The Five Causes of Illness
The five causes of illness are the following:
1. Ens Astrale
2. Ens Veneri
3. Ens Espirituale
4. Ens Naturae
5. Ens Dei
Master Paracelsus states:
“All sicknesses have their beginning in some of the three substances: Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury; that is to say, they can have their origin in the world of matter (symbolized by the Salt), in the sphere of the soul (symbolized by the Sulphur) or in the kingdom of the mind (symbolized by the Mercury).”
In order to better comprehend this aphorism of Master Paracelsus, let the internal constitution of the human being be studied. [Read The Perfect Matrimony and The Revolution of Beelzebub].
There is no danger of harmful discordance if the body, soul and mind are in perfect harmony. Yet, if a cause of discordance originates in any of these three planes, then the disharmony is communicated to the other planes.
The Being is not the physical body, nor the Vital Body that serves as a foundation for the organism’s chemistry. It is not the Sidereal Body, which is the very root of our own desires, nor is it the mind, a marvelous organism whose physical instrument is the brain. The Being is not the body of the consciousness, where all volitional, mental, or sentimental experiences are based. The Being is something much more profound.
Very rare are the human beings who have comprehended what the Being is.
The Glorian is the ray who “strikes His bell” when He comes into the physical world.
The Glorian is the Law and the incognito root of the human being.
The Glorian is the Being of the Being.
The Glorian is the Law within us.
When the human being obeys the Law (the Glorian) he cannot become sick. Therefore, sickness comes because of disobedience to the Law. When the seven bodies want to act separately as if they were seven “I’s,” sickness is the outcome.
The physical and vital bodies must obey the Soul. The Soul must obey the Innermost, and the Innermost must obey the Glorian. Body, Soul, and Spirit must convert themselves into a very pure and perfect universe through which the majesty of the Glorian can be expressed.
Let us look at a concrete and simple example: if we throw stones into the water, then inevitably waves will be produced. These waves are the reaction of the water against the stones. If someone casts an offensive word against us, then we feel anger. So, anger is the reaction against the offensive word, and the consequences could be indigestion or a headache or simply a loss of energies, which will be the cause of a future sickness.
If someone frustrates a plan we have projected, then we are filled with deep mental preoccupation. This preoccupation is the reaction of our Mental Body against the exterior incitement.
No one doubts that a strong mental preoccupation brings sickness to the head. Therefore, we must govern our emotions with our thought. Thought must be governed by willpower, and willpower by the consciousness.
Then, we must open up our consciousness as when a temple is opened, in order for the priest (the Innermost) to officiate at his altar, before the presence of God (the Glorian).
We must dominate our seven vehicles and cultivate serenity in order for the sublime and ineffable majesty of the Glorian to be expressed through us.
When all the acts of our daily life—even the most insignificant acts—become the living expression of the Glorian in us, we will then never be sick.
Let us now study the five causes of sickness in successive order.
Ens Astrale
Master Paracelsus states:
“The stars from heaven do not form the human being. The human being comes from two principles: the ‘Ens Seminis’ (the masculine sperm) and the ‘Ens Virtutis’ (the Innermost). Therefore, he has two natures: one Corporeal and the other Spiritual and each one of them requires its digestion (womb and nutrition).
“Just as the mother’s uterus is the world that surrounds the child and also from where the fetus receives its nutrition, as well, Nature, in its proper manner, is where the terrestrial body of the human being receives its influences that act upon his organism. This is the Ens Astrale, which is something that we do not see, yet, it contains us and all that is alive and has sensation. It is what the air contains and from which all elements live. We symbolize it with ‘M’ (misterium).” - Paramirum Liber
Here the great Theophastrus (Paracelsus) clearly talks to us about the Astral Light of the Kabbalists, about the Azoe and Magnesia of ancient Alchemists, about the Flying Dragon of Medea, about I.N.R.I. of Christians and about the Tarot of the Bohemians.
