Gnostic Medics
Gnostic medics are obligated to learn “White Nahualism” in order to visit their sick patients who are living very far away from them.
It is essential for Gnostic medics to travel consciously and positively with their physical bodies through the fourth dimension, each time that it is necessary.
The Gnostic medics who learn to travel through the fourth dimension will be properly assisted by the author of this book.
Therefore, we will grant them help each time that it is necessary. The Gnostic medics who delay in the learning of nahualism will be reprimanded.
We are not on earth to waste our time; we want wise medic-magicians.
We are tired of so many common pseudo-occultists and pseudo-esotericists that only know how to theorize.
We want concrete, clear, and definitive facts. We want medic-magicians who are capable of flying through the airs of mystery.
We want wise humans who really know how to handle the herbs and the elementals. We need medics like Hippocrates, Galenus, Paracelsus, who know how to cure with herbs and with elementals.
Each Gnostic medic must be a true theurgist, like Iamblicus.
Thus, only in this way, by having this type of Gnostic medic (who can materialize the angels in order to converse physically with them here and now) is how many people with unutterable sicknesses will be saved.
The angels will direct the Gnostic medics. They will teach them, they will provide them with the medicine for the sick people.