basted in Black Vault ref1
mocked by Ethiopians ref1
take to the skies ref1
Adam, ancestor of the Scots in general and Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty in particular ref1
adulteration of drink ref1
adultery (see also duchesses)
blamed on witches ref1
committed by persecutor of papists ref1
with sister of local butcher ref1
Agnew of Lochaw, Sir Andrew ref1
Aikenhead, Thomas ref1
Albany, Duke of, implicated in death of nephew ref1
ale and beer
adulteration of ref1
God displeased with tax on ref1
Alexander II orders hands and feet to be cut off ref1
Alexander III’s death anticipated by dancing skeleton ref1
America discovered by Scotsman ref1
Ancrum Moor, Battle of ref1
Anthrax Island ref1
aphrodisiacs ref1
Archibald the Grim ref1
armies, ghostly see ghostly armies
Armstrongs, benevolent ref1
Armstrongs, notorious ref1
Arnot, Hugo ref1
Arran, Earl and Countess of (James and Elizabeth Stewart) ref1
arses, royal ref1
arson inspired by Satan ref1
Arthur’s Seat
proposed Temple of Health on summit of ref1
raced up by ale-wives for a prize of cheese ref1
Astronomer Royal for Scotland obsessed with pyramids ref1
Atholl, Walter Stewart, Earl of, dies traitor’s death ref1
Atholl brose traps rebel ref1
Auld Alliance ref1
authors, prolific and untalented ref1
(see also poets, sub-standard)
avalanche wipes out Black Officer and others ref1
Badenoch, Wolf of ref1
bagpipes condemned as treasonous ref1
Balcarres, Earls of, shocking behaviour on the part of ref1
Ballater founded on bog ref1
ballooning ref1
Bannockburn, Battle of ref1, ref2
barbarity, professorship of ref1
barber outfaces duke ref1
bards, minstrels and tale-tellers, a law against ref1
Beardie, Earl ref1
Beaton, Archbishop James ref1
Beaton, Cardinal David ref1
Beefsteak Club ref1
beer see ale and beer
Beggar’s Benison, the ref1
beheaded (see also Headless Man, the)
for being Jacobites ref1, ref2
for being Mary Queen of Scots ref1
for being the Marquess of Montrose ref1
for lurking under queen’s bed ref1
for running through lover with sword ref1
Bellenden, Sir Lewis ref1
Ben Macdui, a proposal to raise the height of ref1
Ben More, Frenchman fails to conquer ref1
Ben Nevis, a proposal to raise the height of ref1
Bernie the Bull ref1
Berwick besieged by Edward III ref1
full of misprints ref1
stuffed with madness, nonsense and contradictions ref1
thrown in fire and fails to burn ref1
used to strike gentleman in face ref1
bicycle accident puts inventor before judge ref1
Biggar’s bonfire ref1
duck paste kills anglers ref1
fall from sky during eclipse ref1
bishops and archbishops
defied by Abbot of Unreason ref1
in armour ref1
roasted in butter ref1
salted like a sow ref1
Black Agnes, Countess of Dunbar ref1
Black Vault of Dunure ref1
Blair Castle ref1
blasphemy, last execution for ref1
bleeding corpses indicate guilt ref1, ref2, ref3
cures scrofula ref1
goes on move ref1
philosopher rescued from ref1
Bog Roll Bandits ref1
book burning ref1
Borthwick Castle ruled by Abbot of Unreason ref1
Boswell, Sir Alexander ref1
Braxfield, Lord ref1
brides, murderous ref1
brothels ref1
Brown, Gordon ref1
Brown, Dr John ref1
Brown, Ron ref1
Bruce of Kinnaird, James ref1
Buchanites fail to be swept heavenward ref1
Buckfast korma ref1
buried alive
Duns Scotus ref1
Colonel John Farquharson (seemingly) ref1
Elizabeth Low ref1
Half-hangit Maggie (almost) ref1
heap of wounded fellows (almost) ref1
John Gardner (almost) ref1
St Oran (twice) ref1
Burns, Robert
accuses Buchanites of scandalous indecency ref1
describes Scotland’s first balloonist ref1
castigated for lèse-majesté ref1
Caithness, Earls of
humiliate servants of Earl of Orkney ref1
poison Earl and Countess of Sutherland ref1
request Devil to take bishop ref1
Caithness, Master of ref1
Calderwood, David ref1, ref2, ref3
Cameron of Lochiel, Sir Ewan ref1
cannibalism ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
law governing the playing of ref1
played with the Devil ref1, ref2
Carrick, Gilbert Kennedy, 4th Earl of ref1