The hour has arrived in which Biocenosis must also study the great universal agent of life, the Astral Light and its “Solve et coagula,” which are represented by the Male Goat of Mendez.
The Astral Light is the basis for all sicknesses and the fountain of all life. Every sickness, every epidemic, has its astral larvae. When these larvae become coagulated in the human organism, a sickness is the outcome.
In the Temple of Alden, the masters seat their patients in an armchair that is under yellow, blue, and red lights. These three primary colors serve in order to make the larvae of a sickness visible in the Astral Body. The masters treat the organism with innumerable medications after having extracted those larvae from the astral organism of the patient.
When the Astral Body is healed, then mathematically the physical body will be healed, because before the physical atoms of an organ become sick, the “internal” atoms of the same organ are already sick.When the cause is cured, the effect is also cured.
Every sick person can write a letter to the Temple of Alden. Thus, he (she) will receive help from the Gnostic medics. The letter should be handwritten by the sick person, then it should be burned by the same person. However, prior to this, the letter should be perfumed with frankincense in the very moment before burning it.
The astral letter, or the soul of that burned letter, will go to the Temple of Alden. Hence, the masters of wisdom will read the letter and will assist the sick person.
We must have our homes clean in the physical world as well as in the Astral. Garbage deposits are always filled with infected larvae. There are odoriferous substances that burn the larvae or throw them out of our house. The “frailejon” is a Colombian plant that the Arhuaco Indians utilize in order to disinfect their homes. The disinfection can also be made with belladonna, camphor, and saffron.
Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, sterilizes the sick person’s room from microbes with a certain alchemical element. This element irradiates by means of a special system that impedes the microbes from reproducing themselves. Minerva also has a concave lens that she applies to the organ of the sick person. This establishes a focus of perennial magnetism that produces the cure. We must avoid having relationships with evil people, since these people are centers of astral infection.
Ens Veneri
“If a woman leaves her husband, then she is not free from him, neither is he free from her, since when a marital union is already established, this remains for the whole of eternity.” - Homunculis, Paracelsus
Really, the human personality is contained within the semen, because the semen is the astral liquid of the human being. For this reason, every sexual union is indissoluble.
The man who has sexual contact with a married woman remains in a permanent bond with part of the karma of her husband, for that reason. Fluidly, the two husbands of the woman remain connected by means of sex.
When the semen falls outside of the womb, then because of its corrupted salts certain parasites are formed. These parasites adhere to the Astral Body of the one who created them. Thus, in this way, they absorb the life of their creators.
The masturbating males engender “succubi” and the masturbating females engender “incubi.” These larvae incite their creators to incessantly repeat the act of masturbation that gave them life. They have the same color as the air, therefore they cannot be seen by simple sight. An efficacious remedy in order to liberate oneself from these larvae is to carry sulphur powder inside of our shoes. The ethereal vapors of the sulphur disintegrate them.
When abandoning the physical body because of its death, the soul takes all of its conscious values. When reincarnating into a new physical body, the soul then brings all of its conscious values; they could be good as well as evil. These values are positive and negative energies. Every common and current human being has a culture of larvae in his astral atmosphere. These have such strange forms that are too odd to conceive of mentally.
Positive values bring health and joy. Negative values materialize themselves into sicknesses and bitterness. Variola is the result of hatred. Cancer is the result of fornication. Lies disfigure the human figure, thus engendering monstrous children. Egotism in its extreme produces leprosy. A person is born blind because of past cruelties. Tuberculosis is the daughter of atheism. Therefore, each human defect is venom for the organism.
Ens Espirituale
The following strange story that we are going to recount happened in a town off the Atlantic coast of Colombia, which is known by the name of Dibulla. The majority of the dwellers there are of the black race. They were living indifferently and with indolence. One day, some years ago, natives of this locality robbed from the Arhuaco Indians their forefather’s sacred relics. Consequently, the “Mama” Miguel sent a commission to Dibulla with this following message: “The Mama has consulted the ‘lebrillo.’ Therefore, he knows that the sacred relics of our forefathers are here in this town. If you do not return them during the full moon, then the Mama will send the ‘animes’ and will burn down the town.” This petition only caused mockery and laughter amongst the Dibullans.
