Secrets of Practical Magic
Folklore from the Sierra Nevada
Many wise Indians are venerated in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (Colombia). In cases of grave sicknesses, we can call them with our thought and our heart. Let us see a list of these wise Indians:
“God Kogi” (Mamankú)
“Mama” Yuisa Quintana Ríual
“Mama” Iskaviga
“Mama” Rayintana
“Mama” Marrocorrúa
“Mama” Cajaka
The “Saga” Catalina Alberto
The “Saga” Sinkiri
The “Saga” Yuila
“Mama Serancua”
These wise Indian medics live in the Astral Plane, and they come to the bed of the sick person who calls them with his thoughts and heart filled with faith.
There is a small temple in Buringueca where the Indians “pay” the Goddess Mother of the world (Nature) by carrying offerings to her.
There is a temple in Jinn state where the degree of “Poporo” is attained. This temple is called “Sokarua” (from Yoburo).
There are also temples in Jinn state in Garua and Gamaque. The temple of “Guicanuma” is also very important.
Therefore, the Sierra Nevada from Santa Marta is the “Tibet” of Colombia. The Indians adore blessed Nature. They worship and bring offerings to her.
In the temple of Tierra Nueva, they often use in their worship a very important relic, which is called “gurrumaya.” It is a relic of Cansamaria or Concoruba, which is a seashell in the form of a small plate or small cooking pan.
There are many marine shells that the Arhuacos use in their worship. Romantically, they call the Caribbean Sea “macuriba.” The seashells that they use in their temples are called “chengues,” which they have qualified into four types: red chengue, yellow chengue, black chengue, and white chengue.
These four colors remind us of the four races that have existed in the world:
1. Red race (Native American red skinned people)
2. Yellow race (Asiatic people)
3. Black race (African people)
4. White race (Occidental people)
These four races are symbolized by the four horses from the sacred scriptures (Revelation).
There is a small fruit called “gulaba” that the Arhuaco Indians employ in their worship to pay the blessed Goddess Mother of the world, Goddess Nature (Isis, Adonia, Insoberta, Mary).
There is another small fruit called “seitamaca,” which also has great esoteric powers and is very sacred for them. The “concalva” is a big fruit from the Sierra Nevada, which they use in their sacred rituals.
The sacred rituals of the wise Arhuaco Indians and their wise utilization of the elementals allows them to control the Tattvas, although only in a partial form. This is because the mastery over the Tattvas can only be achieved by the adepts of the White Fraternity. However, there are also adepts from the White Fraternity among the initiates of the Mayan Ray.
The founder of the College of Initiates is the “Maha-Guru” who dwells in Eastern Tibet. We, the masters of the White Lodge, achieved the mastery over the Tattvas. We converted ourselves into kings and queens of creation after we fused ourselves with our Innermost (Spirit), also after we redeemed our animal soul. This is accomplished by assimilating the psychic extract of the Ethereal Body, the psychic extract of the Astral Body and the psychic extract of the Mental Body, within our Spiritual Soul.
We have two souls, which are mentioned by Goethe in his Faust. These are the animal soul and the diamond soul. The beautiful Sulamite (diamond soul) is betrothed with Solomon (the Innermost) when one achieves high initiation. This is how the Soul and the Spirit are fused and become “one.”
Afterwards, the adept has to liberate his animal soul by assimilating the psychic extracts from his Ethereal, Emotional (Astral), and Mental bodies, so that he can verify the Ascension of the Lord, which is the fusion with the Glorian. This is how the master is transformed into a divine angel, into a medic of the Light, and into a theurgist.
The Divine Rabbi from Galilee practiced the Gospel and healed the sick because he was a true magician and theurgist, a true god.
“Magic” comes from mag, which means “priest.” It signifies great power from the divine wisdom, the ineffable Light, the solar substance that the medic magician manipulates in order to heal those who are ill.
When the human being fuses himself with his own Innermost, he converts himself into a god of Nature. This is why the masters from the Mayan Ray are ineffable gods of Nature.
First Father and First Mother Performing the Snake Dance (Mayan)
Introduce the virile member into the feminine vagina and withdraw it without spilling the semen (without reaching the orgasm). Whosoever renounces fornication and practices this secret daily, living a holy life, will also be converted into a god of Nature and into a medic-magician.