infest Scrabster ref1
mistaken for black panther ref1
Celestial Bed, the ref1
Charlemagne signs treaty with King Eochaid ref1
Cherokees, Scottish baronet become chief of the ref1
Christianity, predictions of demise of ref1, ref2
Christie-Cleek ref1
Christmas banned ref1
cities and towns destroyed or to be destroyed for iniquity
Edinburgh ref1
Glasgow ref1
Leith ref1
claimants to throne of Scotland
Hamilton, 10th Duke of ref1
Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham ref1
Clincher, the ref1
Cockburn, Henry ref1, ref2, ref3
Cocking, The Art of ref1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
see Wordsworth, William
Colonel’s Bed, the ref1
Columba, St, buries fellow saint alive ref1
conjoined twins ref1
corporal punishment
as a means to make music ref1
results in death of schoolboy ref1
cry ‘Jesus and no quarter!’ ref1
mocked by dogs of Aberdeen ref1
blood used to stop haemorrhage ref1
four-eyed ref1
fulfil prophecy ref1
give birth to puppies ref1
offence to be drunk in charge of ref1
run amok in shop ref1
Creech, William ref1
Cromwell, Oliver, tied onto a donkey ref1
enjoying lots of sex ref1
forbidding sex altogether ref1
Cuming, Sir Alexander ref1
Cuthbert, St, smashes own coffin ref1
Daft Pate see Macmillan, Kirkpatrick
Dalyell, General Tam ref1
Dalzell, Sir William ref1
Damian, Father John ref1
Danube Street, Edinburgh ref1
dead men
enjoin friends to get drunk ref1
stand trial for treason ref1
win battle ref1
cured by ants’ eggs and onion juice ref1
cured by lightning ref1
faking of ref1
reunited in ref1
demolish chapel ref1
mock abbot ref1
Devil, the
attends black Sabbath in Atholl ref1
believed to take first corpse buried in new graveyard ref1
converses with Bessie Graham ref1
dances round crosses of Aberdeen ref1
dealings with Black Officer ref1
disguises himself as lady’s lapdog ref1
joins in assault on Pittenweem fisherman ref1
mounts personal attack on Pastor Jack Glass ref1
obtains John Knox a teenage bride ref1
plays cards with Bluidy Tam ref1
plays cards with Earl Beardie ref1
plays chess with Wolf of Badenoch ref1
raised by John Knox ref1
raised for Justice Clerk ref1
requested to take bishop ref1
Satan’s Invisible World Discovered ref1
shods girl turned into pony ref1
toasted by gentlemen ref1
urges boy to commit arson ref1
disappearances, mysterious
Flannan Isles lighthouse keepers ref1
Lord Belhaven ref1
Sir Michael Balfour of Denmill ref1
cause death of Lord Treasurer ref1
Devil disguised as lapdog ref1
found guilty of treason ref1
hanged on doctrinal grounds ref1
killed for mocking Covenant ref1
rip out throat of evil uncle ref1
thrown into rake’s grave ref1
to be fed to the idle and worthless ref1
Don, River
dries up ref1
monster in ref1
Donan, St ref1
dooking for apples ref1
Douglas, Alexander Douglas, 1st Duke of ref1
Douglas, Catherine (‘Kate Barlass’) ref1
Douglas, James, 2nd Earl of ref1
Douglas, the Black
corpse boiled ref1
involvement in ‘Douglas Larder’ ref1
dragons (see also monsters) ref1, ref2
duchesses make free with their favours
Duchess of Argyll ref1
Duchess of Gordon ref1
fought over accusations of cowardice ref1, ref2
fought over bitten glove ref1
fought over number of the sacraments ref1
refusal to fight a mark of madness ref1
dumbness ref1
Dunbar Castle ref1
Dundee, Bonnie ref1
Dunlop, Bessie ref1
Dunnottar Castle ref1
Duns Scotus, John ref1
eclipses taken for end of world ref1, ref2
Eigg, massacres on ref1
elephants ref1
Elfhame or Elfland, dangers of consorting with denizens of ref1, ref2
Encyclopaedia Britannica
engravings deemed obscene ref1
writing articles on an upturned washtub ref1
end of world
heralded by eclipses ref1, ref2
predicted for 1688–1700 ref1
predicted for 1881 ref1
Envy, Lady ref1
epilepsy treated with wolf hair and burnt human bones ref1
epitaphs ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
errata ref1
Ethiopian appears to abbot ref1
cause devastation in Leith ref1
destroy Dunglass Castle and its inhabitants ref1