Upon the arrival of the full moon, without any known cause, a bonfire exploded in the town. When the neighbors assisted in suffocating it, new bonfires exploded, especially within the houses where the stolen relics were hidden. It seemed as if the potencies of fire had confabulated themselves against that defenseless town in order to convert it to ashes. Their “curas” (Catholic priests) chanted their exorcisms in vain and the people cried bitterly. Everything was in confusion. When they lost all hope of extinguishing the fires, the Dibullans resolved to immediately return the sacred relics to the Arhuaco Indians. Then, as if by magic, the bonfires ceased.
What were the sources that the “Mama” used in order to produce the bonfires? Undoubtedly, they were the elementals of fire who are embodied within the plants, herbs, and roots that belong to the sign of fire. This knowledge is not only ignored by modern scientists, but also by those sects that say they are the possessors of esoteric teachings...
When referring to the Ens Espirituale our expression has to be clear and our meaning precise, because the Ens Espirituale is complex in its essence and in its accidents.
When referring to the Tattvas, which are forces of the elemental creatures of vegetables, we warn that they can be utilized by black magicians in order to harm their enemies. Each vegetable is a Tattvic extract.
What is a Tattva? Much has been spoken about this matter, yet it has not been well comprehended. A Tattva is a vibration of ether. Everything comes from ether and everything returns to ether. Rama Prasat, the great Hindu philosopher, spoke about the Tattvas. However, he did not teach how to work with them, because he did not know the wisdom of the Tattvas in depth. H. P. Blavatsky wrote about the Tattvas in her book The Secret Doctrine. Nevertheless, she did not know the esoteric technique that refers to the practical use of the Tattvas.
The whole universe is elaborated upon with the ethereal matter “Akash” (this word is used by the Hindus). The ether disarranges itself into seven different modalities. When these modalities condense, then they give origin to all that is created.
Sound is the materialization of Akash. The sense of touch is the materialization of the Vayu Tattva. The fire and the light that we perceive through our eyes are the materialization of the Tejas Tattva. The sensation of taste is nothing more than the condensation of the Apas Tattva. The sense of smell is the materialization of the Prithvi Tattva. There are two other Tattvas that can only be handled by the magician. These are the Adi Tattva and the Samadhi Tattva.
Akash is the primary cause of all that exists. Vayu is the cause of air and of motion. Tejas is the ether of the fire that animates the flames. Prithvi is the ether of the element earth that is accumulated within the rocks. Apas is the ether of the water that enters into action before Prithvi, because before the element earth appeared, there was water.
The four elements of Nature—earth, fire, water, and air—are merely condensations of the four types of ether. These four varieties of ether are densely populated by innumerable elemental creatures of Nature.
The salamanders live within the fire (the Tejas Tattva). The ondines and nereids live within the water (the Apas Tattva). The sylphs live within the clouds (the Vayu Tattva). The gnomes and pygmies live within the earth (the Prithvi Tattva).
The physical bodies of the salamanders are the plants, herbs, and roots of the vegetables that are influenced by the signs of fire.
The physical bodies of the ondines are the elementals of the plants that are influenced by the zodiacal signs of water.
The physical bodies of the sylphs are the elementals of the plants belonging to the signs of air.
The physical bodies of the gnomes are the elementals of the plants under the influence of the zodiacal signs of earth.
Therefore, when the “Mama” Miguel burned down the town of Dibulla he utilized the Tejas Tattva. The instruments used in order to operate with this Tattva were the elementals of fire (the salamanders), which are incarnated within the plants, trees, herbs, and roots of the zodiacal signs of fire.