We also will become gods by becoming initiates of the “green snake.” The priests of the snake were also venerated in Egypt.
Let us now see some gods or masters from the Mayan Ray, who are venerated by the Indians of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (the “Tibet” of Colombia):
Kakamulkuabi, a major secretary of the “Udumasi” hills, father of hailstorms.
Sabatamena Laguna
“Gualinutukua” is a temple where the Moors dance.
Seyirico, “papa” of the “Jayo” (Mayan master)
The Master Ucua, mother of boncuá (the water).
The Master Abusudimba, mother.
There is a sacred temple called “Kembiterna” where the Moors dance. Another interesting temple is the one from Geingeka.
There is a sacred lagoon called “Sidigua.” Pilgrims who walk towards the Indian masters who dwell in “Takima” and “Makutama” bathe themselves in this lagoon.
A very ancient dance called the “Cansamaria” is still danced in this day and age. The whole wisdom of these Indians is kept in secret behind the jagged mountain chain of the Paramos.
There is a sacred well and a guardian who remains seated in a certain place of the Sierra Nevada where the Mayan mysteries are cultivated. Those who are not prepared—that is to say, the unworthy—become enchanted when they arrive there... They cannot pass beyond this place.
The pilgrims bathe themselves in the lagoon in order to purify and cleanse themselves.
There is a temple called “La Gloria” at the shores of the Caribbean sea between Gaira and “Pozos Colorados.”
The masters from the Mayan Ray are true dragons of wisdom, initiates of the snake. All of the inventions from Atlantis and Lemuria are kept as sacred relics in the temple of Kalusuanga, the Son of the Seven Red Seas and of the Seven Rays of the Sun. He is a Mayan master.
The Arhuaco Indians know in depth about the esoteric powers of the marine snail-shells. They use them as amulets. The “muchulo” is a marine shell with the shape of the feminine genitalia. There are large and small sizes that are carried around the necks by the female Indians. The large shells are for the women and the small shells for the girls. The esoteric powers of these snail-shells assist these female Indians against the sly and perverse fornicators.
There are certain snail-shells with the shape of cartridges, which are called “deriches” by the Indians. There are large and small sizes. The small ones are carried around the necks of the boys and the large ones are used by the men. These snail-shells assist them against witchcraft and evil entities.
The Arhuaco Indians always carry two “calabacitos” (calabash) when they travel through their mountains. They also chew coca leaves (“jayo”) and dab a small stick within a “calabacito” with “ambira.” Then, they put the stick into the other “calabacito” with marine shell flour. They carry this small stick in order to dab the coca (“jayo”) with these, so they may perform long walks without getting tired, because the marine shells totally re-calcify them. Thus, when the osseous system is re-calcified in this way, it tolerates long walks.
There are also perverse black “Mamas” in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta who are capable of all type of evilness, since there are many things existing in the world.
In eastern Tibet, there are many Mahatmas. However, many Drukpas and Böns of the Red Hat also live there who are capable of all mischief and evilness, since they are black magicians. [Upon further investigation, the author corrected this statement by saying that the Böns are not necessarily black, just extreme in their efforts. Also see “Drukpa” in the Glossary.]
There is a gigantic and very ancient city called “Maoa” in the flatlands of Casanare (Colombia). That city is in the Jinn state. This city will never be found by the “civilized” ones.
There is also another city in Jinn state in the Florida peninsula. This city will also never be found by the civilized ones.
There are secret cities in California that are inhabited by Lemurians, who are survivors from the continent “Mu.”
There is a subterranean city under the thick jungles of the Amazon. Enormous riches from the Atlanteans are held here. This city is also inhabited.
The medical wisdom is preserved in all of these cities and Jinn lands. Lawfully, their inhabitants have the right of laughing about the “university horses” from our faculties of medicine.
The Egyptians mummified their cadavers. This mummification was performed by introducing the deceased person’s Ethereal Body within his physical body. This is how the Ethereal Body suspended the decomposition of the cadaver.
When the “Nous” atom leaves the left ventricle of the heart, then the atoms of death direct the process of disintegration of the cadaver, and the physical body disintegrates. Thus, each atom has its own intelligence. These atomic angels have also soul and body, because each atom is the body of an atomic angel.
