Books by Samael Aun Weor

Alchemy and Kabbalah in the Tarot

The Aquarian Message

Aztec Christic Magic

Beyond Death

Book of the Dead

Christ and the Virgin

Christ Will

Cosmic Ships

Cosmic Teachings of a Lama

The Divine Science

The Doomed Aryan Race

Dream Yoga

The Elimination of Satans Tail

Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic

Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology

Esoteric Treatise of Theurgy

Fundamentals of Gnostic Education

Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology & Criminology

Gazing at the Mystery

Gnostic Anthropology

Gnostic Magic of the Runes

The Great Rebellion

Hell, the Devil, and Karma

Igneous Rose

Introduction to Gnosis

Kabbalah of the Mayan Mysteries

Kundalini Yoga: The Mysteries of the Fire

Light from Darkness

Logos, Mantra, Theurgy

The Major Mysteries

Manual of Practical Magic

Matrimony, Divorce and Tantra

The Mysteries of Life and Death

The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

Parsifal Unveiled

The Perfect Matrimony

The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

Practical Astrology

The Revolution of Beelzebub

The Revolution of the Dialectic

Sacred Rites for Rejuvenation

Secret Doctrine of Anahuac

Secret Notes of a Guru

The Seven Words

The Social Christ

Social Transformation of Humanity

Spiritual Power of Sound

Tarot and Kabbalah

The Three Mountains

Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology

Treatise of Sexual Alchemy

The Yellow Book

The Zodiacal Course