extraterrestrials, hoteliers in discussion with ref1
absence of causes war ref1
saint plucks out own ref1
dangers of consorting with ref1
destroy mobile phone mast ref1
deter visits by excisemen ref1
expelled from Highlands ref1
Falkirk Muir, Battle of ref1
feet cut off to fit coffin ref1
fellatrices, aristocratic ref1
Fillan, St ref1
Findhorn Foundation ref1
Finella the regicide ref1
cut off by saint to win race ref1
duke eats own ref1
barnacle geese believed to be ref1
blown out of Loch Leven ref1
fall from sky ref1
finless ref1
monstrous ref1
Fletcher of Saltoun, Andrew ref1
Flodden, Battle of ref1
Flower of Galloway, the ref1
abbots (winged) ref1
boys (unassisted) ref1
encyclopædists (in balloon) ref1
football results, much anticipated ref1, ref2
foreign descriptions of Scotland and the Scots, generally disobliging
Arab ref1
English ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
German–Polish ref1
forgery of banknotes ref1
fornication, gentlemen fined more for ref1
Forth, Firth of
monstrous fishes in ref1
whales roar and plunge in ref1
birthplace of Pontius Pilate ref1
pagan rituals adjacent to ref1
Gaick, the Loss of ref1
Garden of Eden, origin of Scots in ref1
Geddes, Jenny ref1
General Assembly
discomfited by Thatcher speech ref1
issues jeremiad ref1
provides many clients for house of pleasure ref1
urges execution of young blasphemer ref1
gentlemen see toffs
George III
an ‘idiot king’ ref1
orders pages to be ripped out of Encyclopædia Britannica ref1
George IV meets ‘last of his enemies’ ref1
ghostly armies, navies, etc. ref1, ref2, ref3
giants, gentle ref1
Gilderoy, hero of ballad ref1
gin, shipload of downed by Shetlanders ref1
giraffes, people dressed as ref1
Glass, Pastor Jack ref1
Gordon, Duchess of see Flower of Galloway, the
graffiti, Viking ref1
Graham, ‘Dr’ James ref1
Graham, Richard ref1
Grange, Lady ref1
Great Pedestrian, the ref1
Great Witch of Balwery ref1
Gruinard Island see Anthrax Island
executed for being gypsies ref1
law against ref1
Haddington, Earl of, blown up ref1
as an aid to angelic uplift ref1
bad ref1
by-product sold for profit ref1
hairdressers reckoned vile and useless animals ref1
Hamilton, 10th Duke of ref1
handkerchiefs suspected of signalling to enemy ref1
cut off ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
light-giving ref1
hanged, drawn and quartered ref1, ref2
botch the job ref1, ref2, ref3
burn books ref1
obliged to clear up dog mess ref1
themselves hanged ref1
burnt skin, ears and nails of as cure for lethargy ref1
cause chamberlain to break neck ref1
witches turn into ref1
Headless Man, the ref1
heads, man with two ref1
found to contain large stone ref1
thrown into the midst of the foe ref1
Heave Awa House ref1
a fiction, according to St Oran ref1
King of ref1
request for the abolition of ref1
Hell-fire Clubs ref1
hermits, latterday ref1
Herod of Hillhead, the ref1
Hologram Tam ref1
Homer, the Scottish ref1
House of Commons
a ‘vile junto of aristocrats’ ref1
damaging the Mace in ref1
practical jokes on basis of variance of sex between ref1
of wondrous capabilities ref1
Hume, David
plays trick on minister ref1
rescued from bog ref1
Huntly, 4th Earl of ref1
cannibalistic ref1
a prayer for ref1
incest ref1
intersex, a case of ref1
inventions, little known Scottish
duplicating machine ref1
fireproof wood ref1
Inverness hosts cabinet meeting ref1
confuses American tourist ref1
enormous sinners on ref1
live burial on ref1
Ireland, penalties imposed for travelling to ref1
Irn Bru ref1
Italian showmen, flashy ref1, ref2
James I
stabbed in privy ref1
takes pity on woman shod like horse ref1
James IV
conducts linguistic experiment on infants ref1
witnesses flying abbot ref1
James V rides female beggar ref1
James VI and I
demands execution of German for disobliging remarks ref1
offers to show English subjects his arse ref1
Jerome, St, on cannibalistic propensities of Caledonians ref1
and no quarter! ref1
learned magic in Egypt ref1
John of Fordun, unlikely tales told by ref1, ref2