The Egyptians were suspending the work of the atoms of death by introducing the “Nous” atom within its sanctuary again. This sanctuary is situated in the left ventricle of the heart.
Nevertheless, the mummies from the Arhuaco Indians are much more perfect, because in addition to the mummification of the cadaver, they were “reducing” those cadavers to the size of small Lilliputians, and conserving perfectly the features of those cadavers.
Still, in this day and age, the “foolish scientists” from the official medicine cannot mummify a cadaver because they do not know the internal anatomy of the human being. The embalming of a cadaver can never be coequal to a mummification work, because the mummy is very much perfect.
As well, the modern scientists have not invented a remedy in order to preserve the youth and the life of the physical body for an unlimited time.
Indeed, we, the Gnostic medics, have that secret. We know that the Count Saint Germain, who was mentioned by Giovanni Papini, lives in Tibet with the same body which he used in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries in Europe. This is because we, the Gnostic masters, can preserve the physical body for an unlimited time.
The Master Mejnour lived seven times seven centuries. Zanoni was initiated in ancient Chaldea and disincarnated by the guillotine during the French Revolution.
What do the foolish modern scientists know about this? The only thing that they want is money and more money.
The whole wisdom of the Arhuaco Indians is found behind the jagged mountain-chain of the Paramos. Yet, that wisdom will never be accessible to the civilized ones of this twentieth century.
The Indians who live in the lower part of the Sierra Nevada are ignorant. If the “foolish scientists” believe that those Indians know something, then they are very mistaken.
The true Mayan medical wisdom is only found behind the jagged mountain chain of the Paramos, and no profane one can enter into those temples of the Mayan Ray.
The masters from the Mayan Ray, the masters from eastern Tibet, the masters from the secret temple of Juratena in Boyacá (Colombia), have the authentic esoteric wisdom enclosed within their subterranean sanctuaries.
The distinct indigenous tribes of the whole world are the possessors of that archaic, ancient wisdom of the green snake.
The esotericism known in the cities is nothing but a grotesque caricature of the ancient wisdom hidden in the subterranean sanctuaries of the Andes, Bohemia, Tibet and in all the subterranean caverns of the Sierra Nevada of
Santa Marta, in the Alps and the sandy deserts of Asia and Africa.
The authentic esoteric wisdom is found in Manoa, the secret city from the flatlands of Casanare, and in all the secret cities of the thick jungles of the whole world.
One needs to be humble in order to acquire wisdom, and after one has acquired it, there is the need to be even more humble.
I, Samael Aun Weor, the Avatar of the new Aquarian Era, am the first one teaching the ancient wisdom of the green snake to all the disciples who are lovers of the light.
The Gnostic Movement advances in a mighty way, and now nothing, not anyone, can stop us in this luminous and triumphal march.
The Snake and the Mirror
The “Saga” Maria Pastora is a great master from the Mayan Ray and a great illuminated sage in the powerful wisdom of the snake.
At present, the “Saga” lives on the greatest star of the “Great Bear.” She never abandons her green snake.
The power of the medic-magician is based on the snake. The snake curanderos live making war amongst themselves. When a snake curandero has a lot of fame and clientele, then the rest of the curanderos make war upon him and they send serpents to bite him and kill him. Those snakes are sent abroad through the Astral Plane from far away. This is what we call Jinn state.
If the curandero is very well “sealed” with his Tattvic extracts, then he has nothing to be afraid of, because the viper’s poison will not cause him any harm. Yet, if he is not “sealed,” then inevitably he will die.
The snake curandero is a king within the vortex of the jungle, because nobody can cure the snake’s bite but him. All the remedies from the pharmacy are worthless in these cases.
When a snake kills another snake, the victorious snake completely swallows the other. Afterwards, the snake vomits the other intact. Then, the victorious serpent searches for the leaves of a plant called “siempre viva” (Sedum praealtum DC.) and give these leaves to the victim to smell. Thus, the dead snake resurrects and runs away. The “siempre viva” plant is a liana that entangles itself everywhere and it has little leaves with the shape of a heart. It is the queen among all the plants that cure snake bites.
A circle must be traced around the plant before its harvesting. Then, it has to be blessed and one must beg the elemental of the plant for the services that one wishes from him, because it is not the plant that cures but its elemental.