We can work with Apas in order to unleash the tempests or to pacify the waters by commanding the esoteric power of the plants of water.
We can unleash or calm the winds and hurricanes by commanding the elementals of air who are enclosed within the vegetables of this zodiacal sign (Vayu).
We can transmute lead into gold by commanding the esoteric power of the herbs belonging to the sign of earth (Prithvi). Yet, in order to perform this, we also need Tejas (fire).
Prehistoric traditions from the Pre-Colombian Americas asseverate to us that the Indians worked the gold as if it was soft clay. They achieved this with the elementals of plants, whose ethereal elements are the Tattvas.
The black magicians utilize the elementals of plants and the Tattvas in order to harm their neighbors from a distance.
When the astral sylphs cross through space, they agitate Vayu. Thus, Vayu moves the masses of air. This is how wind is produced.
When a magician moves the elementals of fire with his power, these elementals then act upon the Tejas Tattva by their own accord and the fire devours what this magician wants it to.
Over the sea, great battles explode between the elementals. The ondines throw the ether of their waters against the sylphs. Consequently, the sylphs return this attack by casting ethereal waves against the ondines. Then, a tempest explodes from the agitated combination of water and air. The roar of the sea and the whistling of the hurricane are the shouts of war from these elementals.
The elements of Nature are agitated when the corresponding elementals become emotional, enthusiastic or when they are intensely moved.
We become owners of the Tattvas and the powers that are enclosed within them by commanding the elementals of plants.
The Ethereal Body (the Vital Body) of the human being is constituted of the Tattvas, and we know that this body is the base upon which the organism’s chemistry operates.
Nowadays, official science and its treatises of physics cannot deny that the ether penetrates all of the physical elements.
If the Ethereal Body is harmed, then mathematically the physical body is also harmed. So, by utilizing the vegetable elementals and their ethereal waves from a distance, the perverse entities can cause harm to the Ethereal Body. The consequences are very grave.
The magician-doctors of the Indian race (from the state of Bolivar, Colombia), test amongst themselves their science and power with the elemental of the “guasimo” tree (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamarck) in the following way: They make a circle around the “guasimo” tree, they bless it, venerate it, and beg its service, which is to attack the rival medic. After this ritual, with a new knife they lift the bark of the tree a certain amount of centimeters and then place a piece of beef (lung meat) underneath it. They then command the elemental of the tree to attack their enemy. The rival does the same by utilizing another “guasimo” tree. Thus, in this way, a terrible fight ensues between the two elementals of these trees until one of the medics dies.
The elemental of the “guasimo” tree is a genie of fire who impetuously lunges himself against the victim. Clairvoyantly seen, this elemental uses a cape that reaches to his feet and he is endowed with great powers.
The black magicians practice certain rites with the mastic tree (naturally, I keep the secret to myself, in order not to give weapons to the evil ones). Through these rites, they achieve the harm or murder of whomever they wish from a distance. In order to heal a sick person who has been attacked by this procedure, the white magician utilizes another mastic tree. The first thing he does is to incise the figure of the sick person on its trunk. He then makes a magical circle around the tree and commands the elemental to heal the sick person. In the same measure that the incision on the tree heals, so too does the sick person feel an improvement. When the scar disappears from the trunk of the tree, then the complete healing has been fulfilled.
Two phenomena occur in the previous execution: first, transmission of life (mumia) occurs because the life of the elemental of the tree cures the sick person. Second, transplantation of sickness occurs because the sickness is transmitted into the aggressive vegetable plant and into the black magician. The black magician becomes sick in the same proportion that the patient becomes well. Many sicknesses can be cured from a distance with the procedure of the mastic tree.
There are sorcerers who take advantage of certain plants that they mix with food in order to fill the organism of their victims with deadly worms, which produce sickness and death.
Other sorcerers inject artificial gonorrhea into their victims, or they give them dangerous animal substances to drink in order to produce determined effects. The reader can inform himself in detail about all of these things in another section of this book.
