Medical Clinics

“The one who can cure sicknesses is a physician. Neither the emperors, nor the popes, nor the colleges, not even the superior schools can create physicians. They can grant privileges and make a person who is not a physician appear as if he is a physician. They can grant unto this person permission to kill, but they cannot give him the power to heal. They cannot make of that person a true physician, unless that person has already been ordained by God.” - Paracelsus

In order to be a true physician it is necessary to have wisdom. The word wisdom is derived from vid, videre (to see) and from dom (judgment). Thus, wisdom alludes to that which one can see with the senses of the soul and of the Innermost; to the wise judgments which must be based on the ultra-sensorial perceptions and not simply on dogmatic intellectualism or vain professional sufficiency, which are already in declination and decrepitude. Therefore, how can a person who has yet to develop his clairvoyance reach wisdom? How can a person who is not a physician to himself be a physician to others? How can a person who is not sane in his heart heal others?

Fifty percent of medical clinics (there is no sin of exaggeration here) are simulated brothels. If not, then let the other fifty percent of innocent physicians attest to this.

The aristocratic lady and the humble peasant girl adulterate within the medical clinics. The blushing of young wives or of bashful virgins cannot prevail in order to stop the outrage of those physicians who see and touch what is secret and prohibited. Indeed, they do this because of their repressed or insatiable libido (which Freud called “sexual appetite”); never before had they such an opportunity to devour women’s chastity and to sacrifice their integrity!

An authentic physician must be absolutely chaste and righteous, or at least tender in his heart. Therefore, is it wisdom to work in that manner, against the moral laws? Is this culture? Is it civilization? What could this behavior be called?

When human beings endowed with superior intelligence appeared upon the earth, they allowed this supreme power (the Innermost) to work without resistance within them. Thus, they learned their first lessons from Him. All that they had to do was imitate Him, but in order to reproduce the same effects by an effort of individual will, they found themselves obliged to develop in their human constitution a creative power, the Kundalini (named Kriyashakti in esoteric terminology).

In order to be a physician, the fire of the Holy Spirit is necessary. This fire is the outcome of the transmutations of our sexual secretions by means of the snake.

How can one whose soul is stained because of love for profit and because of an insatiable thirst for fornication serve as a vehicle of expression for the Innermost?

The Innermost within us is our Internal Master, our God, our real Being, our Spirit, our superior Self, our Father who is in secret. The Innermost is an ineffable flame of the great bonfire. He is a fragment of the Absolute in our heart. According to Moses, the Innermost within us is the Ruach Elohim, who sowed the waters in the beginning of the world. The Innermost is the Monad of Carpocrates, the Daimon of Socrates, the Seity of Tibetans, the silent gandarva or celestial musician of the Hindus. The Innermost is our Father within us, the Soul is the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the sexual force, which is named Kundalini and is symbolized by the snake.


The Monad on the Tree of Life

The human being becomes an authentic physician anointed by God when he develops within his human constitution the power of the fire. In this way, the divine Innermost expresses Himself through the anointed one. He then can perform astonishing healings.

A human being could theoretically study the human organism and its sicknesses. However, this does not signify that he has the power of healing, since no one can receive this power from men, but only from God.

In the sunny country of Khem, there in those foregone times of ancient Egypt, sick people were not taken into medical clinics. They were taken into the august and sacred temples where the hieratic wisdom was cultivated.

Hence, sick people came out sane and sound from the temples. A lethargy of eternities weigh upon the ancient mysteries. The delectable verb of ancient sages (who engraved their wisdom in strange embossments upon unconquered walls) seems to be perceived there in that remote distance, within the profound night of the ages. Streets had millenary sphinxes that silently contemplated thousands of pilgrims who came from distinct lands in search of health and light. Faces were tawny due to the ardent sun of happy Arabia. People came from Chaldea, Judaic merchants came from Cyclope or from Tyre, old yogis came from the sacred land of the Vedas... Medicine was always sacred. Medicine was always the blessed patrimony of the Magi.

Sick people in those forgone times of ancient Egypt covered themselves with aromas within the temples, and the ineffable verb of the holy masters filled them with life. When all of this was occuring, the great Whore (humanity) still had not begotten the Antichrist or the false science and the pontiff of all the abominations of the earth had not yet seated himself upon his seven hills.

In those fully developed ages, and under those sacred colonnades, the priest of Sais exclaimed:

“Alas, Solon, Solon, my son! The day in which the men will laugh at our sacred hieroglyphics will come. Thus, they will say that we, the ancient people, were worshipping idols.”

Medical clinics will be abolished in the Age of Aquarius. Healing sanctuaries will be opened everywhere. It will not matter if we have to tolerate with stoicism the swats from the claws of the beast, whose number is 666. To the battle, children of the light, for our ideas, for the triumph of truth and goodness, to the battle!