Subsequently, the plant must be placed within a container with rum. Thus, when it is necessary to cure a person who has been bitten by a snake, this potion has to be given to him to drink and the area where the bite is found must be bathed with it.
The Indians are accustomed to always wear bracelets made with the skins of snake. The Arhuaco “Mamas” from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta remain entire hours sexually connected with their wives and they withdraw in the moment when they feel the approaching of the spasm, in order to avoid the spilling of the semen. In other words, they do not terminate the sexual act, because they suppress the orgasm. This is how they awake their “igneous snake.”
On the rocky patios of the Aztec temples, young people from both sexes (couples) were naked, caressing each other, and connecting sexually. This was done during the period of entire months without ever consummating the sexual act (without reaching the orgasm). This is the way they transformed themselves into medic-magicians, by awakening the power of their igneous snake.
Within the mysteries of Eleusis, the sacred dance and Sexual Magic transformed human beings into gods.
The igneous snake is enclosed within a membranous bag that is situated in the coccygeal bone, which is the bone that serves as a base for the spinal column.
There is an ethereal chakra in the coccyx, and the spiritual fire snake resides there. When we practice sexual intercourse in the same way as the Arhuaco “Mamas” and the Aztec Indians, then this spiritual fire snake awakens and starts its ascension through the canal of the spinal column, until reaching the head.
When this spiritual fire snake reaches the head, then the Gnostic medic attains possession of all the powers of a god. He fuses himself with his Innermost, and becomes an angel. This igneous snake is called “Kundalini” by the Hindus.
The Snake is the Giver of Wisdom. Mayan.
The human being who has awakened his Kundalini becomes a physician anointed by God. The secret dwells in sexually connecting with our spouse and withdrawing from the sexual act without spilling the semen. Abundant information about this transcendental theme will be found in my books The Perfect Matrimony and The Revolution of Beelzebub.
Those who are awakening their igneous snake must help themselves with electric massages from the bottom to the top, along the spinal column. Any electric massage apparatus serves for this purpose.
While in the state of “Manteia” (ecstasy), the initiates can contemplate their resplendent Innermost, face to face, before the mirror of Eleusis. There is another marvelous mirror in the human being. The Gnostic medic must learn how to use this mirror by means of interior profound meditation... This mirror is imagination. For the wise ones, to imagine is to see. Imagination is clairvoyance itself.
Imagination is the mirror of the soul. It is the translucence through which we perceive the images from the Astral Light.
The Master Paracelsus states the following when he refers to the imagination:
“The visible man has his laboratory (his physical body), and the invisible man works there. The Sun has its rays that are not possible to seize with the hands. Nevertheless, these rays are very strong (if they are brought together by means of a lens) and can burn edifices.
“Imagination is like a sun, it operates within its own world wherever it glows. Man is what he thinks. If he thinks in fire, then he burns. If he thinks in war, then he is warring.
“Imagination becomes a sun by means of the power of thought.” - De Virtute Imaginativa
Imagination is developed by means of willpower. Willpower is invigorated and developed with imagination.
In order to magically operate upon the elementals of the plants and upon the organism of sick people, the Gnostic medic must unite his willpower and his imagination in a divine union.
The disciple must render himself daily to the practice of profound meditation. The theme of birth and death of plants is very simple as an exercise for interior meditation. The disciple must sit or lie down comfortably and stare for some moments at a plant, which he must already have for this exercise. He then closes his eyes and while preserving the image of the plant in his mind, he becomes somnolent. Once he is sleepy (somnolent), then he has to meditate on the growth of the plant from the time when it was a little, tiny stalk, until reaching its present state.
Remember that everything that is born has to eventually die. Imagine the plant in the process of decaying, withering, dying, converting into compost. Then, the disciple must fall asleep a little more and try to see and to converse with the elemental creature of that plant.
The elemental of that plant will be seen and heard after some time of daily practice. Then, the elemental will teach his secret formulae related with the sicknesses that he knows how to cure, and the elemental will place himself at the student’s service for the execution of the works in which that elemental is an expert.
This medicinal procedure through interior profound meditation develops the disciple’s own imagination. Thus, he will become an illuminated clairvoyant. He will direct his internal sight towards the most far away boundaries of the earth and will become a ruler of creation in its entirety. He will know the wisdom of each herb and thus he will unleash the tempests. He will transmute lead into gold and will make the earth tremble.