The black magicians know how to inject venomous substances into the Astral Body of their victims. Thus, inevitably they become sick. The Astral Body is a material organism a little bit less dense than the physical organism. In such cases, the masters give an emetic medicine to the Astral Body of the sick person in order for him to vomit the injected substances.
The other internal bodies are also material; they too have their own particular sicknesses as well as their own medicines and their own medics. Therefore, surgical operations are not something rare in the Temple of Alden.
A serious damage in the Mental Body, when reflectively transmitted in the physical brain, produces madness.
A disconnection between the Astral Body and the Mental Body causes furious madness.
If there is no adjustment between the Astral Body and the Ethereal Body, then the idiot or the cretin is the necessary outcome.
In the Temple of Alden there is a very important laboratory of Alchemy where the great masters of medicine dwell, such as Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Galenus, Hermes, and others. This temple is in the Astral Plane, within the living innermost parts of great Nature.
The internal bodies eat, drink, assimilate, digest, and excrete in the same exact way as the physical organism does, because these are solely material bodies in a diverse degree of subtlety.
These bodies utilize the Tattvas in all sensations and reactions. The Tattvas are the fundamental base of all that exists; they can be either vehicles of love or hatred.
I regretfully have to disagree with the opinion of the Master Huiracocha about the Tattvic day-timer. In his Tattvameter he states that the five Tattvas successively vibrate for two hour periods, and that each Tattva vibrates for twenty-four minutes in the following way:
1. Akash
2. Vayu
3. Tejas
4. Prithvi
5. Apas
Huiracocha asseverates that this vibration of the Tattvas begins everyday at sunrise. Yet, this is in discordance with the facts and observations. Therefore, the best Tattvic day-timer is the one from Nature.
When the weather is cold, humid, rainy, and the sky is cloudy with dense, large, black clouds, this means that the cause is rooted in the Tattva of the water (Apas). When this happens, the ethereal waves of the water are submitted to a very strong cosmic vibration that generally coincides with the position of the moon.
During the hours or days of hurricanes and breezes, we can asseverate that the ethereal waves of the air (Vayu) are in agitation and vibration.
The noon sky filled with sun clearly points out that the ether of fire (Tejas) is vibrating intensely.
Dry, sultry weather elucidates for us the vibrations of Akash.
The hours filled with happiness, filled with light, are produced by Prithvi.
Therefore, the best Tattvic day-timer is the one from Nature.
When the waves of fire are agitated, then creation is inundated with light and heat.
If the aqueous ether is vibrating, then the waters are moving and everything becomes humid.
Nature becomes happy in its entirety when the ethereal waves of the element earth move and vibrate.
The summer season can be forecast in the beginning of each year. The tradition of the “Cabañuelas” is very ancient and is already forgotten and disfigured. The right procedure is as follows:
During the night, on the first of January, collect twelve dry lumps of rocky salt. These must be separated into two groups of six. One month of the year has to be assigned to each lump of salt. Then, on the following day the lumps must be observed: the dry ones represent the number of months for summer and the humid ones represent the number of months for winter.
The black magicians as well as the white magicians equally utilize the Tattvas of Nature for their respective goals.
There are certain Tattvic extracts that the white magician takes advantage of in order to “enclose” himself. He closes his atomic atmosphere in order to defend himself from the potencies of evil. In this way, no malignant influence, magical venom, or work of witchcraft can affect or harm him.