Jones, John Paul ref1
absurd ref1
denigrate ostentatious memorials ref1
devoted to pleasures of wine and women ref1
hanging ref1
murdered following unfavourable ruling ref1
pervert course of justice ref1
request warlock to raise the Devil ref1
request young ladies to inflict pain upon them ref1
Keith coat of arms, bloody stripes on ref1
Kenneth II, murder of ref1
Kentigern, St ref1
Kintyre considered as an island ref1
knickerbockers ref1
knickers see undergarments Knox, John
marries teen bride ref1
raises the Devil ref1
welcomes God’s punishment of Scotland ref1
Lachlan the Shaggy ref1
Lady Gomorrah ref1
Lady’s Rock ref1
lawyer mistaken for scoundrel ref1
leg of mutton deployed in defence of Montrose’s honour ref1
cocking introduced to ref1
devastated by explosion ref1
encountering riders from Elfhame on way to ref1
French soldiers dress as women during siege of ref1
lesbians, working-class ref1
Leverhulme of the Western Isles, Viscount ref1
cures deafness ref1
strikes Jacobites ref1
Lilliard, Fair Maiden ref1
Lindsay of Pitscottie, Robert ref1, ref2
lioness suckles lamb ref1
Lismore, foundation of monastery on ref1
Little Sparta, Battle of ref1
lizard found alive within stone ref1
floating islands in ref1
smoking ref1
walking underwater in ref1
Lord of Inobedience ref1
Lord of the Isles, John MacDonald, Earl of Ross and ref1
louping ague, the ref1
Lyon King of Arms hanged for witchcraft ref1
McCaig’s Folly, Oban ref1
MacDonalds massacre MacLeods and vice versa ref1, ref2
McGonagall, William ref1
MacGregors, lawless ref1, ref2
Macmillan, Kirkpatrick ref1
MacNab, the ref1
mad people, actual or alleged
certified sane ref1
cured on Isle Maree ref1
murderous bride ref1
prisoner of Papa Stour ref1
secretary of Hell-fire Club ref1
Servant of the Lord ref1
Sweet Singers ref1
Maes Howe covered in graffiti ref1
Magnus, St ref1
Magnus Barefoot, King of Norway ref1
Maiden Hair Rock saves mother of saint ref1
Maiden’s Leap saves maiden’s honour ref1
Malcolm II dips fingers in dead man’s blood ref1
Malcolm III favoured by queen ref1
Margaret, St ref1
Mars Bars, deep-fried ref1
Martin, Martin ref1
Mary Queen of Scots
lips move after head cut off ref1
lovesick poet found under bed of ref1
masochism ref1
Douglas Larder ref1
Eigg and Skye ref1
Glencoe ref1
Slaughter Hill ref1
masturbation, collective ref1
medical matters (see also quacks)
botulism in Wester Ross ref1
countess transfers cancer to husband ref1
excision of unicorn horn ref1
outbreak of the louping ague ref1
remarkable cures involving bathing in ordure, etc. ref1
remarkable cures punished ref1, ref2
remarkable cures rewarded ref1
speedy amputations not without side-effects ref1
surgeon makes house calls with pet sheep and raven ref1
therapeutic powers of opium and alcohol ref1
menageries ref1
mental arithmetic, remarkable feats of ref1
Merlin, grave of ref1
mermaids, mermen, mer-beasts
in River Don ref1
in Sandwood Bay ref1
of Benbecula ref1
on shores of Kintyre ref1
military discipline
merciful ref1
not so merciful ref1
ministers who fall below the standards
expected of them
by cutting throats of their charges ref1
by donning undergarments of beloved ref1
by murdering wife ref1
by providing clientele for house of ill repute ref1
by travelling on the Sabbath ref1
denounced as pranks ref1
luminous hand ref1
murders lover ref1
gifting pubic hair of ref1
knickers of allegedly stolen ref1
Moluag, St ref1
monsters (see also dragons)
beast with deadly tail ref1
calf with four eyes ref1
fish cowled like monks ref1
fish wearing two crowns ref1
in Loch Morar ref1
in Loch Ness ref1
pig-headed creature in River Don ref1
with head of horse ref1
Montrose, Marquess of
defended by lady with leg of mutton ref1
dismemberment of ref1
fills God’s nostrils with smoke ref1
Moon, Hebridean seaweed lands on the ref1
morris dancing in Deeside ref1
Morton, Regent, assassination of ref1
Muck, the Laird of ref1
Mungo, St see Kentigern, St
laws against ref1
to be put to death ref1
Murk Monday ref1