The fiery snake will make his mirror resplendent. Then, the disciple, abiding within his own cavern (his interior universe), will convert himself into a Dragon of Wisdom.
The magic of herbs allows us to unleash the waters and to make the entire universe tremble.
The Indians from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta preserve two cosmic books from very ancient times. One of them is called El Anta. Great cosmic powers are enclosed within these two books.
When we delivered to humanity our book entitled The Perfect Matrimony, which contains the most solemn message which the White Lodge has given to humanity since the first foundations of the world until our days were established, many passionate, perverted ones, mystical and sanctimonious people emerged who qualified us as pornographic. Those people took it personally. Thus, they cried... and vociferated in vain.
Some decrepit old men, who were rendered null because of too much copulation, declared that Sexual Magic was impossible. Thus, they pleaded for that absurd sexual abstention, for the unhealthy “chastity” of religious people. In other words, they pleaded for nocturnal pollutions, spermatorrhea, masturbation, and decalcification, because Nature cannot be violated with impunity. The sexual laws were not made in order to be transgressed.
To despise the woman—who is truly the best that man has, the most beautiful creature that life has granted—is a work of eunuchs, a work of masturbators, a work of sodomites. Woman converts man into an omnipotent god, who is capable of shaking the earth and unleashing lightning and tempests in the whole universe.
The “mystics” of Theosophy, the Rosicrucian Order, and Spiritualism called us “materialists.” These offensive ones believed themselves to be super-transcendental, and they forgot that nothing can exist, not even God, without the help of matter. Sex is repulsive to them, but from where are they coming ? Who enrolled them in the school of life...?
Know then that initiation was not made for abnormal ones. Get ye hence, you eunuchs, sodomites, physically and morally decrepit ones...! Get ye hence, you fornicating spiritualists! Get ye hence, you classroom tyrants! The altar of initiation can only be approached by the true man and by the true woman.
My disciples must be intrepid, courageous, tenacious, ferrous, and of a character like a steel shield, always victorious, always rebellious as the heroic creations of the illustrious Rabelais.
Each one of my Gnostic disciples is a soldier in complete battle, in a field without boundaries, without parochial limitations, without compromises from sects and from lodges.
The Gnostic army is the army of Christ. The Gnostic army is now in battle against false religions, schools and sects from the world. It is against everything black, against everything that tastes of crime and exploitation.
The paladins from the new era emerge everywhere. We have Gnostic soldiers in the factories, in the workshops, in the ships, in the railroads, in commerce, in the banks, in industry, in the mines. In short, they are everywhere.
Now, not even one point more or one point less, whosoever is not with us is against us. We cannot tolerate more infamies and false promises from dim-witted politicians. Now we want to return into the fields of Nature in order to work. Now we want to return into the bosom of the blessed Goddess Mother of the world.
Now, we want a king, a president, a governor: Christ, Christ, only Christ!
Woe to those mystics who detest the woman! Woe to those passionate fornicators who only see in her an instrument of pleasure! Woeful ones… It would have been good for such men if they had not been born; or it would have been better for them if a millstone were hung about their necks, and they were drowned in the depth of the sea. [Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42, Luke 17:2]
Whosoever wants to reach the altar of initiation has to thrust himself against his own defects, against his vices, in a battle face to face against the enemies who dwell in his own house (psyche).
Down with the chains of conventionalism! To the redeeming battle!
Secrets of the Magic Mirror
A mirror and three hairs from the crown of the head of an impressionable, nervous and sensitive woman must be placed in the bottom of a container with water. Then, the magician has to fixedly stare at the woman to whom he has to imperiously say: “Look, be well aware. Here, over this mirror is the image of (say here the name of the person who is going to be seen).”
Thus, the sensitive woman will do it, and she will see the desired person. If it is commanded, she will even see what the person is doing in that given moment.
The magician must magnetize the sensitive woman; yet, he must not hypnotize her, because hypnotism is black magic. The operator must invoke the Angel Anael, so that the angel can help him in this work. If quicksilver is added to the water, then the result will be more effective.
The experiment will be performed within a dark room. A lit candle must be placed next to the container. It is convenient to smoke the room with frankincense and to conjure the evil entities with the Conjuration of the Four, as noted in the section entitled “Cases of Psychic Obsession.” The sign of the Pentagram must be placed inside the room on the floor, at the door’s entrance, as shown in the figure on page 53, in order to frighten away the infernal demons.