In the state of Magdalena, Colombia, there is a tree named “tomasuco.” This tree is utilized in order to “enclose” oneself. This operation is performed on Good Friday at twelve o’clock midday. The person traces a circle around the tree, then he blesses it. He begs the elemental to “encircle” his personal atmosphere with the elemental’s protective atoms, by creating a protector wall that will defend this person against tenebrous powers. Once this petition is made, the person approaches the tree walking from south to north and cuts one of the veins of the tree with a new knife. He then bathes his naked body with the life fluid of the tree. This fluid is very bitter; three cups of this liquid must be drunk. This Tattvic extract protects us from many evils. No venom or any kind of witchcraft will harm those who are “enclosed” in this way. If a venomous liquid or a venomous substance is held in the magician’s hand, a nervous shock will be felt by him. The genie of this tree will spin around the white magician, in order to evade the entrance of the potencies of evil.
When at a feast, the Master Zanoni drank poisoned wine and while raising his cup, he said, “I toast thee, oh Prince, even with this cup.” The poison did not cause any harm to the master. History also tells us that Rasputin drank poisoned wine in the presence of his enemies, and he laughed at them.
Ens Naturae
What wires are to electricity, nerves are to vital fluid.
The central nervous system is the throne of the Innermost (Spirit) and the grand sympathetic nervous system is the diocese of the Astral Body of the human being.
“As the Sun sends all of its power to all the planets and lands, as well, the heart sends its Spirit through the whole body. The Moon (intelligence of the brain) goes into the heart and returns into the brain. The fire (heat) has its origin in the (chemical) activity of the organs (the lungs), yet it penetrates the whole body. The vital liquor (vital essence) is universally distributed as it moves (circulates in the body). This effluvium contains many different effluviums and produces various types of metals (virtues and defects) in it.” - Paramirum. L. 3, Paracelsus
Upon hearing these affirmations, many medics of the official science will cry out: “But where are those internal bodies?” “What do we do in order to identify and perceive them?” “We only accept what is analyzed in the laboratory and what is submitted to the studies of the systems that we have developed.” In other words, the limit of their learning capacity is in relation with the apparatuses they have perfected. Therefore, the position in which they place themselves is absurd, that is to deny all that they cannot comprehend and to submit everything to the judgment of their “five senses.” If they were to develop their clairvoyance, which is the “sixth sense,” they then would be aware of the truth concerning this assertion.
One must not forget that the “luminaries” (intellectuals) from the epoch of Pasteur mocked him when he affirmed his famous theories, which later made him a celebrity. Did this not also occur (to a far worse degree) with Copernicus and Galileo when they became victims of what was believed to be opposed to the known or revealed truth? Was it not the “wise” ones who smeared Columbus with slanders because he announced the existence of a new world beyond the Cove of Finisterre (which was then believed to be the end of the Earth)?
The sixth sense can be awakened with the following procedure: for a period of ten minutes every day seat yourself at a table, then fixedly look at the water contained in a glass. With this daily practice, in time clairvoyance will finally awaken. The vowel “I” [pronounced like the vowel sound found in the word “bee”], when vocalized daily for one hour, will produce the same results. Hence, clairvoyance will awaken and the internal bodies will be seen and their anatomy can be studied.
When the Ethereal Body of the human being is weakened, then by the action of reflection the physical organism becomes sick. The Ethereal Body has its physical center in the spleen. The solar energies, which are the vital principle of everything that exists, enter through the spleen into our physical organism. The Ethereal Body is an exact duplicate of the physical body, and it is made up of Tattvas.
Each ethereal atom penetrates into each physical atom and an intense vibration is produced. All of the chemical processes of the organism are developed based on the Ethereal Body or second organism.
Every organ of the physical body becomes sick when its ethereal counterpart has become sick; when the Ethereal Body is healed the physical body is healed as well.
The disciples who cannot remember their astral experiences must submit their Ethereal Body to a surgical operation that the Nirmanakayas perform in the First Hall of Nirvana (the first subplane of Nirvana referred to in Theosophy). After this operation, the disciple can take into his astral travels the ethers that he needs in order to bring back his memories.
The Ethereal Body is composed of four ethers: Chemical Ether, Ether of Life, Luminous Ether, and Reflective Ether. The Chemical Ether and Ether of Life serve as a source for the manifestation of the forces that work in the biochemical and physiological processes, and in all that is related to the reproduction of the races.
