I’m writing a hurried note to remind you that I’m expecting you, that I have need of you, all of you, that I have need of strength and courage.
They brought me my veil, flowers and new gown – it’s a lovely bridal gown. The final preparations are being made. Tomorrow’s the day …
You should see what unusual activity there is, what excitement and jubilation! It’s a festive occasion for all these poor recluses. This vast sepulchre only comes to life when it opens up for another victim.
It’s a lovely April day. The weather has been bad until today, but now there’s brilliant sunshine. I went out on the terrace for a last breath of life.
I saw so many things from up there, Marianna – the fields, the sea, that huge mass of buildings, and Etna, far away in the distance … And all these things seemed to have an air of sadness about them …
I’d like to have seen Monte Ilice one last time, and our little house, and that lovely chestnut grove … I couldn’t, nor shall I ever see them again … I feel a pang, here, in my heart!
A hubbub from the road reaches the belvedere – the sound of carts and carriages, of voices, of people working, to-ing and fro-ing … All these people going about their business have their joys and sorrows, they work, and live … And these birds fly far away from here …
Tomorrow, in a few hours’ time, between me and all this life around me will rise an insurmountable wall, an abyss, a word, a vow …
How shall I get through this coming night? If only I had you here with me, at least …
I’m scared!
God, sustain me!