The woman for this type of work must be young, nervous, sensitive, and of a thin constitution. Heavy women are not suitable for this experiment. Thus, not all women are apt for certain psychic experiments.
Whosoever wants to become clairvoyant must reconquer the lost infancy.
The atoms of infancy live submerged within our internal universe and there is the necessity of putting them afloat again in order to attain divine clairvoyance. This labor can be performed by means of the verb. Therefore, the following mantras must be pronounced:
These mantras must be sung by raising the tone of the voice with the first syllable of each word and descending the voice with the second syllable of each word. Then, the child who lives submerged within us emerges to existence again, and we become clairvoyant.
This teaching was delivered to me by the Angel Aroch, for the disciples. These exercises of vocalization must be practiced daily.
Teachings of Christ
Christ taught a great mantra in order to cure the deaf and those who stutter:
EPHPHATHA (“Be opened”), see Chapter 7 verses 32-37, Gospel of Saint Mark.
Another very interesting mantra taught by Christ in order to cure the sick and to resurrect the dead is the following: TALITHA CUMI. Is this difficult? Resurrection is only possible when the silver cord has not been cut. In such cases, heat must be breathed into the lips of the cadaver. The defunct must be taken by the hand. Then, the mantra Talitha Cumi must be pronounced and the name of the deceased has to be called three times.
This very high magical work is only possible when the Law permits it.
A Curious Case
On a certain occasion, a curious case occurred in Barranquilla (Colombia). A girl became gravely sick. Official science could not cure her. The girl presented the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, and she was becoming thin in general, accompanied by extreme weakness.
Official physicians proceeded as is customary. They administered penicillin, serum, etc., without any results. Afterwards, while conversing in detail with the girl’s mother, they became aware that the mother was breastfeeding her girl, in spite of being pregnant again.
The mother was pregnant with a baby of the masculine sex and logically, her breast milk was not suitable for a child of the opposite sex, because the constitution of the mother’s milk is different in each case.
Therefore, a meeting of physicians took place and they arrived at the conclusion that the improper milk should be eliminated from the girl’s sick organism. Thus, they proceeded as customary, with innumerable remedies and prescriptions that instead of curing the girl, were making her organism worse.
Then, somebody informed the physicians that an Indian was in the city who knew a great deal about medicine. So, the Indian was called by the physicians. He entered into the room of the sick girl while those doctors were still meeting around the bed of the sick girl. The Indian (a native from the state of Bolivar, Colombia) saw the girl and said: “This girl has been nourished with bad milk from a pregnant woman. However, I am going to take the milk from her body at once.” Consequently, he sent a boy to his house to bring him a determined medicament.
The Indian gave the girl the remedy to drink and after a few minutes, the girl felt the necessity of evacuating. When performing this physiological function, the girl excreted the faulty milk before the sight of the astonished physicians, who, with pencils in their hands, were asking the Indian for the medicament’s formula. Yet, after showing them the faulty milk within a bottle, the Indian looked at them with the most profound despise and left that home without the astonished physicians learning about the mysterious formula.
The girl was totally healed and medical science was totally mocked.
Later on, the Indian did not have any trouble in revealing the formula to me. This formula is as follows:
Obtain colostrum from the breast of a woman whose child is of the same sex of the sick child. This must be mixed with the milk of the “Perrillo” tree which is a very well known tree in Antioquia (Colombia).
If the child is male and he drank milk from a pregnant woman whose pregnancy is of a female fetus, then the colostrum of another woman who is nourishing a boy will be given to the sick male child, and vice versa: if the sick child is a girl, then colostrum from another woman who is nourishing a baby girl is used.
The Gnostic medic must always have these remedies previously prepared.
When that which is called death occurs, then the ego abandons the physical body. The ego or soul is united to the physical body through the silver cord. This cord of astral matter is the one that maintains the soul united to the physical body. Yet, when that cord is cut, then the soul can no longer enter into the physical body. Commonly, that cord is cut three days after death has occurred.
The silver cord is united to the left ventricle of the heart. When we travel in the Astral Body, the soul can return into the physical body thanks to that cord. However, when death occurs, the soul can no longer return into her physical body, because the cord is already cut.