Napier, John, predicts end of world ref1
Napoleon to punish Scots for their sins ref1
Nile compared unfavourably with Tweed ref1
Nithsdale, 5th Earl of, disguises himself as Mrs Mills ref1
Nobody, a dedication to ref1
Nothing, An Essay on ref1
noses and nostrils
giant prosthetic ref1
of the Lord ref1
denounced by judges ref1
prevent wives dancing on husbands’ graves ref1
old men take young brides
crooked beggar ref1
John Knox ref1
Old Pluto ref1
Oran, St ref1
bathing in to treat trapped wind ref1
dove droppings as cure for baldness ref1
philosopher finds himself deep in ref1
Orkney, Earls of
discover America ref1
servants humiliated ref1
Otterburn, Battle of ref1, ref2
Ottoman general from Argyll ref1
penguins, people dressed as ref1
petticoats see undergarments pillar of fire ref1
Pilate, Pontius, born in Fortingall ref1
Pinkie, Battle of, ghostly veteran of ref1
lovesick ref1
praised for bookbinding skills ref1
sub-standard ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Cornelius Tilberg (inadvertent) ref1
Isabel Sinclair ref1
Laurence Tulloch (accidental) ref1
poltergeists put pin in minister’s egg ref1
polyandry, serial ref1, ref2, ref3
Potato Wilkie ref1
for fools, idiots and magistrates ref1
for the Cumbraes ref1
Prestonpans, Battle of ref1
privy, assassination in ref1
Thomas the Rhymer ref1
Protestant Crusade Against the Papal Visit Party ref1
Queen of Sheba ref1
Queensberry, 2nd Duke of ref1
Rake’s Progress, colonel inspires ref1
Ramsay of Dalhousie, Sir Alexander, starved to death ref1
rats, consumption of live ref1
James I ref1
Kenneth II ref1
epitaph for ref1
insulted by egg yolk on sword ref1
Restoration of Charles II
brings in peace and plenty ref1
witnesses explosion of debauch and revelling ref1
against militia recruitment ref1
Edinburgh apprentices ref1
Edinburgh schoolboys ref1
Edinburgh womenfolk ref1
Robert I, the Bruce
carries saint’s hand into battle ref1
heart flung into midst of Moorish foe ref1
mother imprisons future father ref1
Robert III ref1
Rockall ref1
Rothesay, Duke of, unpleasant end of ref1
Royal High School riot ref1
rum banned as dangerous drug ref1
battle with day-trippers over sanctity of ref1
ministers reprimanded for travelling on ref1
unfortunate consequences of failing to respect the ref1
St Giles, riot within ref1
St Kilda
the ghost bird of ref1
the prisoner of ref1
amputation of own finger ref1
buried alive for blasphemy ref1
dispatched by rival’s cook ref1
inexplicably heavy ref1
killed by wild warrior women ref1
miraculous escapes in utero ref1
plucking out own eyes ref1
sailing down Tweed in stone coffin ref1
with a fondness for sheep ref1
with luminous hands ref1
St Vitus’ dance see louping ague, the
salvage operations
Eriskay (whisky and ten-pound notes) ref1
Stroma (condoms and Cadillacs) ref1
schoolboys, Edinburgh ref1, ref2, ref3
‘Scot’ as a term of abuse ref1
Scots, origin of
in ancient Egypt ref1
in Garden of Eden ref1
in Scythia ref1
in Spain ref1
Scotsmen in danger from monstrous protuberances ref1
a very large specimen ref1
described as largest in the world ref1
described as sluttish ref1
Scott, Sir Walter
damned by ferryman ref1
gentrifies Clarty Hole ref1
visits Massacre Cave ref1
Scrabster infested by cats ref1
Scythia, origin of the Scots in ref1
seawater, lords toast each other with ref1
secrets of nature revealed ref1
Serf, St, plays the detective ref1
have half of heads shaved ref1
raped by employer ref1
still required in this day and age ref1
summoned by pistol shot ref1
Seton, Sir Alexander ref1
Seven Men of Glenmoriston ref1
sexual voraciousness increases following fall ref1
goes on medical rounds ref1
heard from inside man’s stomach ref1
liver of applied to face ref1
seaweed-eating ref1
Sheepy Afreecawnus ref1
Shelley, Percy Bysshe ref1
covered in volcanic ash ref1
drink ship-load of Dutch gin ref1
she-zealots ref1
Shirts, Battle of the ref1
silver bullets, efficacy of ref1
silver mines in Ochils ref1
skeleton dances at feast ref1
Leopard Man of ref1