Light, heat, color, and sound identify themselves with the Luminous and Reflective Ethers. The Sapient Soul expresses herself within these two ethers. She is the beloved Maiden of our Memories. When seen clairvoyantly, this Maiden looks like a beautiful lady within the Ethereal Body.
It is necessary for the disciple to learn how to take the beloved Maiden of our Memories into his astral travels in order to bring the memory of all that he sees and hears within the internal worlds. She serves as a mediator between the senses of the physical brain and the ultrasensible senses of the Astral Body. It comes to be (if the concept fits) that she is like the storage space of memory.
While in bed, at the time of sleep, invoke your Innermost in the following way:
“Father of mine, Thou who art my real Being, I beseech Thee with all of my heart and with all of my soul to take the beloved Maiden of my Memories out from my Ethereal Body, with the goal of not forgetting anything when returning into my physical body.”
Then, while becoming sleepy pronounce the mantras:
"Laaaa Raaaa Sssssss"
The letter “S” must have a high pitched and sharp sound, similar to that produced by air brakes. When the disciple finds himself between vigil and dreaming, then he has to get up from his bed, leave his room and travel to the Gnostic Church.
This last action must be done with confidence and faith, because it is real and not fictitious. Neither mentalism nor suggestion exist in this practice. You must get up very carefully from your bed, so as not to wake yourself. Then, you must leave your room by walking as naturally as you do when you travel daily to your job. Before leaving your room, you must perform a little jump with the intention of floating. If you float, then direct yourself towards the Gnostic Church, or to the house of the sick person whom you need to heal. Yet, if you do not float when performing the little jump, then return to your bed and repeat the experiment.
During this practice, do not worry about your physical body. Let Nature take care of it, and do not doubt, because if you do, the experiment will be lost.
The brain has a very fine tissue that is the physical vehicle for astral memories. When this tissue is damaged, the memories are unattainable; this wound can only be healed within the Temple of Alden by means of the healing powers of the masters.
The seminal canals have certain atoms that typify our past reincarnations. These atoms are also the bearers of our inheritance and illnesses that we suffered in our past lives, as well as the sicknesses suffered by our forefathers.
The germinal cell of the spermatozoid is septuple in its internal constitution, and through it we receive the biological and psychological inheritance from our parents. Our character and talent are an exclusive patrimony of the ego. Therefore, they separate themselves from the atavistic current.
There is a hospital or healing house within the heart of the Sun where opportune assistance is granted to many disincarnated initiates in order to cure their internal bodies.
The aura of an innocent child is a panacea for sick Mental Bodies. Thus, people who suffer from mental sicknesses will find great relief by sleeping close to an innocent child. Also, smudgings done with the smoke of toasted corn are very commendable.
The sick person must keep his stomach free from gases in order to avoid the ascension of them towards the brain and causing major derangement.
Castor oil is very commendable for people who are sick in their minds. This oil must be applied daily to the head.
Vaccinations must be restricted in all cases, because they damage the Astral Body of people.
If you wish to receive the help of the Masters Paracelsus, Hippocrates, Galenus, Hermes, etc., then you must write a letter to the Temple of Alden and ask for their medical attention.
The Tattvas intensely vibrate and palpitate with the impulse of the elemental populace and with the influence of the stars. The Tattvas and the elementals from the plants are the basis of esoteric medicine.
Purulent tumors in the fingers can generally be cured by alternately submerging the affected part within hot and cold water. When the action of the heat and of the cold (Tattvas Tejas and Apas) establishes organic equilibrium, then normality is re-attained.
Every human being carries an atmosphere of ancestral atoms that has its chakras in the knees. Therefore, it is in our knees where the instinct for survival is located, as well as the inheritance of race. This is why the knees shake when we face grave danger.