In the last moments of life, the dying person sees the angel of death as if he was a skull or a spectral being. The angel of death, or angels of death, are perfect beings whose mission is to take the souls out of their bodies in the supreme instant of death.
These angels of death have to cut the silver cord and their intervention is always sensed by those who are dying. Once this work is done, the angel withdraws and the soul of the deceased continues living in the same environment. However, we have to declare that an irresistible fluidic attraction continues to exist between the soul and the body after death.
Commonly, the souls of the dead that are attracted by their physical bodies, which are in the process of decomposition, inundate the graveyards or cemeteries. This is why cemeteries have a horrible appearance before the sight of the exercised clairvoyants.
The deceased ones mold the astral part of their tombs by means of their imagination. Thus, they give to their tombs the aspect of bedrooms or hospital rooms. The astral matter is essentially flexible. Therefore, that matter takes any form that the imagination gives it. For example, if you, beloved reader, imagine a hat, then that hat will be converted into a reality in the Astral World.
Accordingly, by means of the Astral Light and their imagination, the souls of the dead give their tombs the same appearance as their room, sleeping compartment, or the room in which they were in their last days. This is because the image of that bedroom is strongly recorded in their minds.
The cadaver attracts the soul and the soul acts upon the plastic matter of the Astral World by means of the imagination. This is how the soul transforms the tomb into a bedroom or into a hospital room.
The exercised clairvoyant can see the souls of the dead walking by in the cemeteries. They talk about their sicknesses, about their bitterness, about a possible healing, about medicines, etc.
Before the imagination of the souls of the dead, the cemetery is not a cemetery. For them the cemetery is hospitals, halls, bedrooms, clinics, etc. Each tomb is for them a hall, a clinic, a bedroom, etc. Those souls still believe they are in flesh and bones. Therefore, they feel the same sicknesses that were the cause of their death.
Commonly, those souls exhale the filthy smell of their cadaver in putrefaction. Those souls suffer the same bitterness of their former life. Thus, they hope to be healed from their sicknesses.
This horrible attraction of the souls towards the cemeteries disappears as soon as the cadaver has become ashes. Hence, when the cadaver is already ashes the soul feels healed and happy and abandons the cemetery, which, with her turbid imagination, she believed to be a clinic, rooms, halls, hospitals, etc.
Nevertheless, if the cadaver is burned, then, the soul avoids passing through all those horrible sufferings in the cemetery.
Therefore, for charity, for compassion, for pity and for love towards our beloved, the cadavers must be burned, because suffering within cemeteries is horrible.
It is very hard for a soul to live within a tomb that is believed to be a hall or bedroom. This is the cause of the horror that the living ones have towards the cemeteries, because as long as the body continues existing, it will attract the soul towards the tomb, and the soul will suffer the unutterable.
It is a thousand times preferable to pass through the pain of burning the cadaver of a beloved defunct, than to leave his poor soul to be tormented within a cemetery.
You must be compassionate towards your beloved relative. Burn his cadaver, so that the soul can be liberated from the horrible bitterness of the cemetery. You must not be cruel with your beloved relative, so burn the body in order for that beloved soul to be free from the cemetery.
What has been explained about the cemeteries is what has been experienced by some seers.
When I was in the city of Pamplona (north of Santander, Colombia), I knew about an interesting case related with this theme about which we are commenting.
On one of those solitary and cold nights, a certain gentleman, whose name I do not want to mention, was walking through a street of that city that is surrounded by paramount hills.
Then, this gentleman saw a beautiful lady. With compliments, he offered to accompany her to her house. The lady inflamed upon this gentleman the desire of an intimate relation and she did not reject his company.
Thus, this fellow was happily walking with the lady while longing for a romantic Don Juan-type of adventure.
Suddenly, the lady stopped before the elegant door of a luxurious mansion that was surrounded by magnificent gardens. Then, sweet words and lovely phrases were uttered there. Finally, the lady invited the enamored gentleman to enter inside her enchanted dwelling. Feeling himself happy, this handsome man, who was filled with an irresistible sexual desire, entered into that beautiful lady’s bedroom.
The enamored man lay down over the improvised nuptial bed and he fell asleep there without the lady lying herself next to him.
