“Is he looking?”
Cheyenne glanced over my shoulder. “Looking? The man’s practically devouring you with his eyes. Good Lord, I can’t believe you’re mated to him. That’s one fine-ass hunk of shifter.”
I bit back a grin. “I know.”
“Think Alpha will let you go?”
“He has to.” I shrugged. “It’s just a matter of if he’ll let me go tonight, or if he’ll force me to stay with him the next two days.”
My stomach dropped at the thought of being anywhere near my Alpha’s room. It seemed so wrong. I’d met my mate, and I would happily scream my acceptance of him if asked. And yet, because of some antiquated law that made me more property than individual, my Alpha could keep us apart for days. Hell, if we’d met on pack property, he could keep us apart for years. I had no idea how those poor wolves managed. Already, I was practically trembling in need of my new mate. I wanted to be by Killian’s side, in his arms and his bed…immediately.
But Alpha had told Killian he wanted to keep me for these next two days, as was his right. And he wanted to give me a proper goodbye. I had no idea what he meant by that, but it made me queasy. Just the thought of touching my Alpha made me feel ill.
Melody, the third packsister brought by the Alpha as his arm candy, weaved her way through the crowd. She’d been gone for quite a long time considering she’d only been refreshing her makeup.
“Where’ve you been?” Cheyenne asked her.
“The bathrooms are way the heck back there.” She turned and pointed. “It took me nearly twenty minutes just to find them.”
An idea immediately formed in my head. Maybe, just maybe, I could sneak a little time alone with my mate.
“Come with me,” I hissed at Cheyenne.
She raised an eyebrow. “Where?”
I winked and turned to my Alpha, who was busy arguing pack politics with some red-haired man.
“Pardon me, sir.” I pulled out my best little girl voice, the one I knew he could never say no to.
He turned, frowning at me for interrupting him. “What is it?”
“I ask permission to use the ladies’ room, sir.”
His eyes gleamed at my submission. I hated it, wanted to spit the bitter words from my mouth, but it was my one chance. He loved a woman who wouldn’t make a decision without his input.
“Yes, well”—he leered, his eyes traveling over the extra-short dress and glittering fishnet stockings he’d chosen for me to wear—“be quick about it. Cheyenne, go with her. Come find me if that so-called Alpha comes sniffing around my girl.”
Cheyenne whispered a quiet “Yes, sir” as I nodded, my stomach filling with butterflies at the thought of escaping Alpha, even for a few moments.
As soon as Alpha turned back to his conversation, I pulled Cheyenne’s arm and hissed, “Let’s go.”
“To the bathroom. Just like I told him.” I cut a path through the crowd of shifters, pulling Cheyenne behind me. When I was far enough away from Alpha, I glanced behind me to find Killian in the crowd. He stood at the edge of a group of older shifters, watching me with a curious expression on his face. I gave him a smile and nodded my head in the direction of the hallway leading to the restrooms.
Cheyenne huffed as our heels clacked across the dance floor. “I really don’t have to go.”
“Neither do I. Now, hurry.”