Magic Invocations

Invocation to Extinguish Blazing Fires

"Hue Hueteotl, Hue Hueteotl, Hue Hueteotl, take the fire away. Extinguish this conflagration. Amen."

Invocation to Unleash the Air with the Purpose of Taking the Fire Away or for Other Useful Goals - Barbas de Oro (Goldenbeard)


"Barbas de Oro, Barbas de Oro, Barbas de Oro, blow. We need air. Amen."

After reciting these words, you must whistle, so that Barbas de Oro (Goldenbeard), who is a Sylph from the air, will make the wind blow.

Invocation to Call the Undines from the Water

"Veya, Vallala, Veyala, Helaya, Veya"

Sing these words when at the shore of rivers or seas and the Undines of the waters will come to your call.

Invocation to Make Rain

If there is a lack of rain and water is necessary, then pray the following:

"Tlaloc, Tlaloc, Tlaloc, god of waters, bring the rain. We need water. We invoke thee in the name of our Lord Quetzalcoatl. Amen."

Invocation to Invoke the Angels

Trace a circle on the ground over any place where two roads cross. Then, pronounce the Clavicle of Solomon and the name of the angel whom you want to call.

You must place yourself in the center of the circle. I advise you to perform this work on Good Friday at twelve midnight.

I suggest to you the idea of calling the Angel Adonai. That angel can become visible and tangible to your senses.

Do not be afraid. Speak with the invoked angel in tranquility.

Clavicle of Solomon

"Per Adonai Elohim, Adonai Jehovah, Adonai Sabaoth, Metatron. On Agla, Adonai Mathom, Verbum Pitonicum Misterium Salamandrae, Conventum Silphorum, Antragnomorum Demonia Celi, Gad Almousin Gibor, Jeshua Evam Sariatniamic, Veni, Veni, Veni."

Indication: The angels must be invoked with this clavicle.