When this handsome man awoke, the Sun was already illuminating the vast horizons and the humid summits of those paramount hills that surround Pamplona city. He felt a little bit uncomfortable in the bed and he saw that the walls of that room were menacingly closing themselves over him. “Where am I?” he asked himself. “Where is that lady?”
Then, by meticulously staring around him, he saw with horror that he was inside a large tomb of the cemetery. He could not utter a word. He became filled with a horrible panic and collapsed. Several hours later, some visitors found this gentleman within that tomb and subsequently, they took him unconscious out of the tomb.
After medical intervention, the gentleman recuperated his lucidity and told the authorities all that had occurred. Naturally, the authorities declared that he was insane.
Many years ago, a cadaver of a beautiful lady had been buried within that tomb. Yet, the lady with her imagination within the Astral Plane had converted that tomb into an elegant mansion. Undoubtedly, she was already liberated from the attraction of that cadaver. However, she was not free from the attraction towards that beautiful mansion constructed by her in the Astral Plane or within the Astral environment of that tomb.
The lady took this gentleman out from this chemical region (physical dimension) and thus, she placed his physical body and the whole of him inside the Astral Plane. This is what is called in esotericism the “Jinn State.”
Halls of Black Magic Within Cemeteries
As strange as it may seem for many people, there truly exist halls of black magic within cemeteries, which are situated in the Astral Plane.
Those dismal halls respire all the rottenness from the burial grounds and the black magicians from those halls utilize all of those horrible elements from the cemetery for their infernal purposes.
Many astral vampires are within the astral environment of cemeteries. They nourish themselves from the cadaverous emanations and from the rottenness. Those vampires are utilized by the black magicians in order to cause harm to their hated enemies.
Since the earth inhales and exhales as we do, the soil from cemeteries constitutes great sources of infection for the urban populace. Great pestilence has gone out from cemeteries.
Typhus, variola, and all type of epidemic diseases have gone out from cemeteries.
The soil from cemeteries inhales oxygen and exhales epidemics. Scientists have already proven that the earth inhales and exhales. Therefore, our assertions are strictly scientific.
The hour has arrived in which the authorities of public health and sanitation must establish crematory furnaces instead of cemeteries.
The mourning relatives could establish in their homes altars where they can place the ashes of their beloved deceased relatives within beautiful and splendid “coffins.” Thus, the bonds between the ascendants and descendants will be maintained through those ashes.
Within the halls of black magic in cemeteries, a true swarm of perverse entities and malignant atoms are available to the black magicians in order to perform their operations of black magic.
Those black magicians recruit millions of perverse souls whose bodies have been buried in cemeteries, in order to put them to work under their command. All such actions make the cemeteries not only sources of physical epidemics, but also sources of moral epidemics.
Each atom is a trio of matter, energy, and consciousness—that is to say, each atom is an atomic intelligence. Therefore, the atoms from criminals and evil ones who are buried in the cemeteries constitute true moral epidemics, which are specifically concentrated within the cemeteries.
The atoms that we inhale in the cemeteries enter our organism, and they form evil communities within the space that separates the objective system from our secondary system or grand sympathetic system. These atomic, evil communities falsify our minds, and they invisibly float within our astral atmosphere. Thus, these atomic evil communities remain there, infecting us as a moral epidemic or as intelligences that excite us to perform all type of evilness.
Commonly, these colonies of evil atoms from cemeteries are more easily received inside the bodies of people during rainy weather.
The cemeteries are true infernos of evilness, weeping, and rottenness. The Ethereal Bodies of the deceased float as skeletons or horrible phantoms over and around the tombs. They constitute a fountain of spectral terror for the souls who are attracted to their physical bodies, which are in the state of decomposition within the burial grounds.
The Ethereal Bodies are simultaneously disintegrated along with the cadavers and they adopt their horrible spectral form. The tenebrous ones from the halls of black magic utilize those spectral phantoms in order to horrify the souls of the dead.
Moreover, these black magicians also utilize these spectral phantoms in order to frighten the living ones. There are innumerable cases of spectral apparitions that have been witnessed throughout time, in spite of the abundant mockery from ignorant chroniclers and superficial people of the epoch.
The phrase from the ignoramuses that states, “No one can know what happens in heaven or of a supernatural nature,” or, “No one knows what is in the other world, because no one has gone there yet,” are truly phrases only among the fools from this epoch.