massacre on ref1
Slaughter Hill ref1
smoking, skipper thrown in sea for ref1
Smollet, Tobias ref1
snails used to treat distemper of the brain ref1
Sodom’s sins ref1
Spain, origin of the Scots in ref1
spelling, a new system of ref1
star of ill omen ref1
blamed on witchcraft ref1
of adulterous persecutor of papists ref1
punishment for ref1
Sweet Singers, the ref1
boycotted by radicals ref1
renders population weakly and effeminate ref1
unsatisfactory as a garnish for beef ref1
Temple of Hymen ref1
Thatcher, Margaret ref1
Thomas the Rhymer ref1
a rhapsody of ill-invented nonsense ref1
using Newtonian fluxional calculus ref1
bitten out by clan chiefs ref1
bitten out by dogs ref1
Thurso defends itself against banditry ref1
tight-rope walkers ref1
Tippermalloch’s Receipts ref1
Tippermuir, Battle of ref1
to firm erection, etc., ref1
to the Devil ref1
to the rightful king ref1
using sea water ref1
toes, dexterous ref1
attract higher fines for fornication ref1
fire on sleeping men suspected of
being rogues ref1
foreign ref1
get away with multiple rapes ref1
get away with murder ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
go on the rampage ref1
toast the Devil ref1
boring of ref1
cut out ref1
deemed consistent with humanity ref1
of abbot by roasting ref1
of Earl of Atholl ref1
‘safe and gentle’ ref1
use of Scotch boot ref1
use of thumbikins ref1
Tower of Babel, involvement of proto-Scot in construction of ref1
transfer of disease
cancer from countess to earl ref1
measles from human to ewe ref1
transgender persons ref1
transvestism ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Tredwell, St ref1
twins, conjoined ref1
Tytler, James ref1
UFOs ref1
allegedly stolen from ex-mistress ref1
of beloved donned by minister ref1
privateer repulsed by sight of ref1
unicorn horn, woman with a ref1
Union, the
appearance of terrifying whales bodes no good to the ref1
celebrated with cannibal feast ref1
Urquhart of Cromarty, Sir Thomas
invention of a new language ref1
on his ancestor Adam ref1
vagabond scholars, a law against ref1
vampires ref1
vandalism, upper-class ref1
vermin, musician eaten by ref1
Victoria, Queen
disappointed by Dalwhinnie ref1
makes pagan offering ref1
not at home to William McGonagall ref1
as graffiti artists ref1
saintly ref1
trickery of ref1
fined for ref1
up a pair of breeks ref1
up one’s lungs ref1
up toads and serpents ref1
cocking as an alternative to ref1
of the One-Eyed Woman ref1
Waterloo, Battle of ref1
weather, appalling Scottish ref1, ref2
putrefying on shores of Lewis ref1
terrorizing Fife and the Lothians ref1
distillery readily converted to production of WMD ref1
to be given to grannies in large quantities ref1
versus brandy ref1
versus rum ref1
washing the bride in ref1
White Lady of Corstorphine, the ref1
Wicked One, the ref1
(see also Devil, the)
a cure for trapped ref1
blows fish out of Loch Leven ref1
witches and warlocks
attend black Sabbath in Atholl in great numbers ref1
blamed for husbands’ adultery ref1
change into cats, hares, etc. ref1, ref2
consort with the denizens of Elfhame ref1, ref2
converse with the Foul Fiend ref1
counting to ref1
proves guilt of ref1
doubt cast on guilt of alleged ref1
executed for curing diseases ref1, ref2
executed for riding daughter ref1
executed on day son returns from sea ref1
Lyon King of arms hanged for witchcraft ref1
pay for own execution ref1
persuade Countess of Arran she will be greatest woman in Scotland ref1
persuade Earl of Atholl he will be king ref1
persuade Earl of Huntly he will survive battle ref1
pressed to death in Pittenweem ref1
residual belief in ref1
responsible for sinking ships ref1
transfer disease from Countess to Earl of Lothian ref1
Witch of Lauder ref1
girdle of wolf hair to prevent epilepsy ref1
rendered extinct in Scotland ref1
women shod like horses ref1, ref2
Wordsworth, William
impressed by learning of Scottish urchins ref1
unimpressed by Highland scenery ref1
worms, disappointed ref1
Young Pretender, the ref1, ref2, ref3