Ens Dei
H. P. Blavatsky states:
“Karma is the unerring law which adjusts effect to cause, on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of being. As no cause remains without its due effect from greatest to least, from a cosmic disturbance down to the movement of your hand, and as like produces like, Karma is that unseen and unknown law which adjusts wisely, intelligently, and equitably each effect to its cause, tracing the latter back to its producer. Though itself unknowable, its action is perceivable.” - Key to Theosophy
Karma is paid in this physical world and also in the internal worlds. However, the Karma in this physical world, as grave as it might be, is much sweeter than its Astral equivalent.
Presently, in the “Avitchi” (Hell) of the Black Moon, there are millions of human beings who are paying terrible karmas. The mind of the magician becomes horrified when contemplating Lucifer (who is submerged within ardent fire and sulphur).
The mind of the magician becomes terrified when contemplating the famous Inquisitors from the Middle Ages, who are suffering in the fire they made others once endure, and who are exhaling the same painful woes they once made others exhale.
The soul of the magician shakes with horror when contemplating the great tyrants of “war” who suffer their terrible Karmas in the Black Moon.
There we see Hitler and Mussolini suffering the martyrdom of the fire they unleashed over defenseless cities.
There we see Abbadon, the angel of the Abyss, who suffers in the chains and bonds with which he martyrized others.
There we see Mariela, the great female magician, embraced in the fire of her own evilness.
There we see Jahveh and Caiaphas (the supreme priest), both receiving the same torture of the cross on which they condemned the Master (Christ).
There we see the “Imperator,” founder of the A.M.O.R.C. school of California, who is seized by the black magical “cord” or “rope” with which he and his followers bind their naive disciples.
When the Human Soul unites with its Innermost, then it does not have Karma to pay, because when an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law.
The worst genres of sicknesses are those engendered by Karma. Variola is the result of hatred; diphtheria is the fruit of fornication from past lives. Cancer is also the result of fornication. Tuberculosis or white pestilence is the result of atheism and materialism from past lives. Cruelty engenders blindness at birth. Rachitis is the child of materialism. Malaria comes from egotism, etc. Hundreds of other sicknesses have their origin in the evil actions from our past lives.
Within each human being lives a law, and this law is the Glorian, the source from which the Innermost emanated. The Soul is nothing but the shadow of our real Being, the Glorian.
The Glorian is a breath from the Absolute, which is profoundly unknowable to itself. The Glorian is neither spirit nor matter. It is not good, nor evil. It is not light, nor darkness. It is not coldness, nor fire. The Glorian is the law within us. It is the real and true “Being.”
When the Innermost and the Soul obey the Law, which is their own Law, then the result is joy, happiness, and perfect health.
The day will arrive in which we will liberate ourselves from the universes and from the gods. This will occur when we are fused with our Glorian, which is the Law within us.
It is the quest of the soul to laboriously climb the septenary ladder of light in order to pass beyond light and darkness. The soul has to pass fifty doors in order to unite herself with the Glorian. The following is copied from a Gnostic ritual:
“Up above, in the unknown heights, there is a palace. The floor of that palace is of gold, lapis lazuli and jasper. Yet, in the middle of everything blows a breath of death. Woe to thee, oh warrior, oh fighter, if your servant succumbs, yet there are remedies and remedies.
“I know of those remedies, because of the yellow and the blue which surrounds thee is seen by me.
“To love thee is best, it is the most sublime and delectable nectar.”
This fragment from a Gnostic ritual of Huiracocha (which was profaned by Israel Rojas R.) conceals great esoteric truths.
That magnificent palace of fifty doors has beautiful and sweet gardens, within which a breath of death blows. In its rooms we will be loved by our most beloved disciples, yet we also will be sold and betrayed by those same disciples. Those who applauded and admired us will abandon us. Thus, in the end we will be alone. Nevertheless, in essence, we will never truly be “alone,” nor “accompanied,” but in perfect plenitude.
The human being will convert himself into one law when he is united with the Law.