . you gotta keep moving to win!

Each of my seven PRINCIPLES OF RELENTLESS and twelve POSITIVE ADDICTIONS is crucial to your success. It is the synergy of all of them together that is so powerful. I could not subtract one of them. They each have a crucial role. But this “addiction” is the final and crowning one for a reason. I always save the best for last. In the end everything I teach comes down to motion. Each of these twelve Positive Addictions comes down to motion. The Power of RELENTLESS comes down to motion.

If you’re sleeping, you’re losing ground. Sleep after you’re dead. There’s plenty of time for that.

If you’re sitting, you’re losing ground.

If you’re on the couch watching TV, you’re losing ground.

If you’re wasting time slouching off, you’re losing ground.

If you’re not in action, in motion, risking, attacking, taking the offense, you’re losing ground.

If you’re not up early relentlessly hunting, hitting, pitching, and hooking, you’re losing ground.

RELENTLESS MOTION equals confidence. It equals progress. It always results in a step forward, never backward.

You will be tested. You will be attacked. You will get smashed in the face. And when you do—Mike Tyson was right—for most normal people, their plan goes out the window. But the proper response to being punched is RELENTLESS MOTION.

I’m human. Just like everyone else, I have good days and bad days. Other people respond to a bad day with Prozac, a late-night TV binge, or drugs and alcohol. I respond with motion. And it works every time (without the side effects of drugs or alcohol).

One of the best examples of this in my life happened during the writing of this book. Not just the book, but more specifically during the writing of this section of the book you’re now reading. One of the companies I’m a spokesman for called to say they were ending our relationship. Because of the poor economy, they could no longer afford to keep paying me. During the same three-day period, not one, not two, not three, but four deals I was working on—deals I thought were done, or as close to done as you can get without signed contracts—all fell through. So I lost important income, plus four potential new deals at the same time. WOW. Crushing.

What was my response? Well, of course, as always, I responded with mental and physical MOTION. I prayed, meditated, affirmed, visualized, practiced yoga, took my morning walks, exercised hard, ate healthy and organic, etc.

But more importantly, I responded with financial motion. I tossed and turned all night. I couldn’t sleep. So I got up at 5:00 a.m. after all of this happened. And I got on my computer and phone and started ATTACKING . . . hard, aggressively, with an “enthusiasm unknown to mankind.”

I contacted new potential clients, and also followed up with people and deals that I had heard nothing about for months, that I had forgotten about, that I had given up for dead. I e-mailed . . . I called . . . I e-mailed some more . . . I called some more. Then I followed up some more. There was no time for depression, doubt, or fear. I attacked like a cornered wolverine. I took AGGRESSIVE ACTION. I was a man in MOTION. I relentlessly made something happen.

In forty-eight hours I had four new deals and four new income streams. Outside of magicians David Copperfield, David Blaine, or Criss Angel, not too many people can do what I did. I created magic . . . out of nothing. That’s what motion does. It creates magic. It creates poetry. It creates beautiful music. It creates positivity. Good things are attracted to people in motion.

Negativity, complaining, blaming, sitting or lying around in shock saying “woe is me” are dream killers. Motion is a dream fulfiller.

But motion is more than good. It fights evil too. It is a doubt-, fear-, stress-, and depression-killer! Tens of millions of Americans live on pills for depression. But it’s action and motion that effectively kill depression (without side effects). That’s how you respond to a punch in the face . . . or in this case, to a flurry of smashes to my face and gut. I didn’t retreat. I didn’t hide. I didn’t rest. I took the offense. I smashed back and won.

RELENTLESS mental, physical, and financial motion is the answer to doubt, fear, stress, and depression. Motion is a “natural born killer.” But motion kills more than just your own personal depression. Motion is also the antidote to a national economic depression as well. Motion is a double-edged depression killer.

In the first Great Depression, from 1929 to 1941, more self-made millionaires were created than any other time in history. How? While 99 percent of the population was suffering in despair and poverty and feeling bad for themselves, a tiny few were in constant relentless motion and taking aggressive action. There are always deals, jobs, customers, and clients for a man or woman in motion.

In the end you have to find a way to beat depression, or negativity, or even the seeds of doubt. Any crack in your confidence can destroy everything you’ve worked so hard to build. RELENTLESS MOTION is one addiction you